The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 892: Settled in the United States

Phoenix Satellite TV, the host is reporting something about the settlement of the Hanmen Group in the United States. The US government has invested one billion US dollars and actively helped the Hanmen Group build factories and assemble production lines.

"This...what's going on?" Wang Han was completely dumbfounded, he was stunned and dumbfounded.

He didn't expect Xiao Han to play this hand with himself?

I changed a TV station, and it seems that this is being broadcast.

"Master!" The black-clothed man hurriedly walked in and shouted: "It's not good, the poor family group has already moved."

"Transfer?" Wang Han was taken aback and asked, "How to transfer?"

"They gave up their business in the mainland, and..." the black-clothed man said helplessly: "And they put all their money into the poor public welfare fund."

"Oh?" Wang Han frowned when he heard it, and said, "This Xiao Han is really generous."

"Yes!" The man in black smiled bitterly, and said, "I really don't know what they think!"

"This is the smartest way!" Wang Han snorted coldly, and then said: "They transferred all the money to the charity fund. If we dare to attack the poor charity fund, it is estimated that no one in the world will let us go. In the future. , If they plan to come back, they must withdraw the money from the public welfare fund and invest in the construction of the Hanmen Group. Humph!"

"What should I do now?" the man in black asked.

"What can I do?" Wang Han gritted his teeth and said: "This **** is so shameless. He would rather give the patent to the American than to me!"

"Master, he doesn't seem to give the patent to the Americans." The man in black said, "It's just working with the Americans."

"Huh!" Wang Han snorted coldly, and then said, "Why don't these people who are traitorous and seeking glory choose to cooperate with domestic enterprises?"

"I'm probably afraid of you, Master!" The man in black smiled.

"What are you afraid of me?" Wang Han asked.

"Master, you have too much influence in China." The black-clothed man sighed and said: "In China, no matter who you are working with, he probably doesn't have the guts. So, simply hide abroad, it's a hundred!"

"Asshole, you actually repaired the plank road and crossed Chen Cang secretly." Wang Han gritted his teeth and said: "When they come back, I will clean them one by one."

"I see..." The black-clothed man smiled bitterly, and said, "They're afraid it won't be so easy to come back!"

"Where is Xiao Han?" Wang Han asked through gritted teeth.

"He?" The black-clothed man stunned for a moment, and said: "The Hanmen Group, all the core class, except Xiao Han, everyone seems to have gone abroad. They have all traveled to Southeast Asian countries. To me, these people are ten **Won't come back, but go directly to the United States. As for...Xiao Han, he didn't leave!"

"Why didn't he leave?" Wang Han looked curious. After all, the person he was going to deal with was actually Xiao Han, and now the others have left, but Xiao Han did not leave, which made him a little curious. He frowned and said, "It's strange, this kid won't leave? Isn't it afraid that I will deal with him?"

The black-clothed man hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Anyway, if others haven't left, we can still find him!"

"Yeah!" Wang Han nodded and said, "Tomorrow, we will meet him for a while."

Wang Han was angry and angry with Xiao Han's actions.

The anger is that this guy has chosen to cooperate with the Americans, and the anger is that he openly announced the Wang family to the public. It simply wiped out the image of the royal family. Therefore, he became very angry. He wanted to find Xiao Han and asked him why he didn't leave?

Xiao Han won't leave? Does he have any confidence to stay? Or is there any trump card?

If not, he is dead this time.

Wang Han's face was uncertain and cold.

The next day.

One week after school starts.


Xiao Han suddenly sneezed, and this sneeze made him a little weird.

"Strange, is someone scolding me?" Xiao Han sat in the classroom.

After spending two years in school, the courses in the school have basically been learned. To be honest, the reason why he sat in the classroom was entirely because he wanted to solve some things in the world, and then he could Put all your heart into practice.

The more time I wasted, the more I could feel the importance of cultivation.

At present, it seems that there are not many things in the dunya. As long as the Hanmen Group restarts and destroys the Qin family, it is basically over. Once these things were over, Xiao Han planned to set off for the ghost domain.

This is the wish of the King of Ghosts.

He was born from the ghost domain and came from the ghost domain, so he must return to the ghost domain. Reinvigorate the ghost king. He needs to return to the ghost domain, carry the banner of the ghost king, and enter the ghost mansion. Take back the throne of the ghost king. Xiao Han has always emphasized loyalty and always regarded the ghost king as his friend. As soon as the ghost domain matter is over, he will consider looking for Xiaoyue’s family. After sending Xiaoyue back to the Golden Python clan, he can pursue the path in his heart with all his heart, and then re-walk Xuanlingzi’s past years. The way crossed.

For all this, Xiao Han is no stranger. It seemed that everything he had experienced right now was nothing but everything that Xuan Lingzi had arranged for him. I only need to find this path to go down, basically there is no problem.

"Hey..." Suddenly, a voice came.

Xiao Han looked up, Zhang Feng was knocking on his desk. He stared at Xiao Han and asked, "What is your kid doing stupid? It's all over."

"Oh!" Xiao Han nodded.

Zhang Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "You kid shouldn't think of spring, right?"

"You're just thinking about spring." Xiao Han replied in an angry voice, and then walked outside holding the textbook.

Zhang Feng followed all the way. Then he said, "By the way, now the assets of the Hanmen Group have been seized, what are you going to do?"

Recently, the assets of the Hanmen Group have been seized by the court, and the Hanmen Restaurant is also facing the end of the sale. For these, Xiao Han didn't care.

Today, Chen Zihan is helping himself in the United States. Chen Qiao and Chen's mother were also heartbroken about this matter, and they secretly went to the fortune teller to do the calculations to see if their daughter was Koff's life. Fortunately, the fortune-teller said that this birthday character is not only not Kev, but also Vanves. At first glance, it is the fate of wealth. The two of them breathed a sigh of relief, and the fortune-teller's words were a kind of comfort. Otherwise, both of them probably have the desire to die.

Now, they are also very sad. Chen Zihan is engaged to Jiang Xiaoliang, and the Jiang family goes bankrupt. Today, Chen Zihan is with Xiao Han. The Hanmen Group has undergone a sudden change. The assets have been frozen by the court and the bank has also applied for asset protection. For a while, the two thought a lot. That's why it made such a ridiculous move.

Fortunately, Chen Zihan called home.

Said that the Hanmen Group has received investment from the US government, and it is a one-time investment of one billion U.S. dollars to help build factories and set up assembly lines.

This time, the Chen family was happy.

"I was scared to death." Mother Chen patted her chest, and then said: "I thought my daughter was a Coff's fate. It's all right now. No wonder the fortune teller said that my daughter's name is Vanf's fate."

"Look at yourself scaring yourself!" Chen Qiao replied.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the Hanmen Group is even more prosperous than before." Mother Chen was so excited, she said excitedly: "Oh my God, one billion dollars? How much is that? Is it nearly seven billion yuan?"

"Yeah!" Chen Qiao nodded and said, "I heard that the market value of Hanmen Group is one billion yuan, but now it has jumped to seven billion yuan. Tsk, this is a leap."

"Yes, not bad!" Mother Chen was excited, and said, "My son-in-law is promising, okay, why did you think I didn't find that Xiao Han had such a talent before?"

"If you can find out, my family won't be so downhearted!" Chen Qiao smiled bitterly.

When Mother Chen heard it, she said, "Look at what you said? Does it have anything to do with me? People, don't you just look at the appearance?"

Chen Qiao smiled and said: "I now find that what Xiao Han said was correct."

"What?" Mother Chen asked curiously.

"Don't bully young people, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi." Chen Qiao glanced at Mother Chen.

Mother Chen's face turned red immediately. Indeed, Xiao Han said something like this to himself at the beginning. However, she didn't take it to heart. It's okay now, she regrets it very much, but she is also fortunate that she did not completely offend Xiao Han at the beginning. Although she was ridiculed, she did not beat Xiao Han's mother like Madam Jiang. If so, I'm afraid it's impossible for my daughter to be with Xiao Han anymore.


After class, Xiao Han came out of the teaching building, and Zhang Feng kept talking about it.

At this moment, a man in leather clothes appeared in front of Xiao Han. He was wearing a pair of sunglasses and a thick black sweater with his collar raised. Very personal. Xiao Han frowned when he saw him: "It's you again?"

"Do you know I will come to you?" Wang Han asked.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Aren't you afraid?" Wang Han asked curiously.

"The mere king, I don't care about it!" Xiao Han replied with disdain.

"What a big tone!" Wang Han sneered, and then said: "Anyway, my Wang family is considered a big family in China. Even the Wang family is not afraid, you really think you are the Zhao family?"

Xiao Han smiled disdainfully: "What Wang family, Zhao family, is worthless in my eyes!"

"Good boy, with personality!" Wang Han squinted his eyes and said, "Are you really afraid of death?"


Suddenly, Xiao Han's eyes were lingering, staring straight into Wang Han's eyes, and said, "Boy, don't mess with me, I'm not something you can afford. Understand?"

Although Xiao Han's eyes were sharp, who had he been afraid of since childhood, Wang Han?

Since he was a child, Wang Han has been growing up in the organ compound. He has also been the leader of a group of children since he was a child. His Wang family is strong and naturally, he has never been afraid of anyone. Not to mention Xiao Han. What is Xiao Han's background?

(End of this chapter)

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