In the office, Liu Sandao held a jade cigarette **** in his mouth. He looked up at the Monkey King, and said, "Don't panic when something happens."

"Master Dao, this **** Ye Shisan brought people up to kill." Monkey King hurriedly shouted: "You run away."

"How to run, where to run?" Liu Sandao calmly said, "Everyone has already arrived. If you can't run away, you can't run away. If you can't run away, why don't you just let it go? It is to be paid back."

Monkey King looked incredible, he looked at Liu Sandao in amazement. Liu Sandao's calmness and composure shocked the Monkey King.

"Master Dao, it's too late to go now." The Monkey King hurriedly said, "I will cover your retreat."

"Forget it." Liu Sandao shook his head and said, "If I leave, the reputation of this sword alliance may be damaged. Therefore, I can't leave."

"If you don't leave, Ye Shisan she..." The Monkey King was anxious.

"She didn't dare to do anything to me!" Liu Sandao smiled lightly.

During the conversation between the two, there was already a wave of noises shouting and killing outside the door. When the monkey king heard it, he was immediately annoyed. Now he can't leave if he wants to leave, because Liu Sandao's office is at the end of the corridor. There is nowhere to run when you go out. Moreover, all the office windows here are sealed with anti-theft nets. It may take some time to remove this anti-theft net.

No wonder Liu Sandao was not in the mood to run.

It stands to reason that installing an anti-theft net in the office of the boss of the **** is a mistake and a very unwise decision. However, it was installed in Liu Sandao's office, which can only prove one thing, that is, Liu Sandao is very confident in the knife league. He never thought that his headquarters would be shot down.

The sound of screaming at the door stopped instantly.


Suddenly, the door of the office was knocked open.

A sturdy man walked in slowly with a machete in his hand. Then Ye Shisan broke in with a few women.

Thirteenth night, very proud.

"Liu Sandao, you never thought you would have today?" Ye Shisan smiled coldly.

"Ye Thirteen." Liu Sandao smiled frankly, and said: "I have never thought about it, because I always look down on a woman like you. I would rather be caught by the black iron, but I never thought about being caught by you."

"Haha..." Ye Shisan smiled triumphantly, and then said, "How about it, doesn't it feel uncomfortable to be a prisoner?"

"It's really uncomfortable." Liu Sandao shook his head, and then said: "Let's talk, what do you want?"

"Come with me." Ye Shisan sneered.

"Yes!" Liu Sandao nodded.

"Master Dao, you can't go with them!" The Monkey King hurriedly stood in front of Liu San Dao.

"That's the end of the matter, forget it." Liu Sandao gently pushed the Monkey King away, and said, "There is no need to make unnecessary sacrifices. I just go with her, and she can't do anything to me!"

"Master Dao!" The Monkey King was a little anxious.

"That's right, you go find Xiao Han." Liu Sandao underestimated in the ear of Monkey King, and said: "This matter made Xiao Han come out, he owes me a favor!"

"Ang?!" The Monkey King was stunned.

After Liu Sandao finished speaking, he turned and left.

Soon, Ye Shisan triumphantly tied Liu Sandao's hands with a rope, and then walked in the forefront triumphantly, holding Liu Sandao as if he was holding a cow. In the end, Nightingale's people drove away.

When King Kong arrived, the battle was over, and the opponent left with people.

"Where is Master Dao?" King Kong panted.

"I was kidnapped by Ye Shisan." The Monkey King sat on the sofa.

"Fuck, how could this happen!" King Kong was furious when he heard it, "Why are you still sitting here, chase after him."

"Master Dao is in their hands, what can we do if we chase him?" The Monkey King let out a suffocating breath, and then said, "Master Dao told me, let me go to Xiao Han and let him go out to deal with this matter!"

"Xiao Han?" King Kong scolded as soon as he heard it, "A yellow-haired boy with no hair on his mouth, how can he handle things on the road? Dao is too dear to this boy, right?"

"I don't know too much!" Monkey King shook his head and said, "However, this is indeed something that Master Dao explained himself."

"Oh..." King Kong sighed helplessly, and said, "Master Dao is old now. My mind is confused."

There was a moment of silence in the office.


In the early morning, a ray of sunlight penetrated the curtains.

Xiao Han rolled over on the bed, and when he opened his eyes, it was already sunny outside. In the dormitory, several people are still sleeping. It is now late spring and early summer, so the sun rises earlier.

Xiao Han glanced at the time, it was already past seven in the morning.

"Get up." Xiao Han yelled, "I'm going to class today!"

"What's the hurry!" Liu Bin turned over and said, "It's also eight o'clock in class. What time is it now?"

"It's half past seven now." Xiao Han hurriedly got up, and then quickly began to wash.

In the morning it was Lan Yudie's class, Xiao Han didn't dare to be late. Fearing that she would be angry, he ran to the cafeteria, bought breakfast and ran to the classroom.

On the way from the cafeteria to the classroom. Suddenly, a familiar face blocked his way.

"Monkey King?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment and said, "Why are you in our school?"

"I'm looking for you." The Monkey King looked at Xiao Han helplessly and said, "Master Dao was taken away."

"What?" Xiao Han shook his hand after listening, and the breakfast in his hand was scared. He said embarrassingly: "Liu Sandao was arrested, why are you running to find me?"

"Master Dao asked me to come to you." Monkey King shrugged helplessly, and then said: "Last time Lan Yudie was captured by Ye Shisan, our knife alliance contributed a lot. This time our Dao master was captured, Xiao Han, You should have said something too?"

When Xiao Han heard that this favor was really fast enough, he said, "Who caught it?"

"Ye Thirteen!" said the Monkey King.

"Ye Shisan?!" Xiao Han was startled and said, "She still dare to show up?"

"Last night, she took a group of people to attack the rich man and took away the Dao." The Monkey King smiled bitterly and said: "We are too underestimating the enemy. I didn't expect Ye Shisan to be so courageous!"

"Huh!" Xiao Han was immediately surprised, and said: "This night Thirteen is too powerful, right?"

"Oh..." The Monkey King shook his head helplessly, and said, "Xiao Han, can you help me with this matter?"

"Of course help!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "You send someone to talk on the road, so that tonight I, Xiao Han, will personally find Ye Shisan Theory and let him release Liu Sandao!"

"Sure!" When the monkey king heard, he nodded and left.

Watching the Monkey King leave, Xiao Han glanced down at the breakfast on the ground. A very innocent look. When Xiao Han was about to buy a new copy, the bell rang for class.

"Fuck, run quickly." Xiao Han turned his head and ran.

Fortunately, the teacher arrived in time.

In the morning class, Xiao Han was very serious. After all, there are some knowledge points that are useful to him. Xiao Han has mastered these knowledge points, but after listening to Lan Yudie again, it seems that he has a new understanding.

Lan Yudie was distracted several times during class, and every time she saw Xiao Han, her face turned red. Because every time she saw Xiao Han, she couldn't help but recall how Xiao Han was naked last night, and she gave him all sorts of blowing, playing and singing to satisfy his perverted thoughts.

After the end of get out of class, Lan Yudie let out a sigh of breath.

The afternoon is self-study.

Xiao Han did not forget his promise. After eating in the afternoon and taking a short rest, he drove to the Kangning Clinic. Xiao Han promised Liu Sisi to invite her to dinner this afternoon. Since it is for dinner, go shopping together in the afternoon and buy some gifts for her. She never charges her own money every time she goes to the Corning Clinic to take risks and see a doctor. This is true whether it is oneself or a few people in their own dorm. Therefore, Xiao Han was somewhat embarrassed.

In the afternoon, Liu Sisi put on her favorite clothes, a white T-shirt and a black short skirt, and she outlined her legs vividly. Not only that, but she also had a perfect body.

Liu Sisi was very satisfied with her figure, but her exquisite doll-like face was a little dissatisfied. Why can't I have an oval face? But she has a baby face, although cute, but not **** enough, not charming enough.

Men like sexy, beautiful women.

Xiao Han is a man, and he is no exception.

"Sisi, why don't you change your white coat today?" Dad Liu asked.

"Dad, I'm asking for leave this afternoon." Liu Sisi smiled, and said, "I'm bothering you with things in the clinic."

"You..." Daddy Liu said, "Who are you going out with?"

"You care about me!" Liu Sisi pursed his mouth and said, "I'm so old, don't you want me to find a boyfriend?"

When Daddy Liu heard this, he was immediately happy: "Oh... So it was with my boyfriend?"

"Dad, what nonsense are you talking about!" Liu Sisi heard it and stomped anxiously, and said: "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously. Besides, I don't have a boyfriend either. I'm just going shopping with a friend, by the way, buy some Summer clothes. Summer is coming soon."

"Okay, you go!" Dad Liu chuckled. Since his daughter has grown up, it is normal to talk about her boyfriend, and he can't stop him.

Liu Sisi went out.

As soon as I came out of the clinic, I saw a black BMW SUV galloping.

"Beauty, where are you going, do you want me to take you?" Suddenly, the car stopped in front of him.

Liu Sisi was just about to yell at him. Unexpectedly, he saw a familiar face with a harmless smile on his face. Her eyes lit up suddenly: "Xiao Han, you... where did your car come from?"

"Hey, I borrowed it." Xiao Han grinned and said, "If you go out with you, you can't get a transportation tool? Or where do you put your face?"

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