The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 588: Leopard brother accident

The crowd was carrying machetes, and someone rushed in with long knives and long sticks.

Upon seeing this, the black-clothed man at the other party flashed his eyes, and the whole person disappeared immediately as if turned into a black air.

"Fuck, how about people?"

"Will it just disappear like this?"

A group of people were inexplicably scared, one by one was a little dumbfounded, dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

The black air gradually faded on the spot.

At this time, a voice came from the door: "I don't care about you today!"

Everyone turned their heads, but found that the guy had already reached the door. When everyone was about to rush over, the guy had disappeared between a few jumps. Everyone was stunned.

"What the **** is this guy, why is it so powerful?"

"who knows!"

"Leave him alone, look at Big Brother."

A group of people ran in.

"Brother Leopard, Brother Leopard!" the little brother shouted.

Under the frantic shouts of a group of younger brothers, Brother Leopard did not open his eyes, but he moved his lips.

The little brother on the side hurriedly leaned forward and pressed his ear to his lips.

"Look...Look for Xiao Han!" After saying this, Leopard died completely.

"Brother Leopard asked us to find Xiao Han." The younger brother was taken aback for a moment and said, "Who is Xiao Han?"

"I don't know!" A group of people shook their heads.

At this time, the deputy gang leader stood up and said: "Xiao Han is the meaning of our existence."

"Huh?" Everyone was stunned, and someone hurriedly asked, "Old Liu, what is the origin of this Xiao Han?"

"Xiao Han's father is the master Leopard has been following." Old Liu said with solemn eyes, "and Xiao Han is also our young master. I don't know why. Since Leopard asked us to find Xiao Han, let's find a way to contact Xiao Han."

"Yeah!" Everyone nodded.


In the provincial capital.

The night is dark and the wind is high.

Liu Ergou just came out of the bar, this guy drank a lot of alcohol. Liu Ergou is a confidant of Hei Tie's men, and also a think tank next to Hei Tie. Hei Tie has always respected him. Therefore, Liu Ergou was mixed with Hei Tie.

Liu Ergou likes to drink, and he has no wine every day. Therefore, he drinks a lot of wine almost every day. Even so, he couldn't change his habit of drinking at the bar every day. In the bar, there are not only good wine, but also beautiful women.

Fine wine and beauties are Liu Ergou's favorite things.

Today is Liu Ergou's most enjoyable day in drinking. In the bar, he hugged two beauties, kneading and squeezing, grasping and gnawing. It can be said to be a feast for the eyes, but also a blessing.

Liu Ergou is very pleased and satisfied with this kind of sensuality, this kind of life in Jiuchi Roulin.

Coming out of the bar, this guy drove his car and ran straight towards the house. high speed. The speed of the car is very fast.

The car left from the bar.


About 500 meters away from the bar, suddenly, a large truck rushed out.

The BMW driven by Liu Ergo headed into it. On the spot, he bumped into the container that was being dragged behind the opponent, and this end was loaded with a loud noise.


The sound was loud and huge, and it seemed extremely clear in this empty night.


Almost all the airbags on Liu Ergo's BMW car exploded. The steering wheel airbags and the side airbags exploded all at once, pressing Liu Ergou on the seat of the car. At that moment, Liu Ergou was almost confused.

At this moment, several people suddenly jumped off the truck.

Liu Ergou looked inexplicable, he opened the door, just about to get out of the car and argue with the other party.

Unexpectedly, several people on the other side opened Liu Ergou's car door and dragged Liu Ergou from the car on the spot.

"Fuck, what do you want to do!" Liu Ergou roared.

"Come down." The opponents were wearing masks, and they seemed to have come prepared.

However, after Liu Ergou saw it clearly, he refused to come down. He shook his head and said, "Don't...don't...I won't come down!"

"Fuck, if you can't tell you won't come down!" The other party showed the machete, and then said: "See clearly, if you don't come down, this knife will kill you. Believe it or not?"

"I..." Liu Ergou said hurriedly when he saw this, "Okay, I will come down. Brother, don't... don't mess around!"

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are brilliant, Liu Ergou knows that he is not their opponent, the opponent is crowded, and he is still prepared. Looking at this posture, the ten most powerful people are coming for himself. Liu Ergou was sober sober from all the alcohol. He took a deep breath, and then said, "Brother, want money or a woman, I...I will get it for you!"

"Today we are here to kill you." The leading man snorted coldly.

"Don't don't, don't make a joke!" Liu Ergou heard this, shaking all over, and said: " dog's life is worthless, and it's not worth your risk."

"Hey..." The leading man grinned and said, "That's not necessarily true."

"Brothers, I...I am a good friend of Hei Tie, if I have an accident, Hei Tie will definitely not give up." Liu Ergou said hurriedly.

"It's because you are a good brother of Hei Tie, that's why we have to attack you!" The man snorted coldly and said, "You know?"

"I..." Liu Ergou was dumbfounded immediately.

"Do it!" the leading man said.

At this moment, the man on the side showed his dagger without hesitation.

"Don't... don't..." Liu Ergou was frightened. He took the opportunity to shake off the opponent, and ran away, while running, shouting: "Help...Help, murder..."

It's a pity that this guy was too drunk, and how fast he could run, he was soon overtaken by the opponent.


Liu Ergou staggered, and he immediately fell down and flew off. Liu Ergou hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother, let me go, let me go!"

"This is your life. Take it!" The man smiled.

"No!" Liu Ergou screamed.


Suddenly, the sharp knife pierced Liu Ergou's heart.

There was a hideous look on Liu Ergou's face. He firmly grasped the opponent's arm, and the other hand lifted the opponent's mask. Liu Ergou gritted his teeth and looked at the familiar face, and said, "Fang Hao, are actually you!"

"Asshole!" Fang Hao was startled, grabbing a knife and stabbing in the opponent's throat.

Liu Ergou died immediately, his eyes widened, his face was completely insatiable.

Fang Hao stabbed several times in a row, only to see that the opponent had died. However, the splash of blood stained his white shirt. Fang Hao gritted his teeth and said, "Damn, it's really bad luck, I was seen by a dead person!"

"Yeah!" The man wearing black short sleeves behind him smiled and said, "Hoko, the matter is done, we can go now."

"Liu Hao, can this happen?" Fang Hao asked.

"Then you need to talk about it?" Liu Hao snorted coldly and said, "Let's just wait and enjoy it."

"Haha..." Fang Hao laughed and said: "Xiao Han, this time, I can finally kill you with a knife. You are dead."

The cold door restaurant squeezed the meeting restaurant. Moreover, the Hanmen Restaurant now looks like the largest restaurant in the university town. The site where I met the restaurant in the past was completely swallowed up by the Hanmen restaurant, expanding into a huge dining giant.

Seeing these, especially when Xiao Hanri entered Doujin, Fang Hao felt as if there was a tingling in his heart. This sting made him almost awake every night, as if there was a steel needle stuck deep in his heart, and a fishbone stuck in his throat.

Only by finding a way to kill Xiao Han, Fang Hao will feel much better in his heart.

And this time, Xiao Han shined again at the National University Games, which made Fang Hao feel more uncomfortable. Xiao Han had become Fang Hao's thorn in his flesh and his eyes. If you don't get rid of it, you will die of sadness.

When no one was found, Fang Hao decided to join forces with Liu Hao. Prepare to kill Xiao Han by borrowing a knife.

They slaughtered the best think tank around Hei Tie, and then planted and framed it to Xiao Han. With his black iron canthus, Xiao Han must die.

"What should I do next?" Fang Hao asked curiously.

"Leave a footprint on the spot." Liu Hao smiled and said: "In addition, Xiao Han's students are stuck with me!"

After Liu Hao finished speaking, he threw the student card five meters away from Liu Ergou's body to form a piece of evidence.

"Let's go!" Liu Hao smiled.

"Yeah!" Fang Hao nodded, and he asked suspiciously: "Right, can this work?"

"Of course!" Liu Hao nodded and said: "Don't worry, Hei Tie has a thick brain and doesn't think too much. He will stick to the end if he decides things. Hehe..."

Fang Hao hesitated, he turned around and picked up Xiao Han's student card, then stained Liu Ergou's chest with some blood, and put it back in place.

"Yeah, it's good." Liu Hao nodded in satisfaction and said, "Why didn't I think of this!"

"Haha..." Fang Hao laughed.

The two immediately got into the large truck and drove away from the scene.

The truck had no license plate, and the car slowly disappeared into the darkness.


In an entertainment city in Zhonghuan Road.

Hei Tie is resting in his office.

Suddenly, a quick phone rang. He was very uncomfortable at first, because the call affected his sleep, which made him very uncomfortable.

When answering the phone, Black Iron cursed: "Who, call me, don't you want to sleep?"

"Big brother, it's not good." A younger brother shouted on the phone.

Hearing this, Hei Tie immediately sat up from the head of the bed and asked, "What's the situation?"

"Master Liu, dead..." the little brother said hurriedly.

"Huh?" Hei Tie was taken aback for a moment and asked, "Which Army Master Liu?"

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