No way! I can't continue to be touched by Xiao Han. If he finds out that I am wet, I am afraid I will be ashamed.

"Xiao Han, please!" Lan Yudie said hurriedly: "You let me go."

"But, you just molested me!" Xiao Han said hehe: "How do you calculate this account?"

"I dare not." Lan Yudie said embarrassingly: "I will never dare anymore."

"That's not the case." Xiao Han said.

"Then what do you want to do?" Lan Yudie asked hurriedly.

"Let me think about it..." Xiao Han pretended to be contemplative, and then he murmured a few words in Lan Yudie's ear. A look of surprise appeared on Lan Yudie's face, and said: " hooligan!"

"Yes, I admit that I am a rogue." Xiao Han said with a smile: "Who told you to just molested me."

"I...I admit that I was wrong." Lan Yudie pursed her mouth.

"Then you have to pay for your mistakes," Xiao Han said.

"I..." Blue Yudie bit her red lips and said: "You...can't you change the punishment? For example...I can help you with hygiene, wash your clothes, and even cook for you. ... Why do you have to touch someone's breasts!"

Lan Yudie's chest is the most perfect chest Xiao Han has ever seen. Such a proud chest is a masterpiece of the Creator. Although Chen Zihan's **** are equally good, I believe that after this year, after the precipitation of time, Chen Zihan's **** will be fuller and more perfect. Although Li Xiaoya's **** are also good, she was breastfeeding for six months after all. The degree of firmness is far worse than that of Blue Rain Butterfly.

Perfect as it is.

Xiao Han used these four words to describe it. He smiled and said, "No. I only have one request."

Blue Yudie's face was flushed, red to the earlobe, almost dripping water from the earlobe. She bit her red lips tightly, and said, "Well, I promise you, but..."

"But what?" Xiao Han asked.

"But you can't invade me!" Lan Yudie is a woman with a bottom line, saying that if you don't have a relationship before getting married, you will definitely not go beyond Lei Chi. At least not now.

"Okay!" Xiao Han had already been tempted to jump up and down by the impeccable pair, and he agreed without hesitation.

Blue Yudie gritted his teeth and said: "Can't be here, go to the room!"

Xiao Han jumped up and immediately rushed into the room holding the blue rain butterfly, turned on the lights, and the room was very bright. The curtains are drawn, so there is no need to worry about being seen. Lan Yudie was lying on the bed, Xiao Han couldn't wait to rush over, and stretched out his hand to pull off the bath towel on Lan Yudie's chest.

"Hey, slow down!" Lan Yudie hurriedly clutched her chest.

"Can't wait." Xiao Han said hurriedly.

He was so anxious that he quickly pulled off the bath towel from Blue Rain Butterfly. The flawless body immediately appeared in front of him, the proud stunner, even though the Blue Raindie was lying down, there was absolutely no sign of letting him go down. Still standing upright like two peaks and trembling.

Xiao Han hurriedly stroked the two peaks.


It was the first time in her life that Blue Yudie was touched by the opposite **** on her chest, the last time she was touched by Xiao Han, but she was definitely not so upright and posed. Therefore, Lan Yudie was a little nervous, and when Xiao Han reached out to touch her, she felt that her body was a little strange. There is no rejection, on the contrary, she likes this kind of touch very much, as if the blood in the body is flowing with a trace of electricity, stimulating every cell up and down the body.

Lan Yudie felt that her body seemed a little uncontrollable, and she worked hard to cater to Xiao Han's movements. Humans are also animals, and they know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Xiao Han's movements made herself very comfortable, so Lan Yudie worked hard to cater to Xiao Han's movements.

Xiao Han's movements were very gentle, and Blue Yudie's skin was glowing with a pink sheen.

"Xiao Han, Lan Yudie exhales like silk." Lan Yudie bit her red lips lightly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han smiled.

"I...I love you." Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

"I love you too." Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

Lan Yudie hugged Xiao Han tightly, and her body's reaction had already betrayed her inner thoughts. Xiao Han's hands are very gentle, and his technique is also very gentle. He carefully kneaded the blue rain butterfly's chest, which is very elastic and full of the flexibility of female skin.

Xiao Han was also uncomfortable. When he held the tempting stunner, Xiao Han's heart was full of enthusiasm. How much he wanted to press Blue Yudie under his body and cruelly rubbed it, but he had already promised Blue Yudie no I would do it to her, if I did it myself, it would mean nothing to say.

Xiao Han looked at the two stunners, he buried his head in the two stunners, took a deep breath, with the fragrance of a girl's body fragrance, very comfortable. Xiao Han felt that it was very comfortable to smell such an addictive smell for the first time.

Xiao Han felt that he was completely addicted. The blood in his body seemed to have been ignited and was burning crazily. This feeling was like a pot of charcoal fire on the side of his body. After allowing his body temperature to rise infinitely, after rising to a certain level, Xiao Han felt that he could not hold it anymore.

Xiao Han felt so painful that he almost collapsed.

"Xiaoyu, I...I want it!" Xiao Han swallowed, his face turned red.

"!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shook her head.

"But...I feel like I can't stand it anymore." Xiao Han hurriedly lowered his head and underestimated a few words in Lan Yudie's ear. When Lan Yudie heard it, her face turned red, but she nodded honestly and agreed. She nodded slightly, and then said, "Well, I promise you."

"Really?" Xiao Han was overjoyed when he heard it.

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie nodded immediately, and then said: "I promised you."

Xiao Han hurriedly let go of his rude hands, and then lay down in front of Lan Yudie. The clothes on his body were all pulled down during the movement. A wicked smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, and he said hurriedly: " Come on, I can't wait any longer."

"What anxious!" Lan Yudie pursed her mouth.

Xiao Han really couldn't wait. He had already experienced Blue Rain Butterfly's technique. Although it was rather scumbag last time, Xiao Han still looked very much looking forward to it. After all, he still enjoys such things. As a man, if you can get a woman to play and sing for you, this is indeed something to be proud of. Moreover, Lan Yudie is still such a beautiful and stunning woman, and how many people pursue her behind her back. It is a great honor for Xiao Han to get the love of Blue Rain Butterfly. And it takes courage even more to make the Blue Rain Butterfly condescend to play and sing to Xiao Han.

When Xiao Han lay there, he immediately spurred the sky. The guy seemed to be a group of towering trees, which made people feel extremely shocked. It also made people feel extremely shocked.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said: "Xiao Yu, come on, I can't wait."

"Smelly guy, let you wait a little longer!" Lan Yudie snorted coldly. She got up lazily.

Xiao Han's general column made her blush. It was thick and long. Although it was not the first time she had seen it, her posture seemed to swallow the mountains and rivers with anger. Blue Yudie’s mouth is a small cherry mouth, very small, but Xiao Han’s guy is so sturdy, how could he swallow such a giant?

Although it can't be swallowed, it's okay to fiddle with it.

In desperation, Blue Raindie could only satisfy Xiao Han within the scope of his ability. However, Xiao Han played tricks to unlock his posture, which made Lan Yudie embarrassed. Xiao Han was not satisfied with the ‘blow’ action at all. He quickly let Lan Yudie use that attractive double peak...


In the room, there was a storm of clouds and rain.

Xiao Han tried his best, and Lan Yudie was too tired. Xiao Han's abilities were very strong, and he remained strong, showing no signs of relaxation. Lan Yudie protested several times, but Xiao Han completely ignored her protests and strongly urged her to continue.

In this way, the two of them have been going on like this, and they have been ups and downs on the bedside mountain.

Lan Yudie’s cheeks are sore, and her red lips are also very painful. The pain is not ordinary pain, but a very painful one. Not only the cheeks are sore, but also the muscles of the arms are sore. In desperation, Lan Yudie can only continue to offer Shuangfeng and use a less laborious way to satisfy Xiao Han.

Xiao Han is not good to continue to stand firm, can only release himself.

Soon, Xiao Han released his vitality. The Blue Rain Butterfly was immediately liberated. She kept her mouth in her mouth and tried to swallow everything.

Knowing that Xiao Han's trembling reaction disappeared, she quickly ran into the bathroom.

Xiao Han exaggerated his suffocation with satisfaction. Life lies in exercise. I just had a difficult exercise. The corner of his mouth raised a wicked smile, which was a satisfying smile.

Before long, the blue rain butterfly came out of the bathroom naked. Seeing this girl's figure, especially the attractive place, Xiao Han was even more impatient, wanting to get the Blue Rain Butterfly again, and the body that had just been satisfied once again reacted, he took a deep breath. In a sigh of relief, he smiled: "Xiao Yu, you..."

"What do you want to do?!" Lan Yudie looked at Xiao Han warily.

"Nothing!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "I just want to give you a hug."

"Don't do bad things?" Lan Yudie asked.

"Of course not!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "I just met, where can I do it again?"

"Hehe..." Lan Yudie thought about it again. It seems that Xiao Han, who is in the bureau, said something reasonable. He was only satisfied just now. Where can he stand up again? I'm afraid it's too much for a man who is iron-struck. Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "Come on."

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