
Bing Yu vomited a mouthful of blood. Although these paper cranes had nothing to do with her, there was obviously something involved in this. The young man on the side hurriedly helped Bingyu and said, "Bingyu, are you okay?"

"It's okay, this snake is too powerful." Bing Yu's face was pale.

"Let me come!" the young man said.

"Han Le, be careful," Bing Yu said.

"Don't worry!" Han Le nodded.

Han Le is a member of the younger group in the logistics department, and also belongs to the practical group. They are not just like those who stand by and watch, they belong to the empty talker. These people will only play the most guns all day long. At critical moments, they actually watched on the sidelines instead of choosing to besiege together.

The old man has temporarily lost his combat effectiveness, and Bingyue has basically lost his combat effectiveness. The remaining five people are still onlookers.

Han Le took the lead when he took out a dagger from his sleeve.

The dagger is not long, it is only about 30 centimeters away. He held it in his hand and looked cold. The cold light is pressing, and there is a thought that makes people want to avoid it. Xiao Han looked a little curious, the dagger in the opponent's hand was indeed very powerful.

Han Le gritted his teeth and roared, "Beast, let me come and meet you for a while today!"

After speaking, Han Le jumped up.


The speed was so fast that Xiao Han had no time to react.


Han Le held a dagger in his hand, and several cold lights flashed by.


In an instant, the giant snake immediately split its muscles and a lot of blood poured out. Zi Mang was furious at the time, it opened its blood basin and bite directly towards Han Le. Han Le is very fast. He is the fastest person Xiao Han has ever seen. Not only does he move fast, but the speed at which the dagger in his hand shoots is as staggering.

"so fast!"

"This kid seems to have joined the logistics department soon, right?"

"Indeed, it is said that it was absorbed by a special case because of the fast attack speed."

Several people on the side whispered that these qualified older generations generally look down on those who join later. In their view, the latecomers are just some people who just look at them but are not useful. However, they obviously underestimated Han Le's strength.

After a few strokes, Zi Mang's body was almost cut off.

When Zi Mang broke out, Han Le also broke out. With his hands clasped, his muscles suddenly exploded, and all his clothes shattered in the area of ​​his deltoid muscles. Holding a dagger in both hands, he roared: "Those who violate our Chinese will be punishable even though they are far away!"


A white mang with a length of several meters shot out from the dagger in Han Le's hand, and the long ray of light instantly divided this purple mang into two.


Zi Mang suddenly fell down.

Han Le was panting, his legs fell on the ground, his whole body a little soft.

"Good guy, I won."

The python's body was severed, and both parts of the body were twisting on the ground. It seems very unwilling. But at this moment, two dark shadows jumped out of the building, each other wearing black night clothes, holding this whirling knife in his hand, and wearing a mask on his face.

"Tsk tusk, Chinese monks are nothing more than that." A man's voice came. By the man's side, Xiao Han could see that the other person should be a woman, at least from the other person's eyes and the outline of the eye area. Found that the other party should be a girl.

"Hmph, Japanese pirates, how dare you sneak into my China." The guys who have never been on the court yelled, "Believe it or not, I will kill you a thousand times!"

"Haha..." The black-clothed man laughed and said, "A mere purple mang will make you so hard. Next, I'm afraid you will look good."

"If you have any means, just take it out." Several people yelled.

Among them, a man in a gray robe screamed extremely fiercely, as if he couldn't wait to rush to fight the opponent immediately. And Xiao Han was very embarrassed. Since this guy yelled so badly, why didn't he just go forward and fight? Why yell here for a long time without speaking?

At this moment, the black-clothed man smiled and took out a black box from his pocket.

He opened the box gently.

A cloud of black smoke rose slowly.

"Yin Qi?" Xiao Han was startled.

From a distance, he could feel that this is definitely a kind of yin. Xiao Han has seen too many wandering ghosts and signed a contract with the ghost king. He has been to ghost cities and rushed through ghost markets. He felt absolutely nothing wrong with this kind of breath.

"What is it?" Everyone looked puzzled.


Suddenly, a burst of ghost crying and wolf howling came,


Everyone took a deep breath and looked to the left and right, but found that they didn't see anything. Just when everyone was about to give up, suddenly, from behind the building, a hideous thing climbed up. This monster was so huge, it was as big as half a building, and his body was dark and dripping with pus, and, A pair of eyes are almost decayed, and two eyeballs are almost hanging on them, and they seem to fall off at any time.


The ghost slowly climbed up the building, his mouth was still dripping, and the saliva fell on the cement, making a burst of hesitation.

"Will it corrode?" Xiao Han was shocked.

At this moment, the white cat flashed past and landed on Xiao Han's shoulder. It obviously smelled the smell of the wild ghost, so it immediately appeared on Xiao Han's body.

"What's the matter?" Before the ghost king could speak, Xiao Han asked first.

"Sura!" The Ghost King said solemnly.

"This is Shura!" Xiao Han exclaimed in surprise.

"Hmm!" Ghost King nodded.

"Damn!" Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "The Shura they got."

"It's probably caught." Ghost King said.

"Where can I catch this stuff?" Xiao Han asked.

"Of course it is the ghost domain." The ghost king said: "However, Shura is very difficult to catch, even if it is caught, it is difficult to domesticate. The ghost domain is so dangerous that it is easy to get into trouble. I didn't expect that someone could catch it. . It's not easy."

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said, "Damn, this is a problem!"

"Yes!" The ghost king nodded and said: "Let's relax, I can't help you!"

"Not for the time being!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Try not to expose yourself!"

"Hmm!" Ghost King nodded.

At this moment, the man in the gray robe had already jumped up, holding a compass in his hand. It is said that this guy is the descendant of the earth immortal, and he is very famous in the local area of ​​their home. Many people look to him for affair, feng shui, red and white weddings... all call him Li Banxian.

This compass is from his family's ancestors and is very capable.

He held the compass and waved his hand. The golden light burst, beams of light shot towards Shura.


The light shone on Shura's body, and the sacred light immediately spread on Shura's body, with a strong purifying effect. What is purification? It is a name given to ghosts by the divine light, the same as corrosion.

A black hole was burned out of Shura's body.

Shura was furious, and flicked his hand towards the gray-robed man, and a gust of wind swept away.


The man in the gray robe was swept away by the gust of wind and hit a pillar on the side.

threw up……

Finally, this Shura spit at the gray-robed man. Zizi, suddenly, the man in the gray robe screamed, making him scream with pain. This kind of pain made him unhappy. The man in the gray robe couldn't protect his calf.


Suddenly, Han Le held a dagger and threw it over. The man in the gray robe immediately cut off his calf. Then, the fallen leg was instantly corroded by the corrosive liquid.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, if it wasn't for Han Le's quick eyes and quick hands, and acted decisively, I'm afraid this guy's whole leg would not be able to hold. If the calf is broken, it is perfectly possible to make another one with national technology, but if the whole leg is gone, I am afraid it will cost a lot.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "Everyone, be careful. This is Shura of the Ghost Realm. It has a strong combat power. Moreover, the liquid on the body has a corrosive effect."

When everyone heard it, they were all shocked.

"Then what to do?" Bing Yu's face was pale.

"It doesn't move fast, you can use it to suppress him." Xiao Han said.

"Okay, let me come!" Han Le shouted.

Randomly, Han Le rushed out immediately. The dagger in his hand rose, and a ray of light flashed, and the light hit the mountains of Shura. Although a black and red cut was cut, such a wound did not hurt Shura at all.

"*** I'm really playing." Han Le roared.

Han Le jumped up, clenching the dagger in both hands, and a ray of light several feet long slashed towards the opponent.


Shura's arm fell in response.

"it is good!"

"Han Le, great!"

A group of people clamored one after another, seeing that Shura was about to be killed by Han Le, and it was not easy for everyone to continue to watch, otherwise, all the credit would be monopolized by Han Le. Therefore, they are determined to immediately participate in the siege.


Everyone offered their best weapon and launched a siege one after another.

For a while, Shura looked terrible.

However, under the premise of the forced siege, his severed arm was slowly reborn.

Xiao Han had a hunch that the other party was definitely not that simple. How could Shura, who was afraid of even the ghost king, be beheaded by these people so easily? Xiao Han shook his head, Bing Yu also participated in the melee, countless paper cranes shuttled back and forth in the body of the ghost king, constantly fighting each other.

Facing the siege of everyone, Shura finally got angry.

Ho Ho Ho...

Shura let out a frantic roar. The loud roar deafened the crowd.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Shura made a violent voice.

Just when Shura broke out, countless ghosts drilled up from under the ground.

"Broken, this guy is summoning soldiers and horses!" Xiao Han was shocked.

"Quickly, stop him!" The Ghost King shouted.

Without saying anything, Xiao Han swung a red talisman. The golden spirit veins dissipated in the air. Xiao Han held the Ruyi stick and jumped up.

The Ruyi stick was full of surging energy at this time, and the huge energy made this stick very dazzling.

(End of this chapter)

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