"Sister, when you reach this level, you will know!" Section Chief Liu chuckled, and then said: "However, you may not have this opportunity."

"Oh!" Aunt Zhou shook her head and said, "Forget it, I think it's enough money."

"You don't understand." Section Chief Liu laughed, and then said: "Okay, the matter is done, I will leave. Also, you must not make trouble for the leader. Otherwise, the trouble will be great!"

"As long as you don't demolish our street lights, we will be fine." Aunt Zhou shook her head.

Section Chief Liu left contentedly, originally thinking that it would take a lot of words, but he didn't expect to get the other party done so easily. The leader gave an order to settle the matter anyway. So, I have to go back for business.

Watching these people from the municipal government leave.


Xiao Han spit on the back of the other party, and cursed badly: "A group of moths, a group of country moths, moths that **** the flesh of the people."

"Good scolding." Aunt Zhou nodded.

In fact, they had imagined that the government's people were black, but they did not expect that the government's people would be so black, which really made them feel a little surprised. Aunt Zhou said helplessly: "What kind of government can this group of people lead the government?"

"Sister, I think this may just be a municipal issue, and it has nothing to do with the government." Xiao Han smiled and said: "Our Linjiang City can develop into what it is today, which shows that our municipal party committee and government are still very powerful."

"Right right!" Aunt Xiaohong nodded hurriedly.

Looking at the price list provided by the municipal government, Aunt Zhou smiled bitterly: "It's really hard for this gang of officials."

"Sister Zhou, what do you say?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"They tried their best to embezzle and take bribes." Aunt Zhou smiled and said, "Never allow any different opinions to exist. Look at them, try their best to make money, and you have to find a way to hide the working people and make them greedy. Money is greedy for granted."

"What can we do?" Xiao Han asked.

"Forget it, for the New Year." Aunt Zhou shook her head and said, "I should do my job. As for other things, we can't change it, can we?"

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded.

This is how the morning passed on the first day of the new year. When everyone left the neighborhood committee, everyone was gone.

At noon, there were a lot less people in the community, and they all went home to eat.

Liu Xiaolei also went home for dinner.

At noon, Xiao Han and Xiao's mother went to Xiao Ming's country for New Year's greetings. At noon, Xiao Ming's country was full of people. It was still the same table that was eaten yesterday. Everyone gathered together. Xiao Zhicheng was not at home and took his wife out for a drive in a BMW. During New Year's greetings in the morning, this kid made a splash and drove a luxurious BMW off-road vehicle, spinning around among his classmates. Everyone thought this kid was rich. I only found out that this car belongs to someone else when I asked, but it is also a very proud thing to have a relative who can afford such a luxurious BMW.

"Xiao Han, are you here?" Xiao Mingguo saw Xiao Han's family come in, and hurriedly walked over to greet him. This is an honor that no one has. Today it fell on Xiao Han. Today, Xiao Han's status is different, and he is considered a local tyrant in the Xiao family.

Since seeing Xiao Han's mansion and seeing Xiao Han's good car, their affection for Xiao Han has soared.

"Uncle, happy new year." Xiao Han nodded.

"Why did you come this night?" Xiao Mingguo said hurriedly, "We have been waiting for you to eat."

"It's too polite." Mother Xiao said hurriedly: "Why don't you eat first?"

"You haven't come, where can we eat first, it's too rude." Xiao Mingguo hurriedly shook his head.

"Yes, it's too rude." Aunt Xiao also nodded hurriedly.

Now, Xiao Han has become a star-level figure in the Xiao family. The people of the Xiao family showed respect to him and showed great respect. It stands to reason that Xiao Han is just a junior and should not be able to afford such great courtesy. There shouldn't be such courtesy, but the people of the Xiao family treat him like an ancestor.

"Eat, eat!" Xiao Mingguo greeted hurriedly.

While talking, Xiao Mingguo pulled Xiao Han to sit down beside him. Everyone also saw it in their eyes and remembered it in their hearts. However, everyone has nothing to say, because Xiao Han's current status and status are different, and he deserves such treatment.

Aunt Xiao pulled Mama Xiao to her side and sat down, and said, "Sister-in-law, you have worked hard all these years. Now it's finally your turn to enjoy the blessing."

"Yes!" Mother Xiao nodded, and said: "This kid Xiaohan is arrogant, and he is finally in his head."

"Yes." Aunt Xiao nodded, and said: "I saw this kid, Xiao Han, who grew up. Now he is in his early years, and it is worth our pains."

"Yeah!" Mother Xiao nodded and said, "I have placed great hopes on him since I was a child. I hope he can live successfully."

Everyone was seated, and the two brothers Xiao Mingguo and Xiao Minghua drank, and Xiao Han accompanied him.

When a person succeeds, everything he says is right and will be admired by thousands of people; if he fails, he will not only say everything is wrong, but also be rejected by everyone.

When Xiao Han's family was poor, they were very disgusted by the Xiao family. Today, Xiao Han has succeeded, and his identity and status have undergone earth-shaking changes. Everything is naturally different.

Xiao Han was at the wine table and was not ignored. Xiao Mingguo and Xiao Minghua are basically the same as Xiao Han.

Three wine rounds.

Xiao Mingguo said, "Xiaohan, is your company still hiring people?"

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Now the sea doesn't go to Shenzhen with me anymore, so I go to Shenzhen alone without a company, no one to accompany me." Xiao Mingguo smiled, and then said: "So, I thought about it and planned to find someone in Linjiang City. I don’t know if your company will hire people. If you don’t hire people, then forget it.”

Xiao Mingguo has been thinking about this for a long time. In fact, when he saw Xiao Han driving a luxury car and living in a luxury mansion, he believed that Xiao Han had succeeded in starting a business now. Therefore, he wanted a lighter job, even if the salary was not available. It doesn't matter to Shenzhen Gao, but at least it should be stable. This is Xiao Ming's domestic mind.

Xiao Mingguo smiled, there seemed to be some embarrassment on his face.

Especially when Xiao Han didn't give him any answer, he was even more embarrassed. Xiao Han was silent for a while, then smiled: "Uncle, Xiao Dahai and Zhicheng, I can consider it, but you really can't integrate into us. The industry, after all, this is an industry for young people. I am afraid that you don’t understand these things very well. If you are invited in, the company may not work!"

"Oh..." Xiao Mingguo didn't continue speaking when he heard it.

Xiao Minghua originally pricked his ears to listen, but when Xiao Han refused, he immediately let out a sigh of relief. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It seems very comfortable. He took a sip of the wine, and then said: "Xiao Han, your uncle can't do it, can you see if I can do it? Am I still young?"

"Second uncle, don't tease me." Xiao Han said embarrassedly, "This industry is not suitable for you!"

"Xiao Han, you have always said this industry, this industry, what exactly does your company do?" Aunt Xiao asked hurriedly, seeming to be very curious about the performance of Xiao Han's company. Moreover, Xiao Han is certainly not a small company to make so much money, it is probably a big company.

"Yes. We are all curious!" Aunt asked curiously.

Everyone looked at Xiao Han curiously, all showing great curiosity.

Xiao Han knew that if he didn't give a reasonable explanation at this time, it would be easy for them to misunderstand. Although Xiao Han didn't care about their opinions, his mother did. If he didn't say it, it is estimated that his mother would have said it. Therefore, Xiao Han simply said it by himself, and he was more convincing.

"You probably all know the Apple authorized store at the intersection of the pedestrian street?" Xiao Han glanced at everyone and said, "That's the only Apple authorized store in Linjiang. This is my company, Hanmen Technology Co., Ltd."


A group of people were in an uproar. They did not expect that the largest Apple store in Linjiang was opened by their relatives. You know, everyone in their family has bought mobile phones in it. Moreover, the mobile phones inside are precious, and they are all used by young people. A mobile phone is said to cost six to seven thousand. And there is no bargaining, the most important thing is that there are quite a lot of people buying. Everyone knows that this Apple store makes money, and it’s no problem to make hundreds of thousands a month.

"Oh my God, I bought a mobile phone in it."

"Really? You really opened the Apple Store?"

At the table, a group of people looked very surprised and excited. Surprisingly, they also seemed particularly surprised. The excitement is that this Apple store turned out to be opened by my own relatives, and I will be able to speak out later. Maybe you can get an unexpected discount if you buy a mobile phone in the future.

"Yes!" Xiao Han nodded and said, "That's me."

"It's amazing." Aunt Xiao said in surprise: "No wonder you drive a luxury car and live in a luxury house so young."

"I didn't expect it." The second aunt said excitedly: "Last month, when the sea just came back, he took me there and helped him buy an Apple phone. It was almost 6,000. I felt like cutting meat. However, I see people inside buy mobile phones without blinking their eyes. Some people buy several at one go."

"No!" Aunt Xiao nodded, and said, "What mobile phone is selling the hottest now? It must be an Apple mobile phone. The official authorized store in Linjiang City can make no money? Monopoly business is best done. You are not here. Buy here, there is no second semicolon."

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