The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 876: As you expected

"Oh..." Jiang Xiao brightened his head.

Even so, Jiang Xiaoliang still has no bottom in his heart. He can only be downcast.

And just when Mrs. Jiang was still hopeful, Jiang Yicai returned with a look of disappointment.

"Yicai, how is it?" Madam Jiang hurriedly greeted her.

Jiang Yicai was silent and silent, walked directly to the sofa, and then sat down. Mrs. Jiang and Jiang Xiaoliang both looked at Jiang Yicai. As the head of the Jiang family, as the pillar of the small family, if Jiang Yicai crossed, then this family would cross.

"Dad, how about CCB?" Jiang Xiaoliang asked hurriedly.

"No show!" Jiang Yicai spit out two words heavily.

"Damn, blame the poor family group, blame the woman Yang Lu!" Jiang Xiaoliang became angry and said: "If it weren't for them, we wouldn't be like this. Dad, let them settle the account!"

"How to find it?" Jiang Yicai replied: "Now the Jiang family is too busy with its own troubles. Dare to find others to settle the accounts? Even if they intend to deal with us, we have to be a human being with our tails caught."

"But..." Jiang Xiaoliang was anxious.

"It's nothing." Jiang Yicai shook his head and said: "Wait for Meida Group to get through the difficulties, and then find them to settle the accounts. Now I am thinking about what to do to get through the difficulties."

"Oh!" Jiang Xiao brightened his head.

"Yi, what can I do now?" Madam Jiang was anxious.

Jiang Xiaoliang also nodded: "Yeah, there are so many troubles now, and I have to ask for money in several ways. If we continue to make trouble, I am afraid that internal employees will be unstable. Then it will be troublesome!"

"One step is one step!" Jiang Yicai said, "It really doesn't work. Look to lower your posture, give more shares, and see if Hanmen Group is willing to take over Meida Group. In addition, Hanmen Building can be sold. If you can get 500 million We can revitalize the Mida Group."

Now that the Mida Group is clearly out of order, if there is no more funds, I am afraid it will be unable to hold it.

"Okay." Jiang Xiao pointed his head and said: "Then first come and ask him for the Hanmen Group, and when our Mida Group is relieved, we will ask them to settle the accounts!"

"Just forget it!" Jiang Yicai shook his head and said: "The current Hanmen Group is very different from the former Hanmen Group."

"How to say?" Jiang Xiaoliang hurriedly asked.

"The Hanmen Group has now developed a drug, a drug that breaks the century." Jiang Yicai smiled bitterly: "With this alone, the Hanmen Group can become the world's leading group company, but what about us? Meida Group is in Z Province is great, but it is obviously not enough to get out of the provincial capital."

"Can't we deal with the poor group?" Jiang Xiaoliang asked.

"Not only is there no way, but also not qualified!" The reason why Jiang Yicai is smart is that he has a clear understanding of the current situation and is very serious.

"The Hanmen Group is so powerful?" Jiang Xiaoliang asked in astonishment.

"Yes!" Jiang Yicai nodded.

Jiang Xiaoliang and Madam Jiang were silent.

It is already an extraordinary period. Whether the poor group is strong or not, they no longer think it is important. Now the most important thing is how to get money from the other side.

"I'll take the initiative to contact the Hanmen Group." Jiang Yicai said.

"Huh!" Jiang Xiao brightened his head.


Hanmen Group.

Xiao Han is strolling around the company. Now, the Mida Group is in a precarious state, and may be in danger of falling apart at any time. This is what Xiao Han wants. The two-month layout is enough to bring down the Meida Group. As long as the Meida Group collapses, it will be our own opportunity.

Today, no one in the entire province is willing to help. The old folks who were once regarded as irreverent acquaintances, at this time all have a clear relationship with the Meda Group. There was even some defection. At this time, he stood up and asked Mida Group to pay back the money. Such an approach is tantamount to sprinkling salt on the wounds of Mida Group. This is a very tragic and serious matter for them.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Xiaohan, as you expected, Jiang Yicai called!" Yang Lu hurriedly walked out of the office.

"How do you say?" Xiao Han asked.

"He said he wanted to talk to us!" Yang Lu smiled.

"Then let him talk." Xiao Han sat on the chair and said, "Just wait for him to come. I'm afraid he won't come!"

"Yes!" Yang Lu nodded.

Then, some communication.

Jiang Yicai drove several shareholders of Mida Group to the building of Hanmen Group. And Yang Lu, Zhao Lizhong, Liu Xiaolei, Zhang Lixia and others are already waiting in the office. The group of people seemed very calm and calm.

Entered the conference room.

"President Yang!" Jiang Yicai was already a lot older after a day.

Yang Lu smiled slightly and said, "Mr. Jiang, I don't know if you come to visit, what are you doing?"

"Oh, nothing!" Jiang Yicai smiled.

Although the Hanmen Group is despicable, the other party is indeed qualified to do so. Talking about cooperation, I lied and took a false report. They discovered it and announced it to the public. This is nothing. Besides, the winner is the winner. Whoever wins is entitled to speak.

Jiang Yicai smiled slightly: "I came to the Hanmen Group today to discuss cooperation."

"Say!" Yang Lu smiled.

"It's still for financing." Jiang Yicai looked at each other awkwardly.

Previously, during the negotiations of the Mida Group, all of them were very motivated and refused to give in. But now, they are all down. Obviously, they all know that they have lost the initiative to negotiate. Now that they are looking for someone to negotiate is simply a negotiation that loses sovereignty. In other words, what does the other party want, he doesn't have a temper yet.

"Financing?" Yang Lu smiled: "We don't plan to raise funds for Meida Group."

"I know!" Jiang Yicai nodded, and then said: "I want to say now, whether the Hanmen Group can give me a part, you also know that the Meida Group is facing difficulties now. I hope you can help us through the difficulties!"

"This..." Yang Lu blinked and smiled: "This is no problem, but if we want us to raise funds, then we must do it according to our requirements."

"What's the requirement?" Jiang Yicai asked.

"Here, this is our plan!" Yang Lu showed an old fox smile and said, "It's all written here."

Jiang Yicai gave a wry smile: "Is this all ready?"

Obviously, this was premeditated.

The other party announced the data of Mida Group, which caused the stock to fall to the limit, causing all parties to come to collect debts. As a result, the Meda Group lost the sovereignty of negotiation, and was pressed on the cutting board like a salted fish, with no room for resistance.

But, even if you know it, what can you do? Now the Mida Group has reached the place of life and death. If there is no more funds, God will not be able to save him.

"What? Want to take 20% of Mida Group's shares?"

"This is too exaggerated?"

A few shareholders are gone.

One-fifth of the shares surpassed Jiang Yicai and became the largest shareholder of Meida Group.

"You..." Jiang Yicai's face sank.

She was just about to speak, but was interrupted by Yang Lu. She smiled, and then said: "Listen to me. Now if the Mida Group has no funds, it will be a dead fish, worthless, and even bank debt. You have to bear it. With the current situation of insolvency of the Mida Group, I am afraid that it will soon enter the bankruptcy process. Not only will you not get a point, but you will also have to bear the debt of the debtor. Even if you go to the end of the world, you will not be able to escape."

A group of people were silent.

Yang Lusi said slowly: "Of course, our Hanmen Group is not only giving 500 million. We plan to add an additional 100 million. A total of 600 million. 600 million buys 20% of Mida Group's shares, and you too No loss!"

"Huh, our Mida Group has assets of 10 billion." Jiang Xianqin gritted his teeth: "You want to buy 2 billion shares with 600 million, too..."

"Ten billion?" Yang Lu smiled contemptuously, and said, "The money must be obtained. I tell you the truth, for now, no one can save you Meida Group except for our poor family group!"

A group of Mida Group bowed their heads.

Agree is not, nor disagree.

I agree, my own shares have shrunk seriously, disagree... I am afraid it will be even more troublesome.

Jiang Yicai was silent for a while, and said: "Okay, I agree."

Many shareholders kept silent. Since Jiang Yi only agreed, his shares must be ceded out. Everyone must cut shares, which is necessary.

Yang Lu smiled slightly and said, "If you agree, please sign this agreement. The lawyers of the Hanmen Group will arrive soon!"

A group of people did not hesitate, and signed their names one after another, and then pressed their fingerprints.

In the end, it was Jiang Yicai's turn. Jiang Yicai was unwilling to cede 20% of his tens of billions of assets. This is almost the same as grabbing money. Who is willing? However, if you disagree, there is no way. People are forced to this point and can only be bleeding.

After speaking, Jiang Yicai smiled, signed easily and pressed his fingerprints.

It didn't take long before everything was done.

"Okay!" Yang Lu nodded, and then said: "Mr. Jiang, the funds will be in place on our side soon, but we have to take three steps. The first sum of 200 million funds goes to the Meda Group company account, and the second The pen is also 200 million, and the final 200 million will have to wait for your equity ceding to be completed before it will be credited."

"Okay!" Jiang Yicai nodded. After all this, he seemed to feel a lot easier.

"That's right!" Yang Lu glanced at Jiang Yicai and said: "Now shareholders have changed, so I applied for a shareholders meeting at the Monday morning meeting."

"Yes!" Jiang Yicai nodded.

Yang Lu is now the company's largest shareholder, so he naturally has the answer. Therefore, Jiang Yicai doesn't matter, the shareholders meeting is held every Monday morning.

After the account was completed, Jiang Yicai could not wait to leave the Hanmen Group.

(End of this chapter)

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