The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 550: Golden island

After entering, the peaked cap walked over to the little brother in overalls. He looked at him and suddenly asked, "Where is Ergouzi?"

"Inside!" The staff hurriedly pointed to the man with Erlang's legs on the sofa.

"Good!" The peaked cap nodded.

He turned and walked inside, then walked to the sofa, and sat down in front of Ergouzi. Er Gouzi glanced at the peaked cap and said, "Who are you? What are you doing here? Go and sit somewhere else, this is not where you sit!"

"Uh," the peaked cap froze for a moment, and then said: "I heard that you have great magical powers and you can inquire about any news."

"That's not necessarily!" Er Gouzi shook his head and said, "What news is you going to see. You can't ask me what the President ate today, right?"

"The news from the provincial capital is all right?" The peaked cap replied.

"No problem!" Er Gouzi nodded and said, "However, I have a rule. Before asking a question, pay a deposit of 1,000 yuan. Whether I can answer or not, the 1,000 yuan will not be refunded. In addition, according to the magnitude of the news, this How much is the message charge. Do you agree?"


Suddenly, the peaked cap dropped a thousand yuan on the table, and then said, "This is one thousand yuan. I will ask you a question. Do you know where the woman the Dao League is looking for?"

"Huh?" Er Gouzi was taken aback, took a puff of cigarette, almost choked. He smiled and said, "The woman the Dao League is looking for? I see, it's the woman named Lan Yudie, right? Several people asked me to find out about the news, but they couldn't afford it."

"How much?" the peaked cap asked.

"Twenty thousand!" Er Gouzi glanced at the peaked cap, as if he was ready that the other party could not afford the price.


Two wads of banknotes smashed on the table, and then he said: "There are a total of 20,000 here, plus the previous 1,000, for a total of 21,000. You can figure it out."

"Hey!" Er Gouzi looked at the red ticket. It was a business to make money, but it was very difficult to collect the information. The reason why he dared to accept the other party's money was because he happened to know the news. That's why he dared to live in futures and dare to speak loudly.

Of course, from another aspect, it is precisely because the little brother of the Dao League came to ask too many people that it caused Er Gouzi to dare to make such unscrupulous prices. Shout the price of a piece of news. Of course, for the other party, 20,000 is not much, even 200,000 he can get it.

"This news tells you yes, but you must not let the third person know!" Er Gouzi's eyes flashed, and then said: "Otherwise, I dare not tell you!"

"Okay!" The peaked cap nodded.

"The reason I know is because I happened to hear the conversation between Ye Shisan and Hei Tie!" Er Gouzi leaned close to the ear of the man in the cap and whispered: "If I guessed correctly, it should be Ye Shisan tied up. Blue Rain Butterfly. As for where the person is, you found Ye Shisan, and naturally you also found Blue Rain Butterfly. Understand?"

"I see!" The peaked cap immediately stood up. A strong murderous aura radiated from his body.

"Wait!" Er Gouzi said hurriedly.

"What else?" The peaked cap's eyes released a touch of cold light.

"What's your name?" Er Gouzi felt very strange. The young man in front of him had such a powerful aura, which really made people feel extremely shocked and surprised. So, he is curious about who this person is?

"Xiao Han!" The peaked cap glanced at him and left the bar without stopping.

Looking at Xiao Han's back, Er Gouzi felt a little puzzled, and muttered: "When did a person named Xiao Han appear on this road? Damn, the people nowadays are really better than the other, than we were on the road before. That would be much better."

Come out of the night bar.

Xiao Han exuded waves of strong murderous aura, which made people feel very shocked.

He turned around and drove straight to the car at the door. As he walked, he called the Monkey King.

"Xiao Han, do you have any clues?" The Monkey King hurriedly asked.

"I asked someone to ask. The person may have been tied by Ye Shisan." Xiao Han asked, "Do you know where Ye Shisan's lair is?"

"Ye Shisan?" When the monkey king heard this, his face changed slightly, and said, "Are you sure?"

"Almost sure, even if we are not sure, we have to come to ask." Xiao Han said.

"That's OK!" The Monkey King nodded, and then said: "I'll bring people over here, and you will wait for me there."

After hanging up the phone, two Jinbei vans galloped up. The car just stopped, and dozens of people got on and off. Everyone was carrying a machete. The momentum is fierce and evil. It looks very hideous. The leading Monkey King quickly found Xiao Han.

"Brought twenty-three people here!" The Monkey King said, "Let's take a look at the other party's tone first. If the other party's attitude is arrogant and refuses to let go, I will immediately gather the people."

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

Xiao Han and the other party arrived almost at the same time. Xiao Han took the lead, dressed in casual clothes, but strolling leisurely when walking, he seemed very calm and easy-going. It seems that the whole person is very temperamental.

Xiao Han walked at the forefront, followed by the Monkey King, and behind them were the brothers of more than 20 sword leagues.

The headquarters of Ye Thirteen is on the Golden Island of Zhonghuan Road. This is a bath. It is full of all kinds of activities, where men are most obsessed with. The women here are very good at serving people, and many men are happy to come here to play.

There are more than one hundred girls in Golden Island, Yanhuan is fat and thin, as long as you want it. Fat, thin, tall, short

It was half past six in the evening.

It is already business hours for Golden Island. At the gate of Golden Island, two rows of men in bulletproof vests carry clubs in their hands. This kind of place, after all, is a mixture of fish and dragons, if a troublemaker comes out, wouldn't it be troublesome. Therefore, in order to ensure that the girls here are not bullied, and also to protect the safety of customers here, the Golden Island is equipped with security guards, and these security guards are all selected from the nightingale.

Many of the little brothers in Nightingale can't wait to do such a beautiful job. Because there are many beautiful girls in Golden Island, they can hook up unrestrainedly. Many male security guards have girls they like, and these girls sell skins and meats here at night. Hanging out with these security guards during the day can be considered a spiritual comfort.

There are five or six security guards at the door, burly and surging.

Suddenly, these security guards saw Xiao Han and the others coming. The leading security guard immediately scolded: "Who are you?"

"We are here to find Ye Shisan!" Xiao Han said.

"Boss Ye is not something you can find if you want." The leader snorted coldly.

"Are the people in my sword league not qualified?" At this time, the Monkey King stood up from behind.

The security guard apparently knew the Monkey King. The Monkey King had a great reputation in the provincial capital. The security guard hesitated for a moment and said embarrassingly, "Brother Monkey, I don't know what's the matter with our boss?"

"Hehe" The Monkey King snorted coldly, and then said, "You don't need to worry about anything. You just need to inform you Ye Shisan and say that the people from the Sword League have come to visit."

"Okay." The security guard hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

The leading security guard immediately urged: "No one can enter the Golden Island without my instructions, have you heard?"

"Yes!" Several security guards nodded one after another.

As soon as the leader left, the others quickly blocked the gate.

Xiao Han is not in a hurry, since he has already arrived, then stay calm. See what the other person wants to say to yourself.

At this time, it is on the ground floor of Golden Island.

Ye Shisan put the blue rain butterfly in a cage. The clothes were stripped, and there were several women holding whips.

"I advise you not to be stubborn!" The tall whip woman snorted coldly, and said: "Since you have come to Golden Island, we will take over our training honestly and serve our guests with us, so that you can perform. Your value. Understand?"

"Don't think about it!" Lan Yudie's face was pale. Although she was lashed twice, she was not insulted at least.

"You dare to be tough!" Another woman stared blankly and said: "It seems that if I don't show you a bit of power, you don't know how powerful our Golden Island is."


After speaking, the tall woman flicked two whips. At that time, it was drawn on the arm of Lan Yudie.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie suddenly suffered from pain.

Ye Shisan stood outside the cage and sat on a chair. Behind him stood two heavily armed women. One of them bowed his head and said, "Boss Ye, this woman is difficult to tame. Find a man to force her up." . Come faster like this!"

"No!" Ye Shisan shook his head and said, "I want to sell her first night for money. It's so beautiful, and it's still a young child, it must be very valuable!"

"Hmm!" The woman beside her nodded.

At this time, the door opened.

A security guard hurried in and yelled: "Boss Ye, it's not good, it's not good."

"What's the matter!" Ye Shisanyi heard it and stood up immediately.

"The people from the Dao League are here!" The security guard said hurriedly.

"Huh?" Ye Shisan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "What are the people from the Sword League doing?"

"I don't know!" The security guard shook his head.

"How many people are here?" Ye Shisan asked.

"More than twenty." The security hurriedly replied.

"Do more than twenty people dare to come to our Golden Island?" Ye Shisan was a little disdainful.

"Yes, there are only more than twenty!" The security guard said immediately. In fact, he is not afraid of the other party. Although the sword alliance is powerful, but in front of Nightingale, what can the sword alliance be? Besides, the current Nightingale has cooperated with the people of Dark Iron, and sooner or later it will become the first gang in the provincial capital. Thinking of this, the corner of the security's mouth couldn't help but raise a slight smile.

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