After an hour and a half, Chen Zihan took all the papers from the door on the wall, but she found that there was no paper she wanted at the door. There were tiny beads of sweat on her forehead, and she looked at the lady boss with a disappointed expression, and said, "There is no paper written by Xiao Han!"

"Yes!" The lady boss smiled and said: "It's just that I put it away!"

"You!" Chen Zihan almost drew it away when he heard it.

Now that you put it away, why do you let yourself search here? Isn't this deliberately finding fault for yourself? Chen Zihan looked a little annoyed and angry. She didn't expect that she was looking for the door-to-door paper so seriously, only to be fiercely teased by the other party, which made Chen Zihan angry. She gritted her teeth and said, "Why do you play me like this? Is it fun to play me?"

"I didn't mean to fool you!" The lady boss stood up, her black dress looked a little enchanting. She smiled and said, "After listening to Xiao Han's story, I feel that you are cruel enough to leave Xiao Han in Linjiang City and go abroad to study alone. Don't you think this is cruel?"

"Me!" Chen Zihan bit her red lips with tears in her eyes.

Xiao Han hurriedly said, "Stop talking."

After speaking, he hurriedly took Chen Zihan's hand and sat down. Then he said: "These things have passed. Since it is a thing of the past, why continue to say it?"

"That's different!" The proprietress smiled and said: "I just think she is very cruel, so I intend to teach him a little lesson. But, to be honest, her behavior just moved me. For you A piece of paper can be written, but it can take an hour and a half to search for a second without stopping. This spirit is worth learning."

"I have a true feeling for Xiao Han!" Chen Zihan gritted his teeth and said, "The reason why I left him is because of the lasting difficulties."

"Of course I know!" The lady boss laughed: "Xiao Han never blamed you. He always blamed himself, saying he didn't work hard enough, saying he didn't have a good family background and background. However, I think these are all external. The reason has nothing to do with your feelings. If your family disagrees, then you don’t need your family’s support. If your family objects, you can run away completely.”

Obviously, the proprietress is still a wilder, more assertive person, and he is a very romantic person. Therefore, it is obviously impossible for both parties to have any like-minded views on this matter.

"Forget it!" Xiao Han shook his head, and then said: "Elopement is a plot that only appears in TV dramas or novels, we still don't want to imitate it. Besides, this is real life, where do you elope? Doesn't it need material support? Love is not only love, but also bread and milk."

The lady boss froze for a moment, and said with a smile: "If it is true love, you can lower the requirements of the material basis."

"If it is true love, I can't bear to let her suffer and suffer with me!" Xiao Han said seriously.

"Yeah!" The lady boss smiled slightly and said: "I am a bystander who is too selfish. You both love each other, and you all hope that each other can be happy. Alas, this is the highest state of love. I can't understand it. "

After speaking, the lady boss turned and walked into the cash register, and then tore a piece of paper from the wall inside. And handed it to Chen Zihan.

Chen Zihan hurriedly took the piece of paper and said excitedly: "This...Is this the piece of paper that Xiao Han wrote?"

"Right!" The lady boss nodded and said: "Now I will return it to you, I hope you can cherish Xiao Han."

"I..." Chen Zihan was at a loss. Her eyes couldn't wait to look at the piece of paper in her hand, and she came to the door with a line of delicate fonts, which were Xiao Han's characters. It says: Zihan, in four years, I will marry you.

One line in a very simple font. This sentence is what Xiao Han said to Chen Zihan when he was at Linjiang Airport. This is no longer a sentence, but a promise, a promise printed deep in the hearts of two people, and this promise has become the goal Xiao Han has been striving for. If it were not for this promise, Xiao Han might not have achieved what it is today.

"Xiao Han!" Chen Zihan looked at Xiao Han with tears in his eyes.

"Fool, what are you crying for?" Xiao Han hugged Chen Zihan and said: "Isn't this what I said to you at the beginning? When you come back from the United States, I will marry you!"

"Yeah!" Chen Zihan nodded, then said: "When I come back from the United States, I will marry you!"

"Good!" Xiao Han nodded.

Perhaps Chen Zihan left this time for several years. Mother Chen has been studying with her in the United States for half a year, but this time she can no longer follow Chen Zihan to study with her. The first reason is that the two people's consumption in the United States is too high, and the Chen family has not yet made a big money, so there is no way to make such a high consumption. The second reason is because Chen Zihan has become accustomed to life in the United States, and she can handle it all by herself. Therefore, even if she is alone in the United States, there is no need to worry too much, just one phone call a day.

"Your consumption today is counted as mine." The proprietress announced grandiosely.

"Thank you, lady boss!" Xiao Han was happy when he heard it, "I'm bringing me a slice of mango slices!"


When the boss heard it, she burst into laughter.

"Why, not happy?" Xiao Han asked curiously.

"Of course not!" The lady boss immediately shook her head, and she smiled: "I just think you are very cute, sometimes very literate, sometimes very young in the market. But this is good."

After sitting in the dessert shop for a while, the two came out of the dessert shop.

Chen Zihan carefully put the piece of paper into his bag. Hidden into the innermost layer of the purse, as if she had hid this sentence in the deepest part of her heart. Chen Zihan will deeply remember Xiao Han's promise to himself. Because Chen Zihan has been looking forward to that day.

Coming out of the dessert shop, the two held hands.

Just came out of the dessert shop.

A black Santana rushed over. With quick eyes and quick hands, Xiao Han hurriedly hugged Chen Zihan and rolled over to the green belt aside.


The black Santana car hit a side street lamp head-on, the front of the car was sunken, and the whole car was emitting white smoke. Then, two men in black walked out of the car. The leading man wore a black felt hat and a gold chain around his neck.

"Fuck, let him hide!" Dajin Chain cursed, and said, "The car is ruined."

"Second, hurry up." Another man was tall, pointed at Xiao Han and Chen Zihan in the green belt, and said: "Quickly scrap that woman, cut her face, and let her live Don't even have the face to see people!"

"Okay!" The man nodded immediately.

When Dajin Chain was about to go up to the green belt to find someone, Xiao Han had already stood up from the green belt holding Chen Zihan. At that moment, it was close to the point. If Xiao Han hadn't reacted in time, I'm afraid the two would be killed in the car. Xiao Han looked angry, and Chen Zihan beside her was trembling all over, and her body was trembling all the time. She was trembling and trembling all the time. His eyes were also full of fear.

At that moment, she felt death surpassing herself, and felt that life was so small at that moment. If it weren't for Xiao Han's timely response, I am afraid he would not be in this world.

Xiao Han ignored the fierceness of the other party, but looked at Chen Zihan with concern: "Zihan, are you okay?"

"It's okay." Chen Zihan shook his head.

"That's good." Xiao Han nodded, and then said, "Do you know them?"

Chen Zihan looked up, shook his head hurriedly, and said, "I don't know."

At this time, Dajin Chain sneered and said: "Boy, if you are acquainted, run quickly. Otherwise, we will clean up with you."

"Aren't you here for me?" Xiao Han was slightly surprised.

"Hey, which green onion are you?" The man gave Xiao Han a disdainful look, and then said: "I said, if you are acquainted, get out of here, otherwise, we'll clean up with you, believe it or not? "

Chen Zihan was even more silly when he heard it. The other party didn't come for Xiao Han, but was it for himself? However, I don't know them at all, and I have no grievances against them. Chen Zihan hurriedly said: "I don't know you, you...Did you find the wrong person?"

The two of them smiled and said: "You won't find the wrong person, you can rest assured."

"You..." Chen Zihan was even more frightened.

At this moment, the big gold chain shook a dagger from its sleeve, and then smiled: "Don't worry, I won't kill you today. I just took other people's money to spend your face. So, don’t worry, I will not take your life!"

"Ah!" Chen Zihan was even more dumbfounded.

Compared to a woman, the importance of face is obviously more important than life, so she trembled, looking at Xiao Han tremblingly, and said: "Xiao Han, I...I am afraid!"

"Don't be afraid!" Xiao Han shook his head hurriedly, and then said: "With me by your side, no one can hurt you, even the king of heaven and Laozi!"

"Hmm!" Chen Zihan immediately felt a lot safer in her heart. With Xiao Han by her side, her inner panic was not so much, but she felt more secure. She hid behind Xiao Han, feeling that Xiao Han's back was so safe.

"Boy, get out!" Dajin Chain roared.

"Huh, want me to get out? It's not that easy!" Xiao Han glanced at him disdainfully, and then said: "If you have the ability, you stand up and try."

Seeing that Xiao Han was so bullish, Dajin Chain took a step forward and sneered: "Boy, the knife in my hand is not long-eyed. I pierced you back, so don't cry."

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