The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 485: Presumptuous invitation

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Xiao Han suddenly stuck out his tongue when he heard it.

After speaking, he hurriedly picked up the third bowl on the table, and then filled a bowl full of rice, hurriedly went to his father's portrait, worshipped three times, and recognized the bowl full of rice. Seriously, it was placed in front of his father's portrait.

Mother Xiao stood behind Xiao Han, she lighted a few joss sticks and three incense sticks.

"Old Xiao, you've been gone for several years." Mother Xiao sighed, and then said seriously: "It's been four years since this flash, look, our son is very promising now. Before, Xiao Han has become a champion in the college entrance examination, and now is not what it used to be. Xiao Han has become the boss of the company and is worth tens of millions. Old Xiao, if you know the underground, you should be smiling at Jiuquan. "

Mother Xiao was talking about it, seeming to be very nostalgic. For her, her husband used to be her own support. Since her death, she has relied on the urban area. The urban area has a man who depends on her for survival. At that time, her birthplace followed her husband, if not Because Xiao Han is still there, I am afraid she is no longer in this world.

Now, Xiao Han has become his only reliance, the only relative in this world. Mother Xiao felt that it was a wise choice that she didn't follow her husband at the beginning, because the son was still there, and if she was impulsive at that time, she might have caused great hatred.

"Mom, don't be sad." Xiao Han watched his mother cry from the side, and couldn't help feeling sad: "It's been so many years, maybe my dad has been reborn, right, he should have his own. Live, have your own life."

"Yeah!" Mother Xiao nodded, and then said, "I see."

"Okay, let's eat." Xiao Han nodded.

New Year's Eve dinner, the most hearty meal of the year. Of course, this statement should be for the older generation. For now, every household can eat such a meal. On weekdays, every family has chickens and ducks, fish and meat.

Unlike the hard life in the past, vegetables and radishes are used on weekdays, and chicken, duck and fish can only be eaten during the holidays.

"Xiaohan, eat more!" Mother Xiao was afraid that her son would be hungry.

"Mom, I know!" Xiao Han nodded, and said, "It's not the way it used to be. Before, you could only eat delicious food during New Year's Day. Now you can eat it anytime. Besides, are you still worried about what I didn't eat? There is a restaurant in front of Mizuki University, you can go to eat anytime!"

"Really?" Mother Xiao said in surprise: "You didn't tell me about this!"

"Hehe, I haven't had time to tell you many things!" Xiao Han smiled.

"Then you have to tell me later!" Xiao's mother said hurriedly.

"Okay!" Xiao Han nodded.

Sharing the success of your son is your own joy. Who said nothing? Mothers want their sons to be promising. There is no doubt about this. Xiao's mother has always been looking forward to her son's success, hoping that her son can become a master and live a life of a master. Now, her son has finally embarked on this path, which is a supreme honor for her.

"Right!" Mother Xiao said.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Tomorrow we are going to Uncle's house to pay New Year's greetings!" Mother Xiao hurried back.

"Why?" Xiao Han was stunned.

"Since I went last year, it's okay to go again this year." Mother Xiao smiled, and then said: "They are all relatives. There should be contacts. Otherwise, the relationship between relatives may not last long."

"Okay." Xiao Han nodded and said, "But, mom...Don't tell them about my affairs. Also, if they open to borrow money, we must never borrow. Last time I got some scholarships for the college entrance examination. , They all came to borrow money. If they know that I have made so much money, they might be wagging their tails to curry favor with my family!"

Xiao Han is not a realistic person. For him, he hates people like uncle and second uncle the most. These two families are typical snobbery, especially his aunt, who is even more snobbish. When he has money, he can't wait to post it, and when he has no money, he stays far away and wants to step on you. As the saying goes, the rich have distant relatives in the mountains, and the poor are in the downtown area without anyone asking. Xiao Han had already experienced such a life. Therefore, he simply looked down on the style of Xiao family boss and second child.

"Got it!" Mother Xiao nodded and said, "I am not a person who likes to show off."

"Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled.

Just after eating this New Year's Eve, Da Pang Li's voice sounded outside.

"Xiao Han!" Outside the door, Da Pang Li yelled loudly.

"This fat man." Xiao Han couldn't help but cursed, and said: "Also let people not eat New Year's Eve dinner."

"Xiao Han!" The voice became louder.

"Are you full?" Xiao's mother asked.

"I'm full." Xiao Han nodded.

"Then you go out and play." Mother Xiao smiled: "I'll clean up the table."

There are only two people for the New Year’s Eve dinner, so it tastes relatively deserted. Unlike other people's homes, which have a large population, it is especially lively during the New Year's Eve dinner. Xiao Han just walked to the door, and suddenly, a figure broke in from outside.


Xiao Han actually bumped his head.

"Ouch..." the other party screamed.

"Who?!" Xiao Han exclaimed.

"Xiao Han, it's me..." The voice is familiar. Although the figure is very similar to Li Dapang, this person is obviously not Li Dapang. It seems that the other party is more like a familiar person.

Xiao Han took a closer look and said, "The sea, is it you?!"

"Hehe..." Xiao Dahai hurriedly got up. This guy was wearing a workman's clothes, and he looked a little honest with his smile. If anyone in the Xiao family doesn't dislike Xiao Han, I'm afraid it is this fat man, Xiao Dahai. He scratched his head awkwardly, and said, "You...Where are you going?"

"What are you doing?" Xiao Han asked, not necessarily like it if he doesn't hate it. The so-called love the house and the black, hate the house and the black. Xiao Dahai is the son of Xiao Guoming, and he also hates this second uncle.

"Oh, uncle and my dad asked me to invite you and aunt to have a New Year's Eve dinner!" Xiao Dahai smiled awkwardly.

"Oh?" Xiao Han was stunned. When did the uncle and the second uncle have such kindness? Even thinking of myself when eating New Year's Eve dinner. This made Xiao Han a little surprised. Xiao Han looked at him suspiciously and said, "Ocean, you are not lying to me, are you?"

"How could I lie to you?" Xiao Dahai shook his head when he heard it, and said, "I...I never lie!"

This fat guy really doesn't deceive, and he is a more honest and honest person. His eyes also proved that what he said was true, not false.

"But, we've all finished eating." Xiao Han shrugged and said: "Where can anyone invite someone to dinner temporarily?"

When Xiao Dahai heard it, he said embarrassingly: "Xiao Han, can go sit and sit together, the families are almost there."

At this time, Xiao's mother walked out of the kitchen.

"Ocean, why are you?" Mother Xiao hurriedly asked: "Have you eaten yet? Come in for dinner."

"Auntie, I haven't eaten it yet." Xiao Dahai smelled the fragrance of the dishes at home, and he hurriedly said: "Uncle asked me to invite you to dinner. He said that the family will get together this year's New Year's Eve dinner and that we haven't been together for many years. Up."

"Okay, okay!" Mother Xiao was very touched when she heard it. After all, the eldest and second elder brothers have always looked down on themselves, and now they are finally willing to call their own family to eat, and they can be regarded as worthy of themselves in a sense. Mother Xiao hurriedly said: "You... wait, I'll be fine soon."

"Mom, we've all eaten, what are we going to do?" Xiao Han asked suspiciously.

"Go and sit for a while." Mother Xiao's face was full of vibes, and her son was promising, and she, as a mother, naturally had confidence and a look. She hurriedly said: "I'll finish the job right away, the sea, you come in and sit down for a while!"

"Oh!" Xiao Dahai nodded.

Outside, Da Pang Li was still yelling.

Xiao Han hurried out.

"Who came to your house?" Li Dapang sat on the locomotive that pulled wind.

"A relative!" Xiao Han said.

"Fuck, do you have relatives in your family?" When Li Da Pang heard this, his mouth widened in surprise, and the cigarette fell on his crotch.

"Oh..." Li Dafang hurriedly patted the cigarette **** off, but unfortunately, a hole was burnt in his new pants. He said distressedly: "Fuck, I just bought the pants. The new ones are more than 600 yuan. what!"

"It's okay, your kid received more than 100,000 yuan in the year-end award this year?" Xiao Han smiled and said, "It's just a pair of pants. You can buy a few more when you turn around. Change the color and wear one one a day. Don't repeat it a week!"

"Fuck you!" Da Pang Li scratched his head and said, "Xiao Han, I plan to buy a house after the Chinese New Year."

"Good thing." Xiao Han nodded.

"My parents are old, I hope they can move into the new house as soon as possible!" Li Da Pang smiled, and then said: "My mom has a disability, and my dad is just a carpenter. He is in his fifties. They continue to work, and now I have the ability to support them, I will support them."

"Yeah!" Xiao Han nodded.

Da Pang Li took a deep breath, and then said: "I told them just after the New Year's Eve dinner. They were all moved and cried. I didn't see them crying, so I came out to look for you."

"You came at the wrong time." Xiao Han shrugged helplessly, and then said: "The relatives in the family come and invite us to have New Year's Eve dinner!"

"Damn, are you snobbish relatives?" Li Da Pang replied irritably, and then said, "This kind of relatives, don't do it. I have never seen them come to you, I didn't expect you to be successful. I'm here to find you. I have to ask you to borrow money!"

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