The matter was very big, the noise was fierce, and the international response was great.

It quickly attracted the attention of several important domestic departments such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health.


It is a very old building with blue bricks and green tiles. It has a total of five floors. It looks very beautiful and has historical heritage. It is a very good place. At the door, there was a plaque hanging on it that read: Ministry of Health of the People's Republic of China.

The highest office of the Ministry of Health.

Several middle-aged men and several young men gathered in the conference room.

At this time, the meeting room was filled with smoke.

"Old Ma, look at this..." A middle-aged man looked at the old man sitting in the chairmanship, with a silver hair and an old man.

"Um..." Ma Lao nodded slightly, then opened his eyes, and said, "This matter is of great importance and far-reaching impact. There are such capable people in our country who developed genetic medicine. You know, more than 20 years ago, I I personally formed a team that has been dedicated to tackling genetic diseases, and spent a lot of manpower and material resources, but it has been unsuccessful. Unexpectedly, it was developed successfully."

"I know something about 23 years ago." The middle-aged man said, "Lao Ma, Xiao Jianguo, the core figure of the research team, fled, causing the gene team to fail. Moreover, he put all the information on the only potential The reagent was taken away, so it caused the failure."

"Yes!" Old Ma nodded and said: "This Xiao Jianguo was a supernatural being we discovered at the time. That's why he was drawn into the research team. It is said that he was regarded as a peripheral alchemist in a sect. After he became our core figure, we worked hard to cooperate with him and let him help us develop genetic drugs. Unexpectedly, he defected..."

"Then... now there is a good opportunity in front of you." The middle-aged man said excitedly: "Now, finally found a way to break through the genetic barrier. As long as we put pressure on Mizuki University, they will inevitably grow old. Hand over that patent honestly, hehe..."

"The rabbit bites people in a hurry, and the dog jumps over the wall in a hurry." Ma Lao smiled and said: "Don't push people in a hurry, take them step by step!"

"Yes!" The middle-aged man nodded repeatedly.


Mizuki University.

Chen Aiguo is very busy these days, how busy is it? Busy enough to have almost no time to eat. At home and abroad, many people are rushing to Shuimu University.

In the past few days, Chen Aiguo received wave after wave of people. From media reporters to some foreign research institute personnel, even Chen Aiguo almost went crazy. Reception is a tiring job. Most importantly, because the papers have been published in internationally renowned journals these days, they have attracted attention from all over the world. Not only the office phone was blown, but his cell phone was blown. Now he can only turn off his mobile phone, where he dare to answer the phone.

"Principal Chen, you are too busy here." Director Zhang on the side hurriedly said: "This...When did our school start the research and development of immunosuppression?"

"Always been there." Chen Aiguo smiled, and then said: "It's just keeping secrets."

"Ah!" Director Zhang suddenly realized when he heard this.

Chen Aiguo stretched.

At this moment, a person came hurriedly outside.

"Principal Chen, someone is looking for you again." A young teacher looked at Chen Aiguo anxiously.

"No, no!" Chen Aiguo shook his head and said, "I haven't eaten lunch yet, what time is this!"

Director Zhang raised his head and took a look. It was past three o'clock in the afternoon and he hadn't even had lunch. The reporter had been occupying Chen Aiguo's time just now. Chen Aiguo wanted to leave, but he couldn't drive these reporters away, right? We will rely on them in the future. Therefore, he can only endure hunger with an empty belly. By accident, it was past three o'clock in the afternoon.

At this moment, a voice came from outside: "Principal Chen, are you really, even I have disappeared?"

Without waiting for Chen Aiguo's reaction, a middle-aged man walked in from outside.

"Yes... Secretary Zhong." Chen Aiguo was immediately ashamed when he saw this.

The person here is the city secretary, the city secretary of the provincial capital city, who is a real figure with real power. I don't know how powerful such a person is. Now, he actually came to visit Chen Aiguo personally, which is also an honor for Chen Aiguo.

Chen Aiguo hurriedly greeted him and said with a wry smile: "Secretary Zhong, I'm really sorry, I... I didn't expect it to be you!"

"I know you are very busy these days." Secretary Zhong smiled slightly, and then said: " also have to take care of your health. You are now a red man in our country. You have won glory for our province and our country."

Early in the morning, Secretary Zhong received a call from the Provincial Party Committee, saying that Shuimu University had won glory for the country. A paper can be said to have created a new field. Since then, human beings have truly embarked on the world of genetic immune engineering. As long as the barriers of genes can be broken, many diseases can be cured in the future. Once drugs to cure these diseases are developed, not only will they become famous and famous in the world, but they will also be able to reap huge wealth. Become an immortal human being.

Who doesn't want to be glorified, who doesn't want to get such a glorious, such a famous achievement?

Therefore, Secretary Zhong hurried back from the field, and then came to Shuimu University to visit his old classmate.

"You and I are both classmates, so don't have to meet outside!" Secretary Zhong smiled, and then said: "Yes, I heard that you have developed a batch of medicines, right?"

"Yes!" Chen Aiguo nodded.

"Okay!" Secretary Zhong nodded, and said: "You also applied for a patent, right?"

"Yeah!" Chen Aiguo nodded.

"This is a huge discovery. It will definitely leave a glorious stroke in the history of mankind." Secretary Zhong smiled slightly and said: "Old Chen, you will be a prosperous person in the future. Go rich, don't forget! "

"Oh..." Chen Aiguo shook his head when he heard it, and said, "Although I am a researcher, the patent does not belong to me."

"Oh?" Secretary Zhong said in a daze when he heard this: "It's not you...who belongs to that?"

"This patent belongs to the Humble Group." Chen Aiguo smiled and said: "If it weren't for Humble Group's full support and huge investment, we would not be able to develop such a drug, nor would we have such a patent."

"That's not possible without your little credit." Secretary Zhong said in surprise.

"It really doesn't have much to do with me." Chen Aiguo smiled bitterly, and said: "Of course, I only have a signature!"

Just like the current copyright, if the author of a novel sells the copyright of his novel. So, in the future, any marketing of this book will have nothing to do with the author. The author only has a signature right and enjoys the honor he deserves, but there is no monetary share.

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