The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 902: Penglai Fairy Island

"Xiao Han!" Old Dao glanced at Ye Longxuan.


Ye Longxuan suddenly took a breath. The whole person was stunned.

Xiao Han? !

This name that can't be forgotten day and night, seems like a nightmare that often appears in his dreams. Unexpectedly, he...he actually killed Liu Zhangmen. This...what strength is this?

Old Tao thought that by telling him this, Ye Longxuan could completely let go of his hatred. After all, some people are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people. Xiao Han's cultivation level can be described as a thousand miles away. In the league competition, won the leader; in the illusion, behead the old way. It can be said to be a good match.

However, what the head of Wudang did not expect was that Ye Longxuan not only did not let go of his hatred, but instead inspired his inner revenge.

"Long Xuan, give up the hatred." Old Tao said.

"No!" Ye Longxuan shook his head and said: "I want revenge, I can't just give up my hatred, I want to regain my aura!"

Since the last league competition, the century-old genius of Ye Longxuan has never been mentioned again. On the contrary, in the practice world, Xiao Han of the Golden Lion Gate has been mentioned the most. Since the end of the league competition, Xiao Han has become a once-in-a-millennium wizard, not to mention his extraordinary strength, and he can comprehend magical powers in an instant. This is where everyone is shocked. The most important thing is that Xiao Han's supernatural power turned out to be to summon the dragon race!

The powerful dragon clan began in legends thousands of years ago.

Although no one knows whether the dragon race Xiao Han summoned was transformed by energy, or actually existed. However, people are still full of curiosity, and they have become the talks after tea and dinner in the spiritual world.

The old way felt something was wrong, Ye Longxuan, the child, could not let go of his hatred, which was not a good thing for Wudang. Therefore, he felt that it was necessary to take action to deal with this problem.

"Long Xuan, if you want to kill Xiao Han, I will help you!" said the head of Wudang.

"Master in charge, I want to report it, I want to do it myself!" Ye Longxuan was still a man of integrity. Although he was arrogant and arrogant, it was because he had this strength. If it were not for this strength, I am afraid he would not dare to be so arrogant and so arrogant.

"Okay!" The head nodded and said: "Since you want to come by yourself, then you should cultivate well. However, you should not be impetuous in the matter of cultivation, and be calm. If you practice with hatred, something will happen sooner or later. You may not even wait for you to go. If you seek revenge on Xiao Han, you will probably die."

"Master, I know!" Ye Longxuan nodded.

"Just say it all, do it yourself!" The head turned and left.

Ye Longxuan thought for a long time. For a long time, he had been sitting in the square outside the main hall. After a long time, he got up. Not long after, Ye Longxuan entered Wudang's volley.

The top of the volley is a wonderful sacred place for practice in Wudang, but it is extremely dangerous. Ten people go in, but one cannot come out. The survival rate is very low. Since ancient times, Wudang has entered countless disciples, but few have come out. Anyone who has come out has become a legendary figure in the world of cultivation, and in the end they all ascended and entered the world of cultivation. Although many people want to take a fight in the air, not everyone has this courage.

Ye Longxuan thought for a long time, if he didn't enter the top of the volley, he wouldn't be able to surpass Xiao Han in this life. Since you can't surpass Xiao Han, what's the point of living in this life? It's better to take a volley, if you succeed, you will surely become a powerhouse in the continent of Transcendence, and maybe you might ascend. At that time, wouldn't it be easy to kill Xiao Han?


Penglai Fairy Island.

A crane-haired old man took a leap and onto the floating island.

Floating island, that is the residence of Lu Xuan, the owner of Penglai Island, where Lu Xuan practices, meditates, breathes, and practices. Except for the elderly, other people are absolutely forbidden to enter. Even the elderly can only move in specific places on the floating island, and never enter the core areas.

The old man quickly went to the floating island and met Lu Xuan on the tip of the island's mouth.

"Island Lord!" The old man hurriedly bowed.

"What's the matter?" Lu Xuan was dressed in a white shirt, sitting cross-legged, with flowing black hair and outstanding temperament.

"The head of Mount Qingcheng is dead," the old man said.

"Oh?" Lu Xuan was taken aback, and said, "Who did it?"

"It's a familiar person!" The old man smiled bitterly: "It's Xiao Han!"

"Xiao Han?" Lu Xuan hesitated for a moment.

"It is the leader of the league competition, rejected the young man you left behind!" the old man said hurriedly.

"Of course I remember!" Lu Xuan's face was cold and frosty, and said: "It's just that, I don't understand, where does his strength kill the head of Liu? Even me, once in his illusion, it is not easy to kill him. Thing!"

The old man shook his head and said: "I don't know, but this is what Xiao Han really called, because the people in the Central Logistics Department have already investigated it clearly."

"Oh?" Lu Xuan frowned and said, "Is Xiao Han already so powerful?"

"Yeah!" The old man nodded and said, "So, now Qingcheng Mountain has sent people on the way, I hope Penglai Xiandao can come forward for Qingcheng Mountain and help Head Liu avenge. So, the island owner, look..."

"Wait for their people to come!" Lu Xuan flicked her sleeve and stood up. She stood on the tip of her mouth, looking down at the continent. She sighed, and then said, "Xiao Han...what the **** is it?"

"I didn't find out!" The old man shook his head and said, "He is not a disciple of the Golden Lions Gate, but the Golden Lions Gate has given him a discipleship, instead of the Golden Lions Gate, he hopes to win a place in the league competition. This time, The Golden Lion Gate has done so, but Xiao Han also left the Golden Lion Gate."

"Yeah!" Lu Xuan nodded.

"Then now?" The old man frowned.

"It seems that I have to investigate myself!" Lu Xuan glanced at the old man.

"No!" The old man shook his head and said: "What about Penglai Island as soon as you leave?"

"I'm just going there for a few days." Lu Xuan said: "I have decided, you don't have to persuade me!"

"Yes!" The old man nodded.


In Penglai Island, a remote place.

A teenager is sitting cross-legged, his hair has grown a lot, this teenager is the Huashan gate of Huafeng, and he fought Xiao Han on the desert island. After seeing Xiao Han's power, he always regarded Xiao Han as his goal. He wanted to surpass Xiao Han and become a stronger man than Xiao Han.

However, the news just received shocked Huafeng.

Xiao Han actually killed the head of Qingcheng Mountain.

How powerful is that? It was killed by Xiao Han in one blow. So...Is Xiao Han better than the head of Liu?

Thinking of this, Huafeng couldn't sit still.

Even though training in Penglai Island every day is better than training in Huashan, he found that the speed of his improvement is simply incomparable to Xiao Han. Between the two, it was as if there was a moat.

Hua Feng gritted his teeth: "No, I can't continue to be so obscured. I can't continue to practice in such a silent way. I want to be strong, I want to be strong!"

On the west side of Penglai Island is an uninhabited island.

A young man with a gourd on his back is constantly trying to draw on the energy of heaven and earth. He has repeatedly tried to realize his magical powers. For this reason, he went to the league competition several times and stood in the seat where Xiao Han stood. , And then feel the elements in the air. Although he has never felt anything, he has a new understanding of supernatural powers. Moreover, he vaguely felt that he seemed to have some kind of heart-to-heart ability.

"Maybe, it's the next step." Calabash boy gritted his teeth.

Since the last time he saw Xiao Han's ability, he felt that if he could comprehend a magical power in his life, maybe his entire life would be enough.

Thinking of this, the young gourd took a deep breath, gritting his teeth.

"Huh, still useless struggling here?" At this moment, a purple mang fell from the sky in midair.

"Is it you?" The calabash boy glanced at him.

"Can you comprehend the supernatural powers you want to comprehend?" Wang Mang sneered and said, "I told you a long time ago that not everyone can comprehend supernatural powers. With this time, it is better to spend time on cultivation. Maybe it has already broken through!"

"Huh!" The Calabash boy dismissed it.

"I came today to tell you something!" Wang Mang said.

"What news?" The Calabash boy asked.

"I'm leaving!" Wang Mang sneered.

"Where are you going?" the calabash boy asked.

"Go back to Kunlun!" Wang Mang replied, "Although Penglai is good, it's too slow to grow. I want to go back and take a risk. Practice deep in the Kunlun Mountains. Even if I die, I don't want to live in vain! "

"What do you mean?" the calabash boy asked.

"The head of Liu of Qingcheng Mountain, the master of the Golden Core Stage with magical powers, was killed by Xiao Han in one blow!" Wang Mang replied.


The calabash boy was immediately deeply shocked.

"Supernatural power, it must be supernatural power!" The Calabash boy muttered, "Apart from supernatural powers, there is no master who can kill Liu's head."

Xiao Han killed the head of Liu in Qingcheng Mountain with one blow, completely shocking the Calabash Boy.

For the Calabash Boy, this was simply an incredible thing for him, but he quickly figured out that all this must be due to supernatural powers. Only magical powers can break the magical powers. And it must be a powerful magical power.

The reason why Wang Mang told the calabash boy about this was because the two cherished each other. Although the masters may seem indifferent, each other's behavior can be respected by each other, and it is easy to be regarded as friends by each other.

Although the two were not very good friends, Wang Mang was about to leave, and he came to say goodbye, which was considered a friend.

"Go!" The calabash boy nodded.

"You can do it yourself!" Wang Mang glanced at him, and then said, "Forget it for such a remote thing as magical powers. It's better to improve your strength, it's more practical than magical powers!"

(End of this chapter)

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