For Lan Yudie, perfect figure is her biggest capital. Although a woman looks superficial just by looking at it. However, if a woman has a perfect appearance, she is definitely more successful than anyone else.

This society is a face-conscious society, where two women are also interviewing, and the beautiful will always have more qualifications than the mediocre.

Lan Yudie walked towards the bathtub slowly, then raised a slender and well-proportioned thigh, and slowly stepped into the half-tank bathtub. The water temperature is just right. Blue Rain Butterfly was cautious, and then sat down slowly, half of her body was soaked in the water, very comfortable. She immediately stretched her body and lay down in the bathtub. The water temperature was very suitable. The water temperature is adjusted by this high-tech bathtub, which is in line with the best water temperature of the human body.

After lying down, the bathtub felt pressure and immediately started to start, and the massage on the back began to ease. Blue Yudie felt like she was lying on a hotbed. The whole person feels very comfortable.

"It's so comfortable." Lan Yudie whispered.

On the wall opposite to the bathtub, there is a wall-mounted TV, ** is at hand. Lan Yudie hurriedly turned on the TV with **. Variety shows happened to be on TV, and it was Lan Yudie's favorite variety show. She seemed very excited.

After turning on the TV, the Blue Rain Butterfly lies comfortably in it, and this bathtub has an automatic heating function. Once the water temperature is lowered, it will automatically heat up, maintaining the most comfortable question for the human body. Not only with massage function, but also with health care function. For example, head massage, as well as essential oil massage function.

Unconsciously, this girl actually fell asleep in this hotbed.

Xiao Han was watching TV in the living room, and saw that the girl went in for half an hour without moving. He hurriedly tried to shout twice toward the bathroom. However, this girl didn't even move at all. Xiao Han immediately panicked. Some time ago, I heard the news about problems with health bathtubs. It was said that some unscrupulous manufacturers produced some inferior health bathtubs and sold them to customers at high prices. In the end, there were electric shocks and even hot water. In short, the situation that resulted in customer injury.

Xiao Han didn't know much about his own bathtub. He immediately panicked. He hurriedly opened the bathroom door with the key, only to see the girl lying motionless in the bathtub. Xiao Han rushed over, first cut off the power to the bathtub, and then hurriedly rushed over.

"Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu..." Xiao Han hurriedly shouted.

Lan Yudie was very sleepy today. In the morning, he was busy for a whole morning, and the afternoon was also busy for an afternoon. In the evening, he took a friend's car from the provincial capital to Linjiang City to visit Xiao Han. So she was very tired, and coupled with this comfortable bathtub, she fell asleep unconsciously.

When Xiao Han called this, she immediately woke up. Lan Yudie opened her confused eyes. She looked at Xiao Han and said, "Xiao Han, what's the matter?"

"You...what's wrong with you?" Xiao Han asked hurriedly.

"I...I'm fine, just...I'm just a little sleepy and fell asleep." Lan Yudie said hurriedly.

Xiao Han immediately let out a sigh of relief. However, he soon realized that he seemed too worried and broke into the bathroom accidentally. Blue Yudie was lying naked in the bathtub at this time, the water was very clear, and her flawless figure was clearly seen by herself, really. Especially the pair of proud stunners in front of his chest deeply attracted Xiao Han's eyeballs. The pair of arrogant guys made Xiao Han feel blood boiled.

The snow-white breast is dotted with a pink grape on the peaks. The beauty is so beautiful that the blood in Xiao Han's body is like a ball of gasoline that has been ignited.

Blue Yudie soon discovered that Xiao Han's eyes and expressions were a little wrong, and she immediately realized that something was wrong, and she immediately found that she was lying naked in front of Xiao Han, with a look on her face. stunned.

"Asshole!" Lan Yudie suddenly reflected.

Xiao Han was shocked immediately.


Suddenly, Lan Yudie slapped it over. This slap hit Xiao Han's face fiercely. A five-fingerprint suddenly appeared on Xiao Han's white face. Xiao Han hurriedly covered his face and looked at Lan Yudie in embarrassment.

" go out!" Lan Yudie hurriedly covered her own parts.

"I... I will go out now!" Xiao Han hurriedly stood up, and then ran out. Before leaving, I closed the bathroom door.

After coming out, Xiao Han was much calmer. The slap just now really woke him up, and it also made him sober. If it weren’t for the slap that Lan Yudie just did, maybe Xiao Han would never calm down. , Maybe he just rectified the blue rain butterfly on the spot inside. Although the relationship between Xiao Han and Lan Yudie is a boy and girl friend, the relationship between the two is definitely limited to holding hands and kissing each other. It is not yet time to have a relationship.

At that moment, Xiao Han looked at Lan Yudie's body thoroughly. But it induced Xiao Han's inner desire to make mistakes extremely. However, that slap broke all of Xiao Han's sex.

Blue Yudie was also very frightened, she was lying in the bathtub, her mind was blank. The whole person hardly dared to think about the matter just now. However, it did happen. Although she didn’t understand why Xiao Han came in, she just opened her eyes and saw Xiao Han’s expression of concern, so Lan Yudie guessed that the other party must be worried that she was inside. When something happened, and then thinking that she had just fallen asleep, Lan Yudie probably had an idea of ​​her own.

Thinking of this, Lan Yudie's face was full of shame. Xiao Han clearly rushed in because he cared about himself, but he was beaten out as a prodigal son. Blue Yudie took a deep breath, and was no longer in the mood to take a bath, so she could only simply rinse in the shower. Then he hurried out.

Blue Rain Butterfly had wiped off the water on her body and came out wrapped in a light blue bath towel. Half-breasted **** were still exposed, especially the slender legs, round, very long, and very white... it was absolutely eye-catching.

Xiao Han raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He smiled, and then said, "Is it done?"

"Yeah!" Lan Yudie lowered her head, with long flowing hair, very beautiful. The figure is also very plump. Lan Yudie whispered: "I'm sorry, I...I was just impulsive just now. I'm sorry, Xiao Han, I know you are for my good. But..."

"It's okay." Xiao Han shook his head.

"Your face was blushed by me." Lan Yudie looked embarrassed.

"It's okay to be beaten by you." Xiao Han shook his head, then smiled: "As long as it is not beaten by someone else, it's fine."

"You bastard, it's this time, are you still in the mood to make a joke?" Lan Yudie gave him an angry look.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "Who let me take advantage of you? He deserves to be beaten!"

"Are you angry with me?" Lan Yudie pursed her mouth and said: "If you are angry, I will go to stay in the hotel. The province appears in front of you and annoys you."

"Fool, how can I be angry?" Xiao Han hurriedly took her hand when he heard it, and then said, "I was not okay just now, so I shouldn't go in. Just go in, let alone stare at your body. , I was wrong, so we canceled each other out."

"Do you really think so?" Lan Yudie's eyes lit up.

"Of course!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "Otherwise, what do I think?"

"Hehe..." Lan Yudie smiled, and then sat down in Xiao Han's plate. He was surrounded by bath towels, and the shaky bath towel seemed to fall off at any time. Xiao Han was a gentleman on the side, staring at the TV, afraid to look at Lan Yudie's body, for fear that he would be attracted to her. Lan Yudie raised a smile at the corner of her mouth, deliberately seduce Xiao Han: "Xiao Han, is the heater turned on here?"

"Yes, floor heating is installed." Xiao Han nodded.

"No wonder it's so warm." Lan Yudie pursed her lips and smiled, and said, "There is still some heat."

"Really?" Xiao Han said in surprise.

"No!" Lan Yudie nodded, and then said: "It's really hot."

Xiao Han turned his head and looked at Lan Yudie, only to find that this girl was smiling strangely at him. Xiao Han is not stupid, he saw through the other party's lie all at once, he sneered: "Okay, you dare to lie to me and see how I can deal with you!"

"I...I don't have one!" Lan Yudie hurriedly shook her head.

Xiao Han didn't care so much, since this girl wanted to molest herself, she couldn't be polite. He immediately hugged Blue Yudie and pressed her to his lap. Blue Yudie hurriedly struggled, and the towel immediately rolled up the corner.

At that moment, the scenery in the bath towel suddenly vented, and this girl was powerful enough, and it was completely empty inside. The corner of the bath towel was rolled up, and a vacuum was immediately exposed inside. The round butt, highlighting the perfect **** of a woman, the round curve, graceful and graceful. Especially the scenery revealed in the Pythagorean is very charming.


Xiao Han couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, his eyes were almost red.


Xiao Han suddenly raised his slap and slapped Lan Yudie's arrogant **** twice. The strength of these two slaps was great, leaving two red five-fingerprints.

"Ah!" Lan Yudie cried out in pain.

Although it hurts, after the pain, Blue Yudie found that there was some refreshment in the pain. She hurriedly shouted: "Xiao Han, let me go. Let go of me quickly!"

How can the prey that is finally obtained easily be released? Xiao Han would definitely not let him go easily when he came to provoke him.

"It's not that easy to let me let you go." Xiao Han smiled.

Lan Yudie's strength is far less than Xiao Han's, she can only let Xiao Han kill her. Moreover, Xiao Han’s hand has been sticking to his butt, which makes Lan Yudie feel a little strange, not annoying, Xiao Han is definitely the first person to touch his **** by the opposite sex. On the contrary, Lan Yudie was actually a little strangely irritating. She felt that her **** was being touched all the time, and the warm whirling feeling made her feel a little moist somewhere in her body.

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