The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 604: national hero

However, there were hundreds of people on the scene, and no one gave him his way. The people on the scene surrounded the whole house and couldn't leave. Qin Xiaotian was a little annoyed when he saw this. He cursed, "You bastards, what do you want to do, give way!"

"Kneel down and call Grandpa, so we will make way for you!" Liu Bin said with a smile.

"Yes, kneel down and call grandpa!" Everyone shouted.


There was a sudden burst of laughter at the scene, and everyone covered their mouths and laughed. There was a mocking expression on everyone's face.

Wherever Qin Xiaotian can suffer from this kind of loss, naturally he is not willing to kneel down and call grandpa. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think about it, I will never let you see me being embarrassed today."

"Haha..." At this moment, someone in the crowd laughed and said, "Qin Xiaotian, you are the ugliest in our minds now."

Qin Xiaotian almost vomited blood when he heard it.

He gritted his teeth and cursed: "Bad son, believe it or not, I will find someone to kill you immediately!"

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Liu Bin hurriedly clutched his chest when he heard it, with a funny look.


The scene suddenly burst into laughter.

Qin Xiaotian suddenly felt as if he had been insulted. He looked at Liu Bin angrily, a little depressed and annoyed.

"Boy, I remember you." Qin Xiaotian pointed to Liu Bin.

"Oh, I'm even more scared. It's over. The Qin family is going to threaten me." Liu Bin laughed.

"Fuck, Qin Xiaotian, you count as a ball." At this time, Zhang Feng cursed, "Remember him, if you have the ability, you also remember me!"

"Yes, you remember me!" Zhang Dagu stood up.

"Remember us!" Everyone pointed at Qin Xiaotian.

Qin Xiaotian was dumbfounded all of a sudden, he didn't expect that he would provoked such resentment today. He asked himself that he never bullied students at school. Why are all these guys pointing the finger at themselves today?


Qin Xiaotian gulped his saliva. He was nervous and terrified.

However, what Qin Xiaotian didn't know was that he bullied girls, occupied, and played with all kinds of beautiful girls on weekdays. These charges have been deeply imprinted in everyone's heart. Although everyone did not say anything, everyone remembered Qin Xiaotian's bad deeds.

You know, playing with a beautiful girl is far more influential than bullying a boy, and even worse.

Any boy has a dream of protecting flowers in his heart. And in Mizuki University, behind any beautiful girl, there are countless boys and flower care teams who like her. When this girl is played by Qin Xiaotian, the boys behind this girl who like her will have great resentment towards Qin Xiaotian. Thus had a huge influence.

Today, everyone is taking this opportunity to show Qin Xiaotian a little bit of color.

Qin Xiaotian frowned and said, "Get out of the way!"

"It's easy to want to leave here!" Zhang Feng smiled and said: "It's better to crawl out from here, we will definitely not stop!"

"You lunatics, let me see who you stop me!" After speaking, Qin Xiaotian strode towards the door.


Suddenly, Zhang Dagu pushed out Qin Xiaotian who had hit him.


Qin Xiaotian didn't have any preparation, and was overthrown by Zhang Dagu on the spot. The whole person turned over like a tortoise, and fell on all fours.

"Oh..." Qin Xiaotian didn't expect anyone to treat him this way, his eyes were red with anger: "Master, you dare to push me!"

"Fuck, your kid hit me, why can't I push?" Zhang Dagu roared.

Qin Xiaotian frowned. With a grievance on his face, he said: "Okay, okay, okay, you are all good. I will remember you all!"

"It's really not easy to let Young Master Qin remember us!" Zhang Dagu smiled and said, "I advise you to kneel down and call Grandpa, otherwise, no one can help you."

Qin Xiaotian took a deep breath, he simply sat on the ground, motionless, he decided to sit on the ground hard and fast.

Zhang Dagu raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "How about it, are you going to lie here motionless?"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Forget it, let him go."

"Why?" Zhang Dagu was unhappy when he heard that, and said: "This kid just owes you to clean up. I think he should be cleaned up and humiliated him severely. Why, let's take his clothes off, and then Tied to the parade?"

"Forget it!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Keep on going like this, if someone else cries, who are we to coax him?"

The crowd was silent for a while.


Then, a burst of laughter broke out in the hall, and some people even laughed forward and backward, and Lan Yudie also laughed and burst into tears.

"Fine." After everyone laughed enough, Zhang Feng said, "Well, since everyone thinks you want to let him go, let him go. I also think it's choking, in case he cries, we No experience in coaxing children.

Zhang Feng's words made everyone laugh again.

A bright smile appeared on everyone's face.

Afterwards, everyone gave up a passage.

Qin Xiaotian's face was red and his scalp was numb. He wanted to find someone to fight with him. However, he found that he could not beat anyone at the scene. In desperation, Qin Xiaotian immediately stood up from the ground, and then said: "Okay, you are cruel, I will find you afterwards."

After speaking, Qin Xiaotian turned and left.

Xiao Han smiled: "Get out!"


Not long after walking, Qin Xiaotian fell a dog to eat shit. In the crowd, someone secretly stretched out his foot and immediately tripped him.

"Oh, Lord Qin, you won't be so scared that you can't walk stably?" Someone in the crowd asked curiously.

Qin Xiaotian lay on the ground. Finally, he gritted his teeth and stood up, and then said: "Very well, you will remember it for me."

After speaking, Qin Xiaotian stood up and walked out of the way.

"Kill you!" Suddenly, someone roared.

When Qin Xiaotian heard it, he ran out. Throw away and fly.


Everyone couldn't help laughing wildly when they saw Qin Xiaotian's flying back.

"Xiao Han, you are too good." Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han with admiration, and said, "Can your kid teach me a little bit of kung fu?"

"Xiao Han, I didn't expect you to be so good in sports, even Sanda!" Tao Jun walked out of the crowd.

"General!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Okay, let's all leave." As a teacher, Lan Yudie hurriedly greeted everyone to leave. With so many people in the taekwondo stadium, people who don’t know thought something was wrong. What China hates the most is to surround too many people.

A smile was raised at the corner of Lan Yudie's mouth. Under the greeting of Lan Yudie, everyone dispersed. After all, the excitement was over.

After everyone left, only Xiao Han and a few people from the 101 dormitory were left in the venue.

"Xiao Han, I didn't expect your kid to beat the foreign guy?" Zhang Feng said in surprise.

"Look at what you said?" Liu Bin on the side replied unanimously: "You are a typical example of arrogant others to destroy your own prestige. What's wrong with the gringy? Can't it be defeated?"

"Uh, don't you know that the foreign guy just now is very strong." Zhang Feng said.

"How strong is it?" Li Bin snorted coldly, and said, "Did you lose to Xiao Han in the end?"

Zhang Feng smiled, and said, "That's true, I lost to Xiao Han in the end."

"Xiao Han, you are our hero, a national hero!" Liu Bin laughed and said, "It is estimated that this forum will be maxed out!"

Indeed, the forum at this time has been maxed out, and everyone is frantically swiping the screen. They were shouting in excitement, Xiao Han defeated the American Sanda champion. Does that mean that Xiao Han's Sanda strength has been promoted to the forefront of the world?

Soon, as soon as the limelight turned, Qin Xiaotian's affairs were quickly called out. Qin Xiaotian's post was released by screenshots, and many people added pictures. Qin Xiaotian went out and wrestled, and then declared that Qin Xiaotian had already knelt down and called Grandpa Xiao Han.

Although it is only a picture of ps, many people actually believe it.

Soon, the matter of Qin Xiaotian calling Grandpa Xiao Han played up the entire campus and became a matter of discussion by many people.

Suddenly, Qin Xiaotian's reputation at Shuimu University became very stinky.

Everyone knew that Qin Xiaotian was called Grandpa Xiao Han.

"Have you heard? Xiao Han is amazing and has won glory for our country's martial arts."

"is it?"

"No, I defeated a professional Sanda champion in a foreign country."

On campus, there are discussions everywhere, and everyone is discussing this matter. Regarding Xiao Han's victory over a foreign professional Sanda champion, every student seems to know this.

"Also, I heard that Qin Xiaotian, the second son of the Qin family, kneeled down and called Grandpa Xiao Han."

"Oh my god, really?"

"of course it's true."

Many people talked, everyone exclaimed.

When Xiao Han defeated a foreign professional Sanda champion, everyone was only exclaimed at best, and even some consternation. In addition to the consternation, they just felt that Xiao Han was very powerful and the fight was very cruel. However, about Qin Xiaotian's name being Grandpa Xiao Han and so on, this can arouse everyone's attention, because this kind of thing can instead attract the attention of others. Arouse others' gossip.

"My God, I didn't expect Qin Xiaotian to be called Grandpa Xiao Han. This is an exaggeration."

"Really, the entire campus forum is now discussing this matter."

On campus, three to five people walked together, almost all of them were discussing this matter.


Qin Xiaotian hardly dared to go to school in the past two days. He did his own way. For these two days, he stayed at home alone. He paid close attention to the forums of Shuimu University almost all the time. The forums were one-sided. Argument.

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