The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 828: Buy diamond ring

Xiao Han glanced, his face changed slightly: "What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoya didn't hide it, she honestly told what happened today without any concealment. After speaking, Li Xiaoya smiled and said: "Although I don't understand the origin of this amulet, I have a hunch that it saved my life today!"

When speaking, Li Xiaoya stared straight at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Sister, is it an illusion?"

"No!" Li Xiaoya shook her head and said: "It's definitely not an illusion!"

"Why are you so sure?" Xiao Han asked.

"I never believed that there are cows, ghosts, and snakes in this world, but this time, I was a little shaken." Li Xiaoya smiled bitterly and said: "This amulet did save my life. Although you don't admit it, I still want thank you!"

This is the first time Li Xiaoya feels that there is a gap between herself and Xiao Han. However, this estrangement is just a mystery.

Xiao Han hurriedly said: "Sister, don’t get me wrong, this amulet is not mine. It was given to me by an old man. I did him a favor, so he gave me a few. I see that this old man seems to be capable, so I'll send you one for transfer. I didn't expect...this amulet has a life-saving effect?"

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya nodded.

Xiao Han's nonsense remarks convinced Li Xiaoya that she hurriedly asked: "Then... where is that old way now?"

"I don't know either!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "When I went to Baizhang Peak last time, I met on the top of the mountain, a white beard and old man who seemed to be a little good..."

"Oh..." Li Xiaoya heard it and said, "This is the real Taoist leader."

"Sister, I have one more for you!" Xiao Han hurriedly took out a red charm and handed it to Li Xiaoya.

Li Xiaoya hesitated and said, "No, I can't take it. This is your amulet!"

"Sister, I still have it!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "You can take it without worry!"

"Really?" Li Xiaoya was a little doubtful.

"You just believe me." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "I can lie to you!"

Everyone hopes that she can have a life-saving hole card. Li Xiaoya especially hopes to have it. After all, her life may be threatened by competitors at any time, so she is very eager to have another card, so she will ask if the old way is still there.

Li Xiaoya hurriedly took the red talisman and said with a smile: "Xiaohan, this...then I would like to thank you."

"You're welcome!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "I secretly tell you that this red talisman has the effect of transferring life, you see that my career is so big, it depends on the protection of this red talisman!"

"Really?" Li Xiaoya looked surprised when she heard it.

She even believed in this. Sometimes, she also thought, Xiao Han was able to make the company such a big company. He helped him by himself at the beginning, but she didn't want to. This guy was like a spark, burning quickly, his group The company is almost catching up with itself. You know, my company relied on the relationship between my in-laws and it took seven or eight years of operation to achieve its current achievements. However, Xiao Han used it for less than three years, and he was about to catch up with him. Moreover, looking at this situation, it is estimated that he will be listed next year. Once listed, it will inevitably grow explosively, and surpassing himself is just a matter of minutes. .

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it."

"What do you believe?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"I believe this red talisman is a transit talisman, and it is also an amulet." Xiao Han said again and again: "Sister, after this time, you must take this talisman with you, and keep it on you all the time!"

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya nodded repeatedly.

In the past, the reason why she put this charm on her body was because she thought that Xiao Han had given it to herself, so she kept carrying it all the time. But now, she finally saw the power of this charm, so she carefully put it in her personal pocket. Maybe Li Xiaoya didn't know that this red talisman had a very powerful effect. It could be offensive and defensive, and could protect the body and even transport it. No wonder this red symbol can become a universal thing in the spiritual world.

Li Xiaoya ate a meal very happily. She didn't care what she was eating, but who she was eating with.

"Class in the afternoon?" Li Xiaoya asked.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Okay, then I won't bother you." Li Xiaoya smiled and said, "I will send you back later."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

After the meal, Li Xiaoya sent Xiao Han back to Shuimu University and drove away.

Back to school, the afternoon is self-study.

Xiao Han pondered, he took out something from Qiankun's bag. This thing was obtained by Xiao Han in the underground palace on the deserted island of Penglai. It is that extraordinary diamond. This diamond is different from ordinary diamonds, but a diamond that can absorb the essence of heaven and earth. This diamond is very heavy, about the size of Xiao Han's fist. For now, the largest diamond found in the world is more than 3,000 carats. That is, it weighs more than a pound. Xiao Han's diamond does not weigh more than a catty, but it is at least half a catty. According to the carat number, it is at least more than 1,000 carats.

Such a large diamond is estimated to be difficult to process.

Xiao Han does not have this technique. He pondered for a moment. Decided to find the largest jeweler in the provincial capital for cutting and processing.

In the afternoon self-study class, Xiao Han was okay.

So he drove to the city, the largest jeweler in the provincial capital, Kelly Jewelry Store. It is located in the center of the provincial capital and has a semicolon all over the country. Kelly jewelry, the love of life. This is their advertising slogan.

It is said that the owner of Kelly Jewelry is a foreigner.

Located in the largest shopping mall in the provincial capital, a few hundred square meters of storefront, almost full of sparkling jewelry, gold, jade, jewelry... all.

A beautiful welcome lady stood at the door.

"Sir, what do you need to buy?" The reception manager hurriedly greeted him.

"I'll take a look casually." Xiao Han replied.

"Okay!" The receptionist nodded hurriedly, and followed Xiao Han silently, waiting for his instructions at any time. This is the service of Kelly Jewelry, based on the principle of service first. Kelly Jewelry has high profits in a year.

Xiao Han watched for a long time in the diamond area.

"Sir, do you want to buy a diamond ring?" The receptionist said again: "Excuse me, what price do you plan to buy?"

Xiao Han was silent for a moment and said, "Can you invite your boss to come?"

"Boss?" The receptionist was taken aback for a moment, and said: "The boss is no longer, but the manager of our shop is here."

"Then let him come!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Okay!" The receptionist did not neglect.

Not long after, a tall girl came out, with good temperament, cold, and capable, in a small straight suit, and said politely: "Sir, what can you do with me?"

"I have a diamond I want to process." Xiao Han said seriously: "I wonder if you can help me?"

"Processing?" The manager looked suspicious, and then said: "We can provide processing services, but this requires an expensive processing fee. Look..."

"The processing fee is okay!" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "As long as you process according to my requirements, the price is easy to negotiate!"

"Then... can you take a look at your diamonds?" the girl asked.

Xiao Han did not hesitate, but took it directly out of his pocket.


There was an uproar around the group of people. Because the diamond that Xiao Han took out frightened everyone, it was a stone the size of a fist.

"Brother, didn't you come to tease us?"

"Pump, how many billions does such a big diamond cost?"

A group of onlookers were immediately happy.

Even the manager frowned. She didn't even want to look at it to know that the diamond was fake. If there were such a big diamond, most people might want to wear a box and wrap it in cloth. However, the other party easily took it out of his pocket, like a stone picked from the side of the road.

"Sir, are you sure this is a diamond?" The girl didn't look at it, her face was displeased.

Xiao Han was a little sullen when he heard the other party's attitude: "Is it a diamond, you can just check it? Kelly is the largest jeweler in Z Province. Is it so hard to check a diamond?"

When the girl heard this, her face turned red, and she said, "Okay, let me check it for you!"

After speaking, she grabbed the stone from Xiao Han's hand with one hand.

In fact, when she held it in her hand, she felt a little weird, because this diamond was cold and cold, and had a very comfortable breath penetrated into her body, making her feel very comfortable. She almost didn't call out.

The easiest way to inspect masonry is by visual analysis.

As a manager, a girl naturally has her own experience, but this is a rough diamond. It must be more complicated to test than polished diamonds. She took the magnifying glass, took a serious look, and then used the microscope to look carefully for a few minutes.

After testing, it should be a diamond.

However, with such a big diamond, she did not dare to draw conclusions easily and could only test it again and again.

Every jewelry shop has a method to detect diamonds. Among them, the specific gravity liquid test is slightly more complicated than the manual test. The specific gravity fluid can quickly detect the authenticity of the diamond. Because the density of diamonds is relatively high, so when diamonds are put into the specific gravity fluid, they will sink with the density of the diamond. If they float on the specific gravity fluid, it will be fake.

The girl hurriedly got a small bucket of specific gravity fluid, she wore white gloves.

Carefully holding this diamond in both hands, then gently put it down.

Randomly, the diamond immediately sank.

"Really...really diamond!" The girl was shocked.

The crowd around was dumbfounded.

"Fuck, is it really a diamond?"

"Gosh, how much does it cost for such a big diamond?"

A gang of people are shocked, everyone can't wait to squeeze over to see.

(End of this chapter)

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