The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 589: Liu Ergou was killed

"Liu Ergou!" The little brother said his name.

The black iron suddenly became bad, and he hurriedly asked: "Where? Who did it!"

"Five hundred meters west of the MG Bar!" The younger brother hurriedly said: "Now the police have arrived at the scene. They have sealed off the scene and are investigating the scene. Look...what should we do now?"

"Don't panic, I'll come as soon as I have nothing to do!" Hei Tie hurriedly jumped from the head of the bed when he heard it. He put on his clothes quickly, and then rushed out quickly.

Not far from the MG Bar, many people surrounded.

This place is in a blind spot for monitoring, and there is no one within a few hundred meters. Even if there are, there are some people who have been in disrepair for a long time, and they have no value at all.

The black iron hurriedly arrived at the scene. He quickly walked towards Liu Ergou's body.

"Stop!" A small police officer stopped the road of Hei Tie.

"What are you doing!" Hei Tie glared at the other person, and then said: "You don't see who I am!"

"I care who you are, this place has been blocked by the police." The little police officer replied with disdain.

This kid has only been a policeman for a few days, so he has a high heart and pride. There is no sophistication and smoothness of that old police officer.


Hei Tie slammed a fist and said angrily: "Fuck, it makes you so arrogant."

"Ouch..." The little police officer screamed in pain, covering his face, "Assault the police, someone assaults the police!"

Black Iron walked in with a stride.

The captain in charge of investigating the scene saw Black Iron and said, "Black Iron, is it you?"

"My brother is dead!" Hei Tie walked over and said, "Is there any clue!"

"Here!" Captain Liu handed the clues he found to Hei Tie, and said, "It's not a coincidence that a student card is, or..."

"Is it him?" Hei Tie froze for a moment. He wiped the blood on the student card with his hand, and he saw a familiar face and name. When he saw this portrait, a nameless anger in Hei Tie's heart continued to flow out. That kind of crazy flame burned his reason.

"Do you know him?" Captain Liu asked curiously.

"It's not just knowing, but also having enemies with him!" Black Iron gritted his teeth.

"This..." Captain Liu frowned.

Hei Tie squinted his eyes and looked a little weird. He sneered and said, "Don't tell me, he is the murderer."

"Can't make a conclusion so quickly!" Captain Liu shook his head and said, "I think we need to call him."

"No need." Hei Tie shook his head and said: "We can solve the problems on the road by the methods on the road. Your police do not need to interfere."

"Naughty!" When Captain Liu heard this, he said: "This is a society under the rule of law. The police maintain street order. Where do you put our police?"

"Humph!" Hei Tie snorted coldly. Obviously, he didn't put the other party's words in his eyes, but snorted disdainfully.

He walked slowly over and saw Liu Ergou's tragic body. Hei Tie took a deep breath and said, "Ergou, I will definitely avenge you."

Liu Ergou's eyes closed slowly when he heard this sentence.

"It's my brother of Kurite!" Kurite roared.


Among the crowd of onlookers, more than twenty people came forward.

"Bring back our Ergou brothers!" Black Iron shouted.

"Yes!" everyone shouted.

"Captain, what...what can I do about this?" The police officer on the side said hurriedly: "We have to protect the scene. If they are asked to bring the body back, the scene will be destroyed."

"I know!" Captain Liu nodded.

After speaking, Captain Liu walked towards Hei Tie.

"Brother Black Iron, don't make my job difficult." Captain Liu smiled bitterly.

"You have your job, and I have my brother's loyalty." Hei Tie's face was livid, and said, "If I leave my brother here, then... how do you let the brothers around me look at me?"

Captain Liu was surprised.

Seeing the people around him cross the cordon, slowly approaching the corpse.

"Captain, what should I do?" the people around asked hurriedly.

"Oh, forget it, let them take it away." Captain Liu smiled bitterly: "It's no good for us to stop them today. Besides, even if we stop them, they will also use their means to solve it. It's better than us. Too lazy to bother."

"Oh!" The five or six guards who guarded themselves immediately put away their guns.

Liu Ergou's body was taken away by the opponent.

However, before the body was taken away, the police had left enough clues. The footprints on the scene, and the murderer's weapon. These things are necessary clues to investigate the cause of death of the deceased. Including the other's BMW that had an accident, were temporarily sealed by the police. Moreover, the forensic doctor has determined the cause of death of the other party, not only that, but the other party also left some other clues about the other party.

Therefore, whether the body is left or not does not seem to have much to do with the detection of the case.

Since the other party wants it, let the other party take it away. Anyway, I don’t need it anymore.


This is a restless night, and it is also a restless night.

Hei Tie's good brother Liu Ergou was killed, and the news spread immediately.

The people of the knife league immediately aroused vigilance.

Liu Sandao immediately summoned the Monkey King, White Tiger and King Kong. Four people sat together. For this matter, they must make a complete preparation. Dark Iron was completely angered now. This guy is like a mad dog, he may bite anyone at any time.

Among the provincial cities, the biggest enemy of Dark Iron is the Dao League. Therefore, the Black Iron will attack the Dao League at any time.

"It's really time for Liu Ergou to die." The Monkey King sneered: "We just won a few sites of Nightingale, but I didn't expect Liu Ergou to die. It's **** interesting."

"I also think that Liu Ergou's death is strange!" Bai Hu sneered.

"No." The Monkey King nodded.

"Big brother, what do you think?" King Kong is a burly figure, and the whole chair is full. The body of several hundred jin made this chair very fragile.

"Don't look very much!" Monkey King shook his head.

"Uh..." King Kong frowned.

The Monkey King took a deep breath, and then said: "This seems to be something wrong."

"By the way, there is new news!" At this time, Bai Hu received the latest news from the people below.

"What news?" Liu Sandao asked curiously.

"I heard that a student card was found at the scene, it seems to be Xiao Han's." Bai Hu said hurriedly.


A few people suddenly took a breath, and everyone was dumbfounded and dumbfounded. One by one seemed extremely surprised and surprised.

"How could this be?" Liu Sandao looked at several people in surprise.

"Xiao Han?!" King Kong was stunned, and said: "With Xiao Han's strength, do you still need to create the scene of a car accident if you want to kill the Monkey King? And Xiao Han is a very serious person, how could he leave the student card Falling on the scene?"

"Yes!" Liu Sandao and Bai Hu nodded one after another.

"I also think this thing is a bit weird." The Monkey King frowned and said, "Maybe someone blamed Xiao Han."

"Who would it be?" Liu Sandao asked.

"I don't know!" Several people shook their heads.

In the knife league, discussing this matter day and night. Although this matter has nothing to do with the Dao League, there are still some connections. The relationship between Xiao Han and the Dao League, and at this critical point, Xiao Han had an accident, and the Dao League had no reason not to help. If it can help Xiao Han in this favor, then the Blade Alliance will definitely be able to pull Xiao Han's ally.


The headquarters of Black Iron.

Liu Ergou's mourning hall has been supported.

The body was placed on a board, the mourning hall was set up, the white cloth was pulled up, and the white candle was lit.

"Are everyone here?" Black Iron asked through gritted teeth.

"Big brother, there are brothers on the road!" the younger brother on the side said.

Aside, Ye Shisan looked a little anxious.

"Hei Tie, this thing is a bit weird, I suggest you better relax!" Ye Shisan said awkwardly.

"This thing is already obvious." Hei Tie gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Han did it. This kid is too rampant. He dares to attack my people. This time, I want him to know how good I am!"

Dark Iron was already burning with anger, and he was obviously unable to control his sanity.

Hei Tie ordered all horses to be summoned, and this evening he would kill the Hanmen restaurant. Not to mention destroying the Hanmen restaurant, and going to Shuimu University at night to capture Xiao Han.

The people and horses are already on the way, as long as the people and horses are all together, they will immediately attack Xiao Han. More than two hundred people have gathered at the scene. In fact, more than two hundred people are enough, but Hei Tie is not reconciled, he just wants to show Xiao Han, Hei Tie is not that easy to provoke. Let him know that there are thousands of brothers in Dark Iron, you killed one, and there are thousands more.

Soon, many people gathered on the scene. About three hundred people.

Outside the door, more than 300 people lined up neatly.

Hei Tie stood in the forefront, and he shouted: "Brothers, today someone dares to bully our Iron League, are you willing to swallow?"

"I don't want to!" The boys roared.

"The enemy killed our brother, what should we do?" Black Iron shouted.

"Kill back!" the boys roared.

"Okay, very good!" Hei Tie nodded, and said: "What I want is this sentence from you, brothers, kill my brothers, and kill it."

"Kill my brother, kill him permanently." The crowd yelled.

"Avenge for our two dog brothers!" Black Iron roared.

"Avenge for the Ergou brothers!" The scene was full of momentum.

Everyone stood straight at the scene, and everyone seemed extremely excited and excited.

Hei Tie glanced at the crowd and said, "Send off to Brother Ergou first. Bow!"

Everyone bowed.

"Second bow!"

"Three bows!"

At the end of the three bows, Black Iron put on a certain felt hat, took a machete in his hand, and said: "Get in the car!"

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