"Yeah!" Hei Tie nodded.

Dao Qingfeng smiled slightly, and then said, "You guys will be watching me on the side."

"Yes!" Qin Xiaotian and Fang Hao nodded hurriedly.

In fact, several people are still very optimistic about Qingfeng Dao, this old Dao is very murderous. They are convinced of the strength of Qingfeng Daochang. Isn't it easy to kill Xiao Han? So, they waited easily on the sidelines.

"Will Xiao Han come?" Fang Hao asked hurriedly.

"This..." Qin Xiaotian turned his head to look at Hei Tie, Hei Tie smiled, and said, "Since he agreed, he should come."

In fact, Qin Xiaotian himself did not dare to be too sure. However, he felt that Xiao Han would come in his heart. In other words, he still looked forward to Xiao Han's coming. If Xiao Han did not come, then everything he did today would not be in vain.

Fang Hao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "If he dares to come, he will die here!"

Qin Xiaotian grinned and said, "Well, I must watch Xiao Han die here today!"

Obviously, they all hope that Xiao Han will die here, so as not to let him have any good fruits. Unfortunately, their inner expectations seemed destined to be nothing. And to become a bamboo basket to draw water. Xiao Han, as a descendant of people from outside the world, will naturally not die easily, because he has a mission and heavy responsibilities.

Just when they were extremely anxious.


The off-road vehicle made a roaring sound.

"Here!" Qin Xiaotian said.

Sure enough, a very domineering off-road vehicle galloped in.


Suddenly, the car flicked its tail, and then the wheels flung out on the ground.

After the car stopped, Xiao Han and Zhang Feng jumped out of the car.

"Old man, here I am!" Xiao Han bit a leaf in his mouth and walked over very aggressively.

Those who don't know also know that this kid is here to have a discussion because the kid is here for the banquet.

Xiao Han glanced at each other, then said, "What? Are you all here?"

"Uh..." Several people were taken aback for a moment, and they turned to look at Daochang Qingfeng.

"Boy, let you live a few more hours today. Since you dare to come to the door now, you can't blame me." Qingfeng said a long step forward.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han grinned and said, "Really? I came here to learn your real skills today, but I don't know if you will let me down?"

When several people heard this, they immediately sneered: "Xiao Han, you must die today!"

"Yes!" Fang Hao immediately shouted: "Today you are dead. You can wait."

Xiao Han dismissed it, sneered, and said: "It's really interesting, just rely on you to waste?"

"You!" Hei Tie heard that even though he was Xiao Han's defeat, but being so humiliated by others, this is also an annoying thing. Hei Tie took a deep breath and said, "The long Qingfeng Road, the next thing is up to you. If you can torture him alive, we are willing to pay five million more!"

"Okay!" Qingfeng said that he was immediately happy, and he smiled: "To deal with this kid, I will catch it!"

Facing the opponent's provocation, Xiao Han dismissed it.

"Do it." Xiao Lian laughed.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" When Zhang Feng spoke, he hurriedly handed the Ruyi stick that he had been carrying on his back to Xiao Han.

"Are you carrying it?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"No!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Knowing that you are going to fight today, how can I not help you bring it?"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

This wishful stick was Xiao Han's most handy weapon. Now, holding the most handy weapon in his hand, he naturally wanted to lay down the elder Daoist who deceived the crowd. Xiao Han held the wishful stick and sneered, "Old man, come on!"

"Good boy, looking for death!" Qing Feng Daochang was furious. The whisk in his hand flicked.

A series of steel needles pierced towards Xiao Han.

Whoosh whoosh...

Those steel needles pierced the air and pierced towards Xiao Han's fatal place.

Xiao Han naturally wouldn't be stupid enough to carry it. He jumped up, and the stick in his hand slammed towards Qingfeng Daochang.

Qingfeng Daochang scorned Xiao Han's attack and flicked the dust.



Don't look at the soft dust of Qingfeng Daochang, but, under the command of Qingfeng Daochang, it is not softer than any metal.

After an impact, Xiao Han suddenly felt a tingling pain in his arm. The tingling is as painful as sticking steel needles on the arm. Xiao Han felt extremely painful.

He rolled back again and again.


Xiao Han landed quickly, he looked at Qingfeng Daochang coldly, and said: "You won't just have these two things, right?"

"Hey..." Qingfeng Daochang sneered, and said: "I have so many tricks, I'm afraid you can't handle it!"

After speaking, Chief Qingfeng took out a yellow symbol.


He suddenly threw it towards the other side. The yellow character cut through the air and quickly struck towards Xiao Han.

At that moment, the yellow talisman burned as quickly as phosphorus in the air.

"Fuck, what the **** is this?" Xiao Han was shocked, seeing a fire rushing towards him. He hurriedly avoided.


Just where Xiao Han just stood, a ball of flames exploded. The flame immediately exploded a big pit.

"My God." Xiao Han was shocked.

"Okay!" Hei Tie's eyes straightened when he saw this, but he still didn't forget to shout.

Xiao Han took a deep breath. Although his heart was shocked, he knew deeply that he must take this battle seriously. If he is not careful, he may be wiped out.

"Good fellow, what is this?" Fang Hao looked at the scene in horror and said, "If we can have a few such yellow symbols, will we be invincible in the world?"

"Stop talking." Qin Xiaotian shook his head and said, "I'm afraid this thing can only be used by Dao Qingfeng."

"Okay!" Fang Hao could only give up his inner thoughts when he heard it.

Dao Qingfeng stroked his beard, then said, "Boy, now you know how good I am?"

Xiao Lengchun laughed and said, "I don't care about this kind of tricks."

"Really?" Qingfeng said with a faint smile, "Then let you know more."

After all, this old Dao suddenly took out a black purse from his arms, and there were many yellow symbols in the purse. Lao Dao took out a yellow talisman and suddenly threw it towards the other party.


With a flick of the yellow symbol, a cloud of black smoke exploded in the air.

The cloud of black smoke dispersed all at once.


Suddenly, a strange figure emerged from the ground. It was a puppet that made people unable to see the true face. This puppet belonged to the summoning technique of the Maoshan School. This kind of summoning can only be summoned by a Taoist priest above the master level. Otherwise, the summoned ghost will devour the master. It will be very tragic in the end.

Xiao Han was dumbfounded. This was the first time he encountered this kind of thing in his life.

"God, this...what the **** is this?" Xiao Han was dumbfounded.

"Today I will let you know how powerful my heavenly soldiers are!" Qingfeng Daochang Master roared.

At this moment, that strange figure rushed towards Xiao Han at an extremely fast speed.

Dao Qing Feng frowned, snorted coldly, and then said, "Huh, kid, you're looking for death."

The black ghost followed like a shadow, Xiao Han hurriedly raised the Ruyi stick in his hand and smashed it towards the opponent.


The iron rod pierced through the resistance of the air, and hit the black shadow's chest when the machine crashed.


The black shadow flew out immediately and hit the wall behind.


That black shadow suddenly shattered and turned into a cloud of black air that filled the air.


Xiao Han breathed out a suffocating breath and took another deep breath, thinking that he had broken this old-fashioned summoning technique. However, what he didn't expect was that the black air that was permeating the air had regrouped at this time and turned into a black ghost again.

"Damn, this...what's going on?" Xiao Han was shocked.

"This yin spirit is neither alive nor dead, nor broken nor extinguished." Qingfeng said with a sneer, "Boy, you can wait for death slowly. Today I will torture you alive."

"Damn!" Xiao Han said angrily when he heard it, "I'm fighting you!"

After speaking, Xiao Han suddenly raised the wishful stick in his hand and slashed towards the old way.


The black figure rushed over quickly and stood in front of the old way.


Xiao Han's wishful stick hit Yin Ling fiercely, and Yin Ling exploded quickly. Then, they reunited again at a speed that was difficult to observe with the naked eye. It seemed that Xiao Han did not break up the opponent at all. In the eyes of outsiders, Xiao Han's iron rod seemed to pass through the Yinling's body.

The black shadow gathered quickly and swept towards Xiao Han at a speed that could not cover his ears.

"Xiao Han, be careful!" Zhang Feng shouted.

Xiao Han suddenly leaned back, and Yin Ling slid across his face, almost passing by.

"Fuck!" Xiao Han cursed. Seeing Yin Ling pass through, Xiao Han immediately picked up the stick and swept towards Qingfeng Road.

Chang Qingfeng smiled coldly and said: "Boy, you are looking for death!"

After speaking, Chief Qingfeng took out a stack of runes from the black bag, and said: "Throw beans into soldiers!"

Bang bang ......

The yellow symbols burst in the air.

Clouds of black smoke dispersed and gathered into ghosts. These yin spirits are only in human form and cannot see the facial features clearly. From a distance, I just saw a cloud of black smoke floating in the air, and the speed of movement was extremely fast, which made people unpredictable.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then said, "My son, do you think I'm afraid of you?"

After speaking, Xiao Han raised his wishful stick and rushed towards the old way.

"Kill me!" Dao Master Qingfeng roared.

(End of this chapter)

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