After the girl entered, she habitually changed her shoes and put down her bag.

She would come here to live for two days every Friday, and she would spend the two days with Liu Shaorong. Liu Shaorong loved her very much, almost reaching the rhythm of responsiveness. As long as she wants, Liu Shaorong will try her best to meet her requirements.

The girl just walked in.

Suddenly, a voice came from the room: "Happy birthday to you..."

Then, Liu Shaorong came out with a small cart on which was a beautiful two-layer cake.

"Old Liu!" The girl was overjoyed.

"Qinqin, today is your birthday." Liu Shaorong showed a simple smile and said: "I am a person, I don't know romance, this is my biggest romance!"

"Whoever says you don't understand romance, I think it's good." The girl smiled faintly.

Xiaoqin never thought that Liu Shaorong would give himself such a romance, but this kind of romance is obviously not as exciting as the luxury.

"Oh yes, this is a gift from me!" Liu Shaorong hurriedly took a box from the side while speaking.

This is a beautifully packaged gift. Xiaoqin's eyes lit up and said, "What could it be?"

"Guess?" Liu Shaorong said with a big belly, "Quick guess."

Xiaoqin froze for a moment, and immediately said, "I should be a bag?"

"Hey, you open it!" Liu Shaorong laughed.

Xiaoqin hurriedly opened the package, but inside the huge package was a small box. However, she quickly opened the packaging of the small box, and she said in surprise: "It turned out to be a watch?"

"Yes!" Liu Shaorong nodded and said, "Didn't you always want a good watch? Then I will buy it for you now."

"Wow!" Xiaoqin was overjoyed when he saw this, and said: "It turned out to be a Patek Philippe female watch? It's so beautiful, dear, I love you!"

"I love you too!" Liu Shaorong immediately hugged Xiaoqin.

The two embraced excitedly.

Liu Shaorong leaned in Xiaoqin's ear and underestimated, "My dear, you have to swallow it later!"

"Ah..." Xiaoqin flushed, and said, "You are so bad, why should you swallow it, so disgusting."

"Hey, don't you eat happily every time?" Liu Shaorong laughed. When he laughed, a pile of fat on his face trembled, and a wicked smile appeared in his eyes.

Xiaoqin put on the watch excitedly, it was indeed very beautiful, beautiful and exciting, beautiful.

Liu Shaorong kept kneading her chest from the side, got his hands into the skirt, then put through her underwear, and kept touching the wet place of Xiaoqin with his hands. Xiaoqin soon limp in Liu Shaorong's arms.

"Hey..." Xiaoqin groaned softly.

Liu Shaorong's mouth raised a weird smile, and then pushed Xiaoqin to the sofa. He fetched a toy handcuff from the table beside him, and cuffed her hands.

"You have come to play this kind of perverted thing again!" Xiaoqin pursed his mouth.

"You were very happy last time?" Liu Shaorong said with a smile.

"Last time was the last time." Xiaoqin bit her red lips and said: "However, for the sake of giving me a watch this time, I will satisfy you again!"

"Okay!" Liu Shaorong was overjoyed when he heard it. He hurriedly took the rope and tied her up.

That kind of ordinary gameplay can no longer satisfy Liu Shaorong's wonderful heart. Now only handcuffs, whips, ropes and dripping wax can satisfy his perverted thoughts. He took a deep breath, holding the rope with one hand.

Xiaoqin's neck was tied by his dog chain, she could only lie on the ground like a dog, letting Liu Shaorong call.

"Lao Liu, you... You take my handcuffs away. How do I crawl..." Xiaoqin hurriedly called.

"That's it..." Liu Shaorong said impatiently.

Seeing that Liu Shaorong was a little impatient, Xiaoqin could only crawl.

Seeing Xiaoqin crawling on the ground like a dog, Liu Shaorong was very excited. He knelt down and took off all Xiaoqin's clothes. At this time, Xiaoqin is very cooperative. Because she knew that if she resisted at this time, it would only arouse Liu Shaorong's violent relative. Besides, isn't the relationship between yourself and him like this? For the sake of his own money, and for his own body, he is consensual. Why hypocritical?

Chen Xiaoqin took off the last fig leaf in cooperation.

Liu Shaorong also took off his clothes excitedly, leaving only a fig leaf. He led Chen Xiaoqin around the house, a smug smile appeared on his face, and he looked extremely excited and excited.

"Learn to bark!" Liu Shaorong commanded excitedly.

"Wow..." Chen Xiaoqin yelled twice.

"Haha..." Liu Shaorong was very excited and excited.

Although the posture was strange and ashamed, Chen Xiaoqin was very happy. After all, Liu Shaorong is generous. Not only does he give himself 20,000 yuan a month, but he also often buys luxury goods for himself, so he is not stingy at all. I am happy myself. This is the so-called money transaction.

Liu Shaorong led her around the house, then walked up to Chen Xiaoqin, and said, "Help me take off my pants."

Chen Xiaoqin's hands were tied, but this did not prevent her from taking off Liu Shaorong's pants.

Soon, Liu Shaorong also became naked.

"Hold!" Liu Shaorong's face flushed, with a hint of excitement and anticipation.

Chen Xiaoqin is a charming little fairy, not only has a good figure comparable to a model, but also has a very beautiful face, even more beautiful than the so-called female star. Chen Xiaoqin is an art school, and she hopes to be able to join the entertainment industry in the future. In Chen Xiaoqin's words, since he wants to be in the entertainment industry, he must be prepared to sacrifice. Who did it? Why bother with money? Therefore, Chen Xiaoqin is happy to maintain that kind of inexplicable relationship with Liu Shaorong.

Chen Xiaoqin honestly followed Liu Shaorong's instructions. She lightly opened her red lips, then opened her mouth and held it in.

However, Liu Shaorong was not satisfied with this. He held Chen Xiaoqin's head in both hands and stepped in.


Chen Xiaoqin suddenly felt a retching.

"Take it lightly!" Chen Xiaoqin said hurriedly.

"Fine!" Liu Shaorong said hurriedly: "I'll be gentle, I'll be gentle..."

In the room, happy together.

Outside the house, Xiao Han and Zhang Feng followed the clues to the outside of this apartment.

"Can you do it?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"Don't worry, no problem!" Zhang Feng hurriedly smiled and said, "It's definitely okay. My dad used to repair locks, and I have deep quintessence, so ordinary door locks are no problem for me!"

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Do you do it now?" Zhang Feng asked eagerly, as if he couldn't wait to prove his strength and ability.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "It's not time to do it yet."

"Okay." Zhang Feng nodded.

Xiao Han raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "Hey, I will definitely see a good show today!"

"You kid brought me here, I still don't understand what it means!" Zhang Feng stared at Xiao Han, and said, "You told me, why should we open this door? What's hidden in it?"

"You'll find out later." Xiao Han showed a mysterious smile.

"Fuck, are you still keeping me secret?" Zhang Feng said hurriedly.

"I brought you here today, so I don't intend to keep you secret." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "However, you should never tell Liu Bin and Zhang Dago about this matter."

"Good!" Zhang Feng nodded.

"Then do it!" Xiao Han smiled.

As soon as Zhang Feng heard it, he immediately started to do it. The tools in his hand are relatively simple, a needle-nose pliers, a tweezers, and a steel wire. He pierced the wire in, and then squeezed it against the keyhole for a while. After a short while, Zhang Feng smiled and said, "It's on!"

"Huh?" Xiao Han was stunned. The door was clearly locked, but the kid said it was open.


Zhang Feng pushed gently, and the door opened.

"High!" Xiao Han was overjoyed.

"Hehe, I said, this kind of lock is not difficult for me." Zhang Feng smiled.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Let's go, let's go in!"

After speaking, Xiao Han pushed the door boldly and entered.

In the room, the two men and women who were immersed in **** were still playing various postures crazy. In the room, on the sofa...

"Fuck..." Zhang Feng, who saw this scene suddenly felt hot eyes.

A girl with a perfect figure was actually crushed by a fat man like a pig. The two of them were immersed in the endless sea of ​​desires, unable to extricate themselves, even Xiao Han couldn't pass it. The other party did not notice the presence of an intruder.

Zhang Feng gently closed the door behind him, and then watched with his eyes wide open.


Xiao Han coughed awkwardly.

"Who!" Liu Shaorong was shocked, and he turned his head to look, suddenly dumbfounded. There were two strange men standing in the direction of the door, which scared Liu Shaorong into a fool. The guy who was still arrogant and arrogant just fainted. He hurried to the side, covering his body with a bed sheet.

"Ah..." Chen Xiaoqin was shocked suddenly, she got into the quilt on the bed, trembling and trembling all over.

"Who are you?!" Liu Shaorong glared at each other, and said: "You dare to break into a private house, you are an illegal invasion!"

"How?" Xiao Han smiled faintly, and then said: "This shouldn't be a private house, right?"

"Why isn't this a private house?" Liu Shaorong was furious.

"This is not an ordinary house. This is the lair where Secretary Liu keeps the foxes." Xiao Han smiled.

"You...what are you talking nonsense?" Liu Shaorong was furious when he heard this, and said: "Don't talk nonsense, otherwise...otherwise I will call the police."

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