Zhang Feng worked well at the Hanmen restaurant. He paid 5,000 yuan last month, which made him happy. Zhang Feng's family is relatively poor, so being able to earn five thousand yuan is a big change for him, not only can improve the living conditions of the family, but also can save himself tuition. In this way, why not do it. Of course, Zhang Feng also knew that this was the result of Xiao Han deliberately taking care of himself.

If it weren't for Xiao Han to take care of himself, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to easily get five thousand yuan. For a summer job like my own, I can get 2,000 yuan a month and it’s Amitabha. But he got five thousand yuan, which contained deep classmates.

The last few days of August.

Seeing that the payday was approaching, Zhang Feng seemed very happy. Just wait for these days to pass, you can go home with your salary. Then he bought a new set of clothes for his mother and a good cigarette for his father. In this way, school can start easily.

In two months, I have saved enough tuition for the beginning of school. As for the monthly living expenses in the future, I can continue to discuss with Xiao Han, I can continue to work part-time in the Hanmen restaurant, and I can do part-time after school every day, even if I give less, let alone five thousand, even two thousand yuan a month , Zhang Feng is also willing to do it.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, it was not yet the peak time for dining.

Zhang Feng was still sitting at the door, thinking about seeing Xiaohua when school started. In these two months, the days are almost like years. As long as school starts, you will be able to see Xiaohua. Thinking of this, Zhang Feng felt happy.

"Zhang Feng!" Suddenly, a voice came.

Opposite the Hanmen restaurant, a face in a white T-shirt hurriedly walked over.

"Liu Bin, you... why are you?" Zhang Feng hadn't seen Zhang Dagu and Liu Bin for two months. However, Liu Bin's family lives in the provincial capital, so he can understand when he suddenly ran over. Zhang Feng hurriedly asked: "What are you looking for?"

"You... do me a favor!" Liu Bin's expression was a little embarrassed. A little embarrassing.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Zhang Feng asked in confusion.

"I'm in trouble, I'm in big trouble." Liu Bin looked very anxious.

"What the **** is going on?" Zhang Feng said hurriedly when he heard it, "You just said it quickly. Don't hold it back."

"Xiaotong, she was taken away." Liu Bin said anxiously: "All blame me, all blame me."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng was anxious.

"A few days ago, Xiaotong and I went shopping, and I ran into a few hooligans on the road..." Liu Bin hurriedly got out of the truth.

Guan Xiaotong was molested, and Liu Bin naturally refused to give up. He beat up the little hooligans in a single game. This is good, the leader of the boy with vain steps turned out to be the son of a local gang boss. This time was fine, the other party immediately dispatched people to look for Liu Bin and Guan Xiaotong. Two days later, two people were blocked in the street. This group of people beat Liu Bin and then took Guan Xiaotong away.

He also threatened to let Liu Bin take five million to redeem people at night. If he didn't take the money, Guan Xiaotong would be taken by more than a dozen men tonight. With the opponent's urinary sex, Guan Xiaotong would definitely be rounded off. Liu Bin asked himself that he was not the opponent of the opponent, he would definitely not equalize the opponent alone. Moreover, the other party's life and death cost five million. Without money, the other party will definitely not let go. And he alone is not the opponent of the other side.

In desperation, Liu Bin could only think of Zhang Feng's skill, so he hurriedly came to Liu Bin for help.

Hope Zhang Feng can help himself.

"This..." Zhang Feng was taken aback for a moment, and said: "You have to find Xiao Han for this."

"He..." Liu Bin stopped abruptly when he heard, "But..."

"I know you hit him last time." Zhang Feng said helplessly: "However, we are all brothers in a dormitory. Xiao Han has no grudges either. So, you don't have to do this at all. Give Xiao Han a call, he I will definitely help you."

"This..." Liu Bin was a little embarrassed. He hesitated for a long time and said, "Will he really help me?"

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Why are you so firm?" Liu Bin asked.

"Because we are brothers!" Zhang Feng said firmly.

"Yes!" Liu Bin nodded and said, "Because we are brothers."

"Then why are you still hesitating? Call Xiao Han!" Zhang Feng said hurriedly, "Only Xiao Han can help you with this matter."

"Yeah!" Liu Bin nodded and said awkwardly: "It's just...Is it shameful to do this?"

"What's the shame?" Zhang Feng gave a wry smile and said, "Is Guan Xiaotong's life important, or is your face important?"

"Yes." Liu Bin nodded.

After speaking, Liu Bin hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called Xiao Han.


Provincial capital, east and west streets.

This is an older street in the provincial capital. This street has been entrenched a long time ago, one called the Axe Gang.

The gang leader of the Axe Gang used to see Shanghai Beach too much, so he always wanted to be a character like the gang leader of the Axe Gang, so he got an Axe Gang. However, his axe gang and the axe gang on the beach are completely two grades. At best, this axe gang is only rationed to carry shoes.

The Axe Gang just guarded the street, collected some management fees, and managed to make some money by setting up a few shops by himself.

On the third floor of a private house in this street.

"Shao Chen, let's do this little girl." A little brother said hurriedly.

"What's the rush?" Chen Shao shook his head and said: "The other party's background has not been found, what if the other party has any background? Who is carrying it when something goes wrong?"

The group of people were stunned, they looked at Chen Shao one after another.

The talking little brother continued: "What are you afraid of, if the other party really has a background, can you still watch your girlfriend being taken away? It's me, it's already called someone!"

"It makes sense for your analysis!" Shao Chen looked at Guan Xiaotong who was **** by a rope not far away, and he couldn't help swallowing a spit. Said: "Damn, this little Nizi is so beautiful, tender and tender, Ben Shao really wants to fight her for three hundred rounds."

"Haha..." The younger brother on the side laughed suddenly and said: "Young Master Chen, I recently got some Indian oils. You can try it later, and I promise to make you cool."

"Really?" Chen Shao was overjoyed and said: "Then what are you hesitating about, get some more quickly, and make Ben Shao Yi hard as iron."

"Yes!" The little brother nodded immediately.

Chen Shao has always coveted Guan Xiaotong's beauty. From the first time she saw Guan Xiaotong last time, Chen Shao has always liked her very much. Otherwise, he would not be able to spend a lot of effort to find Guan Xiaotong.

After being beaten by Liu Bin last time, Chen Shao has been holding a grudge, and this time he could just avenge his revenge.

Don't think that if Liu Bin takes the money, Chen Shao will release Guan Xiaotong. This is impossible.

For Chen Shao, he not only needs to get money, but also Guan Xiaotong's body.

The little brothers started to work. A group of people seemed very excited, but also very excited. Some brothers hope to be able to drink some soup behind Chen Shao's butt, even if others eat leftovers, they don't care.

After all, Guan Xiaotong's beauty really made them feel very hungry, even very excited. They hope to be able to rush up with a few bullets.

Night fell.

More than a dozen younger brothers surrounded Chen Shao.

Guan Xiaotong was **** with ropes and had been thrown on the dilapidated sofa opposite. I don't know when the clothes were torn apart. From the broken place, I can see the large white skin, especially the large white breast. Make them hungry and thirsty one by one.

"Shao Chen, let's... let's go on." The little brother beside him said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Chen Shao swallowed and said, "Go, get me the Indian oil!"

"Good!" The little brother nodded immediately.

Afterwards, the little brother on the side took out a piece of Indian oil from his pocket like magic, and handed it to Shao Chen.

Shao Chen took the Indian oil that he couldn't understand at all. He glanced at it, and a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and said, "In fact, with Ben Shao’s strength, I don’t need this so-called Indian oil at all. . However, I hope to be able to take revenge, so I have to take advantage of the power of Shenyou, and then slam the opponent down."

The boys froze for a moment, and then said embarrassingly: "Yes, Chen Shaoxiong is so powerful, how can he use these things?"

"Haha..." Chen Shao laughed, then said: "Look at me."

After finishing talking, this guy pulled his pants down in front of his little brother, and sprayed some Indian oil on his little brother, but at first there was no response. But there is some slippery feeling, which looks a little greasy.

Chen Shao smiled and asked, "How long will it be effective?"

"Quickly," said the little brother hastily.

As the younger brother said, it will be effective soon. Sure enough, the effect was soon.

The other party smiled, and then said, "Shao Chen, how is it, do you feel it?"

"Yes!" Chen Shao took a deep breath and said, "I feel that this time I can kill this girl."

"Chen Shao, go, let the brothers see your mighty power!" The little brothers laughed.

The arrow is on the string and I have to send it.

Chen Shao originally wanted to wait until Liu Bin came, and then killed Guan Xiaotong in front of him. However, he just kept staring at Guan Xiaotong's looming chest, and he actually felt that he couldn't help it. Therefore, he decided not to wait for Liu Bin to come.

Chen Shao stood up immediately, then took a deep breath and said, "Grandma's bear, I will kill her."

"Chen Shao, come on!" everyone shouted.

(End of this chapter)

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