The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 695: I'm late

Chen Shao stood up decisively. The guy below has already risen. It was originally just a soft caterpillar. Under the stimulation of the **** oil, it has risen. Although it has risen, the size is indeed dragged. The hind legs of the people of the whole country. It's not flattering.

Many people watched.

"Tear it, tear it."

The boys shouted one after another. They watched that Chen Shao had walked to Guan Xiaotong's side, so they yelled one by one, hoping to see Chen Shaoqi tearing Guan Xiaotong's clothes, and then watching Guan Xiaotong happy and happy. She looked bare butt.

Shao Chen walked to Guan Xiaotong's side.

Guan Xiaotong was terrified. Although she had ever sat on the stage, it did not mean that she could let others humiliate at will. Especially at this time, Guan Xiaotong was very scared, and also very scared. She was trembling and afraid.

"You... don't come over, don't come over!" Guan Xiaotong said shiveringly.

"Hey, beauty, don't be afraid!" Chen Shao said with a smile: "I won't do anything to you. Don't worry."

Guan Xiaotong hurriedly said: "Don't come over, I...I'm going to call someone."

"Hahaha..." When Chen Shao heard this, he was immediately happy: "You called someone? I heard it right?"

"You... don't come over, otherwise... I really called someone." Guan Xiaotong said through gritted teeth.

"Okay, then you call it." Chen Shao grinned and said: "The louder you shout, the more exciting I am. The more exciting I am, the longer I can do you!"

"You!" Guan Xiaotong was frightened.


Suddenly, Chen Shao grabbed Guan Xiaotong's damaged clothes and tugged fiercely.

A piece of fabric was suddenly removed from the clothes, and the originally half-covered **** were immediately exposed. The large white skin and the full **** were even more exposed, but the bra was wrapped inside. It makes people feel very unhappy. .

"Tear it, tear it."

A group of younger brothers shouted. Everyone cheered and shouted loudly.

Chen Shao chuckled and said, "Ben Shao is happy today, so I will stimulate you all."

After speaking, he stretched out his hand to tear off Guan Xiaotong's skirt.


Just when he was about to start, suddenly, a loud noise came. The door behind was knocked open unexpectedly.

Outside the door, three people were standing in the doorway. The leader was a handsome man in white sportswear, who was 1.8 meters tall, and behind was a strong, dark-skinned guy. Another Chen Shao knew was Liu Bin.

"Is your kid here?" Chen Shaoxiao looked at Liu Bin and said, "It just so happens that I'm about to **** your girlfriend."

"Asshole!" Liu Bin was furious when he heard that, he immediately raised his fist and rushed towards the opponent fiercely.

Unexpectedly, Chen Shao's group of younger brothers immediately intercepted them.

Liu Bin snorted coldly, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth. He sneered and said, "You son of a bitch, dare to fight me!"


A group of people immediately stopped Liu Bin, and a battle broke out.

Xiao Han and Zhang Feng naturally wouldn't be stunned. Seeing that Liu Bin was about to suffer, the two rushed up quickly.

Xiao Han's fists and kicks were fierce, punching and kicking. Zhang Feng is not weak, his fists are like iron, and his strength is very fierce. Appears extremely strong and extremely cruel. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and yelled: "Zhang Feng, left!"

Zhang Feng made a fierce whirlwind leg, and the guy on the left who was holding a stick ready to rush up was immediately kicked by Zhang Feng.

More than a dozen people on the other side, after a disastrous defeat in the first round, the other side immediately looked for weapons. Then they rushed up to continue to challenge Xiao Han and the others. Even though they are many and powerful, in the eyes of Xiao Han and the others, they are nothing more than a mob. Therefore, Xiao Han didn't put them in his eyes at all, and didn't give them any chance at all.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Zhang Feng, give you a chance." Xiao Han suddenly stopped.

"Okay!" Zhang Feng nodded when he heard it.

Afterwards, he grabbed an iron rod and rushed into the crowd quickly. Pounced at the opponent at a speed that could not cover his ears. The iron rod in his hand smashed at the front few people fiercely.

Zhang Feng knew that fighting could not kill anyone, so the iron rods in his hand were all smashed against the opponent's arm and shoulder.

Seven or eight people surrounded Zhang Feng.

Kuang Dang...

The two iron rods collided fiercely, and Zhang Feng could feel his arm numb, but he was much better than the other, but the other was even more tragic. When the two iron rods collided, the other's iron rod suddenly fell off, and his arms were numb and trembling.

Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said, "Yes, **** him!"

Although Zhang Feng's arms were similarly numb, his strength was still there, and with a kick of his legs, the whole person rose into the air.


A kick with both legs in the air immediately kicked the two people in front of him.

Zhang Feng's strength has not weakened, but has become a lot stronger. At least in Xiao Han's opinion.

Shao Chen looked at his own people unexpectedly fell into trouble, he suddenly became anxious: "Hurry up... call someone!"

"Yes, Master Chen!" The younger brother nodded immediately when he heard it.

The call went out, and Zhang Feng also settled the other party.

Liu Bin was beaten with two sticks from the other side, and he was beaten to the head, but at this time he couldn't take care of that much, so he hoped to rescue Guan Xiaotong quickly. No man wants his woman to be taken off by other men, taking off her underwear.

Liu Bin rushed forward like crazy.

However, with Zhang Feng's assistance, he can be regarded as rushing to the forefront. Soon, they settled the other side.

When Chen Shao saw the other party coming, he hurriedly avoided. During the fight, Shao Chen had already put on his clothes quietly. He quietly avoided, more than a dozen people were beaten badly, they quietly hid aside, Chen Shao was surrounded by them. Protect in the middle.

"Xiaotong, are you okay?" Liu Bin hurried up, then untied the rope from Guan Xiaotong and wrapped her body with clothes.

"No... it's okay!" Guan Xiaotong shook his head, but there was a look of fear in his eyes.

"It's fine." Liu Bin hugged Guan Xiaotong tightly and said: "Sorry, I...I'm late."

It wasn't that Liu Bin was late, but because Xiao Han really took some time to rush over from Linjiang. It took nearly two hours to drive the car all the way. After Liu Bin called, Xiao Han left almost immediately. Hurried towards the provincial capital.

"You wait for me." Chen Shao gritted his teeth and said, "If you have the ability, don't go!"

"No, we won't leave!" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "This matter is not finished yet, why are we leaving?"

"What do you want to do?" Chen Shao suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"I don't want to do anything!" Xiao Han shook his head, then said, "You bullied someone else's girl, shouldn't you make some compensation?"

"Compensation?" When Chen Shao heard this, he almost didn't jump up. He gritted his teeth and said: "He hit me first, otherwise there will be nothing like today. Speaking of compensation, he should compensate me, right?"

"If you don't molest someone else's girlfriend, they will beat you?" Xiao Lian laughed and said: "If it was me, I would have beaten you to the ground."

Chen Shao's expression turned purple, and he gritted his teeth and said: "You have a hard fist, you can say anything!"

"Yes!" Xiao Han didn't deny it. He sneered and said, "If your fists are hard, you can do whatever you want."

Chen Shao's face was even more ugly. He gritted his teeth, wishing to beat Xiao Han violently. However, he can't. Because he doesn't have this strength, none of his more than a dozen people are his opponents, let alone himself?

"You have a kind." A murderous intent flashed in Chen Shao's eyes, and said: "If you have the ability, don't leave. When my people arrive, you will have your good looks."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded, and then said: "However, to save time, let's talk about compensation!"

"What compensation?" Chen Shao looked at Xiao Han suspiciously.

"You bullied the other girl, shouldn't you make up for it?" Xiao Han walked over slowly, and then sat down on the shabby sofa. Said: "My requirements are not high, you only need to pay one hundred thousand yuan!"

"You are crazy!" When Chen Shao heard this, he was furious.

"No...I'm not crazy!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "One hundred thousand yuan is not a lot, right. To Chen Shao, that is just drizzle."

"You don't want to take a penny." Chen Shao snorted coldly.

"Zhang Feng!" Xiao Han glanced at Zhang Feng.

"Hehe..." Zhang Feng smiled, and walked towards Shao Chen.

Chen Shao frightened him back and forth two steps.

More than a dozen people in front of him blocked Zhang Feng's path.

"Get out of the way!" Zhang Feng's face sank and said: "Otherwise, I will fight with you."

The faces of more than a dozen people on the other side changed a bit, and more than a dozen people looked at each other, they looked a little nervous and a little confused. Because they had just seen Zhang Feng's power, they didn't dare to fight Zhang Feng.

Seeing that Zhang Feng was about to come, the two people in the front stepped back in shock. This step immediately had a domino effect, which quickly caused them to retreat. One by one backed up, no one dared to step forward to stop them.

Zhang Feng walked directly in front of Chen Shao as if he had passed through an uninhabited state.

Chen Shao was originally very thin and weak, and his legs were buoyant and weak, just like a weak chicken.

"You...what do you want to do?" Shao Chen was trembling with fright. Because the guy in the crotch was wiped with Indian oil, he kept his pen up straight, extremely hard, as hard as iron.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Feng sneered.


Without waiting for Chen Shao to speak, Zhang Feng just slapped it.

(End of this chapter)

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