As soon as he entered the school, Zhang Xiaomei and several people came out of it, and they met at that time.

"Are you finally here?" Zhang Xiaomei said excitedly.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly and asked: "What is the situation? You repeat the situation at that time!"

"It was like this..." Zhang Xiaomei hurriedly explained the situation at that time.

The situation at that time did not seem to be complicated. Guan Xiaotong was only reading novels in the dormitory at the time. Suddenly a few strong men broke into the dormitory and then looted Guan Xiaotong away. At that time, because of the shock and the shock of the few girls, they couldn't remember what the other party looked like.

"It must be Huang Xiaobo!" Liu Bin yelled out anxiously, "He must have kidnapped Guan Xiaotong."

Several people looked at each other. Because Liu Bin's guess is not unreasonable, but very reasonable. From a certain level, this is a very reasonable thing. Xiao Han hesitated for a long time, thought for a long time, and then said, "What you said is possible."

"Then what to do?" Liu Bin said hurriedly: "He won't do anything excessive to Xiaotong, will he?"

"No." Xiao Han shook his head.

"How could it not, he likes Xiaotong." Liu Bin gritted his teeth, as anxious as the ants on the hot pot, he said excitedly: "What happens to Xiaotong by them, I...what can I do? "

Xiao Han smiled and said, "If he really wants to do anything to Guan Xiaotong, I am afraid he won't wait until today."

"Ah..." Liu Bin hurriedly asked when he heard it, "Really?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "Huang Xiaobo likes Guan Xiaotong, it's not a day or two. If you want to use a strong one, I'm afraid he will use it long ago."

"Then... Then what is his intention to kidnap Guan Xiaotong this time?" Liu Bin hurriedly asked.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Han frowned, and said: "We are just guessing now. It is not Huang Xiaobo who kidnapped Guan Xiaotong, maybe someone else. Besides, if Huang Xiaobo really kidnapped, we can rest assured. After all, the person he wants to target is definitely not Guan Xiaotong, but a few of us."

"Ah..." Several people were confused.

"So... what should I do?" Liu Bin looked confused, his eyes were very hollow, and he seemed to be a man in the urban area.

After a long time, Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Wait, no matter what, the other party must have a purpose. We can only wait now!"

"Do you want to call the police?" Zhang Xiaomei said hurriedly.

"Don't rush to the police." Xiao Han shook his head and said, "Even if you call the police, it's useless. The police can't do anything right now. We might as well solve this matter by ourselves. After all, I am more concerned than the police. Up."

"Hmm!" Zhang Xiaomei nodded and asked: "Then what should we do now?"

Xiao Han hesitated for a moment, and then said, "Now wait patiently."

Ding Ding Ding...

As soon as Xiao Han's voice fell, Liu Bin's cell phone rang and an unfamiliar phone called.

Everyone's eyes focused on Liu Bin. Liu Bin looked at everyone at a loss, holding the phone in his hand, not knowing whether to answer or not.

"Just answer the phone." Xiao Han said.

"Okay, I'll answer." Liu Bin tapped to answer with a trembling voice, with a slight trembling voice: "You...Hello..."

"Hello, Liu Bin? Zhongtong Express, you have a package!" A man's voice came over the phone.

"I... fuck!" Liu Bin couldn't help but cursed when he heard it.

"Hey, although I am a courier, you can't insult me." The courier protested immediately, and he shot back: "Is there a person like you?"

"Okay, the courier loses the guard!" Liu Bin hung up the phone in an angry tone.


Zhang Xiaomei couldn't help laughing. A bunch of people stared with big eyes. Liu Bin was so nervous that his forehead was already sweating.

"Too...too nervous." Liu Bin glanced at everyone awkwardly.

"Haha..." Everyone laughed.

Ding Ding Ding...

Within a few seconds, the phone rang again, still an unfamiliar number. Seeing this, Liu Bin cursed: "Damn, it's endless, right? I must force Lao Tzu to curse!"

Liu Bin's stomach is full of fire at this time, life is at stake, and a broken courier dare to harass himself like this. Don't you know your phone is waiting to save someone? Liu Bin immediately answered the phone and cursed: "Fuck... your uncle. What are you doing? I don't know if I have anything to do today?"

"Uh..." The person on the other end of the phone was obviously taken aback, and then a voice came from the phone: "Brother, paralyzed, this kid scolds us!"

"Won't you scold him back?" Huang Xiaobo's voice came. Although small, Liu Bin heard it really.

"Huang Xiaobo, you kidnapped Guan Xiaotong!" Li Bin hurriedly yelled, "Are you a man, actually did such an unreasonable thing. Are you shameless?"

Huang Xiaobo was obviously very angry, and also very angry. The tension at the beginning was swept away, replaced by a look of anger and madness. In order to save his girlfriend's life, in order to protect his girlfriend's innocence.

"Liu Bin, save me..." Guan Xiaotong shouted.

"Damn, where are you?!" Liu Bin shouted.

At this time, Huang Xiaobo's voice finally came through the phone, saying: "Liu Bin, where is Xiao Han?"

Liu Bin turned his head and looked at Xiao Han. Xiao Han seemed to have expected it. He smiled and said, "Give me the phone. The person he is looking for is me!"

Liu Bin hurriedly handed the phone to Xiao Han.

"Huang Xiaobo, just stand up if you are a man, what is it for you to tie a girl?" Xiao coldly asked.

"Xiao Han, your kid has bullied Lao Tzu several times, but this time I absolutely can't bear it." Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth and could feel the other party's anger and ferocity through the phone. Huang Xiaobo said angrily: "Come on, I am waiting for you in this autumn mountain."

"Are you in Autumn Famous Mountain?" Xiao Han asked.

"Yes!" Huang Xiaobo nodded, and said: "Give you half an hour to come over, and my people will wait for you at the foot of the mountain. If you don't come... Hey, my more than a dozen brothers and I will **** this woman first Kill later, **** and kill again."

"Okay, don't mess around!" Xiao Han calmly said: "A few of us will come right away."

"They don't come, you can come alone." Huang Xiaobo snorted coldly, and said: "I will only give you half an hour, and don't call the police, otherwise, I will make her die ugly."


After speaking, Huang Xiaobo immediately hung up the phone.

A group of people looked at each other.

"This..." Liu Bin looked at Xiao Han and said, "What did he say?"

"He asked me to go alone, none of you can go." Xiao Han shrugged helplessly.

"How do you do that?" Zhang Dagu shook his head hurriedly, and said: "It's too dangerous. Go to Qiu Ming Mountain by yourself. There are no ghosts in that place. Didn't you go to seek death? They are so crowded, maybe they shot you. There may be any trap."

Xiao Han hesitated and said, "Don't be afraid, no matter how many people they have, they can't deal with me."

"It's too dangerous." Liu Bin hurriedly shook his head and said, "It is Guan Xiaotong who was kidnapped. Let me go. It is me who should suffer."

"But, the person they are going to deal with is me." Xiao Han smiled bitterly.

"Then why kidnap Guan Xiaotong?" Liu Bin asked suspiciously.

"This..." Xiao Han was stunned for a moment, and then said: "I don't know, maybe I think I will stand up for it."

"Xiao Han, what should we do?" Zhang Feng hurriedly asked.

"Call the police." Xiao Han glanced at a few people, and then said: "If I do not come back within an hour and do not give you any news, you call the police immediately. And tell the police that the other party has dangerous weapons."

"What weapon?" Zhang Feng asked suspiciously.

"Just find an excuse." Xiao Han shook his head, and then smiled: "If you don't say that, the police will definitely not send a police officer. Only if you find an excuse like this, the police will be willing to do so."

"Understood!" Zhang Feng understood immediately.

After the several people discussed the strategy with each other, Xiao Han immediately stopped a taxi and headed towards Qiu Ming Mountain. However, taxis are obviously reluctant to go to the foot of Akina Mountain. Instead, he threw Xiao Han down at a distance of about 500 meters in Qiu Ming Mountain.

For the remaining 500 meters, Xiao Han could only walk forward.

After reaching the foot of the mountain, Xiao Han saw Trick Motorcycle parked not far away. Xiao Han walked over and took a look. There were four motorcycles, including two women's motorcycles and two men's motorcycles. More than ten people came in four cars.

Xiao Han squinted his eyes and circled a few cars. Suddenly, he had a plan.

Xiao Han hurriedly found a big rock and slammed it towards the fuel tank cap of one of the motorcycles. After a few critical strikes, the fuel tank lid immediately deformed. Xiao Han kicked it. The motorcycle fell down, and a strong smell of gasoline filled the darkness.

Xiao Han took out a lighter from his pocket.

"Hmph, this time you can't run away even if you want to run." Xiao Han's mouth raised slightly.

After speaking, Xiao Han threw the lighter in his hand forward, and soon, a burst of flames rose.


The flame suddenly rose. The gasoline spilled on the ground ignited all at once. The four motorcycles were immediately submerged in the fire. Xiao Han walked slowly towards the mountain. The fire is so great that it is estimated that it has already alarmed the opponent.

At this time, in a pavilion on the mountainside.

More than a dozen younger brothers surrounded Huang Xiaobo.

"Hey, let you see the world!" Huang Xiaobo held a cigarette and played with the pistol in his hand, and said: "I can show off with people when I go out in the future. Anyway, I can be regarded as a person who has seen the world."

"Hmm!" Everyone nodded.

"Big brother, it's okay!" At this moment, the man in suspenders jeans ran over and was shocked, and said, "We...our motorcycle was burned."

"Fuck!" Huang Xiaobo was taken aback, and said angrily: "******, who did a good thing!"

"It's Xiao Han!" The man in the suspender said hurriedly.

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