The first is because he feels that he is losing face; the second is because the Mida Group still has a lot of things to deal with. If it is not dealt with, it will be troublesome.

Watching Jiang Yicai and the others leave, a smile appeared on Yang Lu's face.

Now, Yang Lu is no longer the same Yang Lu who sold herself to save her mother, she is already a very capable woman in a shopping mall. Therefore, she is able to control the situation without fear of the other party.

At this time, Xiao Han walked in from outside.

"They are gone." Yang Lu said.

"I know!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Next, the big drama is about to appear."

"Yeah!" Yang Lu nodded and said: "I didn't expect everything went so smoothly. Xiao Han, you are really a fortune teller."

"Haha..." Xiao Han suddenly laughed.

meet on Monday!

This is an internet term, a phrase commonly used by Zhuo Wei's popular studio.

But this time, Xiao Han will also say see you on Monday!

Monday is the day to witness miracles. It was the day when the Hanmen Group officially took over the Mida Group. On Monday, Xiao Han will announce in front of the whole world that the Jiang Dynasty has completely collapsed. Moreover, on Monday, something more mysterious and exciting happened.

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth raised a weird smile.

The twenty-third of the twelfth lunar month.


Chen Zihan received a call from Jiang Xiaoliang. Chen Zihan has already tried to accept this fiance. In fact, everything has disappeared. In this world, there is no real love that is dry and rocky. Perhaps, the previous love is just a long river of human history. It's just a part of the past. Who you love or who you don't love is not something you can decide.

Jiang Xiaoliang is actually not bad, he is very concerned about himself, and he is also very concerned about himself. Moreover, the family has received a huge amount of wealth from the Jiang family, and parents are doing well now, especially their father, who broke his leg in a car accident and lost labor. If there is no money, I am afraid that there will be no way to survive. To face disaster.

I came back from the United States and felt the air of the motherland.

"Zihan!" Jiang Xiaoliang appeared in front of Chen Zihan.

"You..." Chen Zihan wears a wine-red coat, fashionable and fashionable. She looked at Jiang Xiaoliang in amazement, and said: "You...what's wrong with this?"

"Oh, it's a long story!" Jiang Xiaoliang said helplessly: "Get in the car and talk about it."

"Oh!" Chen Zihan nodded.

After Jiang Xiaoliang got on the car, he explained all the changes in the Mida Group, including the 600 million financing of the Hanmen Group.

"This poor group is simply taking advantage of the fire to rob." Chen Zihan frowned.

"Yes!" Jiang Xiao said brightly, "They deliberately broadcast the data of Mida Group to suppress the stock price of Mida Group, and then push Mida Group to desperation step by step. Then they forced Mida Group to find They negotiate. They can take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail and rob."

"Yes!" Chen Zihan nodded.

"There is no way. Without their 600 million financing, the Mida Group would have crossed." Jiang Xiaoliang said distressedly.

"Uh!" Chen Zihan looked out the window.

Chen Zihan felt a little surprised when he heard the name Hanmen Group. Could it be that he was the name so similar to Hanmen Restaurant?

"No..." Chen Zihan shook his head and denied, how can such a big horrible group be built in a mere three years, and the new drugs of the horrible group have been spread all over the world recently. It's simply blown into the only thing in the sky and nothing on the ground. Therefore, Chen Zihan believes that once the Hanmen Group goes public, it will definitely become a giant. Although Xiao Han is great, it is absolutely impossible for him to have such an achievement.

Return to Jiang's house.

Chen Zihan no longer considers Jiang Xiaoliang's fiancée by herself. In Jiang's family, she abides by her duty and is herself. Although Mrs. Jiang complained a bit about her, but now the Mida Group is in troubled times, and she is not in the mood to care about it with him. As long as Chen Zihan doesn't provoke herself, she will never say anything. As for Jiang Yicai, he is very satisfied with Chen Zihan. This kid is knowledgeable and good at financial management. In the future, it will definitely be Jiang Xiaoliang's good help.

The Jiang family has a gloomy atmosphere.

More than half of the shares were ceded. Now, Jiang Yicai has only 5% of the shares in Mida Group. Moreover, this 5% of the shares are not allowed to be cashed out in the next five years and must be held.

"Dad, Zihan is back." Jiang Xiaoliang came in and shouted.

"Oh!" Jiang Yicai obviously didn't have the enthusiasm of the past, but gave an indifferent hum.

"Aunt Jiang, Uncle Jiang." Chen Zihan greeted politely.

"Sit down, something happened at home." Madam Jiang said.

"I heard Xiaoliang say." Chen Zihan said: "This matter...The Hanmen Group does have a plot to frame it."

"Yeah!" Jiang Yicai nodded, and then said: "But, otherwise, the ending will be even worse. This is, knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, they will go to Hushan. Tomorrow Monday, I don't know what the Hanmen Group will play!"

"They will definitely have important people present!" Chen Zihan said firmly.

"Zihan, you will appear at the shareholders' meeting as my assistant tomorrow." Jiang Yicai said.

"Yes!" Chen Zihan nodded.


on Monday.

This is a dark day for the Jiang family, and it is also the most important day for the Jiang family in history.

Mida Group Building.

Conference room.

Magnificent and luxurious.

Now, the conference room is deserted and silent. Jiang Yicai sat on the main seat, while Jiang Xiaoliang and Chen Zihan sat on the left and right sides of him, as assistants. Otherwise, the two would not be eligible to participate in this level of shareholder meeting.

The conference room is very large, with an oval conference table with dozens of seats.

On the left side of the conference table, there are more than a dozen shareholders in black suits. These people have a gloomy and complicated complexion.

In fact, no one will be happy if it is changed. A hard-working company, a listed group company, has a market value of tens of billions. Today, he was taken away by others. Thinking about it makes people feel painful.

"Is the time yet?" Jiang Yicai asked coldly.

"There are still two minutes!" Chen Zihan hurriedly said.

The general meeting of shareholders started on time at nine o'clock in the morning, and it is now 8.58. Isn't it... the other party is not coming?

"Yeah!" Jiang Yicai nodded and said: "When the time is up, we will hold the general meeting of shareholders as scheduled, no matter who is absent!"

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

The general meeting of shareholders, anyone who is eligible to become a shareholder can participate in the general meeting of shareholders. Of course, you have to hold a certain amount of shares, otherwise, most people really don't have this qualification.

Watching time go by every minute and every second.

In the last ten seconds, Yang Lu came with someone.

"Come!" the security hurriedly shouted at the door.

Yang Lu was dressed in a black suit, her hair crossed, her complexion was ruddy, and she was very capable. She walked in slowly and said, "Is it all here?"

"Mr. Yang, you are on time at this time!" Jiang Yicai smiled.

"The employees of the Hanmen Group have always been very punctual." Yang Lu smiled slightly, and then said: "Never be late, but never waste a minute."

Everyone was sullen.

Meida Group’s shareholder meeting, the other party said that they did not want to waste a minute at the door! This is too much.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Yicai snorted coldly.

"Oh..." Yang Lu smiled slightly, and said: "Yes, I forgot to tell you. Today, the chairman of our Hanmen Group will personally attend this meeting. I hope everyone can wait two more minutes!"


Everyone was shocked.

"What? The boss of the Hanmen Group is not her?"

"I'm going, what does this mean?"

"Anyone else?"

A group of shareholders were surprised and dumbfounded.

Jiang Yicai was also shocked. He asked, "What do you mean by this?"

"What I mean is obvious!" Yang Lu stood at the door, without going in, smiling: "It means that our boss is coming. Understand?"

"You are not the boss of the Hanmen Group?" Jiang Yicai asked silently.

"No!" Yang Lu shook her head and said, "I am just a corporate legal person. Besides, the position of the company is only the general manager. Not the chairman!"

Jiang Yi was dumbfounded.

"Dong Xiao is here!" Da Pang Li shouted at the door.

In the meeting room, everyone stood up.

Yang Lu led the backbone of the Hanmen Group to separate the two sides of the door, stood upright, and greeted the arrival of the chairman with the best posture. Jiang Yicai couldn't help but stand up. The scene and atmosphere of the scene inevitably made him follow the crowd. Seeing his father stood up, Jiang Xiaoliang immediately felt that the other party's background was not small, and he hurriedly stood up. Chen Zihan shook his head. In such a scene, he lost his home court advantage first. Instead, he was suppressed by the opponent.

In the meeting room, everyone's focus was on the door of the meeting room.

A tall and handsome figure appeared at the door, a dark blue suit, handsome and mighty, full of energy, with a smile on his face that seemed like nothing, this smile seemed to despise the world, not to mention anyone on the scene. People put it in their own eyes.


Several people suddenly took a breath.

"It's you?!" Jiang Xiaoliang lost his voice, his eyes almost fell off.

"Xiao Han!" Chen Zihan's beautiful eyes widened.


Jiang Yicai sat down on the chair, muttering: "It's over... it's over!"

"Everyone..." Xiao Han glanced at the scene, and then said: "I will introduce myself. My name is Xiao Han. I am the founder and chairman of the Hanmen Group. Today, it is also considered the largest of the Mida Group. Shareholders. In the future, I hope to cooperate with you happily!"

"What a hero!"

"It's so young."

"Sure enough, young and promising."

A group of shareholders praised, but one person was pale, his face was sallow, and his clothes were soaked with sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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