"Huh!" Liao Zhijie turned and left.

Liao Zhijie limped to the side sofa area. With a plate of food in his left hand, Li Da Pang walked towards Xiao Han slowly, and said, "Xiao Han, what do you care about with these people, it's just a dog. By the way, do you want to eat?"

"What to eat?" Xiao Han replied with disdain, and then said: "It's all garbage, innocent food. Look at what ghosts are there!"

When everyone heard it, they were dumbfounded. All of them opened their mouths, and the food in their mouths had not been swallowed into their stomachs.

"Xiao Han, what do you mean?"

"Are you disgusting us on purpose?"

"Don't pay attention to him, he is a poor boy, don't talk about eating these foods, I am afraid I have never seen him!"

A group of people were obviously very dissatisfied, and one by one began to verbally attack Xiao Han. Chen Zihan also seemed a little surprised at Xiao Han. I don't understand why Xiao Han suddenly said that.

Faced with the crusade from the crowd, Xiao Lun laughed and said, "It seems, you are really satisfying people."

"What do you mean?!" Finally, someone stood up. This person is asking Xiaobao. Q Xiaobao was a disciplinary committee member in the previous class, and was admitted to a university in another province on the college entrance examination. This time the classmates gathering, he naturally came to join in the fun. However, seeing Xiao Han slander this gathering, he was a little upset, and asked Xiaobao to stand up and look at Xiao Han coldly: "Xiao Han, I didn’t have any opinion on you at first, but if you just say so, That's wrong. Why are you talking about this food waste?"

"It was originally rubbish." Xiao Han smiled calmly, and said: "These foods are just leftovers from yesterday's buffet in the back kitchen of this hotel. They are frozen in the refrigerator, and you will eat them today. , You are really pitiful, and you really enjoyed it."

"Xiao Han, what nonsense are you talking about!" Jiang Xiaoliang immediately became angry. It is okay to discredit himself, but it is absolutely impossible to discredit his own hotel.

Xiao Han snorted coldly, and then said, "Don't believe me? You look at a piece of cake wrapped in a bag. I lived here yesterday and ate the buffet here. I opened this cake yesterday. Later I thought it might not be enough, so I wrapped it again. I went back. I’m not good anywhere, but my memory is amazing. I remember the barcode of this cake. The cake I put down yesterday happened to appear here again. What does it mean? It means that the buffet stuff appeared here again yesterday ."

"You!" Jiang Xiaoliang frowned.

Xiao Han squinted his eyes and said, "How about it, what else do you have to say?"

"Even if it is, at least the food has not expired." Jiang Xiaoliang glared at Xiao Han, who was exposed, and Jiang Xiaoliang naturally couldn't make it through. How did he know that Xiao Han actually lived here yesterday and ate the buffet here.


"Is it really yesterday's food? No way. So unfortunate!"

"Damn, you won't have diarrhea after eating, right?"

A bunch of people were dumbfounded.

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Yes, you are right, as long as it doesn't expire, it's nothing. After all, things can't be wasted. Someone should digest these foods. I just want to tell everyone, Don’t think of Master Jiang too generous. Even yesterday’s food came out for you, so how much do you think it can cost?"

"Xiao Han, you are enough." Jiang Xiaoliang was angry. He pointed to the wine area next to him, and said: "These imported red wine, brandy, and foreign wine. Don't you need money? In addition, this luxurious meeting room does not require money. Is it easy to say, how much money can you make?"

"Okay!" Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said: "These red wine, brandy... are just rubbish!"


A group of people suddenly became uproar.

"These wines are not bad."

"That is, it tastes okay."

"At first glance, it is imported. All the drinks carry foreign labels. They must be good wines."

There was no fierce rebuttal at the banquet, and no one insulted Xiao Han. However, there are still voices of rebuttal. It's just not as intense as before. Because the previous buffet items have shown that Xiao Han is not wrong.

"You don't believe it?" Xiao Lian laughed. He picked up a red wine from the side and said: "You can see clearly, what kind of wine is this? Do you know what it says?"

A group of people shook their heads.

"Then I tell you, this is a kind of red wine from Nepal." Xiao Han smiled, and then said: "This kind of wine is just a kind of red wine for the poor. To put it bluntly, this kind of wine tastes very bad. Moreover, this wine is not made from grapes at all, but industrially blended. I don’t understand. Wouldn’t you take a look at the English label on it?”

"I don't understand!" Li Da Pang shook his head aside.

"What about you, do you understand?" Xiao Han asked with a smile.

"Can't understand!" Everyone shook their heads.

"Okay, since you don't understand." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and then said, "Then let Chen Zihan translate it for us. Chen Zihan is a talented student from Harvard University and a good IELTS and TOEFL tester. I believe this is something. Can't trouble her."

Everyone turned to look at Chen Zihan.

"I..." Chen Zihan was stunned.

"Zihan, go up and take a look."

"Yes, help us see, how much does this wine cost?"

"Be sure to see if there is a problem. See if it is really industrial blending."

A group of people said one after another.

"Not good?" Chen Zihan was a little embarrassed. She turned to look at Xiao Han, as if to say again: You bastard, you are causing trouble for me again.

"Come on!" Xiao Han said.

Under the persuasion of everyone, Chen Zihan reluctantly walked up. Jiang Xiaoliang was displeased. His face is extremely ugly. He wished to kill Xiao Han immediately. It's a pity that at this time he has no way to step down. However, if you don't stand up, it doesn't seem to work. Jiang Xiaoliang is very clear about the origin of these drinks. Therefore, he never drank it. He didn't even eat anything. The wine he drank was the first-class wine specially prepared by the service staff.

Chen Zihan walked up slowly, and then took a drink from Xiao Han.

It was a beautiful looking wine, the wine was amber under the light, the wine was very beautiful, and the label was written with dense English words. Chen Zihan glanced at it, and then said: "This wine is indeed produced in Nepal. Moreover, I looked at it. There is no grape puree wine in the ingredients, but some industrial materials and edible alcohol. Speaking of which, This kind of wine is also sold in the United States, and it costs more than one dollar per piece. This kind of wine can only be bought by the slums, and some vagrants."


There was an uproar at the scene. The price of this kind of wine is as little as one dollar, which is less than ten dollars in RMB. Everyone was dumbfounded. Especially those who just said it was delicious and nice. Even more stunned.

Don't say ten yuan, even if this kind of wine is given to them, I am afraid they are not willing to drink it. Although this group of people are not rich or wealthy, there is no pressure to drink red wine for a few hundred dollars. Although they are just students, they are more or less pursuing something.

"This brandy doesn't seem right." Chen Zihan frowned and said, "Although I don't know this term, I'm sure that there is a problem with this wine, which is also blended with industrial raw materials. Because there are English signs below, you probably don't know. !"

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded again.

Some people like to pretend to be forced, holding red wine in their hands, and they say that the wine is good, delicious and full of flavor. However, they discovered that the wine they drank turned out to be blended by industry, and they suddenly felt as disgusting as if they had eaten a blow fly. Some people put down their wine glasses one after another.


The cups touched the cups, and the cups fell on the table one after another. This group of people looked sick.

Jiang Xiaoliang's face was cold and frosty. He looked very annoyed, he looked at Xiao Han coldly: "Xiao Han, today I organized a classmate gathering, did you come to tear down the stage?"

"No, no," Xiao Han hurriedly shook his head and said: "I'm not here to tear down the stage, I am here to join in. I just think you should tell everyone the truth. Jiang Xiaoliang, since you want to show off your family background, show off your wealth . Just show a little attitude. Don’t be like that. You are also a person worth hundreds of millions. Do you want to pretend without spending a penny?"

"Fuck, why didn't I spend it?" Jiang Xiaoliang yelled, "You don't need money for these foods? Although the wine is cheap, don't you need money for imported goods? Also, do you know that contracting for this banquet venue costs more money for one night? ?"

"Okay!" Xiao Han smiled and said, "If you don't eat anything today, I'm afraid I will feed the pigs tomorrow. Instead of feeding the pigs, we should feed them to our classmates first, right? As for wine, I will just feed the pigs. I don’t want to say more, everyone knows in my heart. As for this venue, if I’m not wrong, there shouldn’t be any company or individual contractors on this day, right? Otherwise, someone like you Jiang Xiaoliang would give up business and not do business and vacate it. Are we partying?"

"You!" Jiang Xiaoliang was annoyed.

"Don't tell me if you retreat ten thousand, even if you have something to do. If you retreat, you won't delay the business, and you don't have to pay a penny more?" Xiao cold retorted.

Jiang Xiaoliang's face was pale.

"Jiang Xiaoliang, is what Xiao Han said true?" asked Xiaobao.

"You listen to him?" Jiang Xiaoliang asked back.

Asked Xiaobao with a cold snort and said, "Then you can show evidence and reasons. You refute him."

"I..." Jiang Xiaoliang wanted to refute the opponent, but he found that he had no way to refute the opponent. Jiang Xiaoliang sneered, and then said: "He can say what he likes. I have nothing to say anyway."

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