The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 643: Murder and treasure

"You can try!" Zhang Feng said.

"When he heard this, he was furious. He took a step forward and threw his fist at the black iron.


There was a muffled sound.

Zhang Feng greeted him as the opponent fisted, and the two fists met in midair. Both of them took a step back.

Hei Tie squeezed his fist and dared not make a sound. This fist made him sore that his expression changed. Zhang Feng was also in pain. When his fists collided, he almost collapsed. He gritted his teeth and forcibly swallowed the pain.

"Huh, it seems that you don't have any real skills, you kid really don't know how many catties you are." Hei Tie snorted coldly, and then said: "Look at it!"

After speaking, the black iron rushed up immediately.

Hei Tie took out his own housekeeping skills.

Zhang Feng's strength is slightly inferior, and after several fights, he unexpectedly suffers. The other party succeeded many times and pushed himself into the corner several times.


Suddenly, Hei Tie seized an opportunity and suddenly kicked his legs on Zhang Feng's chest. After that step, Zhang Feng flew out. The man slammed into the wall behind. The person slipped down slowly.

"Hmph, I'll go around you this time, and I will definitely kill you next time!" Hei Tie flicked his sleeve and said, "Let's go!"

Zhang Feng struggled to get up.


A mouthful of blood protruded from his mouth.

Although he wanted to chase each other, he was powerless. I can only watch the other side run away from me.

Xiao Han is fighting hard with Qingfeng Daochang.

Apart from spells, Dao Qingfeng had almost nothing to show off. Except for the spells, he is just an ordinary old man. Almost all the spells are immune to Xiao Han. Moreover, he does not have the cultivation techniques of some people in the extraterritorial world. He can only rely on his own strength to fight. However, after all, he was just an elderly man, and he certainly couldn't consume it physically.

After several efforts, Qingfengdao was panting from exhaustion.

"" Qingfengdao gasped for a long time, and then said: "Your kid is entangled with me, what do you want?"

"Hand over the two things you just gave." Xiao Han said his purpose in a bold statement.

"You!" Qingfeng said for a long time, and a nasty gas poured out from his body. He gritted his teeth and said: "You bastard, you actually want to kill someone and win treasure."

"Hand over those two things, spare you for not dying!" Xiao Han looked at Qingfeng Daochang, he waved the wishful stick in his hand and sneered: "If you don't hand it over, hum, I will make you look good!"

Dao Qingfeng dares to be angry but dare not speak, who will let Xiao Han have the upper hand now? If he knew this, it would be better not to make this little money. Dao Qingfeng didn't expect that he didn't find Sesame, but instead was going to throw watermelon. He hated himself for being too greedy.

"Xiao Han, let's... let's make a discussion, how about?" Dao Master Qingfeng said hurriedly.

"What do you want to say?" Xiao Han asked.

"Do you keep one of these two things for me?" Dao Qingfeng looked at Xiao Han aggrievedly, and said: "You will also be in the world of cultivation in the future, as a human being, you have to stay a line so that you can meet each other well in the future. ?"

"Hehe." Xiao Han smiled and said: "That's fine, you give me Xuanyuanjian."

Dao Qingfeng thought for a while and said, "Okay, I will give you Xuanyuan Sword."

After speaking, he pinched his fingers and a Xuanyuan sword appeared in Qingfeng Daochang's hand.

It was the first time that Xiao Han saw Qingfengdao Chang picking up something, as if he had grabbed something from the void. He seemed very curious.

"Where are you hiding this thing?" Xiao Han asked.

"The two-dimensional world." Qingfengdao said in a long reply.

"What is it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Here!" Qingfeng said with a long smile, pointing to a yellow kit on his waist, and said: "Here!"

Xiao Han looked at the thing curiously and said, "What is this?"

"Qiankun bag." Qingfeng Daochang smiled, and said: "This thing is made by myself. There is a square inch of space inside, which can store some things that are not portable."

"Hey, then you give me another Universe Bag." Xiao Han suddenly felt that it was a good thing. This thing is so easy to use, you can hide things that are not convenient for you in the future.

"This..." Qing Fengdao said with a look of embarrassment, "I only have one bag of this universe."

"Give me yours." Xiao Han replied.

"That won't work!" Qingfeng Daochang shook his head.

"You have no choice." Xiao Lengren snorted.

"I..." Qingfeng Daochang thought for a while, and said: "I have another one. The space is slightly smaller. You can give it to you if you want it. If you want mine, I will definitely not give it!"

Dao Qingfeng is not reluctant to bear this Qiankun bag, but because his bag contains his important things, which cannot be easily revealed. In the extraterritorial world, no one would easily show the contents of his Universe Bag to others. Even the mortal world knows not to expose wealth easily, otherwise it will easily lead to murder. What's more, is the world of spiritual practice where the weak eat the strong?

"All right." Xiao Han also understood the other party's difficulties.

Afterwards, Chief Qingfeng Dao hurriedly took out a yellow kit. He read a word and hurriedly got out all the runes in it, which contained some insignificant things. After emptying the inside, Dao Qing Feng threw the universe bag to Xiao Han.

"Look at it for yourself!" Dao Chang Qingfeng said.

"How to use it?" Xiao Han asked.

Qingfeng Daochang smiled, and then said: "First punch in your consciousness, but I want to remind you that if you want this bag of universe to be imprinted with your consciousness, you must be stronger than mine, otherwise you have no Way to use."

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment. He held the Qiankun bag and input his consciousness decisively.


Xiao Han felt a crisp voice in his head. The Qiankun bag in his hand flashed with light immediately.

Qingfengdao not far away was stunned. In any case, how can I be regarded as a master-level Daoist, my mental power is very powerful, how can ordinary people easily erase their spiritual consciousness?


Qingfengdao took a long sip, looking a little dumbfounded.

"It must be... it must be because of the soul orb, it must be because of the soul orb!" Qing Fengdao said something in his mouth, other than that, he couldn't think of other reasons. Because other than this reason, he had no way to explain this. Xiao Han was still young and couldn't cultivate strong mental power, so he thought that the soul orb must have played a role in his back.

"Is that so?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes, yes!" Qingfeng said a long nod.

"How to use it?" Xiao Han asked.

"Turn on with the power of mind." Dao Master Qingfeng originally wanted to play Xiao Han, and deliberately made him unable to open it. Unexpectedly, this guy would easily erase his mental power and branded his mental power. He was surprised.

Xiao Han hurriedly followed Qingfeng Daochang's method, and the magical thing really appeared. His consciousness detected an alternative space. The space was not large. I am afraid that there was not even a cubic meter. He could barely put a Xuanyuan sword horizontally, Xiao Han. He hurriedly tried to put Xuanyuanjian in.


Xuanyuanjian disappeared immediately.

"Interesting!" Xiao Han was overjoyed immediately.

"Boy, can I go now?" Qing Fengdao Chang saw Xiao Han playing hard, and he felt even more uncomfortable.

"Sure." Xiao Han nodded and said: "Let's go quickly."

Seeing this, Qingfeng Daochang ran away immediately.

Seeing Dao Qingfeng leave, Xiao Han said with a smile, "This old man is quite interesting. He took the initiative to come and give me two things."

In fact, what made Xiao Han most satisfied with these two things was the Qiankun bag. Although the space was a bit smaller, the effect of this thing was greater. You can hide a lot of things, especially things that are not portable.

With this thing, Xiao Han can do many, many things.

"Xiao Han..." Not far away, Zhang Feng's voice came.

Xiao Han hurriedly hid the Qiankun bag, then turned around and went back.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked.

"They all ran away!" Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

"Run?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and said: "Who is running?"

"Hei Tie and Fang Hao!" Zhang Feng panted, with blood still on his body.

"Just let it go." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "This group of people is not enough."

"Then what should I do now?" Zhang Feng hurriedly asked.

"Let's go." Xiao Han glanced at Zhang Feng and asked: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Zhang Feng shook his head.

"What's the matter with you?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Have a fight with Hei Tie." Zhang Feng lowered his head and said: "Oh, his skills are not as good as humans. He kicked him. Some blood came out."

"Is the injury serious?" Xiao Han asked.

"It's okay." Zhang Feng shook his head.

"Well, let's go then." Xiao Han replied.

Zhang Feng touched his chest, a little hot, he turned and followed Xiao Han.


In the next few days, Xiao Han kept shutting himself in the room and carefully studying this soul orb, and he found out all the information about Cixi. Look through these materials. Unfortunately, there is no record of this soul bead in all the materials, but it is mentioned that in the thirteenth year of Guangxu, the envoy of Fanbang gave this soul bead to Cixi as a tribute, and since then it has become Cixi Thing in hand.

However, there has never been any record about the efficacy and ability of this soul orb.

However, Xiao Han knew clearly that this soul orb was definitely not simple. It can not only ward off evil spirits, but also exorcise them.

Xiao Han gently stroked this soul bead, and the light of the soul bead was brighter than before. It seemed that the light of the soul bead became brighter because of the absorption of the ghost before. Xiao Han frowned, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

(End of this chapter)

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