The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 603: Chinese kong-fu

Seeing that the opponent was about to attack, Xiao Han quickly resisted the opponent's attack with both hands.


This blow was very powerful. Xiao Han was unsteady at the time and staggered. The whole person fell down at that time and fell to his knees.

"Ouch..." Xiao Han took a painful breath.

Smith took advantage of the victory, and saw Xiao Han fall like this. Smith rushed over quickly, and attacked Xiao Han at a speed that could not cover his ears. Smith is proficient in martial arts, and the methods of martial arts are nothing more than fists and feet, and knees.

The knee is the hardest part of the human body's attack, and he quickly slammed his knee towards the opponent.

"Not good!" Zhang Feng shouted bad when seeing this.

Smith frowned, grabbed Xiao Han's shoulder with one hand, and pushed his knee hard.

Xiao Han's hands were superimposed and blocked in front of Smith. At that time, they crashed together.


With a muffled sound, this knee pressed against Xiao Han's palm. Xiao Han's palms were superimposed and there was a buffer between them, which resolved Smith's attack to the greatest extent. Smith felt as if his knees were resting on the cotton. No feeling at all.

Smith frowned tightly. He didn't expect Xiao Han to have the strength to defend at this time.

"This time you are dead." Smith grabbed Xiao Han by the shoulder and said with a smile: "I see how you escape."

After speaking, Smith attacked again.

This time, Xiao Han looked extremely calm and composed.

He raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Okay."

Smith's knee swept over quickly, and Xiao Han blocked the opponent's three attacks in a row. Just when Smith was preparing for the final attack, Xiao Han gritted his teeth and suddenly turned things around. He grabbed the opponent's ankle with one hand and turned hard, his body was like a huge wrench, directly knocking the opponent down.

Smith just lifted his foot and just touched the ground with one foot, which couldn't guarantee the center of gravity. Therefore, he fell down.


Smith jumped back twice, but Xiao Han was dragged by his feet, and there was no chance to escape. After Smith fell, the crowd around him suddenly burst into applause.


Everyone took hold.

"Hit him, beat him!"

"Kill this ghost, kill this ghost!"

The national spirit exploded and vented at this moment. Everyone was screaming and screaming madly at this time, because their bodies were flowing with the blood of the descendants of Yan and Huang, and because their bodies were flowing with the blood of the Chinese nation.

Everyone chanted.

Xiao Han rolled over and immediately reached Smith's body. His hands immediately locked Smith's neck. He smashed the opponent's neck firmly, so that the opponent had no chance of struggling. He smiled coldly, and then said: "How about, you lost again."

Smith clenched his teeth, he tried hard to break free, but after struggling for a while, he found that Xiao Han was like an iron lock, locked himself firmly, so that he had no chance of struggling. .

After a long time, Smith gave up the struggle, he took a sigh of relief, and then raised his hand. At this time, there was no sound from his mouth. He can only raise his hand to show his profile picture.

Ho Ho Ho...

Around, there was cheers and roars.

Xiao Han won, and Xiao Han won three times in a row. This is enough to prove that the Chinese are invincible.

Xiao Han immediately let go of Smith, and then said, "You should have nothing to say this time, right?"

"Yes!" Smith nodded helplessly and said: "This time, I lost."

"Can you take it?" Xiao asked coldly.

"I take it." Smith nodded.

"Then do you remember what you said at the beginning?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

Smith hesitated, he immediately knelt down on one knee, and then said, "Xiao Han, you are the most powerful Chinese I have ever seen. I admire you very much!"

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed heartily when he heard it, he walked over, and then helped Smith from the ground. Said: "You are welcome, get up, we are just discussing today, not to fight life and death."

"I..." Smith hesitated.

After all, he was the person Qin Xiaotian had found. If he just conceded like this, he would not give Qin Xiaotian face. Sure enough, when he saw Qin Xiaotian, Qin Xiaotian looked unhappy, but his expression was very gloomy.

"Yes, I lost!" Smith nodded.

As soon as Qin Xiaotian heard this, he immediately became angry. He cursed: "Smith, you promised me at the time. You said you will not lose. What is going on now?"

Smith froze for a moment, and then said: "I'm sorry, I lost. This is the fact, I thought the opponent was just a student, at most an amateur Sanda player, and I, I am a professional Sanda player, how could he be? My opponent. It seems that I still underestimate Chinese martial arts."

Ho Ho Ho...

When these words came out of the foreigners’ mouths, they screamed wildly. The little remaining vanity in the Chinese people suddenly broke out. Everyone cheered and shouted, everyone revealed A touch of ecstasy.

"Okay, okay, Xiao Han, you are awesome."

"Xiao Han, you are the best."

"Xiao Han, you are the best."

Everyone shouted, everyone was waving and shouting.

Xiao Han turned around and glanced at the crowd. In the crowd, Lan Yudie looked so conspicuous, because a woman suddenly appeared among a group of men, so it was especially conspicuous. Xiao Han glanced at Lan Yudie and then laughed. : "Little rain!"

"Xiao Han!" Lan Yudie finally couldn't restrain her inner excitement, she ran over quickly.

Xiao Han opened his hands, ready to hold Blue Yudie in his arms.

It’s just that Lan Yudie knows that this is under the public, and there are hundreds of students on the scene. It would be bad if they were seen by them. Therefore, Lan Yudie did not rush into Xiao Han’s arms. After running over, she slammed Xiao Han's chest with her fist and said, "You bastard, do you know how worried you are?"

"Haha..." Xiao Han laughed loudly when he heard it: "Yes, I worry about you, but don't you see that I won?"

"Yes, you are the best!" Lan Yudie pursed her mouth.

Despite the fact that there were a large number of students on the scene, Xiao Han excitedly hugged Blue Yudie in his arms, and used a princess to hug her in the air.

"Don't, don' let me go!" Lan Yudie struggled hurriedly.


There was a burst of cheers at the scene.

Lan Yudie hugged Xiao Han tightly, for fear that he would fall into the air. Her hands clung to Xiao Han's neck tightly, and she hung her whole body on Xiao Han's neck. She shouted: "Xiao Han, you let me go, don't..."

Cheers all around.

At this moment, Qin Xiaotian got up from the chair, annoyed, he turned and left.

"Stop!" At this moment, Zhang Feng blocked the opponent's way.

"What are you doing?!" Qin Xiaotian frowned and said, "Do you still dare to stop me?"

"Hey, after losing the game, did you just leave like this?" Zhang Feng smiled slightly and said: "How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

"What do you want?" Qin Xiaotian was not afraid, but smiled coldly, and then said: "Could it be that you dare to bite me?"

"I don't bite you." Zhang Feng shook his head and said: "Since you lose, you should pay a little price, right?"

"Yes, let him pay the price!" Liu Bin shouted.

Everyone yelled out. Everyone shouted: "Don't let him run, let him go."

Qin Xiaotian provoked the battle, and now he is about to leave if he loses. Then he didn't pay any price for this provocation? Who wants to let him leave so easily?

"What do you want to do!" Qin Xiaotian was a little panicked. Although he said that his family background was very strong, if these people rioted, wouldn't he be beaten to death by them. Even if it is time to be held accountable, I am afraid it will not be easy to hold him accountable.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Han put down Lan Yudie, walked over slowly, and then smiled: "Aren't you putting down cruel words on the forum? Whoever loses kneels and calls grandpa, and whoever doesn't come will automatically admit I am a grandson."

"You!" Qin Xiaotian felt his scalp numb when he heard it.

In order to humiliate Xiao Han, Qin Xiaotian publicized the battle fiercely, and hundreds of people actually came to the scene. These people are all points. Once he knelt down and called Grandpa Xiao Han, I guess this one At this point, the news will be spread out immediately, and in the end the whole province and city will probably know the news. Therefore, Qin Xiaotian would rather die than yield.

"Don't think about it!" Qin Xiaotian's neck stiffened.

"Okay!" Xiao Lian laughed, and said: "Everyone is a witness, everyone should be able to see the news that Qin Xiaotian posted on the forum, and now he has lost. We Chinese men keep their promises. What he said must be done. However, he refused to admit it and refused to admit defeat. What do you say?"

"Hit him."

"Yes, hit him, hit him until he surrenders."

Everyone shouted.

Seeing the controversy among the masses at the scene, Qin Xiaotian was also a little panicked. He frowned and said, "Xiao Han, what do you want?"

"I don't want anything, come as agreed!" Xiao Han smiled.

"You!" Qin Xiaotian was almost out of breath when he heard it. He gritted his teeth and said, "Don't think about it!"

"Then I will do whatever you want." Xiao Han smiled, and then said; "If you want to leave, I can't stop you."

When Qin Xiaotian heard this, he turned and left.

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