"Oh!" Xiao Han breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep again.

Nightingale hurriedly yelled a few times, but this guy didn't react at all. In desperation, Nightingale could only guard Xiao Han here. This guy sleeps for a day, and when he wakes up, the sky is already dark.

"Why are you still here?" Xiao Han looked puzzled.

"You are not awake, dare I go?" Nightingale said.

"Could it be that I was afraid that I was taken away by the beast?" Xiao Han asked with a smile. I slept, and my head felt much better. I was patted by the ancestor of Wuyi Palace before, and I felt like I was going to die. There seemed to be something in his mind that he had taken away. That kind of pain is beyond words.

"No." Nightingale shook her head.

"Is that because I'm afraid of being raped and then killed by which beauty?" Xiao Han asked hehe.

"That's not it!" Nightingale turned red when she heard it.

"Actually, don't worry about it. It is estimated that there will be no one else except the two of us." Xiao Han smiled.

"But, where are we now?" Nightingale hurriedly asked.

"I don't know!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "However, it is certain that this should be in Wuyi Mountain. It's just that Wuyi Mountain is so big that we don't seem to have satellite navigation if we want to go out from here!"

Xiao Han hurriedly took out the phone and found that there was no signal on the phone, let alone other things.

Nightingale looked helpless and said, "I can only recognize the direction with the naked eye."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

This mountain range, and it is within Wuyi Mountain, if the Yin Ling is used to fly easily, I am afraid it is easy to provoke Wuyi Mountain’s disciples’ eyeliner. Damaged, need to be healed, and can't stand a big battle. Therefore, the two can only rely on their legs to move in the jungle.

It was getting dark, and all kinds of insects and beasts in the forest came.

The girl was born with a fear of these sounds, so she couldn't help holding Xiao Han's arm.

"Scared?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yeah!" Nightingale nodded and said, "How about...Shall we find a place to light a fire?"

"Okay!" Xiao Han smiled.

Afterwards, the two looked for a pool of water under a cliff. The two set up camp on the edge of the water. On the edge of the pool were exposed black stones, dark stones, and they didn't know what the material was. Sitting at the door, I felt a warmth. Just offset the cold of the night. The November night was somewhat cold.

Nightingale shivered with cold.

Xiao Han smiled, he took off his damaged coat and put it on Nightingale. Nightingale glanced at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, thank you!"

"You're welcome!" Xiao Han smiled, and said: "Get a break early. Let's take the opportunity to leave here before dawn tomorrow."

"Yeah!" Nightingale nodded.


Xiao Han waved his hand and Xiaoyue appeared in front of them.

"Xiaoyue, get two hares to eat." Xiao Han ordered.

"Yes!" Satsuki is a golden python, and naturally has a good command of hunting. She quickly disappeared into the jungle. It disappeared very quickly.

Nightingale looked at Xiaoyue's back with a look of confusion, and said, "Xiao Han, is she really your spiritual pet?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"But, how can she transform into a human form?" Nightingale was very curious.

"Because she is a golden python with noble blood." Xiao Han smiled, in fact, after all, he didn't understand. Why can Xiaoyue transform into a human form, and why can't so many spirit beasts transform into human nature? But only Satsuki can? Isn't it surprising at all?

Xiao Han didn't think about this question carefully, nor did Nightingale delve into it.

Not long after, Xiaoyue came with a rabbit in one hand.

"Come!" Xiaoyue was very excited.

Xiao Han was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, Xiaoyue's hunting speed was really fast, just a blink of an eye. Xiao Han hurriedly asked Xiaoyue to kill the two rabbits. Then he opened his stomach, cleaned the internal organs, and stripped off the fur. After stripping off the fur, only the rabbit meat is left.

Xiao Han sacrificed the Remnant Sword, used the Remnant Sword to penetrate two rabbits, and set them directly on the fire.

In order to prevent the meat from being burnt, Xiao Han asked Xiaoyue to make a honeycomb, and then used that thick honey to continuously smear the rabbit meat. Bake for ten minutes and brush with honey.

At first, Xiaoyue didn't understand why Xiao Han would do this. She soon discovered that the rabbit meat would not be scorched on the fire, but it was getting more and more golden and fragrant.

"It smells so good." Nightingale said in surprise.

"Yeah!" Xiaoyue was also excited, and said: "It smells so good, I have never smelled such a good food."

"I will make sure you like it!" Xiao Han kept turning the Remnant Sword.

If Xuan Lingzi saw this scene in his lifetime, I guess he would have vomiting blood, right? Seeing that his broken sword was used to roast hare by the person he chose? This scene is really painful. However, now the owner of the Remnant Sword is Xiao Han, and what Xiao Han wants to do with the Remnant Sword is up to him, and has nothing to do with Xuan Lingzi's dime.

After roasting for about half an hour, all the honey was exhausted, and the two hares shrank a lot, but they were still heavy. Just roasted the water in the meat, but the two hares, which totaled more than ten catties, were still heavy.

"It's boiling." Xiao Han hurriedly removed the two hares from the broken sword and wrapped them in lotus leaves.

The hot rabbit meat, the two girls looked very greedy.

Nightingale was so hungry that her stomach was groaning, especially when she saw these two golden rabbit meat, her stomach became even more singular. Nightingale hurriedly said, "Xiao Han, is this... delicious?"

"Of course it's delicious!" Xiao Han nodded immediately and said, "It's delicious."

After speaking, Xiao Han immediately cut off a fat rabbit leg from the door with a dagger, and then handed it to Nightingale, who hurriedly took it and took a big bite.

"Ah, it's hot." Nightingale screamed.

"Slow down, it's hot." Xiao Han reminded hurriedly.

"Say not sooner." Nightingale pursed her lips.

"Hey, you are too hungry." Xiao Han smiled.

Nightingale took a gingerly taste, and sure enough, the taste was not bad. It tastes very good. The meat of the hind legs is very chewy. The most important thing is that the meat is really delicious and very good. Very delicious.

"Master, I want too." Xiaoyue said hurriedly.

"Come!" Xiao Han handed her the other hind leg.

Xiaoyue also started to eat gluttonously, eating very vigorously, and also very enjoyable. This girl is so exciting.

"Is it delicious?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's delicious!" Xiaoyue and Nightingale replied unanimously.

"Xiaoyue, that old way of arresting you, what do you do to you every day?" Xiao Han asked.

"He wants to remove the deeds from my body." Xiaoyue said.

"This old thing!" Xiao Lenglin snorted, "I'm not afraid of killing people even if I try to use the contract."

"Yeah!" Xiaoyue pursed her lips, and said, "I almost made my soul flies and annihilated a few times."

"Old stuff!" Xiao Han couldn't help but cursed.

Xiaoyue chuckled, and then said: "However, he never succeeded every time."

"He can't succeed either." Xiao Lenglin snorted, and then said: "Unless his strength is countless times stronger than mine, otherwise, he can't get rid of my bondage. However, he doesn't care about the host's life at all."

"Yeah!" Xiaoyue looked aggrieved.

Xiao Han smiled, and then said, "No one will want to **** you away from me in the future."

"Well, the master is so powerful now." Xiaoyue said.

Two rabbits, three people eat. Both Nightingale and Satsuki were very full. Xiao Han handled all the remaining rabbit meat alone. After eating, Nightingale said, "Xiao Han, what shall we do next?"

"The rest will be here next." Xiao Han said: "It's nice to lie down on this black stone to rest. There is ground heat!"

"Yeah!" Nightingale nodded and said, "I felt it when I was sitting here. There is heat on this rock. Only when you reminded me did I realize that this should be ground heat."

"Hey. It's very comfortable to lie down." Xiao Han said.

"However, this is the source of water, and it is inevitable that wild animals will come here to drink." Nightingale said.

"Don't be afraid." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "If Xiaoyue is here, no beasts will come!"

"Really?" Nightingale looked at Xiaoyue curiously, and said, "What kind of species is she...?"

"The golden python in the python clan." Xiao Han smiled.

"Oh my God!" Nightingale was shocked, and she didn't expect that Xiaoyue, such a gentle and pleasant little girl, turned out to be a golden python. It's really shocking. You know, the golden python is also considered a rare existence in the python clan.

Xiaoyue smiled and restored the deity mischievously, immediately transformed into a golden python, and then quickly turned into a huge snake. Soaring into the air quickly, even in the dark night sky, you can see the golden scales, wandering in the air.

Seeing this, Nightingale said, "What a beautiful golden python."

"That is!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "Otherwise, how could I try my best to get it back!"

Nightingale suddenly smiled and said, "Why don't you think people are beautiful, that's why you have evil thoughts?"

"Can you be beautiful when you are beautiful?" Xiao Han's mouth was the same, with an evil smile, and a pair of wicked eyes looked at Nightingale. When Nightingale saw this, her face suddenly turned red, and she said embarrassedly: "You...don't look at me!"

"You are so beautiful!" Xiao Han smiled: "I don't look at you, who do I look at?"

"I..." Nightingale flushed.

Xiao Han's buttocks moved, and immediately squeezed to Nightingale's side, saying, "Why..."

"I..." Nightingale lowered her head and said, "You can do whatever you want. Last time you gave me the marrow pill, I said that my body belongs to you. As long as you want, anytime You can take it!"

(End of this chapter)

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