Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and he lost most of his sexual interest.

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed.

Nightingale's face was even flushed, she raised her head and gave Xiao Han a shy look, and said, "What are you laughing at?"

"I laughed at you as stupid." Xiao Han replied.

"Why?" Nightingale looked puzzled.

"Which girl would use her body in exchange?" Xiao Han glanced at her, and then said: "You are the first person. So, you are too stupid!"

"But, many girls in society are very impetuous, sugar daddy." Nightingale replied.

"It's all for my own benefit." Xiao Han looked at Nightingale and said, "However, you actually exchanged your body for an irrelevant person. Is it worth it?"

"It's worth it for me." Nightingale nodded and said: "My senior sister was originally the key training object of our Emei Mountain. She is very strong, almost the expectation of everyone in Emei Mountain. However, because of an accident, she got into trouble. Emei is not a ghost or a ghost, but Emei has not given up on her up and down, and is doing everything possible to save her."

"How's that?" Xiao Han smiled, and said, "Emei is exhausted to train your senior sister, not you. Now your world is in madness, shouldn't Mount Emei focus on training you? I see you. The talent is also good. No one who can enter the league tournament has bad talent."

"I..." When Nightingale heard this, she shook her head and said, "I'm too bad, Senior Sister, she is really good, you are not necessarily her opponent."

"Oh?" Xiao Han looked surprised and said: "Your senior sister is so good?"

"Yeah!" Nightingale nodded and said, "You will understand later."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded.

The two of them lay on the black stone, feeling the warmth of the geothermal heat, not to mention, the temperature is not bad. At least it can make people feel very comfortable, not very cold, and not very hot. Before they knew it, the two fell into a deep sleep.

This sleep came to the next morning.

Xiao Han woke up first, and when she woke up, the clothes of the girl in Nightingale were a little untidy. The two plump peaks on the chest were exposed. Looking at the past from Xiao Han's perspective, it was so attractive and eye-catching.

Xiao Han didn't dare to look more, for fear that he would fall in accidentally.

"Nightingale!" Xiao Han hurriedly pushed her with his hands.

Nightingale opened her eyes leisurely. In fact, she had just had a very beautiful dream, a dream that she would never want to forget. She dreamed that she and Xiao Han were turning over in bed, and she felt that things between men and women were so beautiful. When she woke up, she couldn't believe that what she had was just a dream.

"Ah..." Nightingale exclaimed. She hurriedly clutched her chest. When she was dreaming, she unexpectedly untied her belt, her clothes were disheveled, and her chest exposed a large area of ​​skin, making her exclaimed.

"Get up." Xiao Han smiled and said: "We should go now."

"Yeah!" Nightingale hurriedly sorted her clothes, then washed her face with clean water.

The two of them washed a little, Xiao Han immediately summoned Yin Ling, and the two quickly left Wuyi Mountain.

After finally escaping from this huge Wuyi Mountain, Xiao Han returned to the foot of Wuyi Mountain. The size of Wuyi Mountain was surprising and endless. However, Xiao Han is still very shocked by the ancestor of Wuyi Palace. Although I don't know what the other party's background is, or what the opponent's strength is, Xiao Han can know that the opponent's strength is absolutely extraordinary. An old monster who has been closed for hundreds of years is definitely very strong.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said, "Finally, it's down the mountain."

"Yes!" Nightingale nodded, and she took Xiao Han's arm and followed all the way.

"Where are you going now?" Xiao Han asked.

"I want to go back to Mount Emei." Nightingale replied.

"Yeah." Xiao Han nodded and said: "Then I will take you to the airport."

"Good!" Nightingale nodded.

"By the way, what about your Senior Brother Wu?" Xiao Han asked, "Do you want to contact him?"

"Call again when you arrive at the airport." Nightingale smiled.

Xiao Han's car was at the foot of the mountain, took the car and paid the parking fee. Nightingale got into Xiao Han's car and got into the co-pilot. Nightingale seemed very happy. She raised a smile at the corner of her mouth and said, "Xiao Han, thank you!"

"What are you polite!" Xiao Han waved his hand.

"By the way, can you give me your call?" Nightingale asked.

Last time, Nightingale gave Xiao Han his mobile phone number, but Xiao Han did not call Nightingale, so this time Nightingale decided to take the initiative to ask for Xiao Han's number. Take the initiative to call Xiao Han. In this way, he has mastered the initiative instead of letting Xiao Han master the initiative.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Soon, the car arrived at the airport. Nightingale was a little reluctant.

The two stayed together all night, and Nightingale also had a general understanding of Xiao Han. From Nightingale's point of view, Xiao Han is a very powerful and also a gentleman. He is gentle, attentive, and a standard warm man. Nightingale's favor with Xiao Han suddenly doubled. What moved Nightingale the most was that under the circumstances last night, Xiao Han didn't even make any non-discriminatory actions. There was no deviant behavior at all.

This is the character that a gentleman should have.

When she first met Xiao Han, Nightingale had a very bad impression of Xiao Han. This guy actually coerced himself to take off all his clothes, and even threatened him with the lives of Xue Ren and his junior sister, so that he had to honestly strip all his clothes off, even though the guy gave himself medicine the first time. . However, Nightingale thought he was deliberately tainting herself in the name of medicine.

When I met for the second time, it was at the end of the league competition. I asked him to wash the marrow pill. I didn't expect Xiao Han to agree without hesitation. This made Nightingale change Xiao Han. However, the title of pervert was also deeply imprinted in her heart. After all, he traded this pill for his body.

However, when they met for the third time, Nightingale's cognition of Xiao Han changed drastically. In the past few days, Nightingale has seen Xiao Han's domineering, experienced Xiao Han's power, and Xiao Han's gentleman style. Therefore, Nightingale had a good impression of Xiao Han.

Standing at the entrance of the airport, Nightingale looked at the back of Xiao Han leaving far away, feeling a little bit sad. However, she finally sighed. How can there be a banquet that lasts in the world? What's more, Xiao Han is so good, he is just a very ordinary monk, I am afraid that only the senior sister's cultivation base can match Xiao Han.

Thinking of this, Nightingale hurriedly walked into the airport, and then hurriedly bought a ticket, ready to take off.


After Xiaoyue was rescued, Xiao Han returned to Z Province leisurely alone.

The car just got off the highway.

Two black military Audi vehicles immediately blocked Xiao Han's path.

"Routine inspection?" Xiao Han asked.

At this time, two people got on and off the car, one of them was wearing a military uniform, the other was wearing a black suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. He looked at Xiao Han coldly, and then said, "You are Xiao Han, right?"

"Who are you?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Central Logistics Office." The man replied.

"What the **** is the Central Logistics Office?" Xiao Han asked back.

"You don't care what we are, you just have to come with us!" The man's tone was cold and seemed to be disdainful.

When Xiao Han heard this, he was naturally very unhappy. He smiled and said, "Why should I go with you?"

"Boy, don't know what is good or bad, otherwise you will have good fruit!" The man glared at him.

Xiao Han is not a good-tempered person. Being threatened by the other party, he is naturally very upset. He sneered and said: "If you talk to me well, you can discuss everything, but you are a Zhima official, just follow me. Isn't it bullish? Get out of here!"

Xiao Han waved his hand, bringing a secret energy.

Unexpectedly, the other party didn't even move. This made Xiao Han a little surprised.

"Don't think that you are the only monk!" The corner of the man's mouth raised slightly, and then a breath came out of him.

Xiao Han was surprised, but he didn't expect this guy to be able to manage the breath in his body freely. This really surprised him. However, the breath released by the other party has no effect on him.

Xiao Lengchun smiled and said, "You think you are very good, right?"

Just as Xiao Han was about to do it, the man in uniform stood up immediately, and said, "Xiao Han, don't mess around. The country wants to find you today!"

"Country?" Xiao Han heard that this hat was quite big.

"Yes!" The man in uniform nodded, and said: "I am the chief of the Military Intelligence Division I, cooperating with the work of the Central Logistics Department. I sincerely hope that you can come with us!"

"Where to go?" Xiao Han asked.

"Just in the provincial capital." The man in military uniform smiled slightly.

"For the sake of you being sincere, I'll go with you!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Thank you!" The man in uniform nodded hurriedly.

Afterwards, a military Audi car walked in front, Xiao Han's BMW car was sandwiched in the middle, followed by a military Audi car. People who don't know think that there is an important person in this BMW. Only Xiao Han knew that he was being targeted by the opponent.

Of course, with Xiao Han's character, ordinary people would definitely not be able to please him, but when he saw that the guy in the black suit turned out to be a hidden monk, Xiao Han became interested. Although I don't understand what this central logistics department is, but take a walk and find out that it is not harmful to me. Besides, why would the other party stare at him? This is what he wants to understand.

The car quickly entered the city, then turned east and west in the city, and finally arrived in front of a low building. This is a very simple building, relatively old, a courtyard. The car stopped at the door, and the man in military uniform knocked at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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