Managers and tourists watching the excitement are no ghosts, but a lie.

"Grass, a few crooks!"

"Damn, the liar is killing the whole family."

"Don't die!"

Seeing that they had been cheated, the tourists watching the excitement couldn't help cursing, and then left cursingly.

When the management staff and the tourists watching the excitement left, a few tourists looked at Xiao Han and the three of them vigilantly.

"You just clearly saw that old eunuch, didn't you?" the leading tourist asked coldly.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled and said, "I don't know what you are talking about!"

"You!" The tourist frowned when he heard it.

At this time, Wan Yingying showed a weird smile, and made a grimace at the other party. A few tourists hurried away. They always feel that these three people are ominous things, and even feel that these three people have some problems. Maybe they are ghosts.

Watching them go. Wan Yingying suddenly laughed presumptuously: "Haha..."

The three laughed wildly and wantonly.

Leaving the Arrow Field, a few people walked out of the tourist viewing area towards the Palace Museum. Quickly walked out of it.

Back on the street, several people seemed very happy, especially Chen Xiaowu. She no longer had to be immersed in that kind of fear and pain. She stretched her waist and said, "Great, we finally came out, and we came out alive."

"Could it be that you still plan to come out sideways?" Wan Yingying said with a grin.

Several people drove away.

Chen Xiaowu asked curiously: "Xiao Han, where are you going?"

"I'll go back to the hotel." Xiao Han said awkwardly: "I'll go to Mo Shaocong."

"Why are you looking for him?" Chen Xiaowu shook his head and said: "We will send you to the hotel, and then... we will have dinner together."

It was five o'clock when I came out of it. It will be dinner time soon.

Xiao Han nodded and said, "That's OK, I will invite you to dinner."

"Where can I get your treat?" Chen Xiaowu hurriedly shook her head, and said: "Why should it be our treat? You are the guest, and we are the master. The guest is the host."

Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said, "It's the same for everyone."

Wan Yingying drove Xiao Han back to the hotel, and then drove to find a delicious Chinese restaurant.

Joy City in Qingnian Road.

Joy City is a large shopping mall, shopping, eating...everything.

Upstairs in Joy City, there is a very good Chinese restaurant. Although it is a bit expensive, the food tastes very delicious.

Chen Xiaowu likes this restaurant better. Although she has only been there twice, she can leave a good impression every time. Wan Yingying has never been here, she mumbled: "Sister Xiaowu, why did you bring us here for dinner?"

"What's wrong here?" Chen Xiaowu asked curiously.

Wan Yingying was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Not enough grade."

"I think it's delicious, I don't pursue quality." Chen Xiaowu smiled calmly.

Wan Yingying said helplessly: "Should you not entertain Xiao Han with the friendship of a landlord?"

"I think it's fine as long as the food is delicious." Chen Xiaowu smiled.

"Okay." Wan Yingying nodded.

The restaurant is very large and decorated in its own style. Several people chose a table to sit down. There are a lot of people eating at this point. When the peak time comes, there will be a line at the door for dinner.

Chen Xiaowu ordered a few signature dishes.

After the dishes came, Xiao Han began to devour them.

In the afternoon battle, Xiao Han was physically exhausted, so he was extremely hungry. Naturally, there is no ambiguity after eating. Swept a bowl of rice in one breath. The bowl in the restaurant was not big, and it looked like two or two meals at the end of the month, but Xiao Han swallowed it in a few bites.

Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying looked at Xiao Han dumbfounded. All were frightened by Xiao Han's posture to eat.

"You... slow down, no one will grab it with you." Chen Xiaowu subconsciously pushed the big bowl of rice in Xiao Han's direction.

"Yes, we...we don't need to eat." Wan Yingying said hurriedly.

Xiao Han hurriedly stopped his chopsticks, swallowed the food in his mouth, and then said, "Eat together, I'm just hungry."

"How do I feel that you haven't eaten for a few days?" Wan Yingying said awkwardly.

"I..." When Xiao Han heard it, he was speechless for a while, and said: "No, it's just that I exercise too much in the afternoon, so I feel so hungry."

"Then you eat quickly." Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly.

Looking at the food on the table, Xiao Han naturally couldn't control his chopsticks and started eating wildly. Eating wildly. Eat a dim sky, eat a sea with dry stone. Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying barely moved their chopsticks for a table of dishes, but Xiao Han wiped out all the dishes on the table by himself.

Xiao Han didn't know why he could eat so much. At least he ate a catty of rice, and the few dishes on the table were basically solved by Xiao Han alone.

"Are you full?" Chen Xiaowu hurriedly said, "Would you like... some more dishes?"

"No need!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I'm full."

"But why do I feel that you are not full?" Wan Yingying said awkwardly.

"Really full." Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

After eating, the three were about to leave from Joy City.

However, as soon as he came out of Joy City, he immediately ran into a few young men.

"Yingying." The man in the lead was wearing a white T-shirt, a pair of earphones, and sneakers. He looked very fashionable, and he was surrounded by several men of the same trend.

When Wan Yingying saw the man, her face changed slightly, and she said, "Liu Hai, why are you?"

"I didn't think I would meet you here." Liu Hai looked at Wan Yingying in surprise, but he soon found Xiao Han on the side, his face suddenly unhappy, and said, "Who is this person?"

Xiao Han is taller and mightier than Liu Hai, and more handsome than Liu Hai. Although there is no bangs trend, Xiao Han's temperament is there. Therefore, Liu Hai is very unhappy.

"What's your business?" Wan Yingying replied.

"You are my girlfriend, why don't you care about me?" Liu Hai was anxious.

"I didn't admit it!" Wan Yingying immediately shook her head and said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"You..." Liu Hai suddenly became angry: "I have chased you for so long, and you still refuse to agree. Most people in the capital know that you Wan Yingying is my Liu Hai's girlfriend. Why don't you agree!"

"Why should I agree?" Wan Yingying glanced at Liu Hai with disdain, and then said: "Who do you want to find, I don't want it anyway!"

"Okay!" Liu Hai turned to look at Xiao Han. He walked over slowly and asked, "Who is your kid?"

Xiao Han cast his bangs and said, "I'm just Wan Yingying's friend."

"You hillbilly, what qualifications do you have to be Wan Yingying's friend?" Liu Hai snorted coldly.

Although Liu Hai’s father was only a small official, he grew up in the capital. He has his own personal relationships and personal connections. Liu Hai is extraordinary. Anyone who can be an official in the capital, It's not simple and unusual.

Besides, Liu Hai knows all those people in the capital circle. Any powerful son or grandson will remember it in his heart. He had never met Xiao Han, and had never heard of this person. Therefore, he completely ignored Xiao Han.

Even if Xiao Han’s family background is a senior official in a foreign country, he is a fart in Beijing.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Yes, I really don't deserve to be her friend."

"Since you know, don't hurry up!" Liu Hai glared at Xiao Han.

Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "Okay, then I will go first. You are busy!"

After speaking, Xiao Han turned and left.

It's not that Xiao Han is afraid of him, but to be honest, he wants to deal with Liu Hai with Xiao Han's current strength, it is simply easy and easy. However, this will lead to revenge from Liu Hai's family. Of course, the most important thing is that Xiao Han is worried that he will cause trouble to Mo Shaocong. Therefore, Xiao Han does not intend to intervene in this matter.

However, Xiao Han's non-intervention does not mean that someone asked him to leave.

Wan Yingying grabbed Xiao Han's arm and violently pulled him back.


Suddenly, Wan Yingying hugged Xiao Han's neck, and her red lips hotly kissed Xiao Han's lips. Not only that, her clove powder tongue quickly got into Xiao Han's mouth. The two actually kissed frantically in front of Liu Hai.

The bangs on the side were dumbfounded, and Chen Xiaowu was dumbfounded.

"Fuck it, kissed it?" Some dogs behind Liu Hai said in astonishment.

Xiao Han tried to push Wan Yingying away several times, but this girl clung to Xiao Han's neck, and refused to let go. If Xiao Han tried hard, she would definitely fall.

Just when Xiao Han was at a loss, Wan Yingying hurriedly let go of Xiao Han's neck, then looked at Liu Hai triumphantly, and said: "Then I will tell you now officially that Xiao Han is my boyfriend. How about it. ?"

"Ah!" Several people exclaimed, including Chen Xiaowu.

There was almost flame in his bangs eyes. He glared at Xiao Han and said: "Boy, you..."

"You have seen it too, it has nothing to do with me!" Xiao Han stood there with an innocent look.

Wan Yingying rubbed Xiao Han secretly with her elbow, and it seemed that after taking advantage of my old lady, you dare to be so wronged. Isn't it me who should be wronged?

"Bastard!" Liu Hai was angry, he slammed his fist towards Xiao Han.

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't be beaten easily, he immediately avoided the attack of Liu Hai. In Xiao Han's view, Liu Hai's attack is not as good as a child. This guy's movements are very slow, and his attack power is also very poor. Not to mention the agility, an adult man who plops can easily knock down his bangs. What's more, Xiao Han? It's just that Xiao Han doesn't want to cause trouble, so try to avoid the opponent who is unwilling to fight with each other.

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