The manager immediately understood the importance of the matter, and she hurriedly said, "Sir, let's... go to the office and talk."

After speaking, she hurriedly picked up the diamond, and then led Xiao Han into the back office. At this time, the girl was almost 90% sure that this was a real diamond. Such a big diamond decided to shock the world. However, what surprised the girl was that Xiao Han actually planned to process this diamond. Such a large rough stone can be worth hundreds of millions even if it is sold.

However, the processing fee is indeed very expensive.

"Sir, you diamond..." The girl originally wanted to ask where it came from, but she didn't think it was right. She hurriedly changed her words and said, "Do you really plan to process it?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"But..." the girl looked embarrassed and said, "It seems difficult to process it. First, it is too big, and there are no outstanding craftsmen in China. Therefore, this diamond must be processed abroad. "

"As long as you can separate me," Xiao Han said.


When the girl heard it, she said in surprise: "This...if it is separated, the value will be degraded."

"It doesn't matter!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I just want to divide it into a few, and then help me process it."

"How about..." The girl hesitated and said, "I'll call our boss and see what her opinion is?"

"Also!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, the girl immediately called the boss.

After a call, the boss learned that there was a diamond of such a big size, so he immediately said that he would be back overnight, and he had arranged to meet Xiao Han at the jewelry store tomorrow morning, and would come to a testing machine to determine the authenticity of the jewelry. purity.

Hanging up the phone, the girl relayed the boss's words.

"Then I will come tomorrow." Xiao Han gave a wry smile. The diamond is big and troublesome.

"Okay!" The girl nodded and said, "However, many people outside know that you have such a big diamond, or else, would you leave our staff passage?"

"Good." Xiao Han didn't want to cause trouble either.

The girl hurriedly led Xiao Han through the office area and through their warehouse area. In the warehouse, there were a lot of gold jewelry and a lot of jewelry. Ordinary people have seen so much wealth, but still can't see the wealth. The girl is also a big thick strip.

Fortunately, Xiao Han had no thoughts. After coming out of the back door, Xiao Han drove away quickly.

That huge diamond is indeed eye-catching. Xiao Han is not a person who is afraid of being robbed by others, but doesn't want to get too much trouble. Therefore, if you can avoid people's eyes and ears, try to avoid them.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. Xiao Han seemed very happy.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

Return to school.

Lan Yudie called.

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie's dreamy voice reached Xiao Han's ears.

"Xiao Yu, what's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"Where are you?" Lan Yudie was somewhat concerned.

"I'm on my way back to school." Xiao Han replied.

"Go to my house for dinner tonight." Lan Yudie smiled and said: "My parents let you go."

"Okay!" Xiao Han would not refuse.

After a busy afternoon, it was more than four o'clock before I knew it. When I returned to school, I saw Lan Yudie waiting for herself at the school gate. Although it is November, the sunshine in the afternoon is still a bit poisonous, but the temperature difference between morning and evening is a bit big.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "Xiao Yu, are you not afraid of getting sun?"

"Am I waiting for you?" Xiao Yu hurriedly got into the car.

"Silly girl, wouldn't you wait in a shady place?" Xiao Han said distressedly.

"I'm afraid you won't see me." Lan Yudie pursed her mouth.

With that sentence, Xiao Han's heart almost melted, his face was speechless, and his whole person almost collapsed. He took a deep breath and said, "Silly girl, why can't I see you? You see you are all red!"

"Do you dislike me?" Lan Yudie stared at Xiao Han.

"How can you dislike it?" Xiao Han laughed.

When speaking, Xiao Han turned around, and then slowly rushed towards the school. Xiao Han's speed is very fast, and the speed of BMW luxury cars is also quite good. When I kicked the accelerator, that powerful feeling of pushing his back came.

Lan Yudie missed Xiao Han for several days, so she missed it very much.

"Where have you been these few days?" Lan Yudie asked.

"Didn't I say hello to you long ago?" Xiao Han said with a smile: "The company has something to do and needs a business trip. Besides, I may have to go out in a few days."

"Go out again?" Lan Yudie asked in surprise: "Why are you going again this time?"

"In the early days of the company's business, there were too many things to go around." Xiao Han smiled bitterly: "So, you just forgive me."

Lan Yudie looked surprised, and then said: "Do you always need your boss to run around the company?"

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "My boss is not on the go, how can I increase the cohesion of the company?"

Blue Yudie thought for a while, it seemed to make some sense.

Later, Xiao Han said helplessly: "In the early days of entrepreneurship, there is always more trouble."

"Okay!" Blue Butterfly nodded and said, "But, you have to take the midterm exam next week."

"Definitely!" Xiao Han nodded.

The car soon arrived at Fulin Garden.

Blue father and blue mother rarely waited downstairs. As if welcoming Master Qingtian.

Seeing the two waiting for him downstairs, Xiao Han suddenly felt guilty.

"Uncle, Auntie, this is..." Xiao Han was embarrassed.

"Waiting for you!" Blue father laughed: "Let's go, hurry upstairs and play chess with me!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

Then, a group of people immediately began to go upstairs. After going upstairs, the deserted house immediately became more lively. On weekdays, there were only two people, Blue Daddy and Blue Mother. Now, there are four people at once. There are rare laughter in the room. Everyone seemed very happy.

Xiao Han and Dad Lan play chess in the living room. Lan Yudie and Mother Lan are busy in the kitchen.

Mother and daughter can talk a lot more naturally.

"Xiao Yu, how are you getting along with Xiao Han recently?" Mother Lan asked with a smile.

"How about what?" Lan Yudie said with shame on her face, "Xiao Han hasn't been in school much lately. He is busy with company affairs."

"Men should put career first!" Mother Lan smiled.

"Academy is not important?" Lan Yudie asked hurriedly.

"Study is of course also important." Mother Lan hurriedly said, "However, Xiao Han is a smart kid, and he will definitely graduate with school."

"That's true." Lan Yudie nodded and said: "This stinky guy often skips class, but he gets high scores every time he takes an exam. I also find it very strange that he is studying hard when he goes out."

"People are smart and learn everything quickly." Mother Lan said with a smug look: "You see that people's business is doing such a big business, it shows that their brains are active."

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded and said, "It's not good to be too smart, I don't know what he is thinking!"

"Stupid girl, if you want to know what he thinks, just chat with him often and try some questions." Mother Lan smiled.

"Oh!" Lan Yudie nodded.

In the living room.

"Hey, this step doesn't count." Father Lan hurriedly regained the chess piece that had just been captured from Xiao Han.

Xiao Han returned honestly, and then started again.

It’s just that, every so long, Dad Lan becomes anxious again: "Hey, this step can’t be counted, I... I didn’t see clearly."

After speaking, he took the wife who had just eaten back from Xiao Han.

Blue Yudie, who has been busy, can't stand it anymore: "Dad, are you so shameless when you play chess? No wonder the people in the community are not willing to play chess with you. You are regretful chess."

"They won't stop if they don't." Father Lan snorted softly, and then said: "I'll just go with Xiao Han."

Xiao Han's chess level is very high, once the champion of Linjiang City.

Now that I'm playing with Dad Lan, I won't be too much. It's just that he didn't think his chess skills were so bad, Xiao Han was also speechless. The whole person was stunned, he gave a wry smile, and then said: "Uncle, you play chess like this, I am not happy to look back."

"Haha, brat, it's okay to say two nice words?" Dad Blue laughed and said, "I have to entrust my daughter to you!"

Mother Lan looked distressed, and then said: "Look at what you said!"

"Dad, stop making trouble, eat." Lan Yudie hurriedly pulled Xiao Han from the front of the chessboard, and then said: "Don't go down, eat."

Father Lan pursed his mouth and said, "You all, one by one, ignore me."

At the dinner table, Papa Lan and Xiao Han drink each other.

"Dad, Xiao Han drove." Lan Yudie said.

"It's okay, let him live in our house at night." Blue father laughed.

When Blue Rain Butterfly heard it, his face turned red. They acquiesced in drinking.

Father Lan is greedy for alcohol recently, so he can't wait to call Xiao Han home. If Xiao Han doesn't come, he doesn't even have the qualifications to drink. Xiao Han is here, he can drink freely.

The two pushed their cups.

Father Lan smiled, "Xiao Han, you are twenty-two years old this year, right?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Next year will be twenty-two years old." Father Lan was rising up and said with a smile: "You see that Xiaoyu is not too young in my family. How about...Next year you will print your marriage certificate first. As for wine, wait for your graduation. Let's talk about it. How?"

"This..." Xiao Han was stunned.

The Blue Raindie on the side didn't expect his father to say such a problem. She hurriedly said, "Dad, what are you talking about?"

"Don't I worry about you too?" Father Lan pursed his mouth.

"Who cares about you?" Lan Yudie said awkwardly: "Are you still worried about me not being able to marry? I am naturally beautiful and have a goddess halo. How can I not be married?"

"Uh..." Father Lan was stunned. He turned to look at his wife.

Mother Lan smiled and said, "Actually, it's just to get a certificate first. If you don't want to, then forget it, and discuss it when you graduate later!"

(End of this chapter)

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