The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 891: Finishing work


Everyone suddenly took a breath, and everyone was shocked.

This is something they never thought of.

Xiao Han is right. Once the Americans control 50% of the shares, then the Americans will become the controlling party. When the time comes, once they raise financing, Xiao Han cannot refuse. Once the financing is successful, the wealth of Americans will roll over countless times.

"The Americans are so shrewd, they definitely won't do business at a loss!" Yang Lu said.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "It is impossible for Americans to do business at a loss."

"Oh, what should I do now?" Da Pang Li asked.

"Don't worry, I have asked Slack to propose a plan to the U.S. government again." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I believe the Americans will agree. You must know that once a pharmaceutical company is established in the United States, it will pay local taxes every year. Countless. I think this is what they value."

"Hmm!" Everyone nodded.

At this moment, Slack's ocean-going video call came.

Through the projection, it was directly hit on the curtain of the conference room.

Above the curtain, it turned out to be the White House office.

"Oh, my God, it turned out to be the President of the United States?"

"I go!"

Everyone was stunned.

"Xiao Han, thank God, you let me see the President!" Slack was excited and said: "Your Excellency said, I want to talk to you in person!"

Xiao Han was very calm, he smiled.

Although the president of the United States is noble, he is nothing but a mortal in Xiao Han's eyes. To him, mortals are mortals after all, and they cannot escape from birth, old age, sickness and death. Therefore, in Xiao Han's eyes, everyone is the same, everyone is equal.

"Mr. Xiao Han." The president smiled slightly and said, "Thank you for choosing a free and equal America as the home of your company."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I have received your proposal." The president glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "I represent the American government, and the American people welcome the arrival of the poor group!"

"Is that agreed?"

"I'm going, too bold, right?"

Liu Si and others are overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, everything went so smoothly, which was indeed unexpected.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Excellency, the people of the world will thank you!"

What Xiao Han said was not an exaggeration, but the fact. You know, in the future, when drugs are produced in the United States, the eyes of the world will gather in the United States, and people all over the world will yearn for, admire, and even have incomparable approval for the United States. Then, the President of the United States will naturally become the target of everyone's attention.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

After some friendly talks, the two sides made an agreement.

The U.S. government holds 10% of the shares, but the U.S. government invests one billion U.S. dollars to build factories and set up production lines.

Hang up the video. There was a look of ecstasy in everyone's eyes.

This group of people was still lifeless before. Because of the crisis faced by the poor group. Now that the Americans intervene and the US government helps them, they are naturally happy. Of course, this has nothing to do with love or patriotism, and nothing else.

All these are forced by others.

All this was forced by the royal family.

Otherwise, Xiao Han is also willing to be a patriotic young man, willing to hand over taxes to the country, leave jobs to the country, and take the lead in using drugs for the Chinese people and then export them at high prices. It's a pity that none of this can be what I want.

Xiao Han seemed to have expected something. In the future, once drugs are produced, domestic people will not be able to buy them, and they will definitely accuse the poor group of betraying their promises and betraying the country for prosperity. At that time, the domestic condemnation against the poor group will definitely break out. As the initiator, the Wang Family will definitely point all the fingers at the Hanmen Group. When that happens, the Hanmen Group will bear a lot of infamy.

However, history will always return the truth to the people.

Xiao Han is fearless.

"It's all right now!" Liu Si breathed a sigh of relief and said, "The Americans are willing to take action, **** it, even if it's the king of heaven, I don't have to be afraid!"

"Yeah!" Yang Lu nodded and said, "However, it's a pity that such a large tax and jobs will be given to Americans in vain. Alas..."

"Don't think about it so much!" Big Fatty Li smiled.

"That's it!" Liu Si nodded and said, "All this is forced out by others, but we are not happy."

"Yes!" Li Da Pang nodded.

They are also very unhappy about this matter, but things are already like this, who cares so much. It is not that I am not patriotic, but that I am really forced by them. So much tax was handed over to Americans, and so many jobs were also given to Americans. The Hanmen Group has to pay a high labor price. This is where they take the test. However, the Hanmen Group has no need to worry about these.

"Don't publicize this matter for now!" Xiao Han said to several people.

"Understood!" Liu Si nodded.

"Secretly transfer out first." Xiao Han commanded and said: "Now, the Hanmen company is on holiday, so you can all travel abroad. However, the country is not fixed in the United States. Try to go to the United States from a third country!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

"I won't go." Liu Si smiled and said, "After all, it doesn't matter if I go. It's better to stay and do some finishing work for you."

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Soon, the meeting broke up.

Everyone plunged into more busy work.

As for the poor family group, in order not to provoke the horror, and not to disturb the Wang family. Zhang Lixia still took people to various departments, trying to carry this matter down through relationships. However, this is obviously unlikely. Of course, the most important thing is that no one will believe that this matter will be simple. The poor group must have offended the power department, or some powerful person. Otherwise, the vastness of the Yihanmen Group cannot be rectified by the prefecture-level city government.

In the provincial capital, Junru Hotel.

In an extremely luxurious suite, Wang Han sat on the sofa.

"Master, the people of the Hanmen Group don't seem to be awakened." The black man on the side said.

"What are they up to now?" Wang Han asked.

"They held a meeting the day before yesterday." The black-clothed man hurriedly said: "In the past few days, people in their department are constantly looking for government agencies and units, hoping to resolve the matter. However, they were not able to do so."

"A bunch of idiots." Wang Han sneered and said, "Can't you tell what's going on?"

"Indeed." The black-clothed man frowned, and said: "It stands to reason that the company can be so big, and the leaders are not stupid. How can they not see through this? They even rushed to the city government with their brows. I hope they It’s too wrong to be able to come forward to solve the problem."

Wang Han smiled and said, "Forget it, just let them. As long as the Hanmen Group closes, there will be bankruptcy sooner or later!"

"Yes!" The black-clothed man smiled, and said: "The Hanmen Group closed its doors and paid its employees wages. Now, a group of senior leaders have gone to Southeast Asian countries to travel. It seems that it doesn't matter what they are hanging up high!"

Wang Han was taken aback and said, "Are they still in the mood to travel at this time?"

"Yes!" The man in black nodded.

"Humph!" Wang Han snorted coldly and said, "It's really a bunch of heartless things."

"Master, what should I do about this?" the man in black asked.

"Now the Hanmen Group is in the limelight." Wang Han played with a stone in his hand and said: "If we rush to make a move, we will definitely be discovered. Therefore, I can only wait for them to come to us for mercy. Take the initiative to patent the drug to us. After all. , Their industries are now frozen. They can't give up the Hanmen Group for a drug patent, right? Give up three years of hard work?"

Where did Wang Han know that Xiao Han was already making arrangements.

Although the Hanmen Group is very important, relatively speaking, drug patents are obviously more important.

This drug patent can be regarded as a hen laying golden eggs. As long as there is this hen, there is no worry about not making money.

What Wang Han did not expect was.

A week later, the official website of the Hanmen Group issued a very long announcement, which roughly meant that it was being persecuted by the Wang family, especially the younger brother of the Wang family, Wang Han. The Hanmen Group was forced to suspend business for rectification, and its subsidiaries have also ceased business. For employees who have stopped work, the group company will settle their wages within three days and let the employees find their own way.

As soon as the news came out, there was an uproar.


In Junru Hotel, the door of Wang Han's room was knocked open.

"Master, it's not good!" The black man was shocked.

"What's the matter?" Wang Han was naked while his girlfriend was waiting for him to get dressed.

"The Hanmen Group issued an announcement!" The black-clothed man hurriedly ran over holding a handheld computer.

Wang Han glanced, his face suddenly sank.

"Close their website immediately!" Wang Han was still calm.

"Yes!" The black man nodded.

As soon as a phone call went out, the website of the Hanmen Group was closed, and anyone who opened it would display a 404.

However, several hours have passed since the Hanmen Group released the news. Many people took screenshots, and some even directly posted Weibo and WeChat. All of a sudden, everyone seemed to understand something.

Wang Han was very annoyed, and said, "Let the bank auction the assets of the Hanmen Group."

"Yes!" The black man nodded.

"Hmph, I see what they plan to do next!" Wang Han gritted his teeth, and now, he seems to have no regrets at all.

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Han lay down on the sofa, then turned on the phone with Erlang's legs tilted.

Although Wang Han is the second generation of rich and official, he is also a person who understands business and knows how to make progress. Naturally, the things he likes most to watch are Phoenix TV and China International News Station.

However, as soon as he turned on the news station, he realized that it seemed to be changing.

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