"Really?" Xiao Han immediately became happy when he heard it: "Since you know I have soul beads, you dare to do it with me."

"Hmph, if I can win the soul orb, I can greatly increase my strength." The ghost king snorted coldly and said, "So, I will give it a go?"

Xiao Han laughed and said, "Okay, very good. But now you have to face reality. You lose!"

"Yes!" Ghost King nodded.

"So, you must surrender to me, otherwise, I will let them eat you alive." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Anyway, you don't want to surrender to me. It's better to feed them with you, so you can improve. Their strength is a bit good for me."

The twelve ghosts on the side nodded.

It seems very funny.

"Violent!" Ghost King snorted coldly.

"That's no way!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "I can't just let you go, otherwise, if you want to kill me in the future, you will be in trouble!"

"Okay!" The King of Ghosts took a deep breath, and then said: "Since you say so, then I will surrender to you, but you must promise me one condition!"

"Say!" Xiao Han said.

"You can't call me in the future." Ghost King said.

"Haha, don't worry about that." Xiao Han said hurriedly after hearing this, "I will definitely not call you easily."

Do not use and not easily have two meanings, okay?

Xiao Han exploited this loophole.

Although the ghost king has an IQ, he is obviously inferior to humans in terms of strategy. He thought for a while and said: "That's OK!"

Xiao Han can use the soul orb to control the Yin Ling, then he can use the soul orb to control the ghost king.

Xiao Han hurriedly sacrificed the soul orb from the Qiankun bag, then smiled and said, "You will stay in the soul orb from now on."

When the ghost king saw the soul beads, his blood-red eyes were bright, and the corners of his mouth were dripping.

Soul Orb is indeed very attractive to Ghost King. Soul orbs can increase the strength of the ghost king, and also have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort. No wonder Ghost King is willing to take risks and fight Xiao Han. Although it failed, being able to stay in the soul orb was also a gratifying thing for the Ghost King.

"Let them come in too!" The Ghost King grinned, and a strange smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

"You can't eat them!" Xiao Han said immediately.

"Of course not!" The Ghost King shook his head and said, "If I eat them, who will I call in the future? How many people will I need to serve me?"

When Xiao Han heard it, he almost sprayed.

Twelve Yin spirits stood trembling on the side, standing aggrieved in the corner one by one, looking at Xiao Han aggrievedly, without the crazy murderous aura of the previous ones. At this time, the Yinlings seemed to be twelve. Like the wronged little cat.

"Go!" Xiao Han soothed: "He won't eat you."

The twelve Yin Ling reluctantly got into the soul orb. Although the soul beads are also very beneficial to them. However, no one knew how the ghost king would abuse them in the soul orb. Seeing the twelve Yin spirits entering the soul orb, the ghost king laughed three times and immediately got into the soul orb.

Once you have entered the soul orb, you must follow Xiao Han's orders from now on.

Seeing the ghost king entering, Xiao Han suddenly let out a sigh of relief, and since then he has a reliable helper around him.

The ghost king disappeared and the sky changed suddenly.

The clouds are gone, and all the clouds are quickly dispersed in the air.

The palace ladies, eunuchs, and guards screamed, and they rushed toward the dark place quickly.

In the air, there were bursts of screams and screams...

Soon, the clouds cleared and the sun reappeared.

Everything around came out, and all the ghosts disappeared, either completely falling into reincarnation, or finding a place to hide. What Xiao Han did not expect was that there were so many ghosts hidden in this place. If it weren't for looking at them pitifully, I'm afraid Xiao Han would immediately let the twelve ghosts wipe them out.

When the sun came out, the cold feeling disappeared.

"The sun is out," Chen Xiaowu said hurriedly.

"Yes, the sun is finally out." Wan Yingying exclaimed: "We...we can feel at ease."

Xiao Han came over not far away.

"Are you all okay?" Xiao Han asked.

"Xiao Han, are you a Taoist priest of the Maoshan School?"

"Xiao Han, why are you so powerful, do you know how to spell?"

The two of you say a word to me, making Xiao Han a little speechless.

However, Xiao Han changed his mind and said, "Yes, I am from the Maoshan school, but you have to keep a secret for me in the future."

"Hmm!" Girls like to know other people's secrets. It's best if no one knows, but they know.

Chen Xiaowu hurriedly said, "I don't even talk about my parents."

"No one can say it." Xiao Han warned earnestly: "You can only know this secret by yourself, understand?"

"Hmm!" Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying nodded hurriedly.

The eyes of both girls are dizzy. Their eyes looking at Xiao Han were full of admiration and reverence.

For anyone who can meet someone as powerful as Xiao Han, I am afraid they will be respected. What's more, there are two **** little girls, they almost regard Xiao Han as a godlike figure.

"Let's go quickly." Xiao Han exhorted: "If you encounter a more powerful ghost again later, wouldn't it be troublesome?"

"Yeah!" The two nodded again and again, and hurriedly rushed towards a short distance.

The distance between the east tube and the road is very long, and the three of them walked all the way for more than ten minutes before they came out. After coming out of the Dongtongzi road, a few people went to an empty place. Not far away, some tourists can be seen taking pictures.

"This is the arrow field." Wan Yingying said hurriedly: "We are safe."

"Really?" Chen Xiaowu said excitedly: "Are we really safe?"

"Yes!" Wan Yingying nodded and said: "This is the arrow field, this is the tourist browsing area, so... we are officially safe."

"Unexpectedly, after passing through a dilapidated door, I ran out of that ghost place." Xiao Han smiled.

The three looked at each other.

At this time, several tourists not far away came over curiously.

"Hey, where did you come from?" a tourist asked curiously.

"We..." Wan Yingying turned her head and glanced at the door behind her.

Several tourists also looked over curiously, and one of them asked in surprise: "Where is it inside?"

"Don't..." Wan Yingying said hurriedly: "Inside...Inside is a closed area!"

"How did you get there if it's not open?" the leading tourist asked curiously.

Wan Yingying suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han on the side smiled and said, "This is the haunted place in the Forbidden City. Are you going to go?"

When several people heard it, they were overjoyed: "It's great, we just took the risk deliberately, but we haven't found the way. Thank you for telling us this way."

After speaking, a few people were about to open the door and enter.


Suddenly, the old palace gate with mottled clothes opened. An old eunuch, who was pale and dressed in **** attire, opened the door, showing half of his head, and asked gloomily, "Are you going to come in?"


Several people were suddenly stunned.

"Ghost!" Several people turned around and ran away. Running all the way, screaming all the way.

Chen Xiaowu and Wan Yingying had seen the world a long time ago, and had seen ghosts more fierce than this one, so they didn't care at all and were not afraid. They stood behind Xiao Han, carefully pulling Xiao Han's arm.

Xiao Han glanced at the old eunuch.

The old **** bowed to Xiao Han respectfully, and then slowly closed the palace gate.

Just when Xiao Han and the others were about to leave, a group of people rushed in this direction.

Among them are the managers of the Palace Museum. The few tourists who were frightened came straight with the management staff, and there were more than a dozen tourists who heard the wind. They heard that they had encountered an old **** here, and they were all very curious.

When the management saw several people in Xiao Han, they hurriedly asked: "Have you seen ghosts?"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Where did the ghost come from?" Chen Xiaowu asked suspiciously.

The manager looked at the few tourists with a puzzled look. The tourists were anxious: "Really, they did. They saw it too, but they just didn't admit it. Maybe... Maybe they are ghosts!"

"Nonsense!" When the manager heard this, he gave a few people angrily and said: "If you dare to talk nonsense, I will drive you away!"

"We really saw a ghost, don't believe it... if you don't believe it, just open that door and have a look!" the tourist said hurriedly.

Upon hearing this, the management felt somewhat reasonable.

He hurriedly walked over. There was a lock on the door, but now the lock is missing. He muttered, "It's strange, I remember there is a lock on this door. Why is it gone?"

After speaking, the manager opened the door with doubts.

After the door was opened, a blast of cold wind blew through, and there was nothing in the long corridor. Looking ahead, the ground was clean and spotless, not to mention a half-person shadow. The manager turned to look at the few tourists.

"It's weird, obviously I saw an old **** opening the door." The tourist muttered, "Why... why did it disappear?"

"It must be hiding." Another tourist said hurriedly: "It must have been hiding otherwise, they can't just disappear like this. Anyway, we definitely saw it."

Despite the fact that a few tourists are in a hurry, but the management is no longer willing to pay attention to them. He closed the door directly, then changed the lock again, and said, "Stop talking nonsense, next time you dare to talk nonsense, I will call the police!"

When a few tourists heard that they were going to call the police, they were so frightened that they did not dare to speak.

However, they did see the old **** who opened the door just now. As for why it disappeared all at once, they themselves were not sure about the reason. Just know that this is indeed the case.

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