"You!" Ye Shisan glared at Xiao Han and said, "You have the ability to say what you just said again!"

"Why is that so difficult?" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said: "If you want to perform a striptease..."


Suddenly, a dagger flashed in front of Xiao Han's eyes, and then, the dagger pierced into the wardrobe in front of Xiao Han's eyes with great precision. In fact, Xiao Han didn't care about this kind of trick at all, even when Ye Shisan had thrown out the knife just now, he also didn't care and was not afraid. Because he doesn't care at all. From the moment the opponent shot the knife, Xiao Han had already judged the impact of this dagger. Therefore, he basically didn't even move.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Xiao Han, with your strength, I am not afraid of you at all."

"Yes!" Ye Shisan nodded, and then laughed. She showed a charming smile and said: "Because you are Xiao Han, you are not afraid. But, have you ever thought that even if you are not afraid, the people around you Are you not afraid of people? Are your brothers not afraid? And your beautiful girlfriend?"

"What do you mean?" Xiao Han's vigilance suddenly rose to the highest point when he heard it. Xiao Han's fist couldn't help being held tightly, as if he might rush out at any time. With his strength, it only takes a second to get the opponent down. Moreover, a punch can hit the opponent's head, breaking him on the spot.

"It doesn't mean anything!" Ye Shisan shook his head and said, "You know, even Confucius said, only women and villains are difficult to raise. Therefore, I ask you not to offend women. Understand?"

"What do you want to do?" Xiao Han was puzzled. I don't know her, is it possible that she was sent by Black Iron?

Given his relationship with Liu Sandao, Liu Sandao should not send a woman like this to deal with him. Only the arrogant and arrogant fellow Hei Tie could rent such an unreasonable move. Xiao Han frowned, and said coldly, "Did Hei Tie send you?"

"Black Iron?" Ye Shisan smiled slightly, and said: "You are wrong, although I have a good relationship with Black Iron. However, this time I really did not come for Black Iron. I came for myself."

"Who are you?" Xiao Han asked.

"I am Nightingale's helper." Nightingale smiled slightly, and then said: "I came to you this time, hoping that you can join Nightingale. As long as you can join Nightingale, you can have prosperity and all kinds of women, you You can get as many women as you want to sleep in a night. There are any women you want to play with. As long as you want it, you can get it right away. Even if you want Ukrainian beauties, I can find a way to help you get it. How?"

"Sorry, I'm not interested in women!" Xiao Han shook his head.

Ye Shisan heard it, and immediately became happy: "If you are not interested in women, then you are interested in money. How much do you want? As long as you are willing to join our Nightingale, I will tell you that the worst thing about my Ye Shisan is money. If you join Nightingale, I can give you some shares. You know, Nightingale’s shares are extremely valuable..."

"I don't need money either!" Xiao Leng Leng laughed.

"Then what do you need?" Ye Shisan was taken aback for a moment.

"I need you to leave here and give me a quiet place!" Xiao Han shot back.

"So, you are rejecting me!" Ye Shisan looked at Xiao Han incredulously.

I thought it was a harvest trip, but I didn't expect the other party to be so decisive, and refused him without hesitation. This gave Ye Shisan a deep sense of failure in his heart. She gritted her teeth and said, "Xiao Han, you dare to refuse me!"

"How?" Xiao Han retorted.

Rejection means rejection. Where else is there any reason? Xiao Han has enough strength and enough ability to deal with Ye Shisan. Of course, if Ye Shisan dared to attack the people around him, Xiao Han would make her pay with a thunderous blow.

"Okay, okay!" Ye Shisan nodded and said, "I will let you know how good I am!"

"Please!" Xiao Han said lightly.

Ye Shisan was so angry that his chest was up and down. She gritted her teeth, she felt like a clown standing in place, and she was still naked. More like a clown being teased by others. She put on the clothes in a hurry, no matter where she was still in the mood to continue to seduce Xiao Han. Xiao Han didn't take the bait at all, even if he was completely taken off, I'm afraid the other party would not be taken the bait. So Ye Shisan simply put on clothes.

After Ye Shisan got dressed, he turned and left.

"Stop!" Xiao Han scolded immediately.

"What? You regret it?" Ye Shisan's mouth raised a smile, and there was another hope in his heart.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Han smiled and said, "You think too much, I just want to give you a piece of advice. If anyone dares to do something to my friends or relatives, I will destroy them at all costs."

"Are you warning me?" Ye Shisan asked disdainfully.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

"Haha..." Ye Shisan looked at Xiao Han disdainfully, and said, "Then we will ride a donkey and read the songbook, and wait and see."

"Don't challenge my bottom line." Xiao Han glared at Ye Shisan.

"Very good." Ye Shisan smiled slightly, then turned and left.

Xiao Han didn't expect that the trouble would come so quickly, and the trouble seemed a bit tricky. This woman is definitely not the one to provoke. Xiao Han also knows himself. The methods of women are more sinister and vicious than men. In order to achieve the goal, she can do nothing.

Hei Tie wanted to make trouble for himself, and had never done anything to anyone around him. Liu Sandao wanted to make trouble for himself, but only let his three great war gods challenge himself. However, this woman named Ye Shisan was scheming, and she did not compromise. Therefore, I would rather provoke a villain than a woman.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, sitting in the dormitory for a long time and couldn't calm down. The person they care about most is probably the person they are most likely to follow. Of course, Xiao Han has never been afraid of them. If Ye Shisan dared to mess around, he wouldn't mind cutting off her head.

Don't think Xiao Han is only a twenty-year-old student, but he has extraordinary vicissitudes. This kind of vicissitudes seems to originate from another soul deep in my heart. It seems to have gone through a century of tempering.

Xiao Han took a deep breath.

It is late at night.

Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu came back one after another. This kid Zhang Feng returned so late for the first time.

"Zhang Feng, have your kid and Xiaohua got results?" Liu Bin hurriedly asked.

"It's okay!" Zhang Feng's face turned red, and said: "I just don't think I am worthy of them."

"Is it worthy of it? It's just what you want." Liu Bin smiled and said, "As long as you like her. There is no other saying."

"I like her." Zhang Feng nodded hurriedly.

"That's all right!" Liu Bin smiled and said, "If you like her, that's enough. Wouldn't your kid not confess to others yet, right?"

"No!" Zhang Feng shook his head.

"No, no, it should be confession." Liu Bin laughed.

"How to confess?" Zhang Feng asked hurriedly.

"We can't help you with this kind of thing, you can only help yourself." Liu Bin laughed.

Zhang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You are still not brothers. It is really disappointing to say such a thing."

"To confess this kind of thing, you can only rely on your own true feelings." Liu Bin seemed to pass on experience like a person who came by, and he talked freely: "Just forget about confession that is too exaggerated. Tell her how you feel, and believe she can understand."

"Oh!" Zhang Feng nodded.


The next day, Zhang Feng did what Liu Bin said.

Xiao Hua looked at Zhang Feng with excitement, and said: "You... are you confessing to me?"

"Yes..." Zhang Feng scratched his head, and then said: "I have never confessed, so I can only find a way to tell you the truest feelings in my heart. I wish I could see you every day and chat with you. ,..."

Xiao Hua looked at Zhang Feng's dazed wood, and liked it very much.

Xiaohua had a boyfriend before, and then he broke up after cheating. After being sad, I met Zhang Feng. Zhang Feng's cuteness, Zhang Feng's stupidity, and Zhang Feng's incomprehensible amorous feelings are so cute to Xiaohua that she is very excited. She didn't expect Zhang Feng to be so happy.

"I promise you!" Xiaohua said excitedly.

"Really?" When Zhang Feng heard this, he was holding Xiaohua excitedly, and the two hugged tightly.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter in the woods.

"Who...who is hiding there!" Zhang Feng scolded.

"Don't... don't be nervous!" Liu Bin and Zhang Dagu came out of the woods one after another.

The other three people in the 101 dormitory followed Zhang Feng. Xiao Han had a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance, and Zhang Feng didn't let Zhang Feng notice anything. Zhang Feng took Xiao Hua to the woods to confess, and they chased in until Zhang Feng confessed, Xiao Hua accepted, and everyone immediately cheered.

"You..." Zhang Feng's face flushed suddenly.

"Oh, we are also for your own good!" At this time, Liu Bin said earnestly: "We are afraid that you will fail to confess, so we will come here to see the situation. If you have something wrong, we can help you analyze it afterwards. You correct, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Dagu nodded hurriedly.

"Asshole!" Xiaohua flushed.

Xiao Hua was so angry that Zhang Feng and this group of unscrupulous roommates made a good confession, but they were bothered by them, which was really disappointing. I thought I could have a kiss with Zhang Feng, but I didn't expect it to be destroyed by these guys. Xiao Hua looked a little annoyed.

"You bad guys." Xiaohua gritted her teeth and looked at Xiao Han and them.

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