"When are you going to threaten me with this video and picture?" Secretary Yang gritted his teeth and looked at Director Tang.

"I..." Director Tang blinked like a sly fox. He smiled, and then said: "I don't want anything, I just want to keep a lover relationship with you. Don't worry, I will give Your money."

"I don't need your dirty money." Secretary Yang shook his head and said: "I will pay 200,000 yuan and buy back the videos and pictures. You sign an agreement for me."

Secretary Yang deliberated for a long time, as long as Director Tang signed his name, he could not deny and sophistry. If he dared to threaten himself like this, then he would take the agreement to the municipal government to make trouble. At that time, Director Tang would definitely be jealous. Secretary Yang is not stupid, this method can definitely stop Director Tang. However, Director Tang is an old fox, and he doesn't know the pros and cons of this kind of thing.

After Secretary Yang came in, Director Tang immediately asked Secretary Yang to turn off his mobile phone, which already proved that he was a complete old fox.

"Haha, you think too much." Director Tang shook his head and said: "I don't need your money, nor do I need your money."

Secretary Yang almost died of anger when he heard it.

Director Tang raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said, "Don't worry, I will never do anything to you, man, it's just a bite. If you satisfy me, I will never treat you. Any impact in life."

"I don't want to be like this forever." Secretary Yang shook his head and said: "You can make a condition."

"That can't be done." Director Tang shook his head, and he said in a blink of an eye: "Why don't it be like this. I don't ask for anything. The day you get married is when we end the relationship, how about?"

"You!" Secretary Yang almost wanted to hit someone.

"You have no choice!" Director Tang sneered. He took the phone and showed the screen to Secretary Yang, and then said: "You have to see clearly. I just need to tap my finger to send this information. Up."

On the screen, the picture is ready, just click send, the picture can be sent out at any time.

"No, don't order!" Secretary Yang hurriedly stopped the other party.

"Then you promise me." Director Tang said with a smile.

"I... I can't promise you!" Secretary Yang shook his head, shook his head vigorously, and said: "I...how can I promise you this?"

"Why not?" Director Tang said with a smile: "I said, absolutely don't interfere with your private life. Is it okay?"

"That won't work!" Secretary Yang shook his head painfully. Being coerced is indeed a very uncomfortable thing.

Director Tang gritted his teeth and said, "If you don't promise me, I will send it!"

"Don't don't, I promise, can't I promise?" Secretary Yang looked horrified.

"Hehe, this is almost the same!" Director Tang smiled, and then said, "Take off your clothes."

Secretary Yang bit her red lips and looked ashamed. She slowly took off the bath towel.

At this time, Director Tang secretly turned on the phone, and then filmed the scene of Secretary Yang taking off his clothes. With these videos, Director Tang has more bargaining chips. With the previous videos and pictures, Secretary Yang can completely sue him to **** him. However, in the current video, Secretary Yang voluntarily had a relationship with himself while sober.

"Kneel down and hold." Director Tang took a deep breath. The phone ** is still facing Secretary Yang.

Secretary Yang had no idea that Director Tang was so insidious. She squatted down slowly, then knelt again in front of Director Tang, gently clinging to it.


Director Tang suddenly took a breath. That one is refreshing, just like the feeling of vomiting.

Director Tang filmed this scene.

Soon, a battle began in the room.

Director Tang has bought a lot of tonics these days for the long-term development in the future, and he has replenished his body fiercely. Today is a small test. Unexpectedly, after a fierce battle, Secretary Yang was stupefied from the head of the bed to the end of the bed. From the end of the bed to the sofa...

Secretary Yang is not as good as death. In such a sober state, she was so severely insulted. She looked very painful, but also very miserable.

One afternoon. Director Tang worked hard for two rounds.

Secretary Yang clenched his teeth and worked hard to cooperate with Director Tang's movements.

At the end of the second time, Secretary Yang was lying on the head of the bed with a look of loss, her eyes staring at the ceiling blankly.

"Tsk tusk, it's so beautiful!" Director Tang turned on the phone, and a voice came from inside.

Secretary Yang was immediately dumbfounded when she heard that, she hurriedly turned over from the bedside, when she saw the scenes in the phone, she suddenly felt that her lungs were going to explode, and she roared: "You...you What is this!"

"Hehe, secretly leave a memorial." Director Tang said with a smile.

"You deleted it, quickly delete it." Secretary Yang roared.

"That won't work!" Director Tang shook his head and said, "I have to keep all of these, I'm afraid you won't be obedient in the future."

"You!" Secretary Yang trembled with anger.

"You said, what would Qin Jun think if he saw the video you were holding in front of me?" Director Tang laughed.

"You pervert, you rascal!" Secretary Yang almost fainted with anger.

"I'm not changing the sky, and I'm not a gangster!" Director Tang smiled and said, "I just keep one hand. As long as you are obedient, I will never let anyone know!"

Secretary Yang lay down, her face gray, her eyes empty and desperate. She didn't expect that the other party actually had some extra chips.

When leaving the hotel, Director Tang kissed Secretary Yang and said, "My dear, I still have some official duties to deal with, so I will leave first. You will leave after you rest."

After speaking, Director Tang left the room.

When Director Tang was about to leave, Secretary Yang suddenly said, "If I die in this room, what will you say?"

"You won't die." Director Tang was stunned, and then said: "You are so young and beautiful, right? Besides, as far as I know, Qin Jun still has a good impression of you. Qin Jun hasn't Girlfriend, don’t you keep working hard?"

When Secretary Yang heard it, it was as if he was beaten up.

"Who did you hear?" Secretary Yang hurriedly got up.

"Ang..." Director Tang blinked and said, "Analytical."

After speaking, Director Tang slammed the door and left.

Secretary Yang stayed in the room alone. She thought for a long time, and finally gave up the idea of ​​suicide. If you die, what will your parents do? If he died, he would never see Qin Jun again. Although she longed for Qin Jun's love, she knew that the story of Cinderella becoming a princess only existed in the fairy tale world after all. It does not exist in this real world.

The messy room, and his dirty body. Secretary Yang hurried into the bathroom, and then began to wash his body. She disgusted her body very much, and even had an extreme nausea.

How she wished she could get rid of this skin.

From the hotel, it was already past four. Secretary Yang returned home along the road, like a walking dead. Suddenly, a bold idea came to her mind. She never wanted to be controlled by that beast anymore, so a murderous thought flashed through her heart. However, this idea just passed by in a flash. For a girl who is timid to kill a chicken, killing someone is even more terrifying.


Mizuki University.

Tao Jun's third place in the group was eliminated, while Xiao Han qualified for the first place in the group and successfully got the ticket to the finals. The news soon exploded in Mizuki University.

On the forum of Shuimu University, the school issued a message in an official tone, saying that Xiao Han lived up to expectations and entered the final with the first place in the group. Soon, many people in the forum expressed their congratulations.

"Congratulations Xiao Han."

"Mizuki University finally got the final ticket."

"Great, our Mizuki University will finally become famous. No one will say that our Mizuki University is a scum of sports."

Many people expressed their congratulations, and of course, some people ridiculed Tao Jun from the sports department.

"Where is Tao Jun, who is known as the sprint king? He only ran third in a group, shameful!"

"Tao Jun, a liar!"

For Tao Jun's condemnation, it was simply a slap on the sports department.

A student who was not in the physical education department made it to the final with the first result in the group, but the sprint king of the physical education department was eliminated. How ironic is this opinion? No wonder so many students will stand up and mock them.

The students of the physical education department suddenly felt that their own face was a little unbearable.

In the corner of the playground.

A group of physical education students got together, as well as Director Zhang of the physical education department.

"You people, I'm so disappointed in you." Director Zhang sighed and said, "It's in vain that I have such great hopes for you. I didn't expect you to be so unbelievable. Alas, let me What should I do? You people..."

Facing the criticism from the department head, they were indeed very unwilling.

However, this is the fact.

A group of people seemed very speechless. After the day of the game, the shot put project that the teachers looked forward to the most and the medals passed by. This made the head of the physical education department very angry. Today, the most anticipated project has become a 100-meter sprint and a 5,000-meter long-distance running. These two projects have become the most anticipated favorites of Mizuki University.

Because of Xiao Han's oath, coupled with his excellent game in the group stage. Soon the teachers of the physical education department had a great change in Xiao Han. Therefore, they quickly changed the 100-meter project.

"We also want to achieve results." Tao Jun sighed and said: "Who knew it would be like this."

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