"No, no, we are also for your good." Liu Bin hurriedly explained to Xiaohua, "We are afraid that Zhang Feng is incomprehensible. If you give him a signal and he doesn't understand, what can we do?"

Xiao Hua froze for a moment, and said awkwardly: "This...this doesn't require your help."

"Indeed, this guy Zhang Feng actually got the hang of it." Liu Bin smiled.

Zhang Feng sullen his face and said angrily: "You bad friends, let's see how I can deal with you!"

Before Zhang Feng rushed over, Liu Bin had already taken the lead, and the three of them disappeared into the small woods in the blink of an eye. A weird smile was raised at the corner of Zhang Feng's mouth. Xiao Hua smiled aside, and then said, "These friends of yours are really interesting."

"Yes!" Zhang Feng nodded and said, "Actually, we are all very good friends, all brothers!"

"You can tell!" Xiaohua nodded, and then said: "They all care about you. Moreover, your relationship looks very good."

"Yeah!" Zhang Feng nodded and said: "This time I had difficulties at home, and they helped me. If it weren't for them, I'm afraid I wouldn't even be able to come to school."

"What happened to you?" Xiao Hua asked in surprise.

"It's not because of the demolition of the family." Zhang Feng sighed and said: "The developer fought with people in our village. I injured a few people, so I was detained by the police station. If it weren't for them to pay me After the bail, I am afraid I am still in the detention center."

"Really?" Xiaohua asked hurriedly: "Then...are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Zhang Feng shook his head.

Xiaohua is very concerned about whether Zhang Feng is injured. If Zhang Feng is injured, then she will be distressed. However, Xiaohua also learned about Zhang Feng's house from the side. Although I have always known that Zhang Feng's family is not very good, but he did not expect that Zhang Feng's family would have such a difficult time that he could not even pay bail. I still rely on my classmates to pay 30,000 yuan in bail.

However, Xiaohua soon discovered that Zhang Feng turned out to be a potential stock.

In this place of China, any relationship with the demolition will either become an upstart or make a small fortune.

Although Zhang Feng's family is poor, he himself is not bad, and his ability is very good. Moreover, he has a house and land to demolish. It will definitely become a very powerful role in the future. Thinking of this, Xiao Hua looked extremely excited.

A smile was raised at the corner of Xiaohua's mouth.

She grinned, and then said: "It's okay, I will get better in the future. I believe in your ability, and I also believe that you will be able to bring me the life I want in the future. Don't you?"

"I will work hard." Zhang Feng nodded.

Xiao Hua has feelings for Zhang Feng, but Xiao Hua is also a woman. Any woman has vanity in her heart. A woman with vanity will definitely have certain requirements on the material. Zhang Feng's family was poor, which made Xiaohua somewhat discouraged, but when she learned that Zhang Feng's house was a demolished household, she immediately had no hesitation in Zhang Feng.

However, I am afraid that only Xiaohua knows these things in her heart, and no one knows what she is thinking about.


At the end of March.

Huihong Group’s financial statements for the first quarter are out. Turn losses into profits.

Especially the ac luggage company under Huihong Group. Achieved a profit in the first month of the past six months. Finally came out of the shadow of the company's rebellion. Yang Daguo, the general manager in charge of this brand, came to Huihong Group to report in person.

In the office. Li Xiaoya was finally relieved. In the past few months, she has worked day and night, and visited customers day and night. Many of ac's loyal customers have been taken away by their competitors. This is not what Li Xiaoya wants to see. Therefore, at the end of last year and the beginning of this year, Li Xiaoya visited them almost day and night. Hope to retain these loyal and old customers.

These people are very important to Huihong Group. Today, these customers have been taken away by competitors. Huihong Group will face unprecedented losses. In order to retain these customers, Li Xiaoya fought a few beautiful turnarounds.

Especially the CEO of Armani Asia.

Li Xiaoya flew to Beijing for many times to talk, and the other party was also moved by Li Xiaoya's sincerity. At that time, it was decided to withdraw the cooperation with any other luggage company, and immediately signed a large order of 10 million yuan with Li Xiaoya.

Not only that, but several big brands including Kou Chi, Hermès, etc., have also switched from hostile camps to the embrace of Huihong Group. All the foundry of luggage and bags were handed over to Huihong Group. Moreover, Li Xiaoya's work and integrity in the industry have also infected many people. This made Li Xiaoya's credibility rise invisibly. Soon many people came to Li Xiaoya to sign the order.

Although it is impossible for Huihong Group to jump up in the short term. However, in the long run, the help of these old customers really gave Li Xiaoya a sigh of relief. In particular, the advance payments from these customers helped Li Xiaoya's Huihong Group to stabilize its position.

"Mr. Li, thanks to Xiao Han this time." Yang Daguo said excitedly: "If it weren't for Xiao Han, our company might be in trouble."

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya looked a little tired, but the tiredness on her face still couldn't hide her beautiful features. Li Xiaoya was wearing a small white suit with a brooch on her chest. Her exquisite face and her charming eyes seemed to speak. The exquisite bridge of the nose is very upright, the small cherry mouth, without the powder, but it is as rosy as a cherry, and also shiny.

Li Xiaoya's figure is very hot, even if the child is already one year old. Her figure is just like the ripe peach, all attractive. Any man in front of Li Xiaoya, I am afraid there will be a kind of **** that will rush on.

Yang Daguo has become accustomed to Li Xiaoya's beauty and seductiveness. He knows the distance between himself and Li Xiaoya, and he also knows that there is a world of difference between himself and Li Xiaoya, and he has always known himself. Therefore, Yang Daguo never thought about it. Li Xiaoya glanced at Yang Daguo, and said, "This time the company can come back to life, thanks to Xiao Han."

"Yeah!" Yang Daguo nodded, and then said: "So, I decided to go to the door myself and thank Xiao Han."

"Forget it, let me go about this matter." Li Xiaoya smiled: "In addition, the funds seem to be a little more abundant. We asked Xiao Han for the borrowed money, and it can almost be repaid."

"Yes!" Yang Daguo nodded and said: "You can pay back ten million. The remaining ten million will be paid in half a year."

"That's OK, Xiao Han's card is still in my hand, turn around you transfer 10 million from ac's account to here." Li Xiaoya smiled: "I will give this card to Xiao Han when I look back."

"Okay!" Yang Daguo nodded without hesitation.

After Yang Dagong left.

Li Xiaoya got up from her chair, this time thanks to Xiao Han indeed. If it weren't for Xiao Han, the company's difficulties would have been overwhelming. Under the circumstances at the time, Xiao Han's money was the last straw. Moreover, when the Huihong Group is in distress. Not only is there no one to help, but there are people who bite back. This makes Huihong Group more difficult and dangerous.

I have been busy from the end of last year to March this year. I didn't even go back to my hometown once. Except for a phone call with Xiao Han on the first day of the Lunar New Year, there seems to be no contact between individuals. Therefore, Li Xiaoya seemed very guilty.

She immediately entered the lounge in the office, then changed her clothes, and hurriedly walked outside.


Mizuki University, just before school.

Xiao Han was about to walk to the classroom, when suddenly, a phone call interrupted his thoughts. When he saw the call, Xiao Han couldn't help but laughed from the bottom of his heart.

"Sister!" Xiao Han has a spiritual dependence on Li Xiaoya.

"Xiaohan, where are you?" Li Xiaoya's tone was relaxed.

Judging from Li Xiaoya's tone, she shouldn't be nervous or looking for something important. Xiao Han smiled and said, "Guess where I am?"

"You must be in school, right?" Li Xiaoya smiled.

"Hey, I'm not in school, where can I be?" Xiao Han laughed when he heard it, and said, "Sister, where are you?"

"Then guess where I am?" Li Xiaoya asked Xiao Han playfully.

Li Xiaoya's question immediately asked Xiao Han to death. Now it is just after school, do you know where Li Xiaoya can be? With her character, this point should still work in the office, right? However, since she can ask this question, it means that Li Xiaoya should not be in the office. Otherwise, why not ask the question of self-inflicted?

After thinking for a moment, Li Xiaoya raised a smile at the corner of her mouth. Xiao Han has not been able to answer her own question. Could it be that this question stumped him?

"If I guessed correctly, you should be on the way to find me?" Xiao Han smiled.

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya heard it and said in surprise: "You...how do you know?"

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

In fact, it is not difficult to guess this question. Li Xiaoya hasn't contacted herself for a long time. Since there was a problem with the company last year, Li Xiaoya has never looked for herself after looking for herself once. She has always been busy at work, especially after that incident, she became more like a firefighter, extinguishing fire everywhere. I rarely call myself even a phone call. The only call was on New Year's Day.

And now calling myself, and the tone is relaxed and happy, it must mean that the company has passed the difficult time. In addition, he heard the sound on the other end of the phone, which seemed to sound like in a car. Xiao Han then boldly guessed that Li Xiaoya should be looking for herself.

However, judging from Li Xiaoya's tone, it seems that she really guessed something.

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