"It should be fine!" Old Chen shook his head.

"I think it's very hanging." The man in suit sighed and said: "This time, the logistics department lost two people. I feel that this group of people will probably suffer again!"


Old Chen's fist made a creaking sound.

"If the Japanese dare to make excessive actions, I will not forgive them!" Old Chen gritted his teeth and said: "When the members of my logistics department return to the team, I will beat them up!"

"Yeah!" The man in the suit nodded.

Although the logistics department is large, there are many people. However, dignified China has 9.6 million square kilometers of land, and the coastal line alone is 18,000 kilometers. The Logistics Department, on the other hand, has to guard the huge land and coastline, and often participates in the investigation of some bizarre international cases. Naturally, the manpower is not enough, otherwise, this time it is estimated that Chen Lao would not try to find Xiao Han.

The man in the suit raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He grinned, and then said: "Old Chen, if Xiao Han is unwilling to join the logistics department, what should I do?"

"It's okay, he's still a child." Old Chen shook his head and said: "Furthermore, he can follow us against the Japanese. At least he proved that he is not hostile to us. Since there is no hostility, why should we set ourselves an enemy? "

The man in the suit smiled slightly and said, "Okay, you have the final say!"


Xiao Han followed each other all the way.

A minibus pulled seven or eight people and drove straight towards the Liu's compound.

The Liu Family Courtyard is located in the center of the provincial city. The Liu Family Courtyard can be regarded as an urban village. However, those who can have a house here are either rich or expensive. These houses look old and have a certain age. The developer wanted to demolish, but did not dare to demolish it. After all, the people who live here are either rich or expensive, and no one dares to demolish it. If it is not demolished, it will not be able to pay so much compensation.

Several roads leading to Liu's compound were blocked by military police.

From a distance, I saw several police cars and military vehicles parked at the intersection. Soldiers with guns were carrying the 95th style and wearing an Bayi helmet, very solemnly. There is also a police blockade on the side. There were many onlookers at the scene.

"What's the matter?"

"Yes, why is the road closed? We can't go back!"

"Let us pass quickly!"

The masses are getting a little impatient. A group of military police surrounds here, and they are very upset.

"Military exercises, no idlers enter!" The police posted a notice, but they didn't clarify what was going on. However, this kind of things involving military secrets will certainly not be easily said.

At this time, the minibus drove in slowly.

"Stop!" The military soldier stopped.

Police officers also stepped forward to intercept.

At this time, Xu Jianguo came over and got in the car and took a look. They were all acquaintances, and Xiao Han was sitting in the last row. Xu Jianguo still has a good impression of Xiao Han. He waved at Xiao Han. Xiao Han smiled and said, "Colonel Xu, are you busy here?"

"Yeah!" Xu Jianguo smiled unsparingly and turned to get out of the car.

"Let go!" Xu Jianguo waved.

Afterwards, the two soldiers immediately removed the barriers blocking the road, and the minibus drove in slowly.

After crossing the fence, it didn't take long to reach the site of the Liu Family Courtyard. Originally thought that the Liu Family Courtyard was a courtyard, Xiao Han discovered that it turned out to be a village within the city. The terrain looks a bit complicated.

The car passed through the Liu's compound, turned left and right, and quickly stopped in front of a building.

Xiao Han and the others got out of the car and saw Bingyu and the young man from a distance.

The two hurriedly waved to everyone.

"It's here!" Bing Yu said hurriedly.

"Very good." An old man jumped out, wearing a quilt and a hat. He could hardly see what his face looked like. However, everyone who has some magical skills has a strange personality and some different habits. This kind of hot weather is not very common.

The old Tao took a doll from the clothes, and took a breath. The doll stood up alive, and it became bigger. It stopped changing until it was the same height as the old man.

"This..." Xiao Han looked surprised and said, "What is this?"

Seeing Xiao Han asked this, everyone revealed their contemptuous eyes. Those who can ask such things must have little knowledge. Therefore, they don't take Xiao Han seriously. I only think that Xiao Han just came to rub some credit, and I want to show his credit back.

Therefore, everyone turned a blind eye to Xiao Han.

At this time, Bing Yu came over and said, "This is Maoshan's puppet technique."

"Oh!" Xiao Han suddenly realized. No wonder this old way has the feeling of Maoshan Taoism. It turned out to be from Maoshan Road. There are ghost raisers and corpse raisers in Maoshan Road. There are many kinds of people. Maoshan has many spells and they are very complicated.

"Which sect's disciple are you?" Bing Yu asked.

"No school, no school." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Oh!" Bing Yu smiled and said, "You should be very good, right?"

"General." Xiao Han gave a wry smile and said: "There are countless disciples in the cultivation world, and there are not many who dare to say that they are amazing."

"That's true." Bingyu nodded and said: "Be humble and low-key."

Xiao Han nodded slightly, and the corners of their mouths smiled. Then continue to watch the old man's performance.

The puppet is very strong, with steel and iron bones. It jumped up and rushed into the courtyard quickly. However, it didn't take long to rush in. There was a loud noise immediately. Then, the puppet was immediately thrown out and broke to the ground.

"Damn it!" Seeing this, the old man Yi Yi was furious: "You bastard, have the guts to fight."


Suddenly, a purple python came out of it.

"Look!" someone shouted, pointing to the sky.

Everyone looked up, and sure enough, a huge snake raised its head, like lantern-like eyeballs, revealing a red letter. A bunch of people were scared and stupid.

"Oh my God, such a big snake." Although they are all masters, these are just some supernaturalists. There is a big difference between a superpower and a monk. Although some abilities are stronger than some monks, their strength is limited to this. There is no room for improvement, this kind of ability is destined, or is born.

However, monks can become extremely powerful through acquired efforts, chance, and even inheritance.

Although a person with a supernatural power can be regarded as a member of the spiritual world, the status of a superb person is very low.

The old man is a disciple of Maoshan Dao. Obviously, he belongs to a serious monk, no wonder he has arrogant capital. He leaped up and beat the two yellow symbols in his hand. Numerous spiritual patterns swayed away, and then, the old man's clothes spread out.

What is shocking is that the princess clothes disintegrated automatically, and then, countless puppets walked down from the princess clothes. It is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands.

"Give me!" The old man was big.

Then, the puppet, who was tightly the size of a thumb, immediately began to deform. Become a puppet the size of an old man.

"Wow, so much!" Everyone was shocked.

"Heavenly soldiers and generals, lend me strength." The old man held a mahogany sword in his hand, the wooden sword glowing with a layer of light. He scolded: "Kill me!"


The dense puppets rushed towards the giant snake frantically. One by one was like a heavenly soldier, each puppet holding a wooden sword in his hand, and they madly stabbed towards the giant snake.


Blood spattered, and the giant snake screamed, but the old man's actions clearly angered the opponent.


Then, the giant snake roared and breathed white light.


With a loud noise, countless puppets suddenly exploded. It was ruined in half at once.

"Fuck!" The old man was furious.

Seeing his countless puppets were destroyed, he suddenly became angry. He clasped the Taomu Sword tightly and rushed over quickly. He bit through the tip of his tongue and suddenly spit out blood at the Taomu Sword.


Suddenly, a huge black sword light pierced past.

The old man's cultivation base is not bad, and he will be able to break through the Golden Core Stage a little bit when he builds his foundation peak. The old man's attack already had the power of the Golden Core Stage. At that moment, the power surged out, and it rushed over in an instant, and the aura of the eye was forced towards the purple mang.

Zi Mang was not afraid at all. As soon as it raised its head, it suddenly slammed into the old man.


A loud noise made the old man fly out.


The old man vomited a mouthful of blood, and his body was shaky in the air. He was about to fall off, but no one came forward to help him. And just as the giant snake opened its mouth and was about to swallow the old man.


Suddenly, two cold lights shot past, and the two cold lights penetrated the giant snake's body on the spot.

The ice rain had already rushed out, and two paper cranes were flying wildly in the air. The ice rain controlled the two paper cranes and quickly penetrated the body of the giant python. The python was in pain, and immediately threw away the old man, and quickly swept toward the crowd.

"Hmph, smelly snake, let you know how good I am!" Bingyu rescued the old man and successfully attracted the python target.

Just when Zi Mang was about to turn his head and attack. Suddenly, Bing Yu took out a handful of paper cranes from his pocket.


She sprinkled the paper cranes in her hand, and the paper cranes seemed to be more spiritual. These paper cranes immediately surrounded the giant python. Under the control of the ice and rain, the paper cranes seemed to become murderous rays of light, and they continued to shuttle wildly across the giant python's body. The paper cranes seem to be fearless and move forward bravely.

Bing Yu gritted his teeth, manipulating these paper cranes seemed to require a lot of effort.


Suddenly, Zi Mang let out two rays of light, which slid down from his body.

The paper cranes were immediately swallowed by the energy of the giant python, and disappeared without a trace. Come without a trace, go without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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