The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 563: Sneak attack

In fact, the women behind Ye Shisan were all well-trained women. Each of these women have experienced professional training before they have the skills they are today. Each of them is extremely sturdy, and ordinary men are not necessarily their opponents. These people have become Ye Shisan's bodyguards, and the strength of these people is beyond doubt. Has also become Ye Shisan's confidant.

The woman on the side raised a smile: "Should we set off now."

"Count the number of people!" Ye Shisan shouted.


Everyone stood up, and then lined up. Forty or fifty people are neatly organized. Quite a bit of momentum during military training. A woman next to Ye Shisan started counting thousands of people.

"A total of forty-eight people." The woman hurriedly called.

"Enough." Ye Shisan nodded, and said: "The soldiers are expensive and not expensive. This time we have forty-eight warriors, plus us, there are more than fifty people. Sneak attack on the rich, enough, if you can capture Liu alive Three knives, haha... that would be wonderful."

"Catch Liu Sandao alive!"

"Catch Liu Sandao alive!"

Everyone yelled.

"Go!" Ye Shisan waved.


Everyone filed out and quickly squeezed into the golden cup vans at the door. One car was filled with individuals, and five cars filled everyone in. Anyway, the journey is not far, and it is only more than 20 minutes from the bar. Moreover, tonight was a sneak attack. If there are too many cars, it is easy to cause others to be alert. Therefore, there are fewer cars.

Packing more than fifty people in five Jinbei cars is already the greatest degree.

At the entrance of the Big Regal Entertainment Club.

Four little brothers in body armor were talking and laughing at the door. Recently, good news has come from the Dao League, and the boys are naturally proud. Discussing these battles in private, if anyone is lucky enough to participate, it will become their boasting capital.

"Recently, we beat Ye Shisan like a dog in the water!"

"No, Ye Shisan doesn't know where to hide now!"

The little brothers at the door were very proud of their faces, as if in this provincial city, the power of the sword alliance had already dominated the world. It sounds very harsh.

Not far away, two Jinbei vans have been parked in a green belt.

Ye Shisan hid in the grove with someone.

"What about the others?" Ye Shisan asked.

"I'll be here soon." The woman on the side hurriedly said: "I just waited for the traffic light on the road and took some time."

"When is this? What traffic lights are you waiting for?" Ye Shisanyi heard, a little annoyed, and said: "This is not usual, this is a sneak attack, it is time!"

"Yes, I will hurry them." The woman said hurriedly.

The corner of Ye Shisan's mouth raised a sneer, and then said, "Hurry up!"

"Yes!" The woman nodded again.

Soon, the three-two vans lined up and came galloping.

"Boss Ye, here," the woman said hurriedly.

At this time, Ye Shisan stood up and shouted: "Warriors of the Nightingale, rush with me. Kill all the dogs of the Sword League."

"Kill!" Behind, dozens of people swarmed.

The four security guards froze for a moment. When they saw Ye Shisan with dozens of people galloping over from the light, they were dumbfounded. They were just saying that Ye Shisan was hiding like a dog in the water. It's alright now, people actually took the initiative to kill the door.

"Run!" One of the security guards reacted, and the guy ran away.


The other three also hurriedly ran away. This group of people really didn't have professional ethics. The first reaction when they saw the enemy came was to run away. They never thought that once they ran away, the people in this club might be the ones who suffered. The people in this club are probably going to be shut down and beaten by the Nightingale. The most important thing is that if the people inside cannot get the news, they certainly have no way to escape.

"Very good!" Seeing the security guards all ran away, Ye Shisan suddenly laughed: "Today we can close the door and beat the dog. Come in with me!"

After a group of people entered, they closed the door of the rich man.

Then he went in.

In the hall, Yinggeyan dances. Those women wearing red tulle are dancing, and some consumers are drunk and singing.


After Ye Shisan came in, he cut down when he saw people. Suddenly blood stained this rich man's club.

"Ah, help!"

"Kill, run away!"

In the hall, the women and the men who enjoyed them suddenly panic. A group of people panicked and fled quickly.

"Don't chase them." Ye Shisan gritted his teeth and said: "Come up with me and catch Liu Sandao alive!"

"Kill!" A group of people ran up following Ye Shisan.

Ye Shisan gave up chasing down these people in the hall because she knew that these people were somewhat insignificant people. Another willingness is that some of these people may be officials who are officials. If they are also chased down, they may find themselves in trouble afterwards. Now Nightingale has troubled that clump, and can no longer make trouble. If you give up chasing them, these people will not be injured in the first place, and in the second place they will not be willing to expose that they have consumed with the rich, so they will not be messed up afterwards.

A group of people rushed towards the second floor.

When Ye Shisan rushed to the second floor with people, the little brother of the Dao League finally appeared.

Among the rich, there are some brothers from the knife league. Among them, the Monkey King sits on the richest man. The Monkey King recognized Ye Shisan at a glance, and he sneered: "Ye Shisan, I didn’t expect it. It’s not a lot of effort to break through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. You **** took the initiative to send it to the door. ."

"Hey, dead monkey." The corner of Ye Shisan's mouth raised a sneer, and said: "There are fewer than ten people by your side. Look at how many people are around me!"

Ye Shisan seemed to have known that there would not be too many people among the rich. Therefore, she seemed very proud.

"What about the number of people?" The Monkey King showed a steel knife and said, "You are not enough for me to cut!"

"Really?" Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and then said: "Then try it. Warriors, kill me!"

"Kill!" Nightingale's little brother had already suffocated a sigh of relief. Now, seeing so few people in the knife league, their confidence in their hearts is bursting, and they suddenly rush forward.

The Monkey King's face was solemn, and he roared, "Block them!"

With just nine people, how to block the attack of more than forty opponents?

The power of the Knife League is expanding, and the Golden Island and the newly-taken club have been stationed with large troops, which has caused the vacancy of the people in the headquarters of the Knife League. Not only the Monkey King, I am afraid that even Liu Sandao has never thought that Ye Shisan dare to take people to sneak attack on the rich, right?

The Monkey King took the lead, and the steel knife in his hand suddenly slashed towards the opponent.

With a stab, he slashed the arm of the boy who rushed up first on the spot.

A living arm just fell to the ground.

"Ah!" The little brother fell down at that time, then yelled in pain, and fell to the ground, yelling.

The crying and howling affected the mood of everyone on the scene.

The woman next to Ye Shisan walked over and kicked the other person on the back of the head. With this kick, the other person immediately passed out and stopped wailing. She knew that the other person's continued howling would definitely affect her. Morale. Now the nightingale's people are rushing forward with a wave of morale. They need more courage and morale. They need more momentum.

"Kill!" a group of people roared frantically.

The Monkey King was one enemy ten, he was at the forefront, and several people in the back blocked the left and right. Blocked the opponent at the top of the stairs, preventing the opponent from going to the third floor. Once this stairway fell, then Liu Sandao upstairs might be in danger.

"When will King Kong arrive?" The Monkey King gritted his teeth and asked.

"There are more than twenty minutes left." The little brother said hurriedly.

"Damn it." The Monkey King suddenly felt a great pressure. More than twenty minutes? Just relying on yourself and those few people, how can you support it for so long? The Monkey King clenched his teeth and said, "Let them hurry up. We can't stand it anymore here."

"Yes!" The younger brother can only nod his head, but whether he can hurry up is not up to the car.

Who made the Zhonghuan Road so far from here? Although there are few cars at night, this bustling place is still full of traffic even at night. It's just that there is no traffic jam during the day. It is basically impossible to gallop over.

Ye Shisan took the lead, holding a short knife in his hand, and quickly chopped over a younger brother of the opponent. A hole was quickly torn from the opponent's line of defense. Ye Shisan roared and said: "Warriors, come with me!"

"Rush!" When the people behind heard it, they rushed forward frantically.

This group of people rushed forward. He seemed extremely excited and excited.

Upon seeing this, the Monkey King suddenly yelled badly: "Damn it, hurry...stop them!"

Ye Shisan rushed forward with the brave and wary women around him, and the younger brother from behind followed all the way. Two of the Monkey King fell down, and the remaining few were with more than a dozen of Nightingale’s younger brothers. Entangled, there is no time to take care of this side. They can only support it hard.

"Asshole." The Monkey King was very angry, and he shouted: "Don't fight, follow me!"

The Monkey King jumped up and grabbed the stair railing. Between a few jumps, the man had already climbed to the third floor, and the other little brothers quickly jumped to the third floor.

It is a pity that with the power of these people, it is impossible to stop a group of people who have gone crazy. Seeing that the situation was not good, the Monkey King ran towards Liu Sandao's office quickly and yelled, "Master Dao, it's not good, it's not good!"

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