Xiao Han was afraid of him, his face remained the same.

The other party wandered around the rivers and lakes, naturally knowing how to observe words and colors. Through observation, they found that Xiao Han was not afraid at all. On the contrary, the other party was calm and calm, and instead bluffed himself. The brawny man behind him shouted: "Second, don't rub him, hurry up, cut that girl's face, and we can go!"

"Yes, eldest brother!" After Dajin Chain listened to it, he lunged towards Xiao Han.


Xiao Han will kill with one blow.


The opponent's arm suddenly rang out.

Xiao Han had never been merciful to these people. Xiao Han had already used all his strength, and the other party's wrist bones broke at that time. Xiao Han's fist accurately hit the weakest part of the opponent's wrist joint, and he used all his strength. At that moment, the opponent screamed.

"Ah!!!" Dajin chain knelt down at that time.

Seeing this, the strong man behind him looked at Xiao Han in astonishment, "Who are you?!"

"Do you care who I am!" Xiao Han replied with disdain, "I want to ask who you are!"

"Fuck, are we all you can know?" When the strong man heard this, he furiously said: "Boy, today you are dead."

After speaking, the strong man rushed up immediately.

The brawny man was so fast that he rushed in front of the opponent almost in the blink of an eye. At that moment, the opponent was swift and sturdy. His strength is obviously much stronger than the big golden chain. Therefore, Xiao Han cannot be careless. If it is normal, Xiao Han can deal with it at will, but not now, because Chen Zihan is behind him. If he deals with it at will, Chen Zihan might be affected.

"Boy, take your life!" the strong man roared.

"Hehe..." Xiao Han showed a strange smile on his face.

The moment the opponent launched the attack, Xiao Han's powerful brain had already seen the flaw in the opponent's attack.


Xiao Han dashed out, and people flew over suddenly.

Xiao Han leaped into the air and hit the opponent's chest with one leg. The brawny man was caught off guard. He came over with this foot, no matter where he had time to reflect, he just used his chest to blunt the opponent's foot.


People flew out heavily.


After landing, the strong man spit out a mouthful of blood, which sprayed far away. Xiao Han's foot is very powerful. Obviously, the other party's ribs have broken after this foot. Moreover, the other side's appearance is also very embarrassing.

Xiao Han didn't walk towards the other party yet. The man with a broken hand was holding his wrist joint and backing back again and again. He is not light. I am afraid that Xiao Han will show himself a color. He is not Xiao Han's opponent, and today's mission is about to fail.

"Fuck!" The strong man struggled to get up from the ground. However, there was a scorching pain in his chest.

"Hey!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "You are no longer my opponents."

"Brother, let me withdraw." Dajin Chain gritted his teeth: "We are not his opponents."

"Good!" The strong man nodded.

The two looked at each other and immediately ran towards the car. However, after getting in the car, they discovered that the car could not be started at all. I don't know what went wrong. When the two were about to get out of the car, Xiao Han was already standing outside the car door.

"Hey, want to run?" Xiao Lian laughed, and said, "What's the hurry? What's the run? What's the fear?

Three questions in a row made the two of them feel creepy, especially the weird smile on Xiao Han's face, which made them feel a gloomy feeling. They feel terrified inside. They didn't expect that the white-faced niche in front of them, this stinky stinky boy would have unimaginable strength. They felt terrified and terrified.

"You...who are you?" the two asked almost coincidentally.

"You are not qualified to ask me." Xiao Han replied with disdain, and then said: "Now it's my turn to ask you."

The two were startled.


Both of them couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, although one wrist joint was broken and the other rib was broken. However, they still endured the physical pain, and the real pain was mental torture. The two looked at Xiao Han tremblingly, and said: "Boy, I tell you, you can't offend us!"

"Give you three opportunities." Xiao Han smiled and said, "Tell me who instigated you to come!"

"You better not ask." Dajin Chain said hurriedly.

Cang Dang!

Xiao Han kicked the car door, which was seriously deformed. The whole car door was recessed at that time. The car door could no longer be opened. Xiao Han turned around and walked to the other side, and then asked: "Now it's your turn to talk. Let's talk about it, who instructed you to come."

"Who instructed us to come?" The strong man was so scared that he looked at Xiao Han awkwardly.

Cang Dang!

It was another violent kick. After this kick, the door was dented. The two doors were deformed and could not be opened at all. Xiao Han stretched out his hand and took a lighter from the center console of the car, and then smiled: "The last chance, but I want to remind you that the fuel tank of the car is leaking. If you don't tell me this time, I will A torch burned the car. As for whether you are alive or dead, I don't care about it."

"Don't!" The two were shocked when they heard it.

Both of them were dumbfounded. If the fire ignited, the nearest car door would have been deformed, and there would be no way to escape. Once the fire ignites, there is definitely no way of escape for oneself, and there is no doubt that he will die, and no one wants to be burned into a suckling pig. Therefore, they cannot help but say.

"Tell me honestly." Xiao Han replied, and the lighter in his hand was already lit.

"Yes... from the Jiang family!" the strong man said hurriedly.

"Jiang family?" Xiao Han heard it and said, "Is it Jiang Yicai?"

"Yes... it's his wife!" The strong man looked embarrassed and said, "Give us two hundred thousand, let us scratch Chen Zihan's face, let her disfigure her face, and I won't find a man in the future. As for her Why do you want to do this, you ask her, we don't know!"

When Chen Zihan heard it, she trembled with fright.

Xiao Han turned around and looked at Chen Zihan. Obviously, his expression was full of panic. If Xiao Han were not there today, he would really be disfigured. His face would be his second life. If a person is scratched, then he has no courage to live. Chen Zihan appeared extremely frightened, extremely scared.

"Xiao Han..." Chen Zihan noticed that Xiao Han was staring at her, and she couldn't help but called his name. This was an expression of extreme dependence and insecurity. In her heart, she was already extremely dependent on Xiao Han, and very dependent on it.

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Han shook his head and said, "With me, no one can hurt you!"

Chen Zihan took a deep breath and hugged Xiao Han tightly, fearing that Xiao Han would leave by his side. In fact, when Xiao Han heard that Madam Jiang was going to cut Chen Zihan's face, Xiao Han was shocked. He didn't know why Madam Jiang did it. However, that vicious woman can do everything, and it is not surprising that he did such a thing.

"Let's go!" Chen Zihan's voice still trembled.

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

The two turned and left.

Xiao Han had been escorting Chen Zihan to the door of the community and watched her enter the community, until she entered the room and sent a message to herself that she was safe, then Xiao Han turned and left.

The first day of the new year just passed. When Xiao Han returned home, the sun had already set.


Jiang family.

The Jiang family's New Year was not very satisfactory. Jiang Xiaoliang's hand bone was broken, and he was put in a plaster and hung with a bandage. Moreover, there was an infection halfway through, and Jiang Xiaoliang was so painful that Mrs. Jiang couldn't calm down seeing his son suffer so much. That's why I found two gangsters on the road, professional beating people, and the kind of vicious people who maimed them.

Madam Jiang wanted to destroy Chen Zihan.

If it weren't for Chen Zihan, his son wouldn't be what he is today. The son he has always been proud of, but died in front of his own purchase, yelling with pain in his arm. Madame Jiang was sad, and she held back the fire. Immediately smashed two hundred thousand and cut Chen Zihan's face.

However, she did not expect that the 200,000 yuan would be lost.

The first day of the New Year's Day passed, and I didn't even receive any news. Mrs. Jiang immediately called and asked. Unexpectedly, the phone was turned off and she was turned off. Mrs. Jiang immediately realized that something was wrong. After making a few calls in a row, the other party was always turned off, which annoyed her. Unexpectedly, these two guys were so unreliable. It really made Mrs. Jiang a little embarrassed.

Mrs. Jiang looked very depressed.

"Mom, what's the matter with you?" Jiang Xiaoliang dangled one arm while holding an apple in the other hand.

"It's okay." Madam Jiang shook her head and said: "Xiao Liang, how is your arm?"

"It's much better." Jiang Xiaoliang shook his head and said: "It's just that it hurts before, but it's okay now. However, it will take at least two months to remove the plaster."

"Yes!" Mrs. Jiang nodded and said: "At that time, you will go to the capital to remove the bandages and go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. After the doctor's approval, you will be able to remove the plaster. Can you hear that? Don't act without authorization."

"Yes!" Jiang Xiao pointed out.


After the first day of the new year, the New Year seems to be less lively all at once.

On the first day of the new year, Xiao Han made a lot of phone calls, including Lan Yudie and Li Xiaoya. Lan Yudie is now her serious girlfriend, and she certainly can't leave her alone. Besides, Xiao Han really loves Blue Yudie in his heart. And to Li Xiaoya is indeed grateful. If it weren't for Li Xiaoya, perhaps her entrepreneurial road would be even more difficult. If it weren't for Li Xiaoya, maybe she wouldn't have her own today.

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