The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 495: tip of the iceberg

"Hey, elder sister, in fact, if you really want to talk about it, I'm afraid you know it in your heart?" The worker smiled slightly.

"I don't care!" Aunt Zhou shook her head sharply.

Obviously, he was ready, ready to make a faceless face. Even if he is dead today, he must not let the other party take down the street light.

When a group of workers saw this, they were helpless, and the two sides were in a situation of confrontation. One party wants to dismantle the street lamp and complete the task assigned to him by the superior; while he must guard these street lamps life and death, because these street lamps are profitable and harmless to the residents of the Fuxing community. With these street lights, people in the community will be much safer in the future. No one wants to walk on a dark, invisible road, and danger may happen at any time.

"This...what can I do about this?" the workers hurriedly asked.

"Captain, call your superiors and say that they won't let it be demolished, we can't do construction!"

There is no way, the work has to continue. Since someone refuses, let the superiors find a way.

A phone call passed, and soon a policeman on duty at the nearby police station came.

The arrival of the police made things even more immersed in a conversation. When the police came, they basically talked about it. No one at the police station wanted to offend, nor did they offend the people in the municipality or the neighborhood committee.

" can negotiate this matter yourself." The person at the police station smiled and said, "This is outside the scope of our jurisdiction. Unless..."

"Unless what?" the leading worker asked.

"Unless you fight, we have the right to intervene!" The police station hurriedly explained.

At this moment, the two sides fell silent again. On the first day of the new year, who dares to do it? I am afraid this year will be bad luck. Moreover, the people at the police station were all on the scene, and no one dared to take the lead, because once they did it, they might not be able to explain it clearly. The people at the police station watched it with their own eyes.

Seeing the two sides confronted for more than ten minutes, the people at the police station finally stood up.

"How about this." A man in a police uniform said, "Now it's a big Chinese New Year. It's not good for you to do this? So, let me see, it is better to wait for the new year to finish. How are you dealing with this matter? ?"

"That won't work!" The construction worker shook his head, and said: "The municipal leaders have said that this lamp will be removed anyway today, otherwise, we will lose our jobs!"

"No demolition today, no demolition in the future!" Aunt Zhou looked very domineering.

"Yes, no one is allowed to demolish it!" the residents of Fuxing Community protested.

Xiao Han and Liu Xiaolei were among the crowd. Things are still brewing, and they have not yet reached the point of breaking out.

"Why do they want to demolish?" Liu Xiaolei was a little confused.

"Because it offended the interests of the municipal government." Xiao Han explained.

"Why offended?" Liu Xiaolei asked suspiciously.

"For the same street lamp, we only need two hundred yuan to purchase a street lamp in the revival community, but two thousand are spent on the municipal procurement list!" Xiao Han smiled indifferently, and said: "Do you think they will allow street lamps like us to exist? ?"

"Ah?!" Liu Xiaolei was surprised when she heard it: "This...this is incredible, they bought such an expensive street lamp? Is it the same?"

"Of course it is the same." Xiao Han said with a smile: "Even the purchasing unit is the same. The most important thing is that the municipal people purchase hundreds or even thousands at a time. We only bought dozens of them. They gave us two hundred. Do you think..."

"Oh my God!" Liu Xiaolei exclaimed suddenly, "The water in the municipal unit is too deep, right?"

"What's more!" Xiao Lun said with a smile: "This is just a street lamp, that is to say, this is just the tip of the iceberg at all, it's nothing."

"Ang!" Liu Xiaolei took a deep breath. Thinking about it now, the water is really deep, and the street light alone is enough to shock people. Now imagine the financial lists published by some local governments on the Internet, sky-high prices for computers, sky-high prices for bicycles, sky-high prices for office equipment... it seems to be really convincing. He used to think that someone was spoofing, but now Liu Xiaolei believes that all this is true. Liu Xiaolei was in a daze: "Then...what can I do about this matter?"

"Don't do anything!" Xiao Han shook his head and said: "Resolutely not let them dismantle!"

"Then..." Liu Xiaolei looked at Xiao Han and said, "Since ancient times, people have not fought against officials. Are you not afraid?"

"What are you afraid of?" Xiao Han shook his head, then smiled: "Now it is a society ruled by law, and everything must be done according to the law."

The situation at the scene was very noisy.

More than two hours later, the municipal people sent people down to negotiate.

Because there were more and more onlookers, and the municipal people were afraid that such things would spread, so they simply decided to settle the matter through negotiation.

The person sent by the municipal government is the section chief in charge of the street lighting project.

As soon as Section Chief Liu arrived at the scene, he immediately displayed the style of an adjutant master. After arriving at the scene, he pointed and pointed: "Demolition, who is preventing the government from demolition?"

"What's wrong with the government?" Aunt Zhou sneered, and then said: "Should people in the government not abide by the law?"

"Uh..." Section Chief Liu was taken aback, and then said: "Yes. But the government's decision is the law. You people, if you don't abide by the government's decision, it is illegal!"

"Absurd!" Aunt Zhou looked at each other disdainfully, and said: "When the emperor makes mistakes, can a local government not make mistakes?"

Section Chief Liu frowned, then sneered, and said: "Don't talk to you about this, let's find a place to negotiate."

Seeing that the other party had compromised, Aunt Zhou could continue to be hard with the other party. Since you want to negotiate, find a place to negotiate. So, she said immediately: "Go to the neighborhood committee office, it's quieter there."

"Okay, okay." Section Chief Liu nodded and cursed secretly: "A group of gangsters, people, and people. When making troubles during the Chinese New Year, don't you stop the Chinese New Year?"

Although the voice was very small, Xiao Han heard it truly.

Xiao Han is naturally indispensable for the negotiation. As the funder of the repair of Fuxing Road, he must come forward. Aunt Zhou immediately put all the members of the neighborhood committee in place. Dozens of people crowded in a small office, and Chief Liu took a few people from the municipal government to sit in the office.

No tea, no fruits, no greetings.

Some melons and fruits used to entertain guests were originally placed on the conference table, but Aunt Zhou put them away when they came in.

"Hey..." Section Chief Liu said hurriedly: "Why are they all put away?"

"Our things are used to greet everyone with a conscience." Aunt Zhou sneered and said: "Don't give it to those who have no conscience."

When Section Chief Liu heard it, his face turned green, as sick as he had eaten a blow fly.

"Good." Section Chief Liu said repeatedly.

The negotiations officially began.

Section Chief Liu held a cigarette in his mouth, and then said: "That's right, Director Zhao of the municipal government asked me to negotiate with you. Two requests and two opinions were put forward. The first request is to ask you to cooperate with the government. The second requirement asks you to remove the financial announcement from the Internet, either not to make the announcement, or to continue the announcement according to the opinions given by the municipality."

"What about those two opinions?" Aunt Zhou asked.

People in the government like to play official accents, and there is a set of official accents.

"Two opinions." Section Chief Liu smiled and continued: "The first is that I hope that you will not be too high-profile; the second is that I hope that you will do everything you do in the future and do a good job of filing with the government. Don’t act without authorization. The neighborhood committee is also a unit under the leadership of the government.”

Aunt Zhou sneered: "We have never said that we are a unit under the leadership of the government. It's just that this time you have touched our uncomfortable place."

"Yes yes yes!" Section Chief Liu nodded helplessly, and then said: "I admit that we did not do the right thing this time, but you must do what we asked for."

"This..." Aunt Zhou hesitated.

Aunt Xiaohong on the side hurriedly said, "Sister Zhou, it is better to promise them."

"Yes, promise them." The person on the side said hurriedly.

This thing continues like this, and it is endless. Moreover, it is certainly irrational for people in the community to oppose the government. Everyone understands the reason that the people do not fight with officials. Everyone knows the fate of fighting against the government.

Moreover, if this matter continues, there may not be any good results. It is better to agree to their request and save the street lights.

"All right!" Aunt Zhou nodded.

Then, in accordance with the requirements of the municipal government, Section Chief Liu came with materials. To put it better, the two units maintain a highly unified work mindset in terms of work opinions. To put it harder, it means that the price list of the neighborhood committee should be publicized in accordance with the municipal government.

Aunt Zhou asked to cancel the online publicity page in front of Section Chief Liu, and then re-listed the price requested by Section Chief Liu. A street lamp is 2,000 yuan, and there are forged invoices, and a street lamp pole is 30,000 yuan...

And so on, these prices made Aunt Zhou dumbfounded and frightened.

"Why is this price so expensive?" Aunt Zhou was stunned.

"Yeah." Section Chief Liu nodded and said, "This price is reasonable. Your prices are too popular. Popular prices are easy to anger the people. Understand?"


Aunt Zhou couldn't help but swallowed a spit, and then said: "But, a street lamp is only two hundred yuan, how much money do you have to make?"

"That's not called fishing." Section Chief Liu shook his head hurriedly and said: "This is hard work. Leaders manage everything every day, and only a few thousand yuan a month? They have to deal with so many things, shouldn't it be a little extra reward? ?"

"Aren't they all people's public servants?" Aunt Zhou said hurriedly, "Why do we need extra rewards?"

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