"Damn!" Huang Xiaobo frowned when he heard it, and then said: "Fuck, his second uncle, this time I have to send him to the west for whatever I said, otherwise, I can't swallow this bad breath."

The man in the suspender hesitated, and said, "Brother, that kid is here."

"Brothers, get ready!" Huang Xiaobo stood up.

"Let go of me..." Guan Xiaotong hurriedly struggled aside. Guan Xiaotong was tied with ropes, and his hands and feet were bound. The whole person can't move at all. She said angrily: "Let go of me..."

"Hehe..." Huang Xiaobo smiled and said: "Just save your time, how could I let you go? The meat I finally got, wait for me to kill Xiao Han's kid, and then enjoy you. Tender skin, I coveted you for so long, and you didn't feel anything for me. I thought I could move you, who knows that you are an unfamiliar she-wolf."

Not long after, a figure came up from the mountain.

Everyone looked back one after another.

Xiao Han walked slowly up the mountain, dressed in white. At first glance, I thought it was a shadow floating over. Xiao Han seemed very relaxed on the way up the mountain. However, this is not easy for ordinary people. Because this ghost place is so dark, there is no light at all. Ordinary people can't see the road on this mountain at all. It may even fall. In the autumn mountains, few people come here to play in the middle of the night. Mostly come to play on weekends.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Huang Xiaobo, what are you doing here!"

"Xiao Han, you are finally here!" Huang Xiaobo held a pistol in his hand, so he looked confident. He walked out of the crowd, looked at Xiao Han with his hands on his hips, and said with a triumphant look: "Today we will come to the liquidation."

"How to liquidate?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Calculate the old and new accounts together!" Huang Xiaobo snorted coldly, and said: "The first time you bullied me was in the college town. At that time, your kid only reported the first day..."

Huang Xiaobo knows how Xiao Han bullied himself, and he has a deep memory of these new and old hatreds. This time, he had to kill the other party for whatever he said. Or give yourself an explanation, and give an explanation to your brothers. A group of Huang Xiaobo's younger brothers looked at Xiao Han dismissively.

"Really?" Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Before hitting you, then you can look up to you and think you are still saved. This time I didn't expect that your kid would dare to offend me again, are you tired of life!"

"Fuck!" Huang Xiaobo was furious when he heard it, and said, "Xiao Han, don't be too arrogant. You will make the wrong step one day in a lifetime. Are you not afraid of taking the wrong step?"

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "It's up to you kid? How can I be qualified to make me take a wrong step?"

"Beat him for me!" Huang Xiaobo shouted.


More than a dozen people swarmed.

Then, the opponent immediately rushed over.

However, this ghost place is completely dark, and people's shadows can't be seen clearly if you move faster. Fortunately, at this time, Huang Xiaobo hurriedly turned on the lights. In order to teach Xiao Han, they specially got a high-power illuminator up the mountain. The illuminator was turned on and the area was more than ten meters wide.

Xiao Han was quickly surrounded by each other, and everyone stared at Xiao Han with a sullen expression.

Xiao Han grinned, and then said: "Just rely on you wine and rice bags? Want to compete with me?"

"Fuck!" When the other party heard it, he was furious.

"Damn, your kid is looking for death!" The suspenders snorted coldly, then grabbed the machete in his hand and slashed towards Xiao Han fiercely.

Xiao Lian laughed, and when the opponent rushed over, Xiao Han's voice flickered.


He moved his position in an instant, and the machete in the opponent's hand was immediately empty.

Xiao Han grinned and sneered, his right leg kicked towards the opponent's chest.


The man flew out at that time.

"Ouch..." There was a terrible cry in his mouth. After landing, the man lay in a pair of bushes. He gritted his teeth and said hard: "Damn, it hurts me, it hurts me. Up."

"Humph." Xiao Lengren snorted, and then said: "Useless waste!"

At this time, more than a dozen other people had already rushed up.

However, Xiao Han was not afraid of them at all. Xiao Han kicked his legs out suddenly, and his fist was like that arrow from the string, smashing towards the opponent's chest. Xiao Han opened his bow from left to right, like a loach jumping into a quagmire. In the blink of an eye, he got into the more than ten people.

In the crowd, one by one fell down. The people around tried to catch Xiao Han, but they couldn't catch Xiao Han at all. But he could only watch his brothers fall one by one.

"Fuck, your second uncle!" The first sling suspenders was angry, and he jumped up from the bushes. Raised the machete and rushed from behind Xiao Han.

The machete flashed a cold light under the light.

Xiao Han is not in a hurry. Instead, Guan Xiaotong was frightened with a machete: "Xiao Han... be careful."

Xiao Han turned his head and looked over. The other party was already close at hand. A smile appeared on the corner of Xiao Han's mouth, and he didn't even bother with the other party. Seeing that the opponent was about to rush up, and the steel knife in his hand was raised high.


Suddenly, Xiao Han flew over. This foot swept the opponent's chest fiercely. The whole person soared into the air.

"I'm going... your uncle." The suspenders were so painful that he couldn't imagine that Xiao Han's reaction speed was so sensitive. He almost succeeded in the sneak attack.


The suspenders plunged into the bushes, and the figures were gone. Only a few painful groans and moans came from the dark bushes not far away!

The remaining three or four people persisted. The others basically fell and couldn't stand up.

"Are you still going?" Xiao Han looked at them lightly.

"I..." Several people were stunned.

"Hey..." Xiao Han said with a smile, "Don't say I didn't remind you, you are not my opponents!"

"What are you doing in a daze, come on." Huang Xiaobo was furious.

The younger brothers swallowed their saliva, gritted their teeth, and rushed forward quickly. These four people are not Xiao Han's opponents. Therefore, when they rushed out, their hearts were ready to be beaten.

Sure enough, Xiao Han slipped on his feet and packed them down with one punch. Although these guys were not badly injured, they lay on the ground and screamed loudly than anyone else.

"Fuck, a bunch of trash!" Huang Xiaobo frowned. However, he was still not worried. Instead, he looked at Xiao Han triumphantly, and then said: "Xiao Han, do you think you can take the people away if you beat them? I tell you, you can't think about it today. left."

"Really?" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "Since you say that, then I want to try even more."

Huang Xiaobo squinted his eyes.

Suddenly, he took out a dark thing from his pocket. It was a black cloth, and there seemed to be something hidden in it.


Suddenly, Xiao Han took a breath. Judging from the outline wrapped in the black cloth of the opponent, there should be a pistol hidden inside. Therefore, Xiao Han was taken aback at the time. He only hoped that the other party deliberately got a fake gun to fool himself.

A smile appeared at the corner of Huang Xiaobo's mouth. Then opened the black cloth, and sure enough, there was a black pistol inside. From a distance, I can still smell the paint of the pistol.

Huang Xiaobo smiled coldly, and then said, "Xiao Han, are you scared?"

"Is it fake?" Xiao Han replied unsatisfactorily.

"Fake?" Huang Xiaobo was taken aback, and said disdainfully: "I will let you see whether the knowledge is true or not."


Suddenly, there was a loud noise. This guy Huang Xiaobo raised his gun and fired a shot into the sky. A ball of flame was released from the barrel of the gun. This time, Huang Xiaobo learned well. He no longer shoots with one hand like the first time. Instead, he held the pistol tightly with both hands and fired a shot into the sky.

After the loud noise, Huang Xiaobo was very proud, because he saw a touch of tension in Xiao Han's eyes.

Indeed, Xiao Han was extremely nervous.

This is the first time in his life he has faced the threat of firearms. Everyone knows that no matter how powerful a physical body is, it is no better than a bullet. Even if you learn the world martial arts, I am afraid that you will not be as fierce as firearms in the end.

Xiao Han took a deep breath and said, "Huang Xiaobo, you dare to hide guns in private? This is illegal!"

"It's not illegal to kidnap someone?" Huang Xiaobo sneered and said: "It's not illegal to kill someone?"

"You!" Xiao Han frowned.

"Yes, today I just want to kill you!" Huang Xiaobo smiled, and then pointed the pistol in his hand at Xiao Han.

"You!" Xiao Han squinted.

At this moment, he increased his vigilance, and he focused all his attention on Huang Xiaobo. A pair of eyes stared at the other side's eyes tightly, if a person moved murderously, it was a sign. Xiao Han couldn't resist the bullet, let alone avoid the bullet attack. Therefore, he can only judge the time when the opponent pulls the trigger from the movements of the opponent's eyes and fingers. As long as this time is captured, he can theoretically avoid the opponent's bullets.

However, this consumes a lot of the brain. Because he needs to remain vigilant all the time, he needs to keep staring at the opponent's eyes and analyze the other's possible actions at any time.

A layer of delicate sweat soon permeated Xiao Han's forehead.

The air on the mountain was so cold that people shivered. However, Xiao Han was in a cold sweat. His body is tight and may react at any time.

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