The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 586: break off an engagement

"Let the Qin family retreat." Father Liu smiled frankly and said: "As for the deposit that the Qin family originally gave, I will return it intact!"

"Just forget about refunding the money." At this time, Qin Jun waved his hand and said, "Our Qin family is no less than a few million. We should leave the money to the poor child Yiyi for treatment. However, those who retired. The matter must be spoken by our Qin family."

"Yes!" Father Liu nodded.

Of course he knew Qin Jun's worries. Once he opened his mouth to divorce, he would simply slap the Qin family. In the shopping mall, no one would taboo such things. If someone is divorced, they will definitely be looked down upon. Because this is the result of others' dislike.

Mrs. Qin smiled, and then said: "Lao Liu, is Yiyi really untreated?"

"The doctor said, unless you find a matching bone marrow." Father Liu sighed, and then said: "Otherwise, even Da Luo Jinxian can't save it."

"Then find the right bone marrow." Madam Qin said hurriedly.

"But, it's harder to find a matching bone marrow than going to heaven." Father Liu said helplessly: "The doctor said, only one in 200,000 people in the country has such a bone marrow. How difficult is it to match? Basically, death was declared, and now it’s a matter of time. Therefore, I have been working hard to accompany Yiyi, hoping to let her go through the last journey of life quietly!"

The Qin family suddenly sighed.

Sure enough, life is impermanent, and no one knows when bad luck will happen to him. This is simply a tragedy for them, a tragedy.

"Lao Liu, don't be sad either." Madam Qin sighed and said, "Or, our family doesn't mention divorce. When Yiyi's child is gone, this will happen naturally!"

"No!" Qin Xiaotian's expression changed when he heard it, and said, "I must divorce. I don't want to have a terminally ill fiancée. What if her tragedy extends to me?"

Madam Qin hesitated, her face changed slightly, she couldn't say anything.

Qin Jun smiled and said, "We respect Xiaotian's opinion. After all, this is a major event in Xiaotian's life."

"Okay!" Madam Qin nodded.

Father Liu left the Qin family with a look of disappointment. For him, today's trip to the Qin family can be regarded as a wish. After all, the Qin family is unwilling to take over a terminally ill daughter-in-law, and he can understand it.

As soon as Father Liu left, several members of the Qin family immediately began to discuss it.

"Unexpectedly, Yiyi is so fateful!" Madam Qin sighed.

"Yes!" Qin Jun nodded, and then said: "I got such a serious illness at a young age!"

Qin Jun is a cold-blooded demon in the market, but he is very emotional about Liu Yiyi's terminal illness. This made him have a feeling. Feeling that life is changeable and fateful.

Qin Xiaotian on the side was very dissatisfied: "This surnamed Liu is too bad. My daughter had a terminal illness and she didn't tell us early. It would be too much to keep not telling us. He also kept me beating a terminally ill woman. Long."

"Xiaotian, maybe people don't want it either." Madam Qin said softly, "Lao Liu probably wants to heal his daughter too, who knows that something like this will happen."

"Oh!" Qin Xiaotian nodded.

"Mom, tomorrow I will make an announcement in the name of the Qin Group. It means that the Qin family has retired." Qin Jun said.

"Yes!" Madam Qin nodded.


the next day.

A short message was posted on the official website of the Qin Group, but it was very eye-catching. The big red title marked: Qin family retired, the marriage of Qin family and Liu family failed.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

Soon, many media rushed to the Qin Group to confirm. However, they were all blocked by the door of Qin's Building. Soon, people from the public relations department came forward to confirm this.

The manager of the public relations department is a tall girl.

"Everyone, the news of the Qin family's resignation has been confirmed." The manager looked at the media seriously, and then said: "This is an announcement made by our President Qin personally. So, you don't need to ask more."

"Excuse me, what is the reason for retiring?"

"Excuse me, the failure of the marriage between Qin and Liu, does it mean that the cooperation between the two group companies has broken?"

"Excuse me..."

Many media reporters have asked questions.

However, the public relations manager turned and left and did not answer these questions. Seeing that the other party was unwilling to answer, they immediately started posting messages. After rendering by the media and the Internet, it soon became known to everyone.


In Qin Jun's office.

Qin Jun is working seriously. Opposite is his secretary.

In the past few days, Secretary Yang has been absent-minded and very negative at work.

"Secretary Yang..." Qin Jun called out several times.

Secretary Yang was shocked: "Ah, President Qin, call me!"

"What's wrong with you these past few days?" Qin Jun frowned and said, "Why are you absent-minded all the time?"

"I... I didn't!" Secretary Yang shook his head hurriedly, and said, "Ms. Qin, what can you do with me?"

"Help me prepare a contract. I'm going to Liu's house in the afternoon." Qin Jun said, "By the way, are you free this afternoon? Come with me!"

"I..." When Secretary Yang heard it, she was about to say that she was free, but when she thought of the content of the text message, she stopped abruptly and said: "I have something in the afternoon. I asked for leave and cannot accompany you. I Secretary Li will be arranged to accompany you."

"Okay!" Qin Jun didn't say anything, but directly nodded, and then continued to work at the desk.

Secretary Yang hurriedly began to help Qin Jun prepare the contract.


On the table, the black Apple phone vibrated. A text message appeared on the screen, and the sender of the text message marked Director Tang. The content of the text message is: I have opened a room in Jinjiang Metropolo Hotel, and the room number is 418. You go and wait for me this afternoon.

Seeing this text message, Secretary Yang couldn't wait to smash the phone immediately.

How much she wanted to accompany Qin Jun to start the Liu family, but Qin Jun asked herself to accompany him, but she refused him. Although it was nothing to Qin Jun, but to herself, this was a heartache for her.

Secretary Yang gritted his teeth, his teeth gurgling.

Director Tang, this beast has been entangled with himself. Although I asked this guy to delete the videos and photos in person last time, I didn't expect this beast to find a way to retrieve the videos and photos again. This time, he even used these videos and photos to coerce himself with him. If not, he will send the video to Qin Jun and also post it on the Internet.

The thought that if Qin Jun knew about these things, she felt terrified in her heart.

She never imagined how the beast recovered the videos and photos. Thinking about it now, I feel very panic.

"Give me a message back, make sure!" The text message sounded again.

Secretary Yang was too lazy to bother, she would definitely go, but she was unwilling to reply to the other party.

However, within a few minutes, the phone rang.

Secretary Yang grabbed the phone and walked out.

"It's strange..." Qin Jun looked at Secretary Yang's back. In the past few days, Secretary Yang’s behavior and emotions are indeed a bit abnormal, and I don’t know what is going on. Maybe it's because of personal affairs that affected the mood.

However, Secretary Yang has indeed been conscientious all these years, and Qin Jun also forgave her.

Secretary Yang grabbed the phone and went into the bathroom.

"What on earth do you want to do?!" Secretary Yang almost roared.

"Hey, do you agree or not!" Director Tang said with a lewd smile, "You agreed, so you can't go back."

"You..." Secretary Yang gritted his teeth and said: "You said, just last time, you deleted all the videos and photos. How did you get them back?"

"You don't need to worry about this." Director Tang shook his head and said: "Anyway, I have opened the room. You are going to go there this afternoon. If you don't come on time, I will send the video and photos to Qin Jun, and then post it online ."

"Don't, don't, I'll go!" When Secretary Yang heard this, she agreed with fear.

"Be obedient, be good." Director Tang smiled.

After hanging up the phone, Secretary Yang sat weakly on the toilet, and tears of grievance shed suddenly. The last time he was tarnished by the surname Tang, but this time he had to be caught by the other party. Secretary Yang felt very painful and guilty.


In the afternoon, Jinjiang Metropolis.

Secretary Yang did not go to work, but drove to the gate of Jinjiang Metropolis. Wearing a mask and sunglasses, she walked directly through the lobby, and then entered the fourth floor of the hotel from the elevator.

Standing at the door of April 18, Secretary Yang hesitated for a long time.


In the end, he plucked up the courage to knock on the door of the room.

The door of the room was opened, and Director Tang glared at her wrapped in a towel. When the door was opened, Director Tang glanced at his watch and said, "Oh, I came on time. Not many points, not many points."

Secretary Yang walked directly in.

Director Tang closed the door smoothly, and then opened the safety latch.

Secretary Yang is still in work clothes, a small black suit, a white shirt underneath, and a short black skirt covering the hips. Enveloping that plump ass. Especially the slender thighs like white jade are even more charming. Director Tang looked eagerly. He walked over with a big belly. Then he smiled and said, "Secretary Yang, I haven't seen you in a few days, you are more beautiful."

Secretary Yang did not speak and put down the bag. He took off his glasses and mask, turned around and went to the bathroom.

After washing, Secretary-General Yang returned to the bedroom.

"Tsk tsk, my dear, it's a lot pretty." Director Tang walked over wickedly, trying to hug Secretary Yang.

Unexpectedly, Secretary Yang pushed him away and asked, "What do you want?"

"What do you want?" Director Tang asked suspiciously.

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