The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 505: Door-to-door questioning

"So many people?!" Lan Yudie looked at the consumers waiting in the queue area at the door in surprise.

"There are so many people every day!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said, "The restaurant's business is very good."

"No wonder you can buy a BMW!" Lan Yudie smiled.

"Let's go." Xiao Han threw the car into a nearby parking lot, and then took Lan Yudie towards the restaurant.

Entering the restaurant, a waiter saw Xiao Han.

"Xiao Han, are you coming for dinner?" the waiter asked.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Help me prepare a seat."

"Good!" The waiter nodded immediately.

Liu Xiaolei saw Xiao Han from a distance, and just walked over, but saw the blue rain butterfly behind Xiao Han. Her expression was a little wrong, she hurriedly asked: "Xiao Han, you...who is she?"

"She is my friend." Xiao Han replied awkwardly.

"Then... I will help you arrange seats!" Liu Xiaolei hurriedly replied.

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

When Liu Xiaolei first saw the blue rain butterfly, she was a little surprised. Indeed, the appearance and figure of the blue rain butterfly are beyond doubt. It is estimated that any man has an urge to commit a crime when he sees it. No wonder Xiao Han will be with her.

As the manager of the restaurant, Liu Xiaolei is now working again, so she can only perform her duties. She settled a quiet corner for the two of them. This is something that no diners can enjoy.

After settling down, Xiao Han told Liu Xiaolei to serve some good dishes.

When Xiao Han comes to consume, he naturally greets with a first-class speed. After everyone was waiting for the dishes, Xiao Han's dishes came out soon. Sliced ​​duck, roast leg of lamb...

A few very good dishes are here.

"So much!" Lan Yudie said in surprise: "We...where can we finish eating?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't finish it!" Xiao Han smiled slightly and said, "I can pack it and take it home."

Lan Yudie pursed her mouth and said, "All right."

"Actually, I ordered so many, so I want you to try more of the dishes in this restaurant." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "The dishes in this restaurant are still very good. The chef is from a five-star in the capital. It was dug from the hotel and it was worth a lot of money. You see there are so many guests now."

"Yes!" Lan Yudie nodded.

"Eat!" Xiao Han smiled.

The blue rain butterfly started to move his chopsticks, and the sliced ​​duck, the taste was very good, fat but not greasy, delicious. Not to mention the roast leg of lamb, a small leg of lamb, the meat on the door has been cut with a knife, piece by piece, and then put on the door, there are two plates on the side, one is Sweet noodle sauce, one plate is chili sauce, depending on personal taste, some people like sweet noodle sauce, some people like chili sauce.

"This roast lamb tastes good!" Lan Yudie said in surprise.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded, and said: "This dish is a must-order here. Almost everyone who comes to eat here will order this dish. This dish is one hundred and eighty. The sliced ​​duck is also a chef in our capital. The craftsmanship here is very good."

Blue Yudie felt very good eating, she smiled and said, "It tastes much better than that of the poor restaurant in the university town."

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "Among all the cold restaurants, this cold restaurant has the best dishes and the most popular business. This restaurant alone can make millions of dollars a year. "

"Really amazing!" Lan Yudie nodded.

The dishes are very good, and the blue rain butterfly is full. The business of the Hanmen Restaurant is also very good. Seeing Xiao Han's career so successful, Lan Yudie is also proud of Xiao Han. She looked at Xiao Han seriously, and then said, "Xiao Han, I am so proud of you."

"Thank you!" Xiao Han smiled.

After she was full, Xiao Han drove Lan Yudie to the high-speed rail station and helped her buy the high-speed rail for the return journey. The high-speed rail from the provincial capital to Linjiang City takes only half an hour. Although the distance is more than two hundred kilometers, the straight-line distance is very fast. The speed of the high-speed rail is just a blink of an eye.

At the high-speed rail station, Lan Yudie was a little reluctant.

"Xiao Han, I'm leaving!" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "I will send you to the station."

There is a banquet in the world, besides, school will start after the Lantern Festival, so Xiao Han will be able to return to school soon and think of it, Lan Yudie feels much better inside. I haven't seen Xiao Han for half a month during the holiday, and now I finally had a good New Year with Xiao Han.

Blue Raindie got into the car with satisfaction.

Blue Yudie left, but left a trouble and hidden danger. That is, Liu Xiaolei already knew the existence of Blue Rain Butterfly. This is the most troublesome thing for Xiao Han.

After returning home, Xiao Han felt a little headache.

Sure enough, at night, Liu Xiaolei came to the door in person.

At 8:30 in the evening, Xiao Han was watching TV at home, and his mother was knitting a sweater in the room. There is nothing to do for the New Year. Chinese people have a very strong gambling ethos, and they play cards during the New Year. Xiao Han does not have much interest in playing cards.

"Xiao Han!" A voice came from outside.

"Xiao Lei?" Mother Xiao reacted first. She hurriedly got up and said, "Why are you here?"

"Auntie, I'm here to find Xiao Han." Liu Xiaolei smiled slightly.

"Go ahead and talk, it's cold enough outside." Xiao's mother said hurriedly.

Liu Xiaolei's face turned red, and then walked in.

After entering, Xiao Han felt a little surprised, but he quickly reacted. He hurriedly got up and said: "Xiao Lei, are you looking for me?"

"Yeah!" Liu Xiaolei nodded.

At this time, Xiao's mother hurriedly picked up her own basket for knitting sweaters, and then said: "I'm going to chat with Sister Zhou, you guys."

After speaking, Xiao's mother hurriedly left the house. Young people don’t understand things by themselves, and they don’t even understand their feelings. Therefore, Xiao’s mother simply left and didn’t bother to interfere with their feelings. Especially when Xiao's mother knew that Xiao Han had a girlfriend at school, she was even more in a dilemma. Since you can't decide anything, just bury your head in the sand.

"Sit down." Xiao Han smiled: "What to eat?"

"Don't eat!" Liu Xiaolei's face was a little ugly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked, "Is anyone bullying you? Tell me, I'll beat him up for you."

"Xiao Han, let me ask you something, you have to answer me honestly!" Liu Xiaolei's tone suddenly appeared extremely serious. This ghost and elf girl has never spoken to herself so seriously. This is definitely the first time. .

"Okay, say it!" Xiao Han nodded.

"I ask you, is that girl your girlfriend today?" Liu Xiaolei looked at Xiao Han seriously.

Xiao Han swallowed, hesitated for a second, and finally nodded and said: "Yes, it's my girlfriend!"

"Okay, okay!" Liu Xiaolei's face sank, and she couldn't hold her, as if the last life-saving straw had also left her. Liu Xiaolei's eyes were red all at once, and tears fell from her eyes.

"Xiao Lei, you...what's wrong with you?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"No...nothing!" Liu Xiaolei shook her head and said, "I'm just a little sad, a little sad."

"Sorry!" Xiao Han took Liu Xiaolei's hand.


Liu Xiaolei slapped Xiao Han's hand away, and then said: "Don't touch me, I'm sorry, you've never been sorry for me, it's always just my wishful thinking, a person's self-righteousness..."

"Xiao Lei!" Xiao Han looked very embarrassed.

"Enough." Liu Xiaolei roared loudly, and said: "Xiao Han, why... why do you want to be with me after you have a girlfriend? It makes me think so much and fantasizes so much? Are you pitying me? Or are you pitying me?"

"No, I didn't, I never did!" Xiao Han shook his head hurriedly.

Liu Xiaolei sat on the sofa blankly, staring at the heater on the side, tears falling down. The little sun heater on the side emits a golden light, shining on Liu Xiaolei's exquisite and beautiful face, Xiao Han can clearly see which tears are rolling down. It makes people feel very heartbroken.


Liu Xiaolei remained silent. There is a saying, no longer erupt in silence, but perish in silence.

Indeed, sometimes, ranting loudly is not scary. Silent talents make people feel horrified and horrible.

Liu Xiaolei's silence did not make Xiao Han feel scared, but Liu Xiaolei's silence has been torturing Xiao Han's heart. Xiao Han felt an extremely tingling pain. Seeing Liu Xiaolei's tears, Xiao Han felt a little regretful. This kind of pain made Xiao Han feel almost asphyxiated.

"Xiao Lei, I...I'm sorry!" Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

"You didn't apologize to me, never!" Liu Xiaolei shook her head and said: "It's my dad that you're sorry, and your mom is the one who's sorry."

"Me!" Xiao Han didn't know how to pick it up for a while.

Liu Xiaolei glanced at Xiao Han, and then said: "Since you have a girlfriend, then I won't bother you."

After speaking, Liu Xiaolei got up and left.

Xiao Han immediately took her hand. Liu Xiaolei's footsteps settled in place.

"Don't go!" Xiao Han felt that if Liu Xiaolei left here today, he would regret it for life. However, if you don't let her go, what can you do? What can I give her? There is no way to give her what she wants. There is no way he can give everything he wants. Didn't that delay people's youth?

"Do you have anything else to say to me?" Liu Xiaolei asked.

"I..." Xiao Han looked down at Liu Xiaolei's hand and whispered: "I like you, really..."

"You..." Liu Xiaolei's eyes were red, and she turned around and threw herself into Xiao Han's arms.

There are a few women who can resist this strange tenderness, and a few women who can resist the confession of their beloved man. Even if it's just a sentence of ‘I like you’. Even if it's just a sentence of ‘I love you’.

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