The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 486: Xiao Han's car

"It seems you have a deep understanding!" Xiao Han laughed.

"Yeah!" Li Da Pang nodded and said: "I have a deep understanding of it. My relatives come to our parents to borrow money from time to time."

"Do you want to borrow or not?" Xiao Han asked.

"In the beginning, I borrowed it for them." Li Da Pang smiled, and then said: "Later they were too much, so they stopped borrowing."

"How to go too far?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter if you don't pay back the money. When my parents refused them, they were still talking bad things about our family behind their backs." Li Da Pang looked very annoyed. In fact, it is not just Da Pang Li for the people. Appears annoyed, it will be very annoyed to be anyone else.

"Don't worry about such relatives!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Yes, so I ignore them now." Li Da Pang replied with disdain, and then said: "I have broken off relations with them. However, they still come to my parents every other day, sometimes hitting them. I hope I can borrow money from our family. It’s a pity that I ignore them at all!"

"I shouldn't care about them!" Xiao Han replied.

At this time, Xiao's mother brought Xiao Dahai out of the house. Mother Xiao changed into a clean and beautiful dress. This is a dress that Mother Xiao bought from China World Trade Center. It is beautiful, hand-sewn, and has broken flowers on the door. This style is very suitable for Xiao's age.

"Xiao Han, let's go!" Xiao's mother shouted.

"Come!" Xiao Han nodded hurriedly.

At this time, Da Pang Li hurriedly jumped out of the car, he smiled and said, "Auntie, happy new year."

"Fatty, happy new year!" Xiao's mother smiled, her face was red, she did not drink, but she looked very happy. After all, it's Chinese New Year.

"Auntie, let's take a taxi!" Xiao Dahai said.

"Let Xiao Han drive!" Xiao's mother said.

"Huh?" Xiao Dahai was taken aback, and said, "When did Xiao Han buy the car? Where?"

Obviously, buying a car by the Xiao family is a very important and solemn thing. Why don't you know? Xiao Dahai hurriedly looked around. Within a hundred meters, there was no other car except a BMW off-road vehicle in front of him. Could it be...

Xiao Dahai obviously did not believe that the BMW in front of him would be Xiao Han's. He hurriedly looked around, but did not see the car.

"Here!" Li Dafang pointed to the BMW car.

Xiao Dahai froze for a moment, and said in surprise: "Oh my God, BMW?!"

"Yeah!" Li Dapang deliberately irritated the fat man, and then smiled: "Xiao Han has bought this car for more than half a year. Why? Don't you know?"

"I..." Xiao Dahai was taken aback for a moment, and said awkwardly: "How could I not know?"

"Then you have to ask a fart!" Li Da Pang leisurely lit a cigarette, and then said disdainfully: "By the way, what is your relationship with Xiao Han? Why did I never know that Xiao Han has your number one relative What?"

"You want to take care of it?" Xiao Dahai glanced at Da Pang Li.

"Forget it, I won't beat you for our weight." Li Dapang replied with disdain, and then said hello to Xiao Han: "Xiao Han, I'm leaving now, you go eat. I'll go for a drive."

"Go!" Xiao Han nodded.

After speaking, Xiao Han took out the BMW key from his pocket and unlocked it.

Until the BMW car turned on, Xiao Dahai believed that this million-dollar luxury car actually belonged to Xiao Han. Li Dahai couldn't believe it. He didn't expect that Xiao Han actually owned such a luxurious car, which made people look envied and hated.

"Brother Han, this car really yours?" Xiao Dahai hurriedly got into the co-pilot, riding in such a luxurious car for the first time in his life. And it is the car that is the least favored among the family and the poorest person in the family bought. This may sound ironic, but it really happened in front of me.

"See it for yourself!" Xiao Han took out the driving license from the storage compartment on the side and threw it to Xiao Dahai.

Xiao Dahai hurriedly opened the driving permit, and the name of the driving permit clearly read Xiao Han's name.

If the car is borrowed, if the car is rented, then Xiao Han's name will never be on the car's driving license. Although Xiao Dahai has never driven a car, he knows these things very well. Because he also has a brother named Xiao Ming, he also bought a car, that is the uncle's son, he bought a Volkswagen. The grades of the two cars are far apart. It is not above the same level at all.

"Brother Han, this is really yours!" Xiao Dahai looked extremely surprised.

"What can be wrong?" Xiao Han replied with disdain.

It was also the first time for Xiao's mother to ride in Xiao Han's car. She sat in the back seat and looked very spacious and very comfortable. For the first time in such a luxurious car, Xiao's mother asked curiously: "Xiaohan, is this car expensive?"

"Mom, it's almost two million." Xiao Han hurriedly replied.

Although it was answering mother's words, it was definitely for Xiao Dahai. As long as Xiao Dahai knows, it is estimated that his relatives will know. Also let them know that the family that was despised by them and looked down the most at this moment finally has something to do.

Xiao Han immediately started the car, and then ran straight towards the city.

According to Xiao Dahai's command, the car quickly reached the entrance of a restaurant. This is an uninfluenced visit, speaking of it, it should only be considered a food stall level. Xiao Mingguo made money in supermarkets this year, and he also made some money with Xiao Dahai in coastal cities. Therefore, he decided to pay some money this year and invite the family members to have a meal together. This way, not only makes everyone owe their favors, but also makes them feel that they have made a lot of money.

Arrived at this restaurant called Chuan Kelai.

A few cars were parked sparsely at the door, but none of these cars were of any grade, at best they were just scooter, among them was the Volkswagen Sagitar of Xiao Zhicheng. The car was very clean, and a small couplet was posted on the glass: Safe in and out.

Seeing that couplet, Xiao Han almost didn't smile. As expected, it was a countryman entering the city. The car was still posted on the car.

"Here, here!" Xiao Dahai said hurriedly.

Xiao Dahai couldn't wait to get out of the car. Xiao Han helped his mother open the car door, and then helped her to get out of the car. After all, the car is so tall and my mother is old. She has not rested like a machine in these years, and her body function is far worse than before. Therefore, Xiao Han carefully helped her mother get out of the car. I was afraid that my mother would fall down accidentally.

Xiao Dahai has already ran upstairs.

In the box, the ** individual is already playing in the box. The family of Xiao Minghua and Xiao Mingguo, as well as the family of Xiao Han's aunt, are all there. There are nine people here. Xiao Dahai ran into the box excitedly and shouted, "Dad, do you know? How did I get here just now? I came by Brother Xiao Han's car."

"Huh?" Xiao Minghua was taken aback for a moment and said, "What's the matter? Xiao Han bought a car?"

"No, it's still a luxury car!" Xiao Dahai said excitedly.

"Isn't it possible?" Xiao Mingguo shook his head when he heard it, and said, "We still don't know about the situation of the Xiao family? Didn't Xiao Han buy a house when he got a scholarship? The house and renovations are said to cost almost two million. , You said...Where does their family have money?"

"This..." Xiao Minghua hesitated, then said, "Maybe it was borrowed?"

"No!" Xiao Dahai shook his head and said, "Xiao Han's name is written on the driving license!"

"I see!" Aunt Xiao hurriedly said, "Xiao Han has received nearly two million scholarships, and the house and decoration only cost more than one million. It is estimated that a down payment of hundreds of thousands was spent on buying a car. Confession, right?"

When everyone heard it, they nodded, I'm afraid there is only this possibility. They all know the money of the Xiao family. Although Xiao Han's mother went to the Environmental Sanitation Bureau and became a full-time worker, her monthly salary was fixed at more than 3,000 yuan, and she only had some benefits during the New Year's and holidays, and she died of 40,000 yuan a year. It is impossible to buy a luxury car with these money alone!

"Ocean, what kind of car is Xiao Han's car?" Xiao Zhicheng was very interested. His wife was also fiddled with the latest iPhone, looking at Xiao Dahai with a smile on her face. All are money fans, and everyone has a pursuit of material things.

"BMW, it's a BMW!" Xiao Dahai said hurriedly.


There was an uproar in the crowd.

"Are you right?" Xiao Zhicheng asked hurriedly.

"That's right!" Xiao Dahai shook his head and said: "And it's a BMW off-road vehicle, which is very expensive. Brother Xiao Han said, this car costs two million!"


Everyone took a deep breath again, and everyone seemed so surprised and shocked. Everyone seemed extremely shocked. Surprised expressions appeared on everyone's face. Moreover, the atmosphere in the room instantly froze.

At this time, Xiao Han and Xiao's mother walked in from outside.

"Are you all here?" Mother Xiao said hello with a smile, "Big brother, second brother, little sister, happy new year."

"Sister-in-law, happy new year."

"Sister-in-law, happy new year!"

There was a blessing in the room.

I heard that Xiao Han bought a two-million-dollar BMW. When everyone looked at Xiao Han, there were some complicated expressions in their eyes. Xiao Minghua didn't dare to continue knocking Erlang's legs and sitting there. He hurriedly got up, then walked over and said, "Come on, it's all here, let's sit down."

"Sit down!" Xiao Mingguo's wife also hurriedly greeted.

Everyone took their seats. Xiao Han sat on his mother's left hand. Originally, Xiao Dahai planned to sit down next to Xiao Han, but he was squeezed away by Xiao Zhicheng. Xiao Zhicheng sat down beside Xiao Han with a smile on his face: "Xiao Han, how are you at school recently?"

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