The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 636: Black snake giant snake

Suddenly, a thought came to Xiao Han's mind. If you use your own consciousness to control this soul orb, you don't know what the consequences will be.

Now that I have an idea, I naturally think about how to try it. If it hadn't been for Dao Qing Feng to tell him this method, maybe he wouldn't try this way, because no one had ever taught him.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then gently released his consciousness. The consciousness quickly touched the soul bead.

After his consciousness entered the soul orb, Xiao Han suddenly felt that his mental power was instantly emptied. All of the spiritual power was absorbed by this soul orb, and the power in his body was constantly pouring toward this soul orb.

"Broken!" Xiao Han suddenly became anxious.

If this continues, he must be sucked dry by this soul bead. Once his mental power was emptied, he would become a vegetative person and would be immersed in his dream forever. Xiao Han tried to retreat from this soul orb, but he was shocked to find that he had no way at all. retreat.

"It's over!" Xiao Han was anxious.

As time passed, Xiao Han found that there was no way to retreat from this soul orb.

After struggling for a long time, Xiao Han found that all his struggles were in vain.

"Forget it, if you come, you will be at ease!" Xiao Han sighed. Since he is here, stay quietly and see what kind of thing this soul orb is.

Xiao Han controlled his consciousness to explore in this soul bead, which was like a void, with strong white light exuding all around it. Xiao Han's consciousness floated around this soul bead, and he stared at the surrounding scene hard. It seemed that there was nothing here.

Just when Xiao Han was leaving, suddenly, more than a dozen black shadows swept over quickly.

"It's over, it's Yin Ling!" Xiao Han was shocked.

Xiao Han was just about to escape. Suddenly, those more than a dozen Yin spirits stood in front of Xiao Han respectfully, bowed, and looked honest. It seems to follow Xiao Han's dispatch at any time.

"You are..." Xiao Han looked at these Yin spirits.

These yin spirits have no verbal function, but stand honestly in front of Xiao Han, arched, with a mellow eyebrow.

"Go over there!" Xiao Han commanded.


Yin Ling moved quickly over.

"Come back!" Xiao Han scolded immediately.


More than a dozen Yin Ling flew back quickly, still maintaining a respectful look.

"Good fellow!" Xiao Han looked at them in surprise, and said in surprise: "Are you all beginning to follow my orders?"

Xiao Han seemed very happy.

He was extremely excited, directing these ghosts back and forth. Also fight each other.

After enough trouble, Xiao Han also had a general understanding of these Yin Ling. These guys are all spiritual products, they don't have a physical body, so they can only control them with mental power. Xiao Han couldn't get out of this soul bead for a while, so he simply took these ghosts and continued to explore in the soul bead.

However, there seems to be nothing to be found in this soul orb. There is nothingness all around.

I don't know if it is because of my lack of strength, or because there is nothing here at all. Xiao Han didn't find anything at all.

Xiao Han seemed very helpless.

"Damn it, there's nothing around here." Xiao Han looked a little worried.

He kept going forward without looking back, hoping to walk out of here along a straight line. He regrets a bit now, regretting that he easily tried to get his consciousness into the soul orb, otherwise he would not be trapped here for no reason.

In desperation, Xiao Han could only continue to move forward.

Among the soul beads, Xiao Han knew nothing, he needed to explore this place by himself.

In the vast white world around, Xiao Han couldn't feel what was there. He keeps going forward. More than a dozen Yin Ling behind followed him all the way, as if he were a loyal servant.

Not far away, Xiao Han vaguely saw a mountain peak.

"Huh, what is that?" Xiao Han was surprised.

After a serious look, Xiao Han was overjoyed: "I finally saw a mountain, it's great."

Xiao Han couldn't help being overjoyed. Since entering, Xiao Han hasn't seen any scenery around him. It's fine now. Finally he saw a mountain. Since there is a mountain, there must be other things.

Xiao Han quickly ran towards the mountain.

Suddenly, the foot slipped, and the person quickly fell down.

"Ah!" Xiao Han screamed.


More than a dozen Yin spirits behind quickly supported Xiao Han's body and slowly flew towards a short distance.

"Fuck!" Xiao Han was startled, and he was overjoyed, saying: "Damn, how come I didn't expect this."

More than a dozen yin spirits formed a group, Xiao Han sat on top of the black qi, and people floated in the air. When Xiao Han came over slowly, he finally realized that he was in the middle of the air, and the place where he was before turned out to be a white cloud. No wonder he couldn't see anything, and there were glare around him. White.

Coming out of the cloud, Xiao Han was finally able to see the surrounding scenery clearly.

Below is an endless mountain. Not far away, a peak is tall and straight. The high peaks are as majestic and majestic as the Everest.

A waterfall pours down from the top of the mountain, making people feel extremely shocked.

"Oh my God!" Xiao Han exclaimed. Looking at the waterfall, Xiao Han suddenly felt that the scenery here is really beautiful. Below the waterfall, a few rainbows surround the waterfall, and some flying birds roar in the sky. Xiao Han hurriedly shouted: "Quick...Quick, take me over and see!"

After that, more than a dozen Yin Ling swiftly took himself straight away.

After arriving at the mountain peak, Xiao Han fell down in the waterfall.

Below the waterfall, there is a large clearing pool, estimated to be hundreds of square meters. It looks very shocking.

Xiao Han felt extremely shocked, and also felt extremely surprised.

The huge waterfall fell, smashing huge waves in the clear pool, and the water vapor in the air.


Xiao Han finally eagerly jumped into this clear pool. The water was sweet, clear, and cold. Xiao Han swims and soaks in the water. It feels very comfortable. He was swimming in the water excitedly. In the water, groups of fish surrounded Xiao Han, who seemed not afraid of humans.

"So many fish?" Xiao Han was overjoyed.

The fish is not afraid of people, and even laughs with Xiao Han in the water.

Just as Xiao Han was playing vigorously, suddenly, those fish disappeared without a trace.

"It's strange, why is it gone?" Xiao Han was puzzled.

Just as Xiao Han looked puzzled, suddenly, a black shadow surged up from the bottom of the clear pond.


Suddenly, that black shadow emerged from the water, a black giant snake, a pair of big lantern-like eyes, with a brutal appearance, and a red letter was spit out from his mouth. It's terrifying. Xiao Han almost got cramps when he first saw him.

"Fuck, this...what the **** is this?" Xiao Han was dumbfounded, and his whole body was dumbfounded.


The giant snake spit out a red letter, which looked extremely amazing.

Although Xiao Han didn't know what this thing was, he could tell from the appearance of the opponent that this guy was definitely not simple. With teeth and claws, when emerging from the water, the body that emerged from the water was a few meters high, which looked terrifying.

Xiao Han actually forgot what to do.


Suddenly, two bows and arrows galloped from not far away, and the sound of cutting through the air made people feel extremely shocked.


The arrow pierced the head of the giant snake.

Ho Ho Ho...

The giant snake was instantly enraged, it stirred the pool of water suddenly, and the huge water wave rolled up.

"Broken!" Xiao Han suddenly became anxious.

Can you not hurry? It's all over here, once the giant snake rushes towards him, it will definitely die. Xiao Han was a little anxious, he hurriedly turned back and ran straight to the shore. However, Xiao Han was just about to escape, but the huge waves rolled up by the giant snake made it impossible for him to escape.

Seeing this giant snake was about to rush over.


Suddenly, a red shadow caught Xiao Han and quickly fell towards the shore.

Before Xiao Han had time to see who the shadow was, the other party had already jumped up and swiftly headed towards the giant snake. In the midair, three shadows attacked this giant snake group.

In less than half an hour, the giant snake could not withstand the opponent's attack and was ready to escape.

"Don't let it run!" An angry voice said in the air.

"Enclose it." a rough voice roared.

Afterwards, the three figures quickly fell towards the pool. At this time, Xiao Han finally saw that the other party was three people, two men and one woman. The woman was wearing a red dress. She was heroic, with long flowing hair. She grasped a golden bow in her hand, and the arrows kept moving towards. The giant snake shot fiercely.

Not a single attack caused the giant snake to splash a pool of black blood.

The two men around are carrying this big knife.

"Look at me!" The man in yellow burlap raised his sword and slashed at the giant snake's head.


With a stab, half of the snake's head was instantly chopped off.


The giant snake suddenly ate pain, and it didn't care to run away, turned around and opened its mouth and bit at the man with the sword.

"Duanmu." The woman yelled, the movement in her hand did not stop at all, and she quickly shot an arrow toward the giant snake. However, this did nothing to stop the giant snake's attack.

Seeing this, Xiao Han hurriedly stepped into the sky on the Yin Ling.

The Yin Ling moved very fast, and he quickly offered Xuanyuan Sword and stabbed at the giant snake fiercely.


Xiao Han's sword hit the spot, and it directly penetrated the giant snake's head, making the giant snake group soft.

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