The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 549: Borrow manpower

Suddenly, Xiao Han stepped on Li Aibin's chest. He smiled coldly, and then said, "Didn't you say you want to clean up me?"

"No, no, I dare not." Li Aibin shook his head.

"Turn on the monitoring, hurry up!" Xiao Han said, "Otherwise, I will break your leg!"

"But" Li Aibin said awkwardly: "This requires the approval of the police station."

"Huh, you have the final say whether you agree or disagree?" Xiao Lian laughed.

"I can't do it." Li Aibin shook his head.

"Okay, you're not driving, right?" Xiao Lian laughed, and then said: "Da Gu, take that chair over and break his leg!"

"Okay!" Zhang Dagu nodded immediately.

Li Aibin was frightened when he heard it. Hurriedly said: "I am driving, I am driving, can I not do it?"

Xiao Han immediately let go of him, Li Aibin yelled in pain, he struggled to get up, then walked to the front of the monitoring, entered the password, and opened the background of the monitoring. After opening, Liu Bin immediately pushed him away and said, "Let me come!"

Afterwards, Liu Bin personally went into battle. For a computer expert, calling up monitoring is nothing. Liu Bin quickly found the part of the accident.

"Here!" Liu Bin hurriedly pointed to the camera.

"This car!" Zhang Dagu said hurriedly: "Blue Rain Butterfly didn't take them in the car. You see the phone is on the ground!"

"Play it again!" Xiao Han said.

Liu Bin put aside from the beginning to the end, Blue Yudie hurried out, then looked around, but was taken away by the man in the grey unlicensed car when he was about to make a call. Xiao Han frowned.

"At that time, she was calling me. Before the call was connected, the other party tied Xiaoyu away." Xiao Han frowned.

"What?" Li Aibin heard this and said, "Ms. Lan was kidnapped? Hurry up and report the crime!"

"No!" Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "The other party must have some attempt to kidnap Xiaoyu. Otherwise, she wouldn't be kidnapped so openly. Moreover, she ran out in a hurry, seeming to be looking for something, and called me again. , Which means that someone must pretend to be looking for her in my name."

Xiao Han analyzed it seriously, and the analysis seemed to make some sense.

"Xiao Han, do you want me to help?" Li Aibin has a good impression of Lan Yudie. Now that he heard that Lan Yudie was kidnapped, he even wanted to help regardless of the previous suspicion.

Xiao Han glanced at him and said, "Not necessary for the time being."

After speaking, Xiao Han immediately left the security room with someone.

"Xiao Han, what should I do now?" Liu Bin asked at this time.

"You go back first, I'll find a friend to help!" Xiao Han glanced at several people.

"Let's go with you." Liu Bin said, "What if I need help? Right?"

Xiao Han hesitated for a moment, and then said, "No need. You go back first and wait for my news!"

"Okay!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "Let's not trouble Xiao Han. Let's go!"

Several people nodded and turned to leave.

Xiao Han turned around and went to the carport, then took his car, and drove swiftly towards the rich man entertainment club. This time is in the afternoon, and the entertainment clubs will continue to open around three in the afternoon.

When Xiao Han arrived at the rich man, there were no cars at the door. However, the security guards of the Dao League had already started to clean the door. They were busy preparing for the next work. The work of the day was also very busy. Moreover, the hygiene at the door is very bad. A drunk who is drunk will not only vomit, but also urinate and urinate everywhere. I have met all kinds of people.

Not much effort.

A black BMW off-road vehicle came galloping in, the car was extremely fast. Seeing that the car was about to reach the door of the rich man, there was still no sign of braking.


Suddenly, the car flicked, and the car stopped quickly.

"Fuck, this driver doesn't want his life?"

"Damn, why do you drive so fast?"

The security guards at the door were all frightened by this scene, and turned into birds and beasts. If it is an ordinary car, it is estimated that they have stepped forward and learned a lesson, but fortunately this car is a luxury car. No one dares to provoke luxury cars. The younger brothers could only look angrily, daring to be angry but not talking.

Xiao Han jumped out of the car, and then hurried straight upstairs.

Liu Sandao is taking a lunch break.

The Monkey King took people to work in the club.

"Xiao Han?" The Monkey King saw Xiao Han flash past the corridor. He couldn't believe it.

Xiao Han seemed to hear the voice of the Monkey King. He stepped back quickly, and then hurriedly walked towards the Monkey King, saying: "Monkey King, where is Liu Sandao?"

"You!" The Monkey King almost got angry when he heard it. However, thinking that Xiao Han's relationship with the Dao League is now easing, he suppressed this breath again and said, "What's the matter? You look for our knife. What's the matter, Lord?"

"Where are the others?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"He is resting in the room!" The Monkey King looked at Xiao Han's expression nervously, and then asked, "Are you looking for him too?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly and said: "I have something to ask him for help!"

"Then I will take you to find him!" Monkey King said.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

Afterwards, the Monkey King immediately pulled Xiao Han and ran straight towards the second floor. After arriving on the fifth floor, the Monkey King walked to a room and knocked on the door. There was no movement in the room. The Monkey King couldn't help knocking on the door again.

"Who?" Liu Sandao's voice came.

"Master Dao, Xiao Han said that I have something to do with you!" Monkey King said.

"Xiao Han?" Liu Sandao was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Okay, take him to the office, I'll get up immediately!"

"Yes!" The Monkey King nodded.

Xiao Han frowned and shouted: "I have something urgent!"

When the voice fell, Liu Sandao's voice came: "Then come in!"

When Liu Sandao heard that Xiao Han was in a hurry, he felt even more interesting. Xiao Han went to the door to find himself in a hurry. Doesn't that mean he was asking for himself? Then, I must not let go of such an opportunity.

Xiao Han pushed the door immediately and entered.

The room was dark, and the Monkey King hurriedly turned on the light. This is a large room with a round bed in the middle. Liu Sandao got up from the bed. There was a woman on the bed, a very young and beautiful woman.

Xiao Han ignored the woman directly, and said, "Master Dao, I'll ask for help!"

"Tell me, what's the matter!" Liu Sandao didn't rush, he took a cigarette from the bedside table beside him.

The Monkey King hurried over and lit a cigarette for Liu Sandao.

Liu Sandao raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then said, "What made you so anxious?"

"I hope to borrow your manpower to use it." Xiao Han said hurriedly: "A friend of mine was kidnapped. There is no trace now."

"Why didn't you call the police?" Liu Sandao asked calmly.

"The role of the police is obviously not as good as you!" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"I can help you!" Liu Sandao said, "but"

"I owe you a favor!" Xiao Han said hurriedly: "If you have anything in the future, please speak up, Master Dao. As long as Xiao Han can do it, I will not refuse."

"If I let you join my knife league, how would you choose?" Liu Sandao asked.

"Forgive me." Xiao Han glanced at Liu Sandao, then said: "So, please don't embarrass me anymore."

"Okay." Liu Sandao knew Xiao Han's character, so he simply didn't bother to continue talking. Some things were enough to say once, and others would be annoying to talk too much. Besides, with Xiao Han's character, he didn't agree for the first time. Even if you say it a thousand times, I'm afraid you won't agree. Liu Sandao smiled, and then said: "Since you refuse to agree, then I have nothing to do. However, since you say that you owe me a favor, then I will keep it."

After speaking, Liu Sandao said to the Monkey King on the side: "Monkey King, let the order go on and let someone cooperate with Xiao Han to find someone."

"Yes!" The Monkey King nodded when he heard it.

Afterwards, the Monkey King led Xiao Han out.

After coming out of Liu Sandao’s lounge, the Monkey King asked Xiao Han, “Who are you looking for, give me a photo. I tell the people below to find it. Let them look for the provincial capital!”

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

The Monkey King nodded immediately, and then said: "Go back and wait for the news. Once there is news, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"Sure!" Xiao Han nodded.

There are thousands of little brothers in the knife league, if you can't find so many people, I am afraid it will be even more difficult for Xiao Han to find it by himself. At least for now, Xiao Han has no clue. Who will start with a teacher? However, Xiao Han can probably guess that the other party is probably directed at him. Because it can be judged from the last call from Blue Raindie to himself, the other party must have deceived Blue Raindie by his own name.

Soon, the brothers of the knife alliance began to act immediately.

Following the Ruifeng commercial vehicle and the clues at the entrance of Shuimu University, they began to track down. Hope to find any clues.

Not only that, but the younger brother of the knife league took advantage of his position to start inquiring about some news in his own bar. The actions of Knife League can always attract the attention of others. The people of the knife alliance looked around for a person named Lan Yudie, and soon attracted the attention of others.

Night bar.

This is a bar in Kurobe.

In the bar, a man named Ergouzi. This guy has a bad reputation on the road, and has changed masters several times, and now he has followed Black Iron. Accidentally became a team leader. There are many people in charge. It can be considered a little right. He guards this bar every day, where he can not only cheat some girls' virginity with inferior fake wine, but also inquire about more information. Many people will buy news from Ergouzi. According to the news, the level of charge is determined.

Six o'clock in the afternoon of this day.

A man with a peaked cap walked in from the outside, the brim of his hat pressed very low. At this point, the number of people in the bar is gradually getting up.

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