The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 572: Know the root

"Report it, just report it." Xiao Han sat down on the sofa beside him unhurriedly. The tied ropes and handcuffs are on the coffee table. Xiao Han tutted: "Secretary Liu, you really know how to play. You have played all such interesting things. As expected, you are not young."

"Who are you?" Liu Shaorong glared at the other party. Needless to say, he knew who sent this guy, otherwise he would never be so sure he was Liu Shaorong. In other words, the other party came here prepared.

Of course, Liu Shaorong obviously hopes that the other party will be the latter, not the former. If someone sent it over, then he might be in trouble. If it's just the latter, maybe some money or some other benefits can send the other party.

Thinking of this, Liu Shaorong's mouth raised a smile. He grinned.

"It doesn't matter who I am." Xiao Han smiled and said, "However, I came to Secretary Liu today, hoping that Secretary Liu can do me a favor."

"What's busy?" Liu Shaorong was a little startled when he heard it, and he guessed it. The other party was really prepared. Liu Shaorong frowned and said, "Don't think you can threaten me like this, hum, things are not as simple as you think."

"Oh?" Xiao Han hesitated and said, "Then Secretary Liu, are you divorced now? I know you have a wife now, and your wife and children are abroad. Right? "

"You!" Liu Shaorong didn't expect the other party to know him so well, which made him feel strange.

"Secretary Liu, don't be so surprised!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Since I am here, I came naturally prepared. So, don't be surprised!"

"Let's talk about it, what do you want?" Liu Shaorong is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves after all. He quickly calmed down. He wants to see why the other party came here. If the other party's demands are relatively small, he can be satisfied. They, if the other party has a lot of demands, they can have a good talk with the other party.

Liu Shaorong was threatened for the first time, and for the first time so coerced. However, he did not panic. Because the other party does not seem to be too old, the other party's request should not be too much. The most important thing is that you need to get through this difficulty quickly, and then take care of the other party. As long as today is over, you can find someone to investigate the other party tomorrow. If the other party is just an ordinary person, then find a way to let him enter the game. , Don't think of it in this life.

Liu Shaorong had to deal with a person, that was a very simple matter.

He lighted a cigarette calmly and said, "Tell me!"

"My request is very simple." Xiao Han smiled lightly as he knocked on Erlang's leg. Zhang Feng stood behind him, keeping his eyes fixed on Chen Xiaoqin on the bed. The attractive figure just now has been deeply imprinted in his heart.

"Say!" Liu Shaorong nodded and said, "If I can satisfy you, I will try my best to satisfy you. If I can't satisfy you, I can't help it!"

“For Secretary Liu, that’s a one-sentence thing.” Xiao Han smiled and said, “I have a hotel called Hanmen Restaurant in the university town. It is now being dealt with jointly by the industry and commerce, national tax, and fire departments. It has already issued a rectification. Notice, I hope Secretary Liu can come forward and help me."

"Several departments jointly deal with it?" Liu Shaorong was taken aback for a moment, and said, "This situation is either being targeted or the city wants to establish a model. There is no such activity in the city recently. I know it best, so, You must have been targeted."

"I doubt it too!" Xiao Han nodded and said: "I can't think of a way, so I hope Secretary Liu can come forward and help me solve this problem."

"That's the kind of thing?" Liu Shaorong frowned, and said, "Can you be guilty of invigorating people like this? Besides, you are not afraid that I will deal with you afterwards?"

"Hey..." Xiao Han smiled indifferently, and said, "Secretary Liu, you don't know how, don't dare."

"Why do you say that?" Liu Shaorong frowned.

"You can try!" Xiao Han stood up suddenly, and said, "From now on, I must have someone remove the notice of rectification before I get to the hotel, otherwise, can Secretary Liu's innocence in his old age be guaranteed? Live, I don’t know."

After speaking, Xiao Han stood up and walked out. Zhang Feng hurriedly followed.

After walking a few steps, Xiao Han immediately stopped.

Liu Shaorong looked at his back.

"That's right!" Xiao Han turned to look at Liu Shaorong, and said, "Secretary Liu, you should have fished a lot of oil and water from that project in the gymnasium, right? 11.2 million yuan, tusk, work for several lifetimes than ordinary people More!"


When Liu Shaorong heard this, he took a breath, and his whole body trembled. He didn't expect that this guy should possess so much **** evidence of himself, which is really shocking. He was dumbfounded and dumbfounded.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Shaorong said awkwardly: " did you know?"

"You don't have to worry about how I knew it." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Actually, I don't just know this, but there are many more, I know. It depends on whether Secretary Liu is willing to help me, if you Help me, I will help you keep this secret!"

"Good!" Liu Shaorong's forehead sweat dripped down one by one, his heart was very crazy. I immediately thought of someone in my mind. This person is Ye Shisan. Because of these things, only Ye Shisan knows.

Now, these secrets are actually known by the young man in front of him. What does this mean? It shows that Ye Shisan has betrayed himself. Thinking of this, Liu Shaorong's heart suddenly became angry.

Kuang Dang...

As soon as Xiao Han left, Liu Shaorong grabbed a lamp beside him and threw it out.

"You...what's wrong with you?" Chen Xiaoqin looked at Liu Shaorong awkwardly.

"Damn, I was sold." Liu Shaorong scolded angrily, and then said: "This ****, this bitch..."

Liu Shaorong swore angrily, panting.

After a long time, he finally calmed down. The thing to do now is to stabilize this person first, and don't let him explode the content. While calm, Liu Shaorong hurriedly called several units below. Let them quickly revoke the rectification notice of the Hanmen Restaurant, and ordered them not to trouble the Hanmen Restaurant again, otherwise, they would not let them go.

A door-to-door order must be executed non-stop by the people below. But now, Liu Shaorong scolded, and the people below were suddenly frightened.


Fire department.

Director Zhang of the fire department received a call from Secretary Liu, and was stunned by scolding. He was suddenly very annoyed and held back the flames. He gritted his teeth and cursed: "You son of a bitch, who will mess around with Lao Tzu behind!"

Director Zhang immediately ordered someone to investigate, only to discover that it was Captain Left.

"Go, call this bastard." Director Zhang was full of anger, and the top of his head was naked, bald and sexy.

Before long, Captain Zuo was called in.

Wearing work clothes, salute after coming in.

"Zhang Ju, are you calling me?" Captain Zuo asked awkwardly.

"I won't call you, your kid will get me down today, right?" Director Zhang was very annoyed.

"No, no, you misunderstood." Captain Zuo hurriedly shook his head and said, "Director, what made you furious?"

"What do you mean?" Director Zhang sneered, and said: "I'll ask you, what the **** is going on in the Hanmen restaurant? Who asked you to do it?"

"I..." Captain Zuo was taken aback, and then said: "I...I went by myself."

"Okay, your kid will work behind my back now, right?" Director Zhang sneered and said, "Is your kid deliberate or intentional?"

"I...I just enforce the law impartially!" Captain Zuo said awkwardly.

"What an impartial law enforcement!" When Director Zhang heard this, he became even more furious, and said: "Now Secretary Liu of the Municipal Party Committee has called and asked us who did this thing. Tell me about it, this matter is yours. , Or am I here to blame?"

"I...I..." As soon as Captain Zuo heard that, sweat fell down. He hurriedly wiped his sweat with a tissue, and then said: "Director, how could this be? Could it be that the owner of the restaurant and Secretary Liu have what relationship?"

"If it doesn't matter, can Secretary Liu personally order to take care of it?" Director Zhang stood up, pointed his finger at Captain Left's skull, and said, "Can you use your brain to think about something before you do something next time? ?"

"I...I..." Captain Left looked embarrassed.

"Hey..." Director Zhang sighed and suddenly cursed: "Asshole, what are you doing here? If you don't hurry up and apologize, you have to revoke the rectification notice!"

"Yes!" Captain Left clutched his chest and hurried out. I was afraid that I would offend Director Zhang accidentally.

Captain left trot all the way out.

Bureau of Industry and Commerce.

The deputy director is sitting in the office. He has just received a call from Secretary Liu. However, this matter is safe by itself. At the beginning, although I visited the poor restaurant, it didn't matter.

Because for himself, he didn't need to go to the Hanmen restaurant. He was a smart person, and someone who could let Qin Jun do his own hands was definitely not easy to provoke. Therefore, seeing Captain Zuo issued a rectification notice that day, he didn't bother to speak.

Because the effect has been achieved, things have been done. I cannot do without my own credit. However, once the power of the poor restaurant rises, he can avoid the opponent's edge instead. Because it was the rectification notice from the left captain of the fire department, it has nothing to do with the industrial and commercial bureau.

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