The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 534: Pay the price

The members of Xiaobawang are basically people from the Business Academy, including Huang Xiaobo himself.

Huang Xiaobo himself is also a junior in the College of Business and Commerce. This guy had already graduated from the School of Commerce and Commerce, but because of unsatisfactory grades, he repeated another year and continued to take credits. As long as there were not enough credits, he had to repeat the grade. However, for Huang Xiaobo, it doesn't matter anymore. He is not studying here for that one, but to have a foothold here, to be able to recruit younger brothers and to make money. This is Huang Xiaobo's purpose.

"Big brother!" The younger brothers found Huang Xiaobo.

Huang Xiaobo is in the dormitory. He is the only one living in Huang Xiaobo's dormitory. On weekdays, this is his base camp. The dormitory was originally a room for four people, but Huang Xiaobo actually drove the other three away. In a huge dormitory, I live alone. Very comfortable, he bought the housekeeper and could take the woman back to the dormitory overnight.

The College of Business and Commerce is only a third-rate college, and the residential administrators are not strict with such matters. It doesn't matter.

"What's wrong?" Huang Xiaobo sat in a chair.

"Damn, I don't know who posted a post on the school forum. The pictures of our beatings are all on it!" The little brother smiled bitterly, "Now everyone in the school is discussing our beatings."

"Uh..." Huang Xiaobo was taken aback for a moment, then said: "Who did it?"

"I don't know." The little brother gave a wry smile, and then said: "We are now crossing rats, and everyone shouts and beats. On the way I came, everyone was condemning us!"

"Fuck!" Huang Xiaobo smashed the mouse in his hand, and he was still in the mood to play games. He gritted his teeth and said: "Don't worry, we will be able to get the pistol this afternoon, and we will act tonight!"

"Good!" The little brother nodded.

Huang Xiaobo squinted his eyes and said, "Mal Gobi, I must make him pay the price of his life."

"Brother, you are right, we must let this kid die!" The younger brother gritted his teeth.

They hated Xiao Han already. Xiao Han had almost no dignity when he beat them last time. And now, as soon as the post came out, almost everyone knew about it. This was not a glorious thing in the first place, but now everyone knows it. This is definitely a shocking thing for them.

This nasty breath lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon.

At about five o'clock in the afternoon, Huang Xiaobo immediately took someone to the university town to trade.

The other party's text message has been sent to inform him of his location. Just in case, or because the other party is more vigilant. The place where the counterparty trades is chosen in a place where there are many people. And they specify the location.

Soon, Huang Xiaobo and the others arrived in the university town.

At the entrance of University Town, a black Passat stopped not far away.

The window was lowered, and it was the man in black at the back of the window. At this time, he had changed into a gray suit, his hair was fixed with water, and he was meticulous. He sat in the back seat and looked out the window, his eyes calm. Seems to appreciate the students who come and go.

Most of the college towns are students. There are cheap clothes and a lot of snacks. There is also a mass-market KTV.

At this time, Huang Xiaobo and others appeared at the intersection.

The man said to the driver: "Drive!"

"Yes!" The driver nodded.

The car drove slowly towards Huang Xiaobo and the others. Seeing the car approaching. The man waved at Huang Xiaobo and the others.

"There!" the little brother suddenly shouted.

Huang Xiaobo looked intently, and sure enough, there was a person in the car waving at him. Huang Xiaobo hurriedly walked over. He looked at each other anxiously, and then said, "Big brother, I met you, did you bring things?"

"Get in the car!" The man pushed the car door.

Huang Xiaobo froze for a moment, as if he was a little uncomfortable with this vigilant transaction. He pondered for a moment, and finally got into the car, and said to the younger brothers behind him: "You are waiting for me here!"

"Yes!" The little brother nodded.

After Huang Xiaobo got in the car, the car started immediately. The speed of the car was well-balanced, and it was walking forward slowly.

In the car, the man took out a black pistol from the box beside it, and there was a strong smell of paint coming to the door. Although the paintwork is not very good, it is obviously a real pistol. Although it was produced by a workshop, it was also a gunpowder gun, a real weapon for killing people.

Huang Xiaobo smiled at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "This is a real pistol!"

"Nonsense!" The man on the side glared at him and said, "Could it be possible that I still use a fake gun to fool you?"

Huang Xiaobo hesitated for a while, and then said: "Nothing. I just never thought that I could touch a real gun in my life."

"Here are bullets!" The man opened the magazine and said, "There are ten bullets in total. Click it!"

"No need!" Huang Xiaobo shook his head, immediately took out a wad of money from the side, and then gave it to the man.

The man took the money, clicked it, and after confirming that it was correct, he said, "That's fine, get off the car!"

Huang Xiaobo hurriedly wrapped the pistol in a black cloth, and then carefully put it into his pocket. Then get out of the car.

"Brother, I have a chance to cooperate next time!" Huang Xiaobo smiled.

The man raised the glass and the car slowly left.

Huang Xiaobo was satisfied, and several younger brothers ran over from a distance. They were worried about Huang Xiaobo's accident, so following this black Passat all the way, if Huang Xiaobo was in any danger, maybe he could still help.

Before long, the car stopped. Then, Huang Xiaobo got out of the car.

"Big brother!" Several younger brothers ran over quickly. Excited.

"Hehe..." Huang Xiaobo smiled.

"Are you okay?" The younger brother asked hurriedly, "Where's the gun, have you got it?"

"Of course!" Huang Xiaobo nodded, and said, "There are so many people in this place, can you show the gun casually?"

"Ang..." The little brother was stunned.

"Let's go, find a quiet place and have a look!" Huang Xiaobo said with a smile.

"Hmm!" The younger brothers nodded hurriedly.

Then, several people ran towards the remote place. This group of people was rushing all the way, and they couldn't wait to see the black pistol right away. They have never touched a real gun before, and they didn't expect to touch a real gun today. Several people seemed a little excited in their hearts.

"Brother, there is a dog, how about we bring this gun and seal it?" the younger brother said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Huang Xiaobo nodded hurriedly when he heard it.

Then, several people took the dog tied to the tree and took it away. Running wildly towards remote places.

The school of commerce and commerce was originally located in a remote area, and after a short walk to the west, you can see a mountain forest. The air here is good, with spring water flowing at the foot of the mountain. It looks very good. A smile appeared at the corner of Huang Xiaobo's mouth. He smiled, and said, "That's it."

Several people led a dog and walked into the mountain.

"It's nice, quiet, and no one around." The younger brother nodded.

Then, several people immediately got into the woods. The boy tied the dog to the tree. A smile was raised at the corner of his mouth and said, "This dog is damned today."

"It's worth it to die." The other kid smiled, and then said: "It's his honor to use him to open the seal."

The little brother raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and said, "Big brother, where's the gun?"

At this moment, Huang Xiaobo immediately took out his pistol and said, "Have you seen it."

He took apart the black cloth carefully.

A black pistol was exposed, and the black pistol reflected a cold light on the door. Murderous. The little brothers on the side were extremely surprised, and all of them showed horror in their eyes. This is the real killer weapon. Thinking about it makes people feel extremely nervous.

"Brother, does this gun have bullets?" the younger brother asked.

"Of course there is!" Huang Xiaobo nodded, he took off the magazine, and the yellow bullets inside looked very heavy.

The little brother raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Kill this dog."

"Good!" Huang Xiaobo nodded.

He immediately raised the pistol, and then pointed it at the dog. The local dog didn't know that he was facing the fate of death, and instead shook his tail at these people. Appears very enthusiastic. Huang Xiaobo swallowed his saliva and said, "Damn, the first time I shot, I don't know how it feels."

"Brother, just pull the trigger." The younger brother said.

"Good!" Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth.


He pulled the trigger severely, but he found that there was no movement at all.

"Uh..." The younger brothers were dumbfounded.

"Is it fake?" Huang Xiaobo was dumbfounded.

"No?" The little brother on the side was stunned, and said: "Hurry up and find him to settle the account!"

"Wait!" At this time, another younger brother hurriedly said: "Big brother, did you not load the bullet? Isn't there a show on TV? You must load the bullet before shooting, otherwise there is no way to shoot."

"I... I will try!" Huang Xiaobo was taken aback for a moment, and nodded hurriedly, as if he was saying something reasonable. He really didn't load it.

He hurriedly grabbed the shell of the pistol and pushed it back.

The bullet was loaded immediately.

Huang Xiaobo raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "My bitch, is it finally possible?"

While speaking, Huang Xiaobo couldn't wait to try.

He raised his gun and pointed it at the dog.


With a loud noise, the dog fell in a pool of blood.

"Ouch..." Huang Xiaobo immediately dropped the pistol.

"Big brother, what's wrong with you?" the younger brothers asked one after another.

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