The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 858: Hanmen Group

Secretary Zhong probably understood what was going on.

He sat on the chair, tapped his fingers on the table lightly, and said, "By the way, this patent belongs to the Hanmen Group, then...if this patent wants to be transferred, who should I...who talk to?"

"This..." Chen Aiguo immediately understood what it meant.

"What? There is a problem?" Secretary Zhong asked.

"I don't understand this!" Chen Aiguo shook his head, and then said: "After all, this has nothing to do with me. I am in charge of research and development. If you want to buy a patent, you can go to the Hanmen Group to talk about it!"

"Okay!" Secretary Zhong nodded.

Time waits for no one, Secretary Zhong originally came with purpose. This is something the people above explain. If you don't handle it well, I'm afraid it will be in trouble. Therefore, Secretary Zhong stood up immediately, and then said: "Well, let me go to the Hanmen Group first, and come to chat with you next time!"

"Okay, I'll give it to you!" Chen Aiguo nodded hastily.

After seeing Secretary Zhong away, Chen Aiguo immediately thanked the guests behind closed doors. On this day, he received too many people and many media reporters. Chen Aiguo was a little overwhelmed and lacking.

Chen Aiguo was also a little puzzled. Secretary Zhong was involved in politics, not business. Why did he come to ask about immunosuppressive patents? Could it be...

Thinking of this, Chen Ai's heart sighed.


Hanmen Group.

Several giants are meeting to discuss the next steps. Regarding the next move, they all seemed very confused. Now that things are so big, no one knows what to do. A group of people in the meeting room looked excited and excited.

Even Liu Si, who was far away in Linjiang, came to the meeting.

This is a big event for the Hanmen Group, and all shareholders gather.

Who is Liu Siye? At any rate, it can be regarded as a local snake in Linjiang, with a strong influence, especially in the past two years, it has been sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and interpreting the image of a big brother to the extreme.

In the conference room, everyone gathered together.

Xiao Han sat in the position of chairman, and everyone else was sure. They looked at Xiao Han with eager and enthusiastic eyes. This time, the Hanmen Group had a big trouble, but that was a good thing. Everyone felt that this was an extremely important event.

"Xiao Han, you say... how do we take this next step?" Liu Si was wearing a black gown and playing with two jade stones. These two jade stones are Xinjiang Hetian jade and are expensive. You can know that this is definitely the best among Hetian jade.

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded repeatedly and said, "Now the whole world is paying attention to us. The people in the planning department have received more than ten waves of media reporters. I think we need to hold a press conference."

"Yeah!" Yang Lu nodded and said: "As things are up to now, we should also make an announcement."

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "It's not the time yet. Wait!"

"Why?" Zhao Lizhong asked suspiciously.

"Because the time has not arrived!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "When the time comes, we can develop the conference."

"When is the time?" Zhao Lizhong asked curiously.

Everyone looked at Xiao Han in unison. Today, Xiao Han is the big brother in everyone's mind. Therefore, he represents the Hanmen Group. Moreover, the core figures in the research and development of this drug actually know that Xiao Han's credit has nothing to do with Shuimu University or Chen Aiguo. If it is necessary to say that it is related, then the later clinical trials are indeed related to them, and the thesis is indeed written by the old professors of Mizuki University. After all, they are more professional.

Now, the name of the Hanmen Group has been beaten out. The whole world is paying attention to Mizuki University and Hanmen Group.

Everyone is busy.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "The poor group is not well-known right now. This is a good opportunity. To beat the reputation of the poor group."

"Oh..." Everyone suddenly.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "If the influence of the Hanmen Group can be maximized, much does the Hanmen Group’s advertising expenses save? And, in the future, you are still worried that no one will take the initiative to find the Hanmen. Does the group cooperate?"

Everyone heard that it was true.

"Xiao Han, when shall we hold the press conference?" Li Da Pang asked.

"The people who should be here are here!" Xiao Han's mouth raised slightly.

At this time, a voice came from outside the door.

Yang Lu's secretary hurriedly walked in and said, "President Yang, Secretary Zhong of the Municipal Party Committee is here!"

"Huh?" Yang Lu said in surprise, "What is Secretary Zhong doing?"

All of them are gangsters in the shopping malls, and they must know the people in official circles very well. Who is Secretary Zhong? The city secretary of the provincial capital, what a great character? Moreover, Secretary Zhong is only in his forties this year. He is young and energetic, and he will definitely be promoted to ministerial level in the future.

"I don't know!" The secretary shook his head.

"The one who should come is finally here!" Xiao Han smiled slightly.

Everyone looked surprised.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "Sister Yang, go find him."

"Sure!" Yang Lu nodded.

Subsequently, Yang Lu left.

In the conference room, everyone was still in a meeting, and the biggest boss of the Hanmen Group was there.

At this moment, Liu Si said, "Xiao Han, I have an idea."

"Say!" Xiao Han glanced at Liu Si.

Today, Xiao Han is already a monk, so he takes less and less mundane things. If it weren't for this time, Xiao Han didn't want to control the poor group. Yang Lu and Zhao Lizhong can manage the company in an orderly manner. Moreover, with Liu Xiaolei's assistance and Zhang Lixia's assistance, the company has no major problems at all. Xiao Han doesn't have to worry.

"You said..." Liu Si blinked his eyes and smiled: "Now that the Hanmen Group is so large, does it need to be listed?"

In the past, the Hanmen Group was worried about insufficient funds, so it had been planning to earn money to go public. Today, the Hanmen Group owns a copper mining industry, with huge trade volume and abundant capital flow. Nowadays, there are also poor pharmaceutical companies. Seeing the latest, and the whole world is watching the drug is still under development. In the future, the Hanmen Pharmaceutical Company will inevitably become the most profitable industry for the Hanmen Group. Pharmaceutical companies are basically like banknote printing factories. Do I still need money for listing?

"Well, there is some truth to what you said!" Xiao Han nodded slightly, and then said, "It's really good."

Liu Si smiled slightly, and then said: "No matter what, we are not short of money. This is a fact. If the company goes public, it will only dilute the shares in our hands and eventually lead to our money being divided by others. So, I think we We should not go to the route of listing, but to go to high-tech companies. We want to build a domestically unlisted giant, an aircraft carrier group!"

"I agree!" Li Dapang nodded hurriedly. He held a cigarette in his mouth, and then said: "Listing means being choked by someone. Look at the old godmother, people will not be listed. Although the government has repeatedly proposed the old man Mom is listed, but the old godmother refuses to live or die. Why? I don’t want to be taken away from her own industry or business. People are not willing to go public, and no one can force herself. The company is still in prison. Keep it in your own hands."

"Yeah!" Liu Si nodded and said, "As long as it is not listed, the company will still belong to a few of us. If it is listed, hehe... the government, or someone who has the intention... I am afraid that we will have ulterior motives. After all, we are in equity. In terms of it, I'm afraid I can't beat others!"

"Let's wait and see." Xiao Han nodded, and said: "Hangmen Pharmaceutical Company, it is difficult to make profits for a while."

"Not difficult!" Liu Si shook his head again and again.

"How do you say?" Xiao Han asked.

"I have seen drugs, and clinical trials have been done. They are basically relatively stable." Liu Si smiled and said: "Although the development of drugs takes a long time and requires a long clinical trial process, I think we can Start from this aspect. Selling drugs at high prices, do you want to love it!"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han looked suspicious.

"The brother of Taiwan’s richest man Terry Gou is suffering from cancer." Liu Si smiled and said, “Terry Gou and his brother have a deep relationship. Although it cost a lot of money, he still failed to take his brother back from the disease. But if Maybe it’s different if we do it. I believe they are willing to spend huge sums of money on medicine, right?"

"Yeah!" Da Pang Li nodded.

A group of people listened very carefully.

"What do you mean? Do some business first?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes!" Liu Si nodded and said, "Now the whole world is advertising for me. We can sell drugs under the guise of clinical trials. In this way, there is no problem at all."

"That's true." Xiao Han nodded and said: "It's just that the problem now is. The medicine can only be effective on patients after transplantation, it can help them get rid of the trouble of taking medicine for life, and it can also make them move like normal people. ."

"Actually, it's the same!" Liu Si grinned, and then said, "It's all the same, so you don't have to worry too much about these issues."

According to Liu Si, no matter what kind of disease, the world's seven billion people have all kinds of diseases. What's more, in this world, hundreds of thousands or even millions of transplant operations are performed every year. Who doesn't need such drugs? As long as there is a transplant operation, there is a market demand.

It didn't take long to talk.

Yang Lu ran over in a hurry, her expression slightly worried: "Xiaohan."

Xiao Han was taken aback, and said, "What's the matter?"

"Secretary Zhong is looking for you!" Yang Lu said hurriedly.

"Oh?" Xiao Han looked surprised and said: "What did he do with me? I have no intersection with him."

"He...for the immunosuppression patent." Yang Lu said.

When everyone heard it, their faces immediately sank. Xiao Han raised a smile and said, "Sure enough, he is the one we are waiting for. I will meet him."

(End of this chapter)

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