The Yin Ling floating around suddenly came to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han was surrounded by this group of Yin spirits, and Zhang Feng was very anxious. However, he couldn't help much at this time. He didn't know what these ghosts were. He always thought it was a nightmare that he couldn't wake up. He pinched his thigh several times, but he never woke up from his sleep. Then, the truth is only One, that is, this is not a dream at all, but a real thing.

"Xiao Han, be careful." Zhang Feng shouted from the side.

Xiao Han was holding the Ruyi stick, sweating profusely, as if he was facing an enemy. The floating Yin spirits in front of them looked like a cloud of black energy, but this cloud of black energy still had attack power, which made Xiao Han depressed. These things don't eat physical attacks at all.

When thinking of physical attacks, Xiao Han thought of magic attacks in the game.

Is there really a magical attack in this world?

Suddenly, Xiao Han thought of the luminous bead in his arms. That bead seemed to have the effect of exorcising evil spirits. The head drop technique in his body was dispelled by the luminous beads. It's just that I don't know whether this luminous bead is effective against these ghosts.

However, there are some things that you only know if you try.

Xiao Han took out the luminous bead from his arms without hesitation.

When Xiao Han took out the luminous beads, the surrounding yin spirits stopped. Although there is a bag of tips, the soft light from the luminous beads seemed to be a breeze, blowing away the haze in the air. .

"Sure enough!" Xiao Han was overjoyed.

He hurriedly took the luminous beads out of the kit, and the light suddenly shone.


In the air, there were bursts of sharp and harsh sounds, and the surrounding ghosts suddenly screamed again and again.

"Broken!" When Qingfeng Daochang saw this, he was shocked. He hurriedly pinched his fingers and said angrily: "Quick...give me!"

Those yin spirits weren't there for no reason, but were cultivated by Qingfeng Dao over the years. These yin spirits exist in the form of gas. They follow wherever they go. When they need it, they only need to activate the summoning technique, and they can gather and assist themselves in killing.

Now, seeing that Xiao Han pulled out a magic weapon to kill all of his Yin spirits. Can he not panic? A Yin Ling is equivalent to an invisible master, not to mention having more than 30 Yin Ling. Therefore, he was very flustered.


The yin spirits suddenly turned into black qi, and quickly collected into Xiao Han's luminous beads.

When these yin spirits were taken away, the luminous beads suddenly shone brightly. It seemed like a guy who was hungry to the limit, and suddenly had a full stomach, and suddenly he was refreshed. Xiao Han suddenly smiled when he saw this scene: "Haha...old way, your spell was broken by me!"

"You!" Qingfengdao was so angry that he scratched his head and said angrily: "You bastard, immediately... immediately return my ghost to me!"

"It's out of play." Xiao Han shook his head and said: "It has been put into my magic weapon, they are gone."

"Impossible!" Qingfeng Daochang shook his head, and said: "My ghosts are not in the five elements, they are immortal, immortal existence!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han grinned and said: "That's just what you think. Besides, I forgot to tell you that my luminous bead is not among the five elements, and can accept anything impure in the world."

"You!" Qingfeng Daochang suddenly squinted his eyes. He seemed to see the luminous beads in Xiao Han's hands. He widened his eyes and said, "This... isn't this a soul bead?"

"What soul orb?" Xiao Han frowned.

"You..." Dao Qing Feng hurriedly asked: "You honestly explain, where did the beads in your hand come from?"

"What's the matter with you?" Xiao Han looked at him disdainfully.

"I'm telling you, this bead is not yours!" Qingfeng Dao Chang sneered: "This is..."

Speaking of this, Daochang Qingfeng immediately closed his mouth.

"What is it?" Xiao Han asked.

In fact, he didn't know the origin of this bead, so he rarely met someone who knew the origin of this bead. He naturally wanted to ask about the origin of this bead.

"Hehe..." Chief Qingfeng said with a sneer: "Boy, how about... let's make a deal, how about?"

"What deal?" Xiao Han asked.

"I have two treasures here. How about replacing the beads in your hand with you?" Qingfengdao Chang smiled and took out two treasures, one of which was a mirror and the other was a weapon. Qingfeng said with a long smile: "This is the mirror of the universe, which can block the demons and not be corroded by the demons. This is the Xuanyuan sword, which can slash the gods up and down, and can help you on the road of cultivation more smoothly."

Xiao Han looked at the object in the other's hand curiously, really interested. However, Xiao Han is not stupid. Since the other party is so interested in the things in his hands, it means that the things in his hands are also not simple.

"Hey, sorry, I'm not interested!" Xiao Han shook his head, then put the beads back in his hand.

"If you don't change today, someone will take you the first level in the future." Qingfeng said with a long smile, "I can tell you the origin of this thing."

"Say!" Xiao Han said.

"This thing is the soul bead in the hands of Lafayette back then." Qingfeng said with a long smile, "It's a pity that Lafayette Cixi later brought this thing into his coffin after his death. It is said that it was still contained in his own coffin. In the mouth. Later, Sun Dianying, the tomb thief, dug up Lafayette’s tomb and took away the soul orb. Since then, the soul orb has been lost. Many practitioners in the outside world are looking for this soul orb. If they know that this soul orb is in your hands, do you think that with your strength, you can hold it?"

"Huh?" Xiao Han was shocked when he heard it.

He didn't expect that the luminous bead on hand was actually the empress dowager Cixi's favorite treasure. Xiao Han has seen this luminous pearl in some historical materials, but there has never been a record of its ability. It's just that I heard that Lafayette Cixi loves this bead very much, which is enough to explain the extraordinary features of this bead. It's no wonder that Lafayette would have this bead in his mouth after he died.

Xiao Han took a deep breath.

Thinking about it now, Xiao Han understood it all at once.

After Sun Dianying stole the Luminous Orb, he must have been found by the Japanese, and then specially sent a troop to **** the Luminous Orb back. Unexpectedly, it was intercepted by the ** troops inadvertently. They were buried in the ground later. And now it was unexpectedly obtained by myself.

Fate, it really is fate.

Xiao Han couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Xiao Han didn't expect that he could unwittingly get something that Galeries Lafayette once loved. He couldn't help holding this bead tightly, for fear that it would fall into someone else's hand.

"Now you know the extraordinary thing about this bead, right?" Qingfeng Dao Chang sneered.

"Got it!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Then you don't honestly give me this soul orb!" Dao Master Qingfeng said immediately.

"I didn't know it before." Xiao Han smiled and looked at Qingfeng Daochang, and then said: "Since I know now, then I can't give you even more. Such an important thing, once a favorite of Lafayette, how can Can you easily hand over people?"

"You!" Qingfeng said, suddenly angry.

Originally thought that this kid would give it to himself immediately after he knew the origin of this thing, fearing that he would get killed. However, this guy completely exceeded his expectations. Not only didn't give it to himself, but also put away this soul bead.

"What are you?" Xiao Han looked at Qingfeng Daochang, and then said: "Now I have a soul orb in my hand, and any of your spells are immune to me. Now it's my turn to shoot."

After speaking, Xiao Han raised the Ruyi stick in his hand and quickly rushed towards Qingfeng Daochang.

"Not good!" Qingfeng said a long time, suddenly anxious.

Dao Qingfeng also knew that Xiao Han had soul beads, and his spells would definitely be invalid for him. Including any rune is almost immune. Therefore, Chief Qingfeng hurried out. How could Xiao Han let him go easily? He carried the wishful stick and quickly chased it out.

This old way of escape was very fast, and he escaped a hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

"Old man, where to run!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth and rushed out quickly.

The reason why Xiao Han wanted to catch this old way was first to be able to let out a sigh of foulness. He could finally counterattack now that he had just gotten rid of the old way. Of course, he had to vent his anger; the second was for the old way. Those two things, Qiankun Mirror and Xuanyuan Sword. These two things are not ordinary things by hearing their names. If you can get them, they will definitely be good for you in the future.

Among the abandoned factory buildings.

"It's over, it's a bad thing." Hei Tie was stunned. Although he hadn't seen exactly what happened between Xiao Han and Qingfeng Dao Chang just now, he had a hunch when he saw Qing Feng Dao Chang roll up his sleeves and run away. Not good.

"Hei Tie, let's run quickly." Qin Xiaotian was taken aback, and even Qingfeng Dao Master ran away, can they still fight?

"Run!" Fang Hao shouted at this moment.

The three ran away.

"Who dares to run!" Zhang Feng saw that they were about to run, he immediately jumped out to intercept.

Hei Tie was already full of anger. In this provincial city, apart from Liu Sandao, he was carrying a handle. Even if he was defeated by Xiao Han, he was convinced. However, now even such a small boy dared to stop him. A Mao and Agou would really step on him.

"Damn, what kind of thing are you?" Hei Tie glared at Zhang Feng and said, "I want to go, so dare you stop me?"

(End of this chapter)

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