The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 506: Liu Xiaolei leaves

Xiao Han squeezed in and hugged Liu Xiaolei and said, "I don't know what to do. Yes, I admit that I am bad, and I admit that I am very troublesome, but I have no control over feelings. Just like you It’s said that feelings are something that you cannot help yourself. If you fall in love, you are in love, and if you love you, you are in love. I can’t say that I don’t like you if I like you."

"But, you like her too." Liu Xiaolei choked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I admit that I am not a good person, and I admit that I am a bad person. However, if you leave here sadly today, I will never be happy, and I will be sad, too. It will be miserable. I must tell you what I think in my heart, and then let you make a choice!"

"Choose?" Liu Xiaolei stopped crying immediately. She hurriedly said: "What choice, can I have a choice? Tell me, what is my choice?"

"I..." Xiao Han is naturally hard to say.

Liu Xiaolei raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, smiling like a flower, and there was an indifferent smile in her eyes. That indifferent smile made Xiao Han's heart tremble. Liu Xiaolei looked at Xiao Han coldly, and then said: "I know what you let me choose. You just want to satisfy the little bit of **** in the man's heart. But, have you thought about it? If you don't give me a name How will I face my dad in the future? My brother? And my relatives?"

"Sorry!" Xiao Han lowered his head.

"I'm leaving!" Liu Xiaolei smiled slightly and said: "Thank you for your love!"

After speaking, Liu Xiaolei pulled out and left.

This time, Xiao Han did not go out to chase, because Liu Xiaolei had already understood what Hua said. If he continued to chase, he didn't know what to say. After all, this thing is really too much. However, I really have no choice. I will feel sad to give up Blue Rain Butterfly. Give up Liu Xiaolei, I will also feel sad. Since it would be sad to give up, put the right to make choices in their hands.

Unexpectedly, Liu Xiaolei chose to leave herself.

Xiao Han looked a little lost. Liu Xiaolei's departure made Xiao Han a little heartbroken. However, I originally thought that this incident would have passed, but the news that made Xiao Han even more horrified was behind.

Early the next morning.

Xiao's mother hurried back from outside, while Xiao Han was still sleeping at home.

"Xiaohan, get up quickly!" Xiao's mother looked very nervous.

"Mom, what's the matter?" Xiao Han opened his ignorant eyes, scratched his bare thighs, and then asked, "Did you see me still sleeping?"

"Why sleep? Get up quickly." Mama Xiao looked a little annoyed, and she immediately asked: "I ask you, what did you say to Liu Xiaolei yesterday?"

"I didn't say anything!" Xiao Han shook his head.

"Did you irritate her?" Mother Xiao scolded.

"I..." Xiao Han stopped speaking.

"You bastard, your own feelings are messed up!" Mother Xiao was anxious: "Liu Xiaolei left a letter and left."

"Ah!" When Xiao Han heard it, he jumped out of the warm bed hurriedly with fright. He hurriedly put on his clothes and asked, "Mom, what's going on?!"

"How do I know what's going on?" Mother Xiao snorted coldly, and then said, "Ask what's your situation? Did you irritate her yesterday, so she let her leave Linjiang City. Now she seems to go back to Shenzhen Up."

When Xiao Han heard this, his heart was bleeding.

After a simple wash, Xiao Han went to Liu's house without eating breakfast.

Uncle Liu and Dajun Liu sighed in the room. A good girl didn't know what irritation she had received, so she left home. It was exactly the same as when she left. At first, she was scolded by Grandma Liu, so she left home because she was stimulated, but now she doesn’t know why she left.

When he arrived at Liu's house, Xiao Han hurriedly said, "Brother Liu, Xiao Lei..."

"Oh, I went to Shenzhen." Liu Dajun sighed, and then handed the letter in his hand to Xiao Han.

Xiao Han couldn't wait to read it again. I came to briefly explain some things, Liu Xiaolei's bank card was also left, the password was told to the family, and the money was given to Liu Dajun to continue to pay the monthly payment, and she will continue to call this one for the monthly payment. Card on. Let Liu Dajun not worry.

As for the reason why she left Linjiang City, she didn't mention a word. I just said that I was in a bad mood and went back to work in Shenzhen.

After reading this letter, Xiao Han felt very heavy.

Liu Xiaolei was gone, she was completely offended by herself. Thinking of this, Xiao Han hated himself a little. I hate myself for not telling her the truth, a woman, I am happy with a coax. Why should I stimulate her with the truth? If you deny the relationship between yourself and Blue Raindie, you will say that you and Blue Raindie are just ordinary friends. I believe Liu Xiaolei will never say anything or run away from home like this.

"Big Brother Liu, then...what should I do now?" Xiao Han asked.

"I don't know!" Liu Dajun shook his head, and then said: "Xiao Lei's phone can't get through, and I don't know where she went, so it is not convenient for us to find it."

"Hey..." Xiao Han sighed.

Xiao Han is also embarrassed about this matter. In fact, he really wanted to go to Shenzhen to get Liu Xiaolei back. But, even if you find her, what can you do? What to tell her? For Liu Xiaolei, what she needs is a man, a future, and a home! I can't give her these, so what can I do if I go to her?

Xiao Han's mood fell to the bottom. As if this matter seems to have entered a dead end.

After returning home, Xiao Han thought for a long time. In the end, Xiao Han decided not to go to Shenzhen to find Liu Xiaolei.

Liu Xiaolei's character is very strong. Xiao Han also knew her very well. Even if I find her, I can't change anything. Since she is leaving, she has changed once, and she cannot change her a second time. Therefore, Xiao Han can only let her do it. Maybe one day she figured it out and came back naturally. If you can't figure it out, it might be a good thing to find a man to love her for yourself.


Liu Xiaolei's departure had a certain impact on Xiao Han, and it also had some blows to him. This blow made him not relieved for a long time. It even made Xiao Han wonder if he was born to be a flowery person.

In a blink of an eye, the winter vacation will soon be over.

The business of Hanmen Restaurant in Linjiang City is very hot. Especially during the Spring Festival, it created an unsurpassed turnover. In the week of the Spring Festival, the Hanmen restaurant created a turnover of 2 million. Of course, the turnover of 2 million is five restaurants per day. The night's work is the benefit of the crazy work of nearly 100 people in the Hanmen restaurant. Within the turnover of these two million, the gross profit is nearly one million.

In other words, during this period of time, the Hanmen Restaurant has generated more than 100,000 profits almost every day. Such an objective profit makes the staff in the Hanmen restaurant very excited. The happiest ones are Yang Lu and Zhao Lizhong.

Yang Lu is the manager of the Hanmen restaurant, and Zhao Lizhong is the director of the planning department of the Hanmen restaurant. Zhao Lizhong is in charge of all the planning work of the entire Hanmen catering. As for management, Zhao Lizhong never intervenes, because he knows his strengths and weaknesses. Zhao Lizhong's work is responsible for the expansion of Hanmen catering, and often analyzes and studies some activities of Hanmen restaurants.

This is a very complicated matter for anyone, but for Zhao Lizhong, it is an unfailing matter. Because he loves this job, he likes this job, and this job has brought him endless fun and joy.

Yang Lu and Zhao Lizhong have contributed to such achievements.

Liu Xiaolei left, and Yang Lu had to walk into the lobby from the office to take over Liu Xiaolei's work again. Liu Xiaolei is a very good person, and also a very capable person. When she was there, the restaurant was in good order and seldom made mistakes. When Yang Lu took over Liu Xiaolei's work again, she was a little too busy. Although Liu Xiaolei has been cultivating several managers, these people have never grown up. It is enough for them to manage one store, and let them be responsible for several stores together, I am afraid it is a little too weak.

"Xiao Han, we have set a record this time." Yang Lu showed a pleasant smile.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "This thing is indeed worthy of our pride, but we cannot be proud of it. After all, this is just our starting point."

"Isn't this something to be proud of?" Zhao Lizhong asked with a smile, "Xiaohan, I don't know, what plans do you have?"

"Brother Zhao, there is one thing I must tell you." Xiao Han took a serious look at a few people, and then said: "Z Province is rich in copper mines, should you know?"

"I know!" Zhao Lizhong nodded immediately, and then said: "The most profitable thing in Z province is the copper mining industry. However, this kind of copper mine is officially controlled. Even if it is not official, it also has an official background. We want to interfere. Easy, so..."

"Don't worry." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "Of course I don't want to intervene, but what if someone gives us a copper mine?"

"There is such a good thing?" Zhao Lizhong was immediately confused.

"What are you going to do?" Xiao Han grinned.

"Then, of course, hurry up and mine." Zhao Lizhong said hurriedly, "These years, resources are very valuable. Copper mines are originally non-ferrous metals, and they are widely used. If there is a copper mine, we must be rich."

"Mining?" Xiao Han was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "With our current capabilities, it might not be easy to take over a copper mine."

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