In the bar, the sound is roaring, and the huge rock music stimulates people's eardrums, which makes people feel very uncomfortable. However, for those who have been in the bar for a long time, these are nothing. Huang Xiaobo led people into the bar and soon found Zhang Dakai in a corner of the bar. Zhang Dakai was drinking with a few friends. He was wearing a white shirt with a wet piece of shirt.

"Kaizi." Huang Xiaobo leaned over.

"Xiaobo?" Zhang Dakai was taken aback and smiled: "Are you here? Sit down."

"Hehe..." Huang Xiaobo smiled. There were a few strangers on the opposite side. He held up the wine, and then said: "A few elder brothers. I am Kaizi's younger brother, please take care of me in the future!"

After speaking, Huang Xiaobo immediately blew a blow.

On the road, it is normal to say hello to a wine. Several strangers on the opposite side nodded slightly, and didn't even touch the cup, which made Huang Xiaobo a little unhappy. There are three people sitting opposite. There is a very popular one, probably the leader. Wearing black spotted short sleeves. Take a pair of hip-hop pants. It's hip-hop style.

When Huang Xiaobo saw that the other party didn't speak, he naturally didn't want to speak.

"Xiaobo, what can you do with me?" Zhang Dakai asked.

"Big brother, I came to see you today. There is indeed something." Huang Xiaobo smiled, seeming a little unnatural.

It's really unnatural. There are people you don't know around who suddenly say that you have been bullied. How embarrassing is this? Therefore, Huang Xiaobo hesitated in his heart, saying it was neither, nor was it not.

Zhang Dakai was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "Borrowing money? Or are you being bullied?"

"Not borrowing money!" Huang Xiaobo shook his head.

"That's being bullied?" Zhang Dakai laughed and said, "Tell me, who was bullied?"

"Xiao Han!" Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth, then said: "Big Brother, can you help me this time?"

"Xiao Han?!" Zhang Dakai was taken aback, his face sinking slightly.

Seeing Zhang Dakai hesitated, Huang Xiaobo immediately said, “If it’s not convenient for you to move, then let me come. Xiao Han’s existence is a big threat to us. Therefore, no matter what Get rid of."

"That said, did you already want what to do when you came to me?" Zhang Dakai frowned.

"Yes!" Huang Xiaobo nodded immediately.

"Very good." Zhang Dakai smiled slightly, and then said: "Tell me, what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to let that kid die!" Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth, and then said: "I have already thought about it, buy a pistol, and then kill that kid."

Speaking of which. Zhang Dakai's face suddenly sank.

"Buy a gun?" Zhang Dakai asked.

"Yes!" Huang Xiaobo nodded and said: "I came to see Big Brother today, just to ask Big Brother if there is a way to buy a gun!"

"Haha..." At this moment, the man in the black spotted shirt on the other side laughed and said, "Isn't it all effortless to step on iron shoes and find nowhere to look for?"

Huang Xiaobo was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at the man opposite, and asked, "This big brother...what do you mean?"

"I'm in this business." The man in black smiled, and then said: "I can get all the guns on the black market."

"Really?!" Huang Xiaobo was overjoyed when he heard it, and said: "Great, if Big Brother can help me get it, then I can't thank Big Brother enough."

"Haha..." When the black-clothed man heard this, he laughed, and then said: "It's okay, I must get it for you. But, what kind of pistol do you want?"

"As long as it can kill people, it doesn't matter what kind of pistol!" Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth.

"Okay!" The black-clothed man smiled and said, "It's easy. I'll go back to the black market and help you get a pistol that resembles 622. This pistol sells well on the black market, and the most important thing is this one. The gun is very powerful and the price is relatively favorable."

"I don't know how much it costs?" Huang Xiaobo asked hurriedly.

"I'll give you a friendly price." The man in black said, "Generally, I sell it to others for 18 thousand. This price is definitely the cheapest price. You can't get a better price than this. It's cheaper."

Huang Xiaobo hesitated for a while, and then said: "Well, since the eldest brother said so, then I will take one."

"Okay!" The man nodded and said, "When do you want a gun?"

"The best two days!" Huang Xiaobo said immediately: "I can't wait to let him die right away."

"No problem!" The man was confident, and then said: "I'll let them send it to you when I look back. However, you have to pay a deposit of 5,000 yuan first. A place to trade is agreed every afternoon. You pay the balance. "

"Good!" Huang Xiaobo nodded hurriedly.

"In addition, this is only the price of the gun body, not the price of the bullet." The man smiled and said, "How many bullets do you want for fifty dollars a bullet."

"Bring me ten bullets." Huang Xiaobo gritted his teeth.

"Okay!" The man nodded immediately.

This guy is a **** dealer, who is on the ****, but he can find a way to get you anything that mortals need. Firearms are the things they smuggle the most. Of course, the country is now strictly regulated, and ordinary firearms are not so easy to get. As the country becomes stricter and stricter on this area, they will naturally become more and more stringent. Therefore, they appear to be more vigilant and cautious.

Huang Xiaobo grinned, and then said: "Then I will first thank you elder brother."

While speaking, Huang Xiaobo hurriedly took out a wad of money. I ordered five thousand yuan and gave it to the other party.

There was Zhang Dakai sitting on the side. If there is something wrong with the other party, Zhang Dakai should remind himself. Therefore, Huang Xiaobo does not have to worry about being deceived. Of course, Zhang Dakai can also guarantee that Huang Xiaobo will not be fooled.

Huang Xiaobo was very excited when the gun problem was finally solved. He didn't expect it to go so smoothly, which is really cool. Huang Xiaobo couldn't help drinking a few more glasses of wine.


Mizuki University.

The flowers and plants in the school are in full bloom. Many girls take selfies in school.

However, on the forum of Mizuki University, a post was fired.

This post is about Xiao Han and the others beating Huang Xiaobo and the others at the gate of the Business College. The content is almost based on pictures. There are many pictures in it. Quite a few people responded.

"Little Overlord was actually cleaned up?"

"Great, someone can finally subdue Xiao Bawang."

The people who followed the posts were all celebrations, and everyone seemed very excited about all the celebration posts. The little overlord who dominates the university town on weekdays has long been hated by people. Unexpectedly, now he was finally beaten and made everyone breathe.

"Xiao Han!" Liu Bin hurriedly shouted, "Damn, we are famous."

"What's your name?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"There is a post on the forum of Shuimu University that exposed us." Liu Bin laughed loudly and said: "Look at your kid, your legs are so fast and your posture is so cool. It's so handsome."

"Fuck, who did this?" Xiao Han said in astonishment.

"I don't know either." Liu Bin shook his head, and then said, "I guess it was the people who were watching."

"Can you find a way to delete this post?" Xiao Han said hurriedly.

"This..." Liu Bin was taken aback for a moment and said, "Is this bad? Why did you delete this post?"

"Low-key, not too high-key." Xiao Han shook his head, and said, "Being low-key is not easy to cause trouble. We are already in trouble enough. If someone sees it, maybe they come to us again. Yes. Right?"

"Xiao Han is right!" Zhang Feng nodded hurriedly and said: "The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind destroys it. So be careful. It must not be used by someone with a heart."

"Okay!" Liu Bin nodded as soon as he heard it. He thought about it and said, "It's probably impossible to delete the post, but I can let this post sink down!"

"Then hurry up!" Xiao Han said.

Afterwards, Liu Bin immediately locked the post as an administrator and prohibited replying.

At the beginning, Liu Bin used the forum to bet, so that the teacher of the computer department also made some money. Therefore, the teacher of the computer department gave Liu Bin the identity of the forum administrator. However, he urged him not to delete posts, unless it was a post that violated the law and violated relevant regulations.

However, this post obviously did not violate any relevant regulations, so Liu Bin could not delete this post at will. However, he hurriedly locked this post and could only read it, but couldn't return it. Over time, posts will not be topped up again and again. Therefore, he easily sinks this post.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. In less than ten minutes, the post sank quickly.

It sank at the forum of Mizuki University, but it was a mess at the forum of the Business College. In just one hour, the number of posts reached more than 1,000, and the number of clicks was more than 5,000. It has become the most popular post in the history of the School of Business.

The students in the entire business academy knew that Xiaobawang had been severely taught by others, and that he was hit hard.

Even in the School of Business and Commerce, many students are discussing this matter.

"Good fight."

"Yes, this kind of person should be taught and beaten to death."

"Fuck, if I can be as good as that person, I will kill them!"

Everyone in school is discussing this matter.

Some people who followed Huang Xiaobo seemed very embarrassed and very passive. This group of people are usually arrogant, but today this group of people can only hang their heads and pass in front of each other with their heads down. Some people even wear masks for fear of being found out.

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